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marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1. To be an investor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very____ imagination.

A. vivid

B. bright

C. living

D. colorful

2. The fence along the middle of the highway is devised to _____ vehicles _____ crashing into

each other.

A. protect…against

B. safeguard…against

C. warn…against

D. keep...off

3. As the result of the _____, the diplomatic ties between the two countries were severe.

A. incident

B. accident

C. event

D. occurrence

4. While reading, you can______ the dictionary if you don’t understand one word.

A. look at

B. search for

C. turn to

D. get by

5.—I _____ the town life here.

—Why not com to stay with us in our farm for a while?

A. put up with

B. got tired of

C. got used to

D. came up with

6. The new nurse is so kind that even those who first pushed her out ______ her.

A. go to like

B. turn to like

C. get to like

D. grow to like

7. We shall ______ forget the parting advice of our teacher.

A. always not

B. not always

C. never

D. forever not

8. My brother had a cold last week, so ______ I.

A. had

B. did

C. am

D. have

9. Not only ______ but also he plays the piano and writes his own songs.

A. does john sing

B. sings john

C. john sings

D. does he mention

10. When the bell rang, all the examinees left the exam hall, ______.

A. each smiled

B. each has smiled

C. each to smile

D. each smiling

11. I’m going to have to ______ on quite a lot of things—clothes, records and so on.

A. out off

B. cut away

C. cut out

D. cut down

12. All the students were_____ at the change in their teacher’s appearance.

A. amazed

B. shocked

C. panicked

D. frightened

13. No sooner______ by the committee than they were put into effect.

A. had been the regulations approved

B. had the regulations been approved

C. the regulations had been approved

D. had been approved the regulations

14. VCD was not invented buy any single person, _____ spring into being overnight.

A. so did it

B. not did it

C. nor did it

D. neither it did

15. Seldom___the word fun to describe raising children, for raising children does involve some


A. would choose a parent

B. a parent would choose

C. choose a parent would

D. would a parent choose

16._____could the daughter persuade her mother to allow her into the dressing room to see the

various suits.

A. In no way

B. On the way

C. By the way

D. Under way

17. After they got married, they _________in New York.

A. moved

B. went

C. settled

D. left

18. Even the primary school pupils know that sunlight, water and air are vital_____ the growth of

any plants on the Earth.

A. for

B. with

C. to

D. in

19. Later, you will find if you want to make everyone_____, than you will please none.

A. satisfied

B. to satisfy

C. satisfying

D. satisfy

20. Every employee in this company has the right to enjoy five-day-salaried _____ every year.

A. rest

B. vocation

C. vacation

D. pastime

21. Even if we know every word in an English idiom, it does not mean we can____ it.

A. comprehend

B. intensify

C. result from

D. associate

22. The immigrants have made a most satisfactory_____ to the new environment and integrate

themselves into the new culture.

A. adjustment

B. association

C. character

D. initial

23. _____ poor management, the company whose business was once thriving went bankrupt.

A. Because

B. Due

C. Due to

D. From

24. To an immigrant, frustration may_____ feeling unable to express himself or herself in the

second comfortable with the life here.

A. result from

B. result in

C. result

D. result on

25. The chairman found it difficult to ______ after discussing such a wide range of problems.

A. sum up

B. curious

C. sum in

D. curious of

26. Mr. Green told me he would go abroad for a holiday, but did not______ when and where.

A. tolerate

B. stand out

C. tend

D. mention

27. Mrs. Smith cares so much about her appearance that she can’t______ being seen without wearing makeup.

A. stand out

B. tolerate

C. tend

D. emphasize

28. Generally, little children are so______ that they are always asking questions about whatever they see.

A. outstanding

B. crazy

C. curious

D. sensible

29. The doctor ______ that cosmetic surgery did have some side effects and people should be careful about it.

A. emphasized

B. tolerated

C. tended

D. connected

30. It can’t be denied that in every field of science, art, literature, sport, women have made ______ contributions.

A. standout

B. outstanding

C. stood out

D. Outstand
