消化系统诊断学PPT的word版 腹水 中英文对照版

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Abnormal Abdominal Findings and Their Respective Differentiation--- Ascites


1、Definition of Ascites 腹水的定义

free fluid accumulation within the abdominal cavity 腹腔内游离液体积聚

little free fluid within the abdominal cavity in normal cases正常情况下腹腔内也有少


the amount of free fluid is less than 200 ml接上一条,不超过200ml

excessive free fluid accumulates within the abdominal cavity --- ascites腹腔内积聚过


2.Etiology of ascites 引起腹水的病因

Cardiovascular Diseases 心血管系统疾病

√ congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭

√ pericarditis(心包炎)

√ pericardiac tamponade(心包压塞)

√ obstruction of inferior vena cava 下腔静脉梗阻

Hepatic and Portal System Diseases 肝脏及门脉系统疾病

√ hepatic cirrhosis 肝硬化

√ hepatic carcinoma 肝癌

√ inflammation of portal vein and the formation of its thrombosis


√ rupture of hepatic abscess the most common agents responsible for ascites 肝脓肿破裂是引起腹水的最常见病因。

Renal diseases 肾脏疾病

√ glomerulonephritis(肾小球肾炎),

√ Nephrotic tubule disease 肾小管病变

√ renal carcinoma 肾癌

Peritoneal Disease 腹膜疾病

√ peritonitis 腹膜炎

√ malignant peritoneal tumor 腹膜恶性肿瘤(绝大多数为继发性肿瘤)

In China, tuberculose peritonitis is very common.


Inadequate nutrition 营养缺乏

√ edema caused by hypoalbuminemia 低蛋白性水肿

√ deficiency of Vitamin B1维生素B1缺乏

Lymphatic system diseases 淋巴系统疾病

√ filariasis(丝虫病)

√ lymphoma within abdominal cavity 腹腔淋巴瘤

√ the obstruction of thoracic duct(胸导管梗阻) or cisterna chyli (乳糜池梗阻)

Female reproductive system diseases 女性生殖系统疾病

√the rupture of Fallopian tube(输卵管) caused by ectopic pregnancy/ extra - uterine pregnancy 异位妊娠/宫外孕引起的输卵管破裂(大绿书:宫外孕破裂)

√ tumors of female reproductive system女性生殖系统肿瘤

Rupture of abdominal viscera 腹腔脏器破裂

√ rupture of stomach, bowel, liver, spleen, or gallbladder胃肠肝脾胆囊破裂

Miscellaneous 其它

√ myxedema(粘液性水肿)

√ Meigs syndrome Meigs综合征

Meigs syndrome 卵巢纤维瘤伴有腹水和(或)胸水

√ the triad(三联症) of benign ovarian fibroma (良性卵巢纤维瘤) with ascites and pleural effusion胸水

√ resolves after resection of the tumor 肿瘤切除后治愈

3.Pathogenesis of ascites 腹水的发生机制

similar to the pathogenesis of edema (Alteration of Starling forces)


√ increased hydrostatic pressure 液体静水压增加

√ decreased plasma colloid oncotic pressure 血浆胶体渗透压下降√ impediment of lymphatic circulation 淋巴循环受阻

√ renal factors肾脏因素
