
1. His few personal belongings make it possible for him to move from place to place ____
A. in ease B. at ease C. with ease D. with easiness
2. Up to now there has been response to the government’s new ___policy
A. economic B. economical C. saving D. sparing
3. The car is quite ___of petrol
A. economic B. economical C. saving D. sparing
4. Because Joe know that there mistakes in his paper, he ask his father to ____it.
A. compile B. edit C. issue D. publish
5. They took ____measure to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.
A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective
6. ____ in air service has been made available through modern technology.
A. efficiency B. emergency C. sufficiency D. proficiency
7. Our profits will not increase unless we introduce more ____ techniques.
A. effective B. efficient C. sufficient D. elegant
8. The speaker ____on the topic of evolution
A. evaluated B. elaborated C. emphasized D. explained
9. We made a(n)____schedule concerning our trip arrangement .in fact we are quite flexible.
A. feasible B. elastic c rigid D. tight
10. He _____his way through a crowd of on-lookers
A. bowed B. elbowed C. ebbed D. echoed
11. The U.S. government is controlled by the party, which gains the largest number of votes in the ____.
A. elect B. decision C. revision D. generation
12. The lady dressed in the latest fashion is ____in her appearance but rude in her speech.
A. elaborate B. excessive C. elegant D. exaggerated
13. The lower is the order of animal, the more ___is its brain
A. elaborate B. elementary C. elegant D. elder
14. She once again went through her composition carefully to _____all spelling mistakes from it before handing it.
A. withdraw B. eliminate C. abandon D. diminish
15. She looked very much _____when she made speeches in public for the first time
A. bewildered B. embarrassed C. disappointed D discouraged
16. In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly _____bicycle as if it were a starling new invention.
A. upheld B. resumed C. repelled D. embrace
17. Many important facts _____as a result of their deep-going investigation.
A. came B. found C. emerged D. discovered
18. The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of _____case
A. an operation B. an emergency C. a treatment D. an incident
19. Cathode _____electrons in a controlled environment
A. submits B. emits C. rejects D. pen

20. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express those thoughts on words, which appeal powerfully to our minds and ____.
A. sensations B. passions C. emotions D. moods
21. Because of the ____emphasis placed on classroom work. The instructor will report your absence to the adviser.
A. large B. strong C. hard D. high
22. The company has 400____
A. employers B. employees C. employment D. unemployment
23. Sometimes the fall in the value of the dollar _____American businesses to export more goods
A. makes B. enables C. entitles D. credit
24. When replying to this advertisement, please ___a stamped, self-addressed envelope
A. embrace B. wrap C. enclose D. involve
25. In preparing the report, he ____many difficulties.
A. energized B. enhanced C. encountered D. entertained
26. You must be ready to ____hardship even death before you go on the expedition.
A. bear B. tolerate C. endure D. stand
27. To prevent such accidents, officials meant to ____strict safety regulations.
A. insist B. press C. abolish D. enforce
28. Strangely, these two closed-knit neighbors were engaged ___a fierce verbal fight the other day.
A. of B. in C. of D. toward
29. The republications of the poet’s most recent works will certainly ____his national reputation
A. magnify B. strengthen C. enlarge D. enhance
30. As the need for oil been ____the oil-producing countries become more powerful.
A. improved B. enlarged C. quickened D. enriched
31. A(n) ____ number of small missiles were launched to cut through the path of the attacking missiles
A. enormous B. extensive C. vast D. immense
32. We must ____that the experiment is controlled as rigidly s possible
A. assure B. secure C. ensure D. issue
33. The law which was passed last year applies to theatres, cinemas, and other places of public____
A. amazement B. encouragement C. entertainment D. interest
34. The ticket ____you to a free meal in our new restaurant
A. gives B. grants C. entitles D. racism
35. He was charged with trying to gain illegal ____in to the building
A. exit B. doorway C. gate D. entry
36. Both a person’s heredity and his ____help to shape his character.
A. settings B. surroundings C. circumstances D. environment
37. All his friends ____him on account of his brilliant success.
A. despised B. prided C. envied D. worshipped
38. The little boy asking for “more” is one of

the most famous ____in Dickens’s Oliver Twist.
A. episodes B. prefaces C. prelude D. appendices
39. Somewhat better ____academically, he returned home to continue his experiment.
A. furnished B. equipped C. prelude D. appendices
40. Physics is ____to the science which was called material philosophy in history
A. alike B. equivalent C. likely D. uniform
41. They __ _a television antenna on the roof
A. establish B. erected C. constructed D. built
42. It is essential that that a special committee ____to examine the problem.
A. is set up B. be set up C. will be set up D. is to be set up
43. Before you ____a small business in your home, you must be sure that you are acting in compliance with the zoning laws.
A. establish B. erect C. construct D. build
44. The building of the subway cost much more than their original ____.
A. judgment B. plan C. estimate D. consideration
45. The project was _____for its usefulness, feasibility and easiness of execution.
A. weighed B. measured C. estimate D. evaluated
46. All the _____point(s) to the fact that he has been deeply involved in the crime.
A. evidence B. factors C. facts D. causes
47. The recent improvement in transportation facilities is _____of the city government’s determination to fight against population crisis.
A. critical B. evident C. independent D. short
48. In the process of ____, some birds lost the power of flight.
A. revolution B. evolution C. construction D. destruction
49. Like many other things, language is constantly _____; some words come in and others go out with time passing by.
A. revolving B. evolving C. reforming D. constructing
50. The machine is very useful, but he’s _____when he calls it the greatest invention ever made.
A. enlarging B. exaggerating C. strengthening D. overcome
51. When you take medicine, be careful not to ____that amount printed on the bottle.
A. exceed B. substitute C. surpass D. overcome
52. When he heard his son failed his lessons again, he was _____angry and said, “I will kill him.” he didn’t mean to, though.
A. moderately B. slightly C. exceedingly D. enormously
53. He was charged with a(n) _______ of $10 over the amount stated on the bill.
A. excursion B. further C. additional D. excess
54. Though we haven’t seen each other for years, we ___letters at Christmas.
A. exchange B. transmit C. transfer D. remove
55. The winning team loudly ____its victory.

A. magnified B. proclaimed C. signified D. exclaimed
56. In many countries, those under the age of eighteen are ____from voting in public election.
A. excluded B. derived C. eliminated D. excused
57. This publishing house has the _____right to print Mr. John’s books.
A. exclusive B. flexible C. virtual D. overall
58. The family made a weekend _____to a campground.
A. excursion B. exclusion C. execution D. exhibition
59. The government has done little to ____the progress on the basis of which it won the election.
A. attempt B. effect C. execute D. recognize
60. The salaries of ____have been raised, but the salaries of subordinate officers have not been raised.
A. existence B. exhibition C. excursion D. executives
61. You will really have to ____every effort to make the work you missed.
A. place B. exert C. send D. use
62. In Britain people _____four million tons of potatoes every year.
A. exhausted B. consume C. dispose D. swallow
63. The girls ___great powers of endurance during the climb.
A. exercised B. exhibited C. exhausted D. exerted
64. In early time people believe that the ____of gods could be found in trees, in rivers and in other places.
A. evidence B. occurrence C. existence D. consequence
65. The theatre has six _____.
A. outings B. exits C. outlets D. outsets
66. The information industries are rapidly ____in china.
A. expending B. expanding C. spending D. stretching
67. John was not promoted because his work did not meet the manager’s ____ .
A. expectancy B. expectation C. expectant D. expecting
68. It was said that she was going abroad at her own ____.
A. money B. expense C. fund D. cost
69. All the experts ____this subject agree that this disease is closely associated with personal diet.
A. of B. with C. for D. on
70. the box concerning the gunpowder ______.
A. exploded B. explosions C. expired D. explored
71. He won the modal for his ____on the battlefield.
A. exploits B. explosions C. explorations D. execution
72. We must ____all possibilities in detail before we make the decision.
A. explode B. explore C. explicit D. expose
73. During the 60’s, there was a population ____in our country.
A. explosion B. exploration C. exposure D. extension
74. The company ____only when it gets an order from a foreign country.
A. import

B. export C. transports D. deports
75. The soldiers in the open field were ___to the enemy’s gunfire.
A. revealed B. disclosed C. uncovered D. exposed
76. The doctor told Penny that too much _____to the sun is bad for the skin.
A. exposure B. extension C. exhibition D. expansion
77. The railway connecting Shanghai and Beijing _____for over one thousand kilometers.
A. reaches B. covers C. totals D. extends
78. The newspaper did not mention the ____of the damage caused by the fire.
A. range B. level C. extent D. quantity
79. The ____appearance of a rock seldom reveals the complicated operations of the natural forces which formed it.
A. skin B. unique C. exterior D. prior
80. We can be conscious or unconscious of our feelings or intentions, which are internal, mental events—not ____ones.
A. domestic B. external C. invisible D. interior
81. What are the chances of a sleepwalker committing a murder or doing something else ____in his sleep?
A. extraordinary B. noticeable C. particular D. outstanding
82. The problem is ___complicated.
A. completely B. extremely C. totally D. highly
83. Several experts have been called in to plan _____for boating, tennis, refreshments and children’s games in the projected town park.
A. instrument B. implements C. facilities D. equipment
84. The president’s support is an important _____in the success of the project.
A. reason B. cause C. factor D. excuse
85. He was invited to join ___in Fudan University as a full professor because of the outstanding work in his field.
A. personnel B. staff C. crew D. faculty
86. The curtains have ____because of the strong sunshine.
A. weakened B. fainted C. lightened D. fade
87. Even under extreme pressure, the army remains _______to the government in power.
A. superior B. faithful C. reliable D. dependable
88. Many people die of starvation during _____every year
A. disasters B. accidents C. struggles D. famines
89. I have a week appetite. I can hardly ____anything for my supper.
A. fancy B. emergency C. fallacy D. accuracy
90. Your fear is _____because no such animal as you described exists.
A. domestic B. enthusiastic C. optimistic D. fantastic
91. Wearing long hair is no longer _____fashion.
A. of B. in C. within D. under
92. As the plane was ready to take off, we all _____our seat belts.
A. tied

B. locked C. fastened D. closed
93. The boy cycling in the street was knocked by a bus and received ____injuries.
A. fatal B. excessive C. disastrous D. exaggerated
94. I am afraid I shall not be able to bear the ____of a long journey.
A. fate B. fatigue C. flaw D. fault
95. The weather was ___for our voyage. We decide to go there tomorrow.
A. favor B. favorite C. favorable D. unfavorable
96. ____instruments are likely to lead to wrong results.
A. decayed B. deficient C. faulty D. spoiled
97. sixty percent of television viewers choose her as their ____actress.
A. fortunate B. preferred C. favorite D. preferable
98. I suggest we put the plan into effect, for it is quite ____.
A. feasible B. believable C. probable D. changeable
99. The manager speaks highly of such ___as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.
A. virtues B. features C. properties D. characteristics
100. Our manager says that the more ___we get from our customs, the more improvement we can possibly make on our products.
A. profits B. complaints C. feedback D. demands
101. When fertilizers are mixed with the soil in the right proportion, they make the soil _____and crops can flourish more there
A. fragile B. fertile C. fruitful D. frantic
102. H. G. Wells is well-known for his science _____.
A. friction B. fraction C. fiction D. function
103. They were having a _____argument, and I thought they might end up hitting each other.
A. savage B. wild C. strong D. fierce
104. Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on _____for two months.
A. pile B. segment C. sequence D. file
105. The lake water passes through a ____before it is piped to our homes.
A. file B. filter C. film D. figure
106. The old man’s _____consisted of a combination of stocks, bonds and properties.
A. fiancés B. fossil C. fragment D. furniture
107. The angry farmers were wee burning with _____of hatred toward their landlord.
A. flashes B. flames C. glories D. glows
108. My mind flashed _____to last Spring Festival.
A. up B. forward C. back D. around
109. It is useless to attempt to ______from every danger; some risks must be taken.
A. flight B. flee C. fly D. flee

110. We can visit you on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly_____ .
A. feasible B. flexible C. moveable D. loose
111. High in the sky a _____of birds was flying southward.
A. collection B. flock C. swarm D. company
112. When we became the manager of the firm the dry-cleaning business really_____
A. flowed B. flushed C. flourished D. floating
113. Many people in Europe are ____in several language.
A. fluent B. fluid C. flexible D. fruitful
114. Public attention at the moment is focused ______the problem of industrial relations.
A. into B. towards C. about D. on
115. According to the weather ______, it’s going to be fine today.
A. prediction B. indication C. announcement D. forecast
116. When he is thinking, he has the habit of putting his hand against his _______.
A. forefinger B. forefather C. forehead D. foresight
117. The blacksmith’s ____was so hot that we couldn’t get near it.
A. fake B. forge C. format D. formula
118. Sincerely yours is a ___used in letters.
A. formal B. form C. former D. formula
119. We will stay here for a ______.
A. forthcoming B. forthright C. fortnight D. forthwith
120. ____she was not in the office when the bomb exploded.
A. Essentially B. Desirably C. Necessarily D. Fortunately
121. We rarely perceive more than a minute ____of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority passes us by.
A. fiction B. function C. fraction D. friction
122. I don’t believe him at all. There is not even the smallest ____of truth in what he says!
A. fragile B. friction C. fragment D. fertile
123. A bridge was constructed over the river so that ____could be shipped directly by trains.
A. flight B. freight C. fright D. fleet
124. Learning depends partly on the number and ____of repetitions.
A. fragment B. frame C. frequency D. freight
125. My grandmother has always frowned ____spending money needlessly.
A. to B. for C. on D. of
126. It proved to be a (n) ______ meeting.
A. fundamental B. fruitful C. effective D. resulting
127. The prisoner was _____in his attempt to escape by a watchful guard.
A. fractured B. frustrated C. flushed D. fluctuated
128. To ___his dream of becoming a professional athlete, tom kept training for three years.
A. fulfill B. finish

C. achieve D. complete
129. The brain performs a very important ______; it controls the nervous system of the body.
A. function B. duty C. usage D. obligation
130. The computer revolution may well change society as _____as did the Industrial Revolution.
A. fundamentally B. comparatively C. insignificantly D. certainly
131. This room is partly ___with a few old armchairs.
A. proved B. decorated C. beautified D. furnished
132. Everything has to be in perfect order to please Morgan; he always ____over all things.
A. fusses B. presides C. dominates D. gambles
133. If two people want to have a conversation, at first there should be information _____, that is, it requires the double coincidence of wants.
A. interval B. gap C. difference D. demands
134. The girl’s ____stayed on the doll that talked.
A. gaze B. stare C. glare D. flare
135. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must _____the world-market demand.
A. generation B. enhance C. guarantee D. gear
136. Now scientists have found that some diseases are associated with the defects of _____.
A. generation B. genes C. gears D. goals
137. The accident that happened in Japan last year _____ a lot of public interest in the nuclear power issue.
A. generated B. geared C. generalized D. arose
138. He mad such a ____contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him.
A. generous B. minimum C. modest D. genuine
139. He signed his name on the copied document so as to make sure that it is _____.
A. artificial B. genuine C. true D. genial
140. many serious outbreaks of disease are caused by either harmful viruses or deadly ______.
A. germs B. gifts C. gene D. organism
141. We moved into a new apartment building, and as a ___of friendship, we invited our neighbor to dinner.
A. suggestion B. show C. symbol D. gesture
142. I caught a _____of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.
A. vision B. glimpse C. look D. scene
143. Later it turned out that it was a cat’s eyes that ____in the darkness, not a tiger’s.
A. glow B. gleam C. glue D. glisten
144. In Britain the queen is the formal head of state, but it is the prime minister and cabinet who _____.
A. govern B. control C. reign D. preside
145. Don’t miss the chance to travel _____it before the boss changes her mind.
A. grab B. catch C. take D. hold

46. we admired the ____ with which she walked across the room.
A. manner B. grace C. attitude D. behavior
147. The change was so ____that we hardly noticed it.
A. accident B. occasional C. gradual D. visible
148. the request was ____by the college that he wanted to go where he was not most needed.
A. got B. gained C. given D. granted
149. The students couldn’t ____what the teacher was trying to explain.
A. grip B. seize C. grasp D. snatch
150. The old man was very ____the government’s consideration.
A. grateful to B. grateful to C. graceful D. gracious to
151. She felt eternal ____to him for saving her son’s life.
A. grace B. grateful C. gratitude D. grave
152. Anything that is dropped falls towards the center of the earth because of the pull of _____.
A. weight B. attraction C. gravity D. density
153. The poor little boy stared at the cakes in the shop window with _____ eyes.
A. anxious B. nervous C. desirable D. greedy
154. Due to the use of ____, we can enjoy those fresh vegetable in such a cold winter in the north of china.
A. greenroom B. greenhouse C. warm house D. greenhorn
155. Flour is made from ____grain.
A. crushing B. cracking C. grinding D. crashing
156. His wonderful performance ____ the audience so much that some people were moved to tears.
A. grasped B. gripped C. seized D. carried
157. It was obvious that the teacher was very angry with John’s _____behavior.
A. gross B. ground C. total D. grocer
158. Every camera we sell comes with a two-year ______.
A. guarantee B. safety C. confirmation D. conversation
159. In the past five years we have made a great progress in almost every field under the ____of our leader.
A. guide B. guidance C. guard D. guideline
160. Without a right _____, we can achieve nothing (B)
A. guide B. guideline C. guarantee D. guard
1-5:CABBD 6-10:ABBBB 11-15:ACBBB 16-20:DCBBC 21-25:BBBCC
26-30:CDADB 31-35:ACCBD 36-40:DCABB 41-45: BBACD 46-50: ABBBB
51-55: ACDAD 56-60: AAACD 61-65: BBBCB 66-70: BBBDA 71-75: ABABD
76-80: ADCCB 81-85: ABCCD 86-90: DBDAD 91-95: BCABC 96-100: CCAAC
101-105: BCDDB 106-110: ABCBB 111-115: BCADD 116-120: CBDCD
121-125: CCBCC 126-130: BBAAA 131-135: DABAD 136-140: BAABA
141-145: DBAAA 146-150: BCDCB 151-155: CCDBC 156-160: BAABB
