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┌─主题句句 1


开头└─扩展句句 2

┌─主题句句 1


正文├─扩展句句 2

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S1 Topic : S2 Problem : S3 Thesis : S4 Cause I : S5 Details : S6 Cause II : S7 Details : S8 Cause III : S9 Details : S10 Conclusion :



. S2

in 1997 the


S3 There are for this .


点题,即概括所要求评论的问题或现象。 具体(如用数据)描写这个问题或现象。 论点句,即对这一问题或现象的基本看法。 造成这一问题或现象的第一个原因。 具体说明第一个原因。 造成这一问题或现象的第二个原因。 具体说明第二个原因。 造成这一问题或现象的第三个原因。 具体说明第三个原因。 结尾。

a a an in

According to has compared with .

S5 S7 S8

Perhaps the



S10 From what has been discussed above, we may safely/reasonably

the conclusion that…

Rising Divorce Rates in China

In recent years China has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate.

According to the chart, during the last decade, the divorce rate in big cities has increased as much as it had in the previous thirty years.

The upward trend in divorce seems to be a mirror of some important changes in Chinese society. First, legal changes have simplified divorce procedures, and removed barriers to divorce. More and more people, both young and old, are now benefiting from, even taking advantage of the new law which for the first time in history allows a couple to get divorced merely for love's sake. Second, there has been a significant change in social attitude towards the divorced persons. The act of divorce is no longer considered a social stigma. Finally, the change in personal economic activities also facilitates divorce. The unprecedented social mobility in the last l0 years both within the country and across the land has placed severe strains on married couples, not only in terms of geographic separation, but also psychological change.

Whatever changes leading to the rise in divorce rates, the fact and the statistics alone reflect the change in people's traditional view of marriage and family life.


The World is Getting Smaller and Smaller

(1) Most of us may have such experiences: when you go to some place far away from the city where you live and think you know nobody there, you are surprised to find that you run into one of your old classmates on the streets. (2) Perhaps both of you would cry out, "What a small world!"

(3) Why is there a feeling that the world is getting smaller and smaller? (4) First, faster and safer means of transport have greatly reduced distance. (5) In the past it took people two months to cross the Pacific Ocean, but now an air journey from Shanghai to New Y ork City takes only twenty hours. (6) Second, the advance in communications technology makes it possible for us to know everything happening in the world without leaving our homes. (7) Just pick up your telephone or press the keys of your computer, you can talk to anyone within a few seconds. (8) Finally, political and business activities have brought people into frequent contact with each other. (9) For example, an American congressman talks with the Japanese Prime minister in the morning, attends a conference in Australia in the afternoon, and appears in a dinner party in Shanghai at night.

(10) Obviously, the more advanced technology and our society, the smaller the world will be.

