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1.The words that are often used may be divided, from a stylistic point of view, into three

types: formal, common, and informal.

2.The meaning of a word has two aspects: denotative and connotative.

3. A grammatically complete sentence is one that contains at least a subject and a

predicate (or finite) verb; if the verb is transitive, there must be an object; if the verb is a link-verb, there must be a predicative or complement.

4.According to their use, sentences are declarative, interrogative, imperative, or

exclamatory. (P37)

5. A loose sentence puts the main idea before all supplementary information; in other

words, it puts first things first, and lets the readers know what it is mainly about when they have read the first few words. The reverse arrangement makes a periodic sentence: the main idea is expressed at or near the end of it, and it is not grammatically complete until the end is reached. (松散句,圆周句P39)

6. A paragraph is like a mini-essay; it should be unified, coherent and well developed. (P64)

7.Inductive reasoning: when you use induction, you start with facts and proceed from

facts to a general conclusion. In other words, you move from specific examples to a general statement.

Deductive reasoning: The process is just the opposite of inductive reasoning—it moves from a general statement to s specific conclusion. I t works on the model of syllogism—a three-part argument in which there are two statements, known as the major premise and the minor premise, and a conclusion.

8.The process of writing a research paper is generally divided into five steps or stages:

●Choosing a topic;

●Collecting information;

●Analyzing the information, organizing ideas, and working out and outline;

●Writing the first draft;

●Revising the draft and finalizing the paper.


Name the figures of speech used in each of the following sentences:( p21-22)

1.Her rich relative rained birthday presents on her only son. (隐喻:metaphor)

2.Wrong ideas many harm man just like diseases. (明喻:simile)

3.Some words may be defaced by careless usage. (拟人:personification)

4.The leaves are trembling in the cold wind. (拟人:personification)

5.The storm was so angry that it wanted to destroy everything in its way. (personification)

6.Many people bowed before Force, but eventually Force would surrender to Reason.


7.Selfless people are like cows, which eat straw but produce milk. (simile)

8.“what do you think of the roast duck?”“Not bad.” (Understatement)

9.His friends praised his daughter’s performances to the skies. (Overstatement)
