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一、每组单词划线部分哪一个与其他三个读音不同,把它的字母编号写在答题卡上:10%(每个1分)()1.A. museum B. autumn C. August D. February

()2.A. eagle B. kilometer C. prefer D. fever

()3.A. seldom B. together C. dinosaur D. month

()4.A. far B. warm C. start D. large

()5.A. thank B. both C. other D. bath

()6.A. Saturday B. yesterday C. stay D. holiday

()7.A. orange B. doctor C. what D. water

()8.A. sound B. country C. outside D. about

()9.A. afraid B. raincoat C. train D. water

()10. A. near B. here C. hare D. hear


A. family

B. sheep

C. juice

D. listen

E. musician

F. forest

G. dumpling

H. museum

I. telephone

J. student

()1. ['dʌmpliŋ] ()2 . [dʒu:s] ()3. ['telifəun] ()4 .['lisən]

()5 . ['fæmili] ()6. [mju:'ziʃən]()7. [mju:'ziəm]

()8. ['fɔrist] ()9. [ʃip] ()10. ['stju:dənt]

三、指出每组单词中与其他三个不同一类的单词,并把它的字母编号写在答题卡上:8%(每个1分)()1. A. seahorse B. giraffe C. kangaroo D. tiger

()2. A. library B. fable C. bookshop D. cinema

()3. A. brighter B. heavier C. runner D. better

()4. A. space B. sky C. race D. earth

()5. A. hope B. policeman C. manager D. soldier

()6. A. Australian B. England C. Japanese D. French

()7. A. Sydney B. Canada C. Shanghai D. Tokyo

()8. A. park B. museum C. hotel D. holiday


1._____________ a ____________

2.two _____________ of _____________

3.go to _____________

4.the national flag_____________ _____________

1. 2. 3.



1. 北京是一座拥有悠久历史的城市。

Beijing is a ______ with a ______ ______

2. 小宁擅长打篮球。

Xiaoling is ______ ______ ______ basketball.

3. 她喜欢看那种类型的书?动物类的。

What kind of books ______ she like ______? Books ______ ______


()1. They weren’t ______ TV at this time of day.

A. seeing

B. reading

C. looking

D. watching

()2. Sally will have ______ holiday.

A. a three-days

B. three-day

C. a three-day

D. a third-day

()3. Tim could help the farmer ______ apples on the farm last month.

A. picks

B. picking

C. picked

D. pick

()4. We wish we ______ walk ______ the moon.

A. could , in

B. could, on

C. can, in

D. can ,on

()5. Would you like ______ swimming?

A. going

B. go to

C. go

D. went

()6. I called you this morning . But you ______ at home.

A. aren’t

B. weren’t

C. wasn’t

D. don’t

()7. Why don’t you ______ basketball with us?

A. play

B. plays

C. playing

D. played

()8. Judy and I live _ the same building, but we live ______ different floor.

A. in, in

B. under, on

C. in, on

D. at, in

()9. My mother doesn’t like pets. I don’t like pets ______.

A. either

B. too

C. to

D. also

()10. ______ December 25th 1893, Mao Zedong was born ______ Shaoshan, Huan.

A. in ,in

B. on, in

C. on, on

D. in, on


I live in a very old town which _______ (A. is , B. was) surrounded by beautiful woods. It _______ (A. is, B. was) a famous beauty spot. On Sundays, hundreds of people _______ (A. comes, B. come) from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. Visitors have been asked to _______ (A. keeping, B. keep) the woods clean and tidy. Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still _______ (A. throw, B. throws) their rubbish everywhere. Last Wednesday . I _______( A. went, B. go) for a walk in the woods. I _______ (A. am, B. was) very sad. I_______ (A. count, B. counted) seven old cars, three old refrigerators, and much rubbish. Among the rubbish, I _______ (A. am finding, B. found) a sign which said, ‘ Anyone who _______ (A. leaves, B. leave) litter in these woods will be prosecuted. ‘


Mr Cook is a very old man. Every morning he _______ for a walk in the park and he comes home at about half past twelve _______ his lunch. Yesterday a car _______ at his home at twelve o’clock. Two policeman helped Mr Cook _______ out. One of _______ said to Mr Cook’s daughter, “ The old man _______ lost in the park. He asked us to take him _______ the car. “ The daughter thanked the policemen and they _______. “ Dad, you go to the park every day. But today you were lost. What the matter _______ you ?” Mr Cook’s daughter asked him. The old man laughed like a child and said.” I could _______ my way. But I didn’t want to walk home.

()1. A. go B. goes C. going D. /

()2. A. for B. of C. to D. in

()3. A. stopping B. stopped C. stops D. stop

()4. A. getting B. get C. got D. gets

()5. A. them B. their C. they D. theirs

()6. A. be B. is C. was D. are

()7. A. on B. in C. of D. off

()8. A. leave B. left C. leaves D. leaving

()9. A. in B. on C. of D. with

()10. A. found B. finding C. finds D. find


43、It is almost ten years since Hong Kong r________ to China in 1997.

44、——I’m going to Hainan on vacation.
