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我教的是高一年级上册,人教版,必修1, unit5, nelson mandela---a modern hero 的第一课,这是一节高中阅读课。


由于第一、二部分联系比较紧密,活动设置也比较好,但我觉得这两部分的活动顺序可以调整一下,即把第二部分放在前面,先呈现图片和简介以引起学生注意力和兴趣,以图片展示的形式激励学生用英语进行语言实践活动,然后归纳出hero的一个模糊标准,为阅读活动做好铺垫。然后再让他们自己说出他们所认为的a great person 所拥有的品质,这样可能更符合学生的思维习惯特点,并且有利于调动他们的积极性和培养他们说语言的能力。

因此,我决定吧第一、二部分结合在一起作为pre-reading 部分来讲,但顺序做一下调整,之后是正式人物曼德拉的登场,进入主题alias眼中的曼德拉,重点把nelson mandela 挑出来,附加更多关于他的信息,稍加重点地呈现,因为他的信息与接下来的reading passage 联系非常紧密,我想通过重点呈现关于他的信息来提高给学生更多background information,帮助他们更好地理解reading text.

第三部分是一个关于elias’ story 的reading text,属于人物传记式的阅读,但是文章的写作角度比较特别,由穷苦的黑人工人alias叙述他眼中的曼德拉,这样的写法比较客观可信。alias的故事与遭遇同时也成为本文与本课的一条贯穿总线,也是这堂课的中心阅读任务。学生要做的主要活动就是阅读并理解文章的内容和大意,同时注意一些重点细节信息的把握。

另外,在时间允许的情况下,我还想做一些扩展性的教学活动,比如让学生复述alias 的经历,即达到检测学生的理解又能挑战学生说英语的能力。

the background of students:

(1) the supporting background information should be given to students before reading to get them ready and not feel difficult.

(2) the teaching procedures and reading task should be designed adaptive to students’ current ability and their cognitive style.

(3) teacher should give students necessary guidance on reading strategies

(4) teacher should be amiable and patient to make students less nervous.

correctly to encourage them and improve their confidence.

teaching plan for s1 a reading lesson (lesson 1, unit 5, 必修1)nelson mandela---a modern hero

name: 颜巧云 class: english 07(4) group: 4-1

teaching/learning objectives

4. develop reading skills: skimming, scanning and generalizing the central meaning of the text

teaching procedures:

stage1. pre-reading (5-10 minutes)

do you think he is a great man?

step2. guess game for prediction (present pictures of 6 famous persons both in nelson mandela.

step2. check ss’ understanding of the main idea of each paragraph through matching.

step2. guide ss to finish t/f exercises and give their reasons to check ss’

understanding of specific information.

information and train their independent thinking and judgment, and help to enhance their ability to organize their ideas logically.

people equal?

e.g. 1940: born

1946: six, educated, 2 years

1948: leave school, could not pay fee


stage3. post-reading (10-15 minutes)

step2. listen to the tape and read the quotes from nelson mandela to help ss feel the passion and the firm faith of the great man.

step3. guide ss to summarize and explore the implied meaning of the text---a great man need not to be famous, he / she must have some good qualities and devote themselves to helping others.

(1) ss try to summarize the language points by themselves

part of verbatim plan for lesson1, unit5, s1a, 必修1

-----nelson mandela- a modern hero

t: (after greeting ss)

ss: (some ss may give their opinions)

t: do you think he is a great man?

ss: yes/no.

ss: yes/ no.

ss: (get into brainstorming)…

t: ok, class, have you finished it?

ss: yes.

篇二:人教版高中英语必修一 unit 5教案

unit 5 nelson mandela——a modern hero

教材分析:本单元以 nelson mandela —— a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人。







teaching aims:

1. to arouse ss’ interest in learning about heroes in history

2. to develop ss’ listening and speaking ability.

teaching procedures:

describe yourselves

discussion (encourage students to give five or six qualities that they think
