



试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:69




、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)得分:36

1. I _____ 100 dollars in my savings account this morning.

A. departed

B. deposited

C. ordered

D. provided

满分:2 分得分:0

2. After the 90-minute match, all the football players were _____.

A. lost

B. tied

C. exhausted

D. exhibited

满分:2 分得分:2

3. He found it difficult to _____ the fact that the ship was lost in a heavy storm.

A. receive

B. keep

C. obtain

D. accept

满分:2 分得分:2

4. Can you tell Mary _____ her twin(双胞胎) sister?

A. to

B. with

C. between

D. from

满分:2 分得分:0

5. Rebuilding the canal has already brought many _____ to our national economy.

A. interests

B. developments

C. advances

D. benefits

满分:2 分得分:2

6. In teaching it is highly _____ to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve.

A. unable

B. reliable

C. unreasonable

D. desirable

满分:2 分得分:2

7. Does he _____ English?

A. say

B. talk

C. tell

D. speak

满分:2 分得分:2

8. I had some difficulty in _____ the plan.

A. carrying off

B. carrying on

C. carrying out

D. carrying away

满分:2 分得分:2

9. There was a serious water shortage in the area as there wasn’t _____ rain for nearly four months.

A. plenty

B. many

C. adequate

D. efficient

满分:2 分得分:0

10. Our team _____ the visitors in the football match yesterday afternoon.

A. got the first of

B. got the best of

C. took the first of

D. took the best of

满分:2 分得分:0

11. I hope to _____ you at your office at three o’clock today.

A. call at

B. call on

C. call off

D. call out

满分:2 分得分:2

12. “Such bad behaviour _____ a beating.” said the father to his naughty son.

A. rewards

B. is worth

C. deserves

D. is worthy

满分:2 分得分:0

13. I _____this book in an old bookstore on Fourth Avenue.

A. came on

B. came across

C. came up

D. came over

满分:2 分得分:2

14. Last night a fire _____ in that market, so the firm suffered a heavy loss.

A. broke up

B. broke out

C. broke of

D. broke down

满分:2 分得分:2

15. It is quite natural for a new-comer to _____in such a big city as Shanghai.

A. get lost

B. lost way

C. lose home

D. miss home

满分:2 分得分:2

16. Neither Tom nor Jane _____ this kind of films, so they left the cinema half an hour before it finishe

A. cared of

B. cared for

C. took care

D. took care of

满分:2 分得分:2

17. His achievement in research _____ him respect and admiration.

A. received

B. beat

C. won

D. earned

满分:2 分得分:0

18. In that country, the cost of living _____ quickly after the war broke out.

A. raced

B. raised

C. arose

D. rose

满分:2 分得分:2

19. Breakfast is _____ in the dining-room from 6:30 to 8:29 a.m. at this hotel.

A. served

B. made

C. eaten

D. cooked

满分:2 分得分:2

20. The project is already due to a lack of funding.

A. behind schedule

B. in the process

C. in the way

D. in sight

满分:2 分得分:2

21. _____ language, maths and history, the children are also taught music and art.

A. Beside

B. Except

C. In spite of

D. In addition to

满分:2 分得分:2

22. The minister refused to _____on the new agreement be?tween the two countries.

A. describe

B. report

C. complain

D. comment

满分:2 分得分:0

23. The doctor came out of the patient’s room with a _____ look on his face.

A. serious

B. silent

C. simple

D. slight

满分:2 分得分:2

24. She has _____her mind and is going to Canada instead of Japan.

A. changed

B. exchanged

C. decided

D. made

满分:2 分得分:2

25. When applying for a job, you have to _____a resume.

A. get off

B. hand in

C. put out

D. take away

满分:2 分得分:2


试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:69 ?单选题



二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共10 分。)得分:5



History appears to have provided many examples of whether war has eventually resulting in peace, this perception is an error. The end of war does not bring peace; it just brings about the end of 1. This confusion in defining the result of 2 a war as an indication of peace can be corrected by being willing to see things 3 and more clearly.


福建师范大学《大学英语(2)》在线作业二 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1. I can't do my homework with all this noise____________. A. is going on B. to go on C. gone on D. going on 满分:2 分 正确答案:D 2. He told me the news____________our team had won the game. A. about B. of C. as D. that 满分:2 分 正确答案:D 3. He is fond of playing ____ piano while his brother is interested in listening to ___ music. A. /; the B. /;/ C. the; / D. the; the 满分:2 分 正确答案:C 4. We must do well____________the boss assigns us to do. A. that B. whatever C. whichever D. those 满分:2 分 正确答案:B

5. They are from__________.They are_________. A. Germany;Germen B. German;Germany C. Germany;German D. Germany;Germans 满分:2 分 正确答案:D 6. —Please help yourself to the fish. —_______. A. Thanks, but I don't like fish B. Sorry, I can't help C. Well, fish don't suit me D. No, I can't 满分:2 分 正确答案:A 7. We don't doubt ____________ he can make a good job of it. A. if B. that C. what D. why 满分:2 分 正确答案:B 8. The town is about _________ ride from here. A. two hour B. two hour's C. two hours' D. two-hours 满分:2 分 正确答案:C 9. I'd like to __________ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy. A. refer


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试 管理学试卷 (课程代码342051) 本试题一共四道大题,共3页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。 注意:1、答案必须填写在答题纸上,题号不清或无题号的以零分计; 2、答题前,请在答题纸上准确、清楚地填写各项目; 3、学号、考点名称、考室号、姓名、身份证号、课程代码、课程名称、培养层 次不写或乱写及模糊不清者,答题纸作废; 4、开卷考试,若有雷同以零分计。 一、名词解释(每题4分,共16分) 1、计划是指为了实现决策所确定的目标,预先进行的行动安排。 2、集权是指决策指挥权在组织层次系统中较高层次上的集中。 3、组织设计是对组织的结构和活动进行创构、变革和再设计。 4、企业的社会责任是指在市场经济体制下,企业的责任除了为股东追求利 润外,也应该考虑相关利益人,即影响和受影响于企业行为的各方的利益。其中,雇员利益是企业社会责任中的最直接和最主要的内容。 二、简答题(每题10分,共40分) 1、什么是目标管理?目标管理有哪些优点、缺点? 答:目标管理是一种程序和过程,在此过程中,组织中的上级和下级一起商定组织的共同目标,由此决定上下级的责任和分目标,并以此作为经营、评估和奖励每个单位与个人贡献的标准。目标管理的一个主要优点是把目标的制定与个人的激励联系起来。其他优点有:(1)更好的管理;(2)澄清组织;(3)目标管理为管理人员和职工的自身发展提供了良好的机会;(4)开展有效的控制。目标管理的缺点:(1)目标管理的哲学假设不一定存在。

(2)对目标管理原理阐明不够。 (3)目标设置困难。 (4)目标的商定很费时间。 (5)强调短期目标,不易权变。 2、有效控制应注意的问题。 答:有效控制应注意的问题: (1)控制应与计划及组织相适应;(2)控制应该突出重点,强调例外;(3)控制应该具有灵活性、及时性和适度性;(4)控制应该具有客观性、精确性和具体性。计划——是一种预测未来、设立目标、决定政策、选择方案的连续程序。 3、结合实际进行分析科学决策应该遵循的原则。 答:科学决策应遵循的原则: (1)系统原则 按系统的原则制定决策,首先坚持整体思想,要贯彻“整体大于部分之和”的原理。其次,强调系统内外各层次、各要素、各项目之间的相互关系要协调、平衡、配套,达到系统完整、构成最大的综合力。最后,要建立反馈系统,实现决策实施运行过程中的动态平衡。 (2)信息原则 信息是决策的基础。信息工作的质量越高,信息越真实可靠,信息越充分完整,决策的科学化程度就越高。 (3)可行性原则 科学决策不仅要考虑到市场和组织发展的需要,还要考虑到组织的外部环境和内部条件的情况。决策需要考虑经济上、技术上、社会上等方面的可行性。 (4)满意原则 由于组织内部环境和外部条件的局限性,再加上人的时间、精力、认识能力有限,决策时,只要在既定条件下选出各种方案中相对满意的方案即可。 (5)反馈原则


华师《大学英语(2)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 一、单选题(共50 道试题,共100 分。)V 1. Come here ( ). The meeting will begin in five minutes. A. fast B. sooner C. quickly 正确答案:C 2.___________ travellers come to visit our city every year. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundred 正确答案:B 3.June 1st is ( ) Day. A. Children's B. Childrens' C. Children 正确答案:A 4.—Would you like to go for a walk with us ?—______, but I must finish my homework first. A. Of course not B. That's all right C. I'd love to D. Yes, I do 正确答案:C 5.( ) your parents on holidays. A. You would visit B. You'll visit C. You should visit 正确答案:C 6.Rob stood in the hallway, from where he could ____the happenings on the street A. choose B. obtain C. observe D. present 正确答案:C 7.Each student will be provided ( ) a computer. A. with B. for C. at 正确答案:A 8.The new interest rate to boost the national economy will become _______ in the next fiscal year


农大2015 网络教育学习指导作业考核(多套联系) 一、单选题(共15题,30分) 1、我校网络教育学院的网址是:(A) 2、网教学员可以分阶段完成学业,专科和专升本学员在校最长年限(含休学)为(D)年? 3、学位、我校网络教育毕业生授予的学士类型为:(B) 4、我校网络教育专升本学员需参加全国统考的课程是:(C) 5、网教新生如何核对自己的学籍信息资料?(C)

6、网教学员一般什么时候领取教材?(C) 7网教学员休学的期限一般为(B) 8、网教统考报名的是(A) 9、学员在修业年限科参加多少次统考?(B)

10、我校网络教育哪些层次的学员要参加全国统考?(D) 11、网教学员申请课程考试查分的时限是?(B) 12、以下选项于学员缴纳学费的规定正确的是(B) 13、统考成绩一般在考试结束后多久公布?(B) 14、我校是从(C)年举办网络教育的。

15、下列哪种情形对完成平时作业描述正确的是(A) 16、我校网络教育学生的学习形式是(C) 17、网教统考报名的是(B) 18、我校网络教育毕业生授予的学士学位类型为(B)

二、多选题(共20题,40分) 1、参加统考时需携带哪些证件?(A,B) 2、网教学员有下面哪些情况应予退学(A,B,C,D,E) 3、网教学员符合以下哪些条件可以申请免修课程(A,B,C,D) 4、网教学员有下列哪些情形给以开除学籍处分(A,B,C,D,E,F)

5、网教学员符合下面哪些情况可以申请转专业:(A,B,C) 6、根据全国统考违纪相关规定,下列哪些行为应当认定为考试作弊:(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) 7、网教学员下列哪些情形可以申请办理休学:(A,B,C,D,E)


第1题 (20) 分 Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’s a big difference between a writer and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours at a typewriter. “You have got to want to write,” I said to them, “not want to be a writer.” The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in the . Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend who found for me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used typewriter and felt like a genuine writer. After a year or so, however, I still hadn’t got a break and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell a story that barely made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to wr ite. I had dreamed about it for many years. I wasn’t going to be one of those people who died wondering. What if I would keep putting my dream to test (even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure). This is the shadow-land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there passage is meant to ____A___ . A、warn young people of the hardship that a successful writer has to experience B、advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer C、show young people it is unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth D、encourage young people to pursue a writing career can be concluded from the passage D A、Genuine writers often find their work interesting andrewarding. B、A writer’s success depends on luck rather on effort. C、Famous writers usually live in poverty andisolation. D、The chances for writers to become successful are small. $ 3.Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first years of his writing career B A、He was not able to produce a single book. B、He hadn’t seen a change for the better. C、He wasn’t able to have a rest for a whole year. D、He found his dream would never come true. 4.In “…people who died wondering”, “who” refers to thos e ___B___ . A、who think too much of the dark side of life B、who regret giving up their career halfway C、who think a lot without making a decision D、who are full of imagination even upon death ; 5.“Shadow-land” in the last sentence refers to _____C__ . A、the wonderland one often dreams about B、the bright future that one is looking forward to C、the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reached


一、单选题 1. The thief took away the woman's wallet without____________. A. being seen B. seeing C. him seeing D. seeing him 正确答案:A 2.He thought that ____________. A. the effort doing the job was not worth B. the effort was not worth in doing the job C. it was not worth the effort doing the job D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job 正确答案:C 3. No sooner____________to bed than he heard a knock at the door. A. had he gone B. he had gone C. did he go D. he went 正确答案:A 4.He could do nothing but____________for the bus____________. A. wait ... to come B. wait ... come C. waiting ... coming D. waited ... came 正确答案:A 5.This new clue _______ the policemen and they were more confused by the murder. A.puzzled B.surprised C. trapped D.discouraged 正确答案:A 6. —It's cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door? —_______. A. With pleasure B. Yes, please C. Of course not D. Thank you


奥鹏17春16秋华师《大学英语(1)》在线作业100分满分答案(红色部分为答案) 一、单选题(共50 道试题,共100 分。) 1. John: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord. Paul: I'm pleased to meet you. Mr Smith: ( ). A. Good morning, Paul. B. Very pleased to meet you, too. C. I'm fine, too. 满分:2分得分:2分 2. One of these books easy for you to read; the others all very difficult. A. are, is B. is, are C. were, was D. are, will be 满分:2分得分:2分 3. A:( )like to have a coffee? B:Yes, please. A. Are you B. Would you

C. Can you 满分:2分得分:2分 4. – Where to? I'm so thirsty. – ( )? A. Why don't we go now B. Why don't we enjoy some beer at that bar C. Why didn't you look up the map D. Why didn't you tell me about it earlier 满分:2分得分:2分 5. – David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. – ( ). A. I haven’t been getting much sleep either B. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sick C. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that D. You’d better do exercises regularly 满分:2分得分:2分 6. we stopped to look at the map. A. Knowing not which road to take B. Not knowing which road to take C. Not know which road to take D. Not to know which road to take 满分:2分得分:2分 7. – I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. – ( ).


福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业二 1:___ Thursday evening at seven, Dr. Stanley will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on Three Days inChina. A:In B:On C:At D:From 正确答案:B 2:She didn't fancy ___ outalone. A:go B:to go C:of going D:going 正确答案:D 3:Her children____________far awayfrom her, the old lady feels lonely sometimes. A:to live B:living C:lived D:having lived 正确答案:B 4:This year the farmers have producedtwice ____________grain____________they did last year. A:as less ... as

B:fewer ... than C:as much ... as D:as many ... as 正确答案:C 5:—The trousers____________you well, madam. —But the color____________me. A:fit ... don't suit B:fits ... doesn't suit C:fits ... don't suit D:fit ... doesn't suit 正确答案:D 6:If only the committee____________heregulations and put them into effect as soon as possible. A:approve B:would approve C:can approve D:sill approve 正确答案:B 7:____________he is absent, what shall we do? A:Now that B:Seeing that C:Whether D:Supposing that 正确答案:A


四川农业大学网络教育入学考试高等数学试题1、题目Z1-2(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:A 2、题目20-1:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:A 3、题目20-2:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:B 4、题目20-3:(2)()

A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:A 5、题目20-4:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:D 6、题目20-5:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:D 7、题目20-6:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D

更多四川农业大学网路教育入学考试试题:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4417020465.html,/school408/ 标准答案:A 8、题目20-7:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:D 9、题目20-8:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:C 10、题目11-1(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:C 11、题目11-2(2)() 猎学网为学员提供优质教育资源

A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:B 12、题目11-3(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:A 13、题目20-9:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:C 14、题目11-4:(2)() A.A

更多四川农业大学网路教育入学考试试题:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4417020465.html,/school408/ B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:D 15、题目11-5(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:C 16、题目20-10:(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:B 17、题目11-6(2)() A.A B.B C.C D.D 标准答案:B 18、题目11-7(2)() 猎学网为学员提供优质教育资源


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. If you____________quiet, I'll tell you what happened. A. be B. are to be C. are D. will be 2. No sooner____________to bed than he heard a knock at the door. A. had he gone B. he had gone C. did he go D. he went 3. I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given. A. no possibility B. there was impossibility C. impossible D. it impossible 4. He thought that ____________. A. the effort doing the job was not worth B. the effort was not worth in doing the job C. it was not worth the effort doing the job D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job 5. Silk _______ by Chinese for thousands of years now. A. has used B. has been used

C. was used D. is used 6. —It's cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door? —_______. A. With pleasure B. Yes, please C. Of course not D. Thank you 7. After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_____. A. withdraw B. resign C. retire D. retreat 8. Four hours______ too long for him to write the letter. A. has B. are C. is D. have 9. That factory ____________ nearly 50 years ago. A. has been built B. had built C. was built D. has built 10. What kind of events are you good ____? A. at


福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业一 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 单选题 一、单选题(共50道试题,共100分。) V 1.____ is big and round in the sky today. A. moon B. The moon C. Moon D. Star 满分:2分 2.Why____ with him He’ll never change his mind. A. argued B. argue C. arguing D. to argue 满分:2分 3.It's no good _______ here. Let's go home. A. to wait B. waited C. waiting

D. being waited 满分:2分 4.Liu Fang studies much better than ____________student in his class. A. any B. any other C. the other D. other 满分:2分 5.If you ever have the ___ to go abroad to study, you should take it. A. chance B. possibility C. offer D. luck 满分:2分 6.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ____________after 11 o'clock at night. A. were not played B. not to play C. not be played D. did not play 满分:2分


秋华师大学英语在线作 业答案 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

奥鹏17春16秋华师《大学英语(1)》在线作业100分满分答案(红色部分为答案) 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. John: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord. Paul: I'm pleased to meet you. Mr Smith: ( ). A. Good morning, Paul. B. Very pleased to meet you, too. C. I'm fine, too. 满分:2分得分:2分 2. One of these books easy for you to read; the others all very difficult. A. are, is B. is, are C. were, was D. are, will be 满分:2分得分:2分 3. A:( )like to have a coffee? B:Yes, please. A. Are you B. Would you C. Can you 满分:2分得分:2分

4. – Where to? I'm so thirsty. – ( )? A. Why don't we go now B. Why don't we enjoy some beer at that bar C. Why didn't you look up the map D. Why didn't you tell me about it earlier 满分:2分得分:2分 5. – David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. – ( ). A. I haven’t been getting much sleep either B. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sick C. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that D. You’d better do exercises regularly 满分:2分得分:2分 6. we stopped to look at the map. A. Knowing not which road to take B. Not knowing which road to take C. Not know which road to take D. Not to know which road to take 满分:2分得分:2分 7. – I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. – ( ). A. So do I


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. If you ever have the ___ to go abroad to study, you should take it. A. chance B. possibility C. offer D. luck 满分:2 分 2. After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_____. A. withdraw B. resign C. retire D. retreat 满分:2 分 3. Everything seems all right, ____________ ? A. doesn't it B. won't it C. hasn't it D. don't they 满分:2 分 4. The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within ____________ a few seconds. A. even

B. just C. exact D. very 满分:2 分 5. The Red Army seized the land and _____ it to the poor peasants. A. attributed B. distributed C. contributed D. assigned 满分:2 分 6. He said that he ____________to the United States. A. had never been B. had never gone C. was never D. has never been 满分:2 分 7. This company was the first____________portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world. A. producing B. to produce C. having produced D. produced 满分:2 分 8. — You should have thanked her before you left.— I meant____________, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere. A. to do B. to


大学语文 一、单选题 1、我国历史上最早的一部文学作品总集是( A ) A、《文选》 B、《乐府诗集》 C、《左传》 D、《战国策》 2、《背影》描写人物肖像和行动时所采用的手法是( B ) A、比兴 B、白描 C、情景交融 D、直抒胸臆 3、侯方域是明末清初著名的( B ) A、政治家 B、诗文作家 C、思想家 D、教育家 4、《日出》的情节结构特点是( B ) A、回顾式写法 B、横断面描写法 C、闭锁结构 D、开放式结构 5、王昌龄最擅长的是( D ) A、七言律诗 B、七言歌行 C、五言绝句 D、七言绝句 6、中国现代小说的奠基人为( B ) A、巴金 B、鲁讯 C、冰心 D、茅盾 7、曹操的《短歌行》(其一)是一首( C ) A、律诗 B、新乐府 C、乐府旧题 D、绝句 8、在我国现代文学史上,郁达夫是杰出的( D ) A、诗人 B、剧作家 C、杂文家 D、作家 9、下列各句中,对应修辞格完全正确的是( C )(1)虎兕出于柙,龟玉毁于椟中。 (2)是以泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深;王者不却众庶,故能明其德。 (3)白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。 (4)明月松间照,清泉石上流。 A、拟人排比比喻对偶 B、比喻拟人夸张对偶 C、比喻排比夸张对偶 D、拟人比喻对偶夸张 10、下列带点的的词解释正确的是( C ) A、战百万日滋.之师。滋:滋养。 B、字而幼孩,遂.而鸡豚遂:于是。 C、间.道经其门。间:间或,偶尔。

D、凌.余陈兮躐余行。凌:超过。 11、《关山月》用来抒情的线索是( D ) A、笛声 B、歌舞 C、泪痕 D、月夜 12、具体来说,绝句又属于( D ) A、古体诗 B、楚辞体 C、乐府诗 D、格律诗 13、屠格涅夫是俄国十九世纪的( C ) A、现实主义作家 B、自然主义作家 C、批判现实主义作家 D、浪漫主义作家 14、在儒家政治理想中,逊于“大同”社会的是( A ) A、小康社会 B、大道社会 C、春秋社会 D、战国社会 15、“麦琪的礼物”的含义是( A ) A、指主人公的真挚情感及他们的美好心灵 B、指西方国家圣诞节所馈赠的礼物 C、指年轻夫妇德拉和杰姆所购买的表链和梳子 D、指生日礼物 16、郁达夫《故都的秋》是一篇( B ) A、反映地方民情风俗的散文 B、游记散文 C、写景散文 D、记叙文 17、下列句子属于判断句式的是( A ) A、制,岩邑也。 B、广为人长,猿臂。 C、以此常不见悦于长吏。 D、为虏所生得。 18、下列带点的解释正确的是( A ) A、而吾未尝以此自多.者。多:夸耀。 B、举.先王之政,以兴利除弊。举:列举。 C、此所谓藉寇兵而赍.盗粮者也。赍:借给。 D、初守睢阳时,士卒仅.万人。仅:只有。 19、下列画横线的句子翻译正确的是( D ) A、“闻道百,以为莫己若者”,我之谓也。 我之谓也:这是我所说的啊。 B、今将军尚不得夜行,何乃故也。 何乃故也:这是什么缘故呢。 C、虏多且近,即有急,奈何。 即有急:即使遇到紧急情况。 D、愿陛下矜愍诚,听臣微志。 听臣微志:准许我实现这个微小的心愿。


高中起点专科复习资料 四川农业大学编印 复习题说明 1、本套复习题适用于报考高中起点专科、高中起点本科层次的考生。 2、网络教育春、秋入学考试时间,详见四川农业大学网络教育招生简章,具体考试安排以入学考试通知为准。 3、入学考试科目: 高中起点专科:语文、数学、英语 四川农业大学远程与继续教育学院 目录 语文 (1) 数学 (12) 英语 (22) 语文 一、选择题 1、下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是( B ) A、炽热(zhì)跬步(kuǐ) 修葺(qì) B、引擎(qíng) 忏悔(chàn) 滂沱(pāng) C、戕害(qiāng) 攻讦(jié) 肤浅( fú) D、粳米(gēng) 咄咄逼人(duó) 狡黠(xié) 2、下列词语中加点字的读音全部相同的一组是( C ) A、心扉翡翠成线斐然咖啡 B、韶华艄公年高德劭绍兴 C、汲取级别岌岌可危极限 D、瑰丽日晷大家闺秀规章 3、下列词语中加点字的读音全部不相同的一组( D ) A、果脯哺育相辅相成捕风捉影 B、沉疴坎坷苛捐杂税百舸争流 C、潼关瞳孔灯影幢幢憧憬未来 D、悼念泥淖尾大不掉风姿绰约 4、下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组( A ) A、山清水秀青山绿水震耳欲聋振聋发聩

B、名不副实礼上往来呕心沥血如愿以偿 C、故弄悬虚骚人墨客破釜沉舟不计其数 D、和盘托出各行其事扬常而去自辟蹊径 5、下列各组词语中,有两个错别字的一组( B ) A、莘莘学子蓬头垢面虎视眈眈毛骨悚然 B、如雷灌耳娇輮造作闲情逸致绵里藏针 C、融汇贯通旁征博引仗义直言荼毒生灵 D、揠旗息鼓世外桃园记忆尤新贻笑大方 6、依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,正确的一项是( A ) ①据阿Q说,他是在举人老爷家里帮忙。这一节,听的人都了。 ②“你们可看见过杀头么?”阿Q说,“咳,好看。杀革命党,唉,好看好 看……”他摇摇头,将唾沫飞在正对面的走司晨的脸上。这一节,听的人都了。 ③但阿Q又四面一看,忽然扬起右手,照着伸长脖子听得出神的王胡的后项窝 上直劈下去道:“嚓!”王胡惊得一跳,同时电光石火似的赶快缩了头,而听的人又都,而且了。 A、肃然凛然悚然欣然 B、赧然悚然凛然欣然 C、肃然悚然凛然赧然 D、赧然凛然悚然肃然 7、依次填入下列句子中横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( B ) ①由于近几个月来利比里亚国内动荡局势一直没有得到有效控制,国际社会 和联合国援建中的几个大型项目被迫。 ②中国的小说是来自民间的,是人民群众思想、愿望以及生活实际的 ③中国艺术上这种善于运用舞蹈形式,这种辩证地结合着虚和实的独特的创 造手法,也在各种艺术里面。 A、终止反应贯穿 B、中止反映贯穿 C、中止反应贯串 D、终止反映贯串 8、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语最恰当的一组是( C ) ①我们进行了合理的分工,建立了岗位责任制。 ②由于这些条件的吸引,收费惊人,许多家长依然趋之若鹜。



作业 1.第1题 Can you tell me ? A.where does he live B.where he lives C. wherehe does live D.he lives where 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 Her son is ill. She has to him at home. A.look at

4.第4题 When I went to see him, I saw him the violin. A.play B.to play C.playing D.was playing 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第5题 his surprise, the woman a baby is his mother. A.To, and B.With, to C.To, with

D.With, has 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第6题 Will you us for lunch? A. join B.attend C.take part in D.join in 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第7题 The speaker spoke so quickly that()of us could understand him.

A.few B.little C.a few D.a little 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 8.第8题 If wet clothes are()up near a fire, they ()easily. A.hung, will be dry B.hanged, will be dry C.hung, will dry D.hanged, will by 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 9.第9题
