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Xx Pp

二,请圈出和图意相符的单词。( 12分)

HK PRC pencil book rabbit


ear nose cook doctor turkey pumpkin 三,请给下面的汉语句子选择恰当的翻译,并把序号填在题号前。(20分)

①( )你叫什么名字?

②( )你几岁?

③( )你的生日是什么时候?

④( )你的爱好是什么?


⑤( )你最喜爱的颜色是什么?

⑥( )你最喜爱的运动是什么?

⑦( )你的家庭地址是什么?

⑧( )你的电子邮件地址是什么?

⑨( )你的电话号码是多少?

⑩( )你想从事什么样的职业?

A. What’s your name?

B. What’s your hobby?

C. What’s your home address?

D. What’s your favorite color?

E. What’s your favorite sport?

F. What’s your e-mail address?

G. What’s your telephone number?H. What do you want to be?

I. How old are you? J. When is your birthday?四,选择填空(将正确答案的序号填入括号里)(20分)()1. I stayed in China. I visited___________

A. the Summer Palace

B. the White House

( )2. 我想知道对方的电话号码,我应该怎么问?

A: Who’s she? B. What’s your phone number?

( )3. May I_____ Sally, please?

A. speak to

B. speak

( )4. 想问别人穿的是什么颜色的衣服,你可以问?A.What color is it? B. This one?

( )5. What’s _______ with you?

A. happened

B. wrong

( )6. In the past my mother________ my room

A. cleaned

B. clean

( )7.A: ____________________

B:I’m eight.

A. How old are you?

B. How are you?

( )8. Where do birds live?

They live in_________.

A. water

B. trees.

( )9. 你同意把东西借给别人,你可以说:___________.

A.Thank you.

B. Here you are.

( )10. How many bananas?

A. Three

B. Two

五,请给下列句子选择相应的图片,将其序号填在括号里。( 12 分)

A B C D ( )1. She wants to be an airhostess.

( )2. They are learning English.

( )3. Sally and Huping are making a New Year card.

( ). I am putting on shoes.

六,请将右图与左边相应的描述连线。( 10分)

1.She has a fever.

2. They are playing on the swing.

3.Bend your Knees.

4. Let’s make a CD for our class.

5. What about roast duck.

七,选择适当的动词完成词组并写出中文意思(18分)。climb learn play stay take help _______some photos ________English

________ each other _______ in bed

____________the mountain _______ on the slide
