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Grade Seven (A)

1. What’s her family name? (P5)

● family name= last name 姓first name = given name 名


英美人的名在前,姓在后。如:Jim Green中,Jim 是first name/ given name, Green是family name/ last name;


(1)单姓单名:姓与名的首字母分别大写。如:Li Ping

(2 ) 单姓双名:名的双字写在一起,只大写第一个名的首字母。如:Yang Liwei

(3 ) 复姓:把复姓写在一起,只大写第一个字母。如:Zhuge Liang



如:My family were eating dinner when uncle Li came in. I have a family, the family is

a happy one.

2. Thanks for the photo of your family. (P 17)

●Thanks = Thank you Thanks a lot = Thank you very much.= Many thanks.

●Thanks f or sth./doing sth. 谢谢你…… Thanks for your help. Thanks for helping me with my English.

Thanks to…多亏…,由于… Thanks to trees and flowers, our school is becoming more and more beautiful.

●a photo of mine 我的一张照片 a photo of me 一张我本人的照片

3. Here is my family photo. ( P17)

●以here, there等副词开头的句子,主谓倒装。(主语为代词时则不倒装)

如:Here comes the bus. Here is your pen. Here you are.=Here it is. Not only have I

been to Beijing, but also I have been to Taiyuan.

4. Please take these things to your brother. Can you bring some things to school?(P23)

●take:把东西从此处带走。bring:把东西由别处带来。fetch/get:去把东西带来(go and bring) carry:携带,搬运(无方向性)




5. That sounds good.(P27)

