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SectionⅡLearningaboutLanguage,Using Language,SummingUp&LearningTip



1.It’s time for us to our party.It is nearly twelve o’clock.

答案:break up

2.If you others,they will be glad to help you.

答案:are honest with

3.You should be kind to these students.,they are kids.

答案:After all

4.When I was a young girl,I becoming a movie star.

答案:dreamed of

5.He is so clever that he always with new ideas.

答案:comes up

6.We often our friends but no one gets angry.

答案:play jokes on

7.,I’m going to travel during the holiday because I want to relax myself after a long and hard term.答案:In addition

8.I that I’m firmly suitable for the post.

答案:am confident

9.There are many things to do when the Spring Festival is coming.,being happy is the first one.

答案:Above all

10.When the author first went to Huaplee Beach,he became smell.答案:sensitive to


1.Have you ever dreamed visiting the Mars by spaceship one day?


2.Will you pay for it cash?


3.It’s impolite for you to play a joke your teachers.


4.We should rely Thomas to keep the secret for us.


5.The voice on the phone is familiar me,but I can’t recognize it.


6.If you are sensitive the drug,you’d better stop taking it.


7.What should we do to promote peace,in addition the suggestions mentioned above?答案:to

8.We weren’t able to come up any new suggestions.


9.And all,I wanted to show that I didn’t care.


10.He studies hard,so we are confident his passing the entrance exam.



1.be honest,we admired the way he solved the problem.


2.My children (performance) two plays each school year.


3.(2017·天津)Driverless cars may end up being form of public transport rather than vehicles you own,says Ryan Calo at Stanford University,California.


4.There’s no doubt that the consumers are still very sensitive the price.


5.What I care about is not what he can learn at school but whether he can build up his(confident) in the new environment.





The police received a report that six men had stopped a car.The1was carrying factory wages(工资)and the men attacked(袭击)the2.They had tied him up and taken 3of the bags away.After three hours’ search the 4found the car near a 5.The driver was6on a bag in the car and his 7were tied behind his back.The thieves had tied a handkerchief(手帕) round his8 so that he wouldn’t shout.The police climbed 9the car and10 the driver.Then they asked him what had happened.

“I was 11soon after I left the 12,” the driver explained,“Six men stopped my car and made me13 to the river.‘If you 14,’one of them said,‘We’ll shoot you.’15I got to the river,they tied me up.Then they 16 me into the back of the car.There were 17 bags in the back and the thieves took one of them.”

“18money did the bag contain?” a police officer asked.

“It 19contain any money at all,” the driver laughed.“It was full of letters.This one contains 20the money.I have sat on it for three hours.”

1.A.driver B.car
