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Trends in Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer in China

——Preliminary Analyses on 31246 Cases from 18 Hospitals

The Committee of Colorectal Cancer, CACA

Abstract: Background and Aim The prevalence of colorectal cancer has been rising in China. However, due to the absence of tumor registration, there is still no reliable data showing characteristics of incidence and trends of colorectal cancer in the Chinese population. This research aims to figure out the sex, age and tumor site in patients with colorectal cancer and offer a reference for decision-making about control of colorectal cancer in China. Methods Clinico-pathological data and related surgical information about patients with colorectal cancer who were admitted in 18 central hospitals from January of 1980 to May of 2008 were collected and a database was established to analyze the trends in sex, age and tumor site, as well as, the relationship between them. Results The age for onset of colorectal cancer increased (P<0.001) in 2005-2008. The median age of onset was 8 years higher than that in 1980-1984. Since 1985, the proportion of rectal cancer has dropped significantly over time, whilst the proportion of colon cancer has risen significantly. Proximal and distal colon cases increased

parallel to each other (P <0.01). No tendency of significant right shift in tumor site was found. The proportion of sex was not statistically different in 18 years (P >0.05). The overall ratio of male to female was 1.29:1. There was a trend of higher number of male patients since 1995 and the ratio of male to female was up to 1.44:1 in 2008. Conclusions The current research reveals that the proportion of patients with rectal cancer has dropped significantly in the population of CRC patients in China since 1980 and therefore the screening by colonoscopy is superior to that by sigmoidoscopy. In addition, it is found that the age of onset of colorectal cancer in China has increased in contrast to western countries, where the proportion of patients below the age of 45 was 19.53% until 2000 and higher proportion of advanced disease were found among younger patients (age 30-44) when diagnosed. Therefore, youth should be included in CRC screening. Considering the fact that the current research was not a population-based registration, the incidence cannot be calculated and the results of this research may not represent the real population of colorectal cancer in China. Nevertheless, this research includes data from 18 central hospitals of 10 provinces which are reliable. Therefore, it may help to understand the previous and current state of control of colorectal cancer in China and may also serve as reference for future intervention.

Keywords: China, colorectal neoplasms, epidemiology, registration, age, sex, tumor site, pathology, trend

结直肠癌(colorectal cancer CRC)是世界上最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。从全球角度看,结直肠癌发病率和死亡率仍呈上升趋势,2002年全球结直肠癌新发病例102.3万,死亡52.9万,分别比2000年增加8.3%和7.5%;其发病率和死亡率分别居所有癌症的第三位和第四位[1]。美国2008年估计新发病例14.9万例,死亡5.0万例,发病率与死亡率均列所有肿瘤的第三位[2];而欧洲2006年估计新发病例41.3万,死亡20.7万,其发病率和死亡率均位居所有癌症的第二位[3]。中国亦不例外,结直肠癌死亡率2005年比1991年增加70.7%,年均增加4.71%。以上海为例,男性发病率从1972 年的14.5/10 万上升到1996 年的23.5/10 万,女性从12.1/10 万上升到20.3/10 万,发病率在恶性肿瘤中已由原来的第七位上升至第三位[4]。依据我国11个肿瘤登记处及第二次全死因调查结果,推测2005年结直肠癌发病人数为171792人,男女性发病率分别为15.0/10万和9.7/10万,在恶性肿瘤中均占第五位;死亡例数为98 982人,男女性死亡率分别为8.6/10和5.4/10万,在恶性肿瘤中分别占第五位和第六位[5]。可以预见,随着我国社会经济的快速发展,城乡居民生活方式、饮食结构的西式化、环境状况的变化和社会老龄化,结直肠癌发病率在一段时期内仍将持续上升,成为影响我国人民健康的最常见恶性肿瘤之一。

目前在全球137个国家中有665个以人群为基础的肿瘤登记机构及众多的以医院为基础的肿瘤登记单位,为肿瘤综合防治提供重要的基础数据。以美国为例,1971年颁布“癌症法”后,美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)便建立了全国肿瘤信息网(Cancer Net),内容包括肿瘤防治的多方面信息,并在有条件的州市建立全国肿瘤发病死亡登记统计系统(SEER)。这两套系统的建立,不仅对美国国内的肿瘤研究产生了极大影响,也为世界的肿瘤防治提供了宝贵的信息[6,7]。而我国在这方面的工作相对滞后,与我国的社会经济发展水平不相适应。尽管我国目前约有60个地区开展肿瘤登记工作,但这些登记均是以人群为基础的肿瘤登记,登记内容比较偏重于能够比较宏观地反映出目标人群中不同的性别、种族、地区的发病率和死亡率等流行病学信息,以便于肿瘤病因学家和公共卫生学者研究肿瘤的发病规律及制定适宜的公共卫生政策。但是这种以人群为基础的肿瘤登记无法收集某一肿瘤的发病、诊疗及预后等方面详细的信息,如病期及病理类型的诊断方式、治疗方法与方案以及病人转归和结局的信息,因此无法评价医院的肿瘤诊治效果,无法为癌症的临床研究提供基础数据,缺乏对癌症临床诊治水平做出科学、理性评估的基础数据,在很大程度上影响了我国的肿瘤防治和癌症的临床研究工作。

