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国税局:State Administration of Taxation地税局:bureau of local taxation地方税务局:Local Taxation bureau

外汇管理局:Foreign Exchange Control Board财政部:The Ministry of Finance 财政局:finance bureau

海关:the customs统计局: Statistics Bureau工商行政管理局: Administration of Industry and Commerce

出入境检验检疫局:Administration for EntryExit Inspection and Quarantine中国证监会:China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRS) 劳动和社会保障部:Ministry of Labour and Social Security


营业税:Business tax增值税:VAT (value added tax)消费税:Excise印花税:Stamp tax/duty

个人所得税:Personal(Individual) income tax城市维护建设税:City maintenance construction tax

企业所得税:Corporate/enterprise/business income tax资源税:Resource tax土地增值税:Increment tax on land value

房产税:House property tax土地使用税:Land use tax车船使用税:Operation tax of vehicle and ship

耕地占用税:Farmland use tax教育费附加:Extra charges of education funds税收的本质特征: the “three features” of taxation 税收类型:

课征目的:一般税(普通税)General Tax;特别税(目的税,特定目的税)Specific Tax

计税依据:从价税 Ad valorem Tax;从量税Unit tax征收实体:实物税In Kind Tax;货币税Monetized Tax;劳役税 labor Tax 税收和价格关系:价内税 Tax With the Price;价外税Off-price Tax税负转嫁:直接税Direct Tax;间接税Indirect Tax 税收管理权限:中央税Central Tax;地方税Local Tax;中央地方共享税Shared Tax)

课税对象:商品劳务税(销售税)Goods and Services Tax;所得税Income Tax;财产税Property Tax;资源税resource tax


1、纳税人:纳税人(纳税义务人)Tax Payer;负税人Tax Bearer;扣缴义务人Withholding Agent

2、课税对象 Object of Taxation

3、税基 Tax Base

4、税目 Item of Tax

5、税率:税率结构:Tax rate structure 税率等级:Tax bracket

定额税率固定税率,Fixed Tax Rate;比例税率Proportional Tax Rate;

累进税率Progressive Tax Rate全额累进税率(Progressive tax rate in excess of total amount)

超额累进税率(Progressive tax rate in excess of specific amount)

名义税率(表列税率)Nominal Tax Rate;实际税率(有效税率)、实际负担率,Effective Tax Rate

累退税率Regressive tax rate边际税率marginal tax rate;平均税率average tax rate

6、纳税环节impact point of taxation

7、纳税期限tax day;the assessable period for tax payment

8 、纳税地点tax payment place9、减免税(税收优惠),tax preference起征点tax threshold

免征额(费用扣除)tax deduction税收中性tax neutrality预算约束线budget constraint

无差异曲线indifference curve收入效应income effect替代效应substitution effect

税收超额负担deadweight lose; Excess Burden:消费者剩余consumer surplus 生产者剩余producer surplus

需求价格弹性price elasticity of demand供给价格弹性price elasticity of supply

洛伦茨曲线lorenz curve基尼系数gini coefficient税收乘数Multiplier theory

税收自动稳定机制automatic stabilizers——内在稳定器built-in stabilizers

稳健的财政政策:Prudent fiscal policy积极的财政政策:Pro-active fiscal policy

扩张性财政政策:Loose or expansionary policy紧缩性财政政策:Tight or contractionary policy


税收负担Tax Burden税负转嫁Tax Shifting税收归宿Tax Incidence:法定归宿Legal Incidence;经济归宿Economic Incidence

逃漏税Tax Evasion 偷税:tax dodging最优税收optimal taxation

前转Forward Shifting;后转Backward Shifting;混转Diffused Shifting;税收资本化Capitalization of Taxation
