2012高考英语总复习 经典易错题会诊与试题预测 听力

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W:Do you know that Michael Owen has won France’s football golden ball prize? M:Not a surprise. He has 20 goals this season.

Q:What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A football player.

B. A football team.

C. A football match. [考场错解] C

[专家把脉] 如果只是听到fooball 和20 goals,会误选C项。本题一人说Michael Owen 获得了足球赛的大奖。另一个说,没什么稀奇的,这次联赛他得了20分。可推知他们讨论的是一个足球运动员,而不是一次比赛或一个足球队。

[对症下药] A


W:Goodmorning,Mr.Lee.Did you sleep well last night after your long fight?

M:Goodmorning.Yes,I did.I feel totally rested and now I’m ready for our meeting. Q:What do we learn about the man?

A. He slept well on the plane.

B. He had a long trip.

C. He had a meeting. [考场错解] A

[专家把脉] 有的学生听到了flight,以为在飞机上休息,误选A项。只是简单地对号入座,落入了陷阱。尽管在对话中没有出现中心词trip,但只要把握了三个时间,以现在为中心,之前是男声坐飞机后休息,女声说:Did you sleep well last night after your long flight?现在是休息完后和女士要进行会谈,男声说:I feel totally rested and nowI’m ready for our meeting.要进行会谈是第三个实际。这样可以把long flight转化成He had a long trip,从而得出正确答案。

[对症下药] B


W:So,how long have you been here?

M:Just a couple of days,actuslly,I am on a big joumey.You know, I’m traveling a11 the places of interest here.

Q:What’s the man doing?

A. He’s working in a hotel.

B. He’s visiting a young people.

C. He’s traveling around.

[考场错解] B

[专家把脉] 本题是一位男子谈论到此地的各个名胜观光的情况,考生需要将听到的零碎信息进行整理和归纳。其中a big joumey,visiting和places of interest here是他谈话的关键,通过对此进行判断就不会误认为是“拜访一个年轻人”了。

[对症下药] C






What are the speakers talking about?

What are the speakers discussing about?

What is the discusssion/talk mainly about?

What is the main idea of the talk?

What’s the man/woman doing?

命题角度2 获取对话或独白中的具伟信息,尤其是的间、地点、数字、价格等


M:Great.This supermarket has everything. I hope this comes to under 75 dollars because

I don’t have monev left.

W:That comes to 75 dollars and 5 cents.

Q:How much should the man pay?

A. 5 dollars

B. 75 dllars

C. 75.05 dollars

[考场错解] B

[专家把脉] 对话中出现了两个数字。男声是I hope this comes to under 75 dollars.只

是希望,那么女声, That comes to 75 dollars and 5 cents.才是正确的。

2.( 典型例题国 ) 听力材料

You’ll be sure to improve your ability to helt) others to realize their goals

and to deal with difficuh tasks on Ihe difficult conditions. The 12-day program will

be in July. If you like, you can use part of your twenty day paid holi- days. There’s

no charge tot this progTam. If you’re interested, please write your name on this piece of paper after the meeting. Thank you.

Q:How hmg will the program last?

A. 8 days.

B. 12 days.

C. 20 days.

[考场易错] C

[专家把脉] 材料中有 if you like, you can use part of your twenty day paid holidays

一句, 可能造成混淆。本题考查对于所听独白中有关时间内容细节的把握。靠近结尾,组织

者交待了The12-day program will be in July.与选项B 相符。虽然可以听到12-day program 这一信息,但与本题题干所问并非原样重复,因此对于一些缺乏信息转换能力的考


3.(经典题) 听力材料

M:The plane for chicago lett 15 minutes ago.

W:That’s right. Now it’s already five to twelve.

Q:When did the plane take off?

A. 12:05

B. 11:55

C. 11:40

[考场错解] B

[专家把脉] 本题问的是飞机起飞的时间。按照对话中男声The plane for Chicago left 15 minutes ago 和女声Now it’s already five to twelve ,那么飞机应该是11:40起飞的。

[对症下药] C


