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一. 判断题目类型

雅思写作task2题型一般有三大类:report,argumentation 和mixed结构。1)Report:题目中不出现任何观点,只给出一种现象,要求考生分析



2.influence / effect (积极的或消极的)


考题中经常会出现What are…?



1.discuss both views and give your own opinion

2.to what extent do you agree or disagree

3.do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

3)Mixed 结构:“report + argumentation” 的结合体


1. We have developed into a “throw-away society”and are filling up our environment with plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. What are the causes of this phenomenon and recommend some measures to reduce this problem.

2. Television was one of the most important technological developments in the 20th century. It has changed people’s lives. To what extent did the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?

3. We can get news from the media. But many people do not trust the journalists who report news. What are the most important qualities a journalist should have?

4. Some people think stricter punishment for driving offenders is the only effective way to improve safety on the roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5. People today can perform the everyday tasks as shopping, banking, or even business transactions, without meeting others face to face. What effects will this phenomenon have on individuals and society as a whole?

6. Many people work at home using modern technology today. Some people think only the workers benefit from this, not the employers. What is your opinion?

7. Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century?

8. Some people believe that the use of animals for experimentation purposes is cruel. Others believe that it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

9. How can traffic jams in big cities be solved? To develop public transport or to develop private cars?

10. Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

11. In modern society, fashion has become more and more popular in people’s daily lives. What are the causes of this phenomenon? Is it a positive development or a negative development?

12. Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their ideas. What is your view?

13. Some people think the advantages of the spread of English all over the world outweigh its disadvantages. What do you think?

14. Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men. Do you agree or disagree?

15. Some people think that universities should provide graduates with knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?
