新概念英语第二册(英音新版) 第36课:横渡海峡

新概念英语第二册(英音新版) 第36课:横渡海峡
新概念英语第二册(英音新版) 第36课:横渡海峡


Lesson 26 The best art critics最佳艺术评论家 Who is the student's best critic? I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is 'about'. Of course, many pictures are not 'about' anything. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday. 'What are you doing?' she asked. 'I'm hanging this picture on the wall,' I answered. 'It's a new one. Do you like it?' She looked at it critically for a moment. 'It's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside down?' I looked at it again. She was right! It was! 参考译文 我是个学艺术的学生,画了很多画。有很多人装成很懂现代艺术的样子,总是告诉你一幅画的“意思”是什么。当然,有很多画是什么“意思”也没有的。它们就是些好看的图案,我们喜爱它们就像我们喜欢漂亮的窗帘布一样。我觉得小孩子们往往比任何人都更能欣赏现代绘画,他们观察到的东西更多。我的妹妹只有7岁,但她总能说出我的画是好还是坏。昨天她到我房里来了。 【New words and expressions】(13) art


单词学习 tent n.帐篷 put up a tent搭帐篷 /pitch [pit?] a tent peg down a tent用木桩固定帐篷 pull down a tent拆帐篷 /strike a tent eg. We always sleep in a tent when we go camping.我们宿营时,总是睡在帐篷里。 field n.天地,田野,领域,专业,视野 in the field在田地里 develop unexplored fields of industries开发未曾探索的工业领域 one’s special field某人的专业 a wide field of vision广阔的视野 smell v.闻起来 smelled/smelt 1)(感官动词)+ adj.

2)不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态 eg. The fish smells good.这鱼闻起来不错。 eg. The fish smells delicious.这鱼闻起来就好吃。 这类动词很常见: eg. The story sounds interesting.这故事听起来很有趣。(sound听起来) eg. The girl looks charming.那女孩看上去很有魅力。(look看起来) eg. The material feels soft.这布料摸上去很柔软。 (feel摸起来) smell v.嗅到(实意动词) eg. I can smell trouble coming.我凭直觉感到要有麻烦了。eg. I smelled something burnt.我闻到有什么东西烧糊了。smell round/smell about东嗅西嗅,到处打听 /nose around eg. The dogs were smelling round, perhaps they smelt the thief. 这些狗到处闻,也许它们闻到贼的气味了。


Book II Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me; I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said.I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them ! Do they speak English ? Book II Lesson 26 The best art critics ?I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is 'about'. Of course, many pictures arc not 'about' anything. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday.' What are you doing ?' she asked.' I'm hanging this picture on the wall,' I answered. 'It's a new one. Do you like it ?' She looked at it critically for a moment.' It's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside-down ?' I looked at it again. She was right! It was! Book II Lesson 27 A wet night Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.


新概念英语第一册课后习题及答案:Lesson25-26 Written exercises 书面练习 A Complete these sentences using a or the. 完成以下句子,用a或the填空。 Example: Give me ______ book. Which book? ______ book on the table. Give me a book. Which book? The book on the table. 1 Give me ______ glass. Which glass? ______ empty one. 2 Give me some cups. Which cups? ______ cups on the table. 3 Is there ______ book on ______ table? Yes, there is. Is ______ book red? 4 Is there ______ knife in that box? Yes, there is. Is ______ knife sharp? B Write sentences using these words. 模仿例句写出相对应的句子。 Example: refrigerator in the kitchen/white There's a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. 1 cup on the table/clean 2 box on the floor/large 3 glass in the cupboard/empty 4 knife on the plate/sharp 5 fork on the tin/dirty 6 bottle in the refrigerator/full 7 pencil on the desk/blunt 答案: Lesson 26 A 1 Give me a glass. Which glass? The empty one. 2 Give me some cups. Which cups? The cups on the table.

新概念英语第二册第27课-A wet night

新概念英语第二册第27课:A wet night Lesson 27 A wet night雨夜First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What happened to the boys in the night? Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. 傍晚时分,孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐篷 As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. 这件事刚刚做完,他们就在篝火上烧起了饭 They were all hungry and the food smelled good. 他们全都饿了,饭菜散发出阵阵香味 After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. 他们美美地吃了一顿饭后,就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌 But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. 但过了一阵子。天下起雨来,于是他们扑灭了篝火,钻进了帐篷 Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. 睡袋既暖和又舒服,所以,他们都睡得很香 In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water!

新概念英语 第二册 第27课

新概念英语第二册第27课 书面练习参考答案摘要写作 The boys put up their tent in the middle of a field and cooked a meal. After their meal they told stories and sang songs, but it began to rain, so they crept into their tent. The boys woke up in the middle of the night. The tent was full of water, so they rushed outside. A stream had formed in the field and flowed right under their tent. (69 words) 作文 I am very tall so I must be careful. Doorways are often low and I usually knock my head against them. My head always hurts. I have never met a tall architect. Have you? 书信写作 21 Brook St., Woodside, California, U. S. A. 21st Feb, 19 ____ 难点 1 Mrs. Bowers told her children to put their toys away and go to bed. 2 You can stay here tonight. We can put you up in the spare room. 3 I'm not ready yet. I haven't put my shoes on. 4 ‘Open your exercise books and put down the following,’ the teacher said. 5 Father is putting out the fire he lit in the garden. 6 When they have put up that new building, it will spoil the view. 7 I have put off my trip to Japan until next month. 8 I am getting a divorce. I can't put up with him any longer. 多项选择题讲解 1. 选(d)。 根据课文第5~6行But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent… 只有(d)it had begun to rain and they felt tired才是孩子们去睡觉的原因。(a)it was late是事实,但不是他们睡觉的直接原因;(b)they had sung songs不符合逻辑;(c)it began to rain 只是一方面原因,但不够完整。 2. 选(c)。 根据课文后两行The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under the tent! 只有(c)had camped in the path of a stream(在一条小溪穿过的地方露营)与课文实际情况相符,其它三个选择(a)had a good night's sleep(睡了一晚上好觉)、(b)stayed in their tent all night(整晚呆在他们的帐篷里)、(d)had camped beside a stream(在一条小溪旁露营)都与事实不符。 3. 选(d)。 (a)it put up和(b)their tent put up语序错误,宾语应该放在谓语动词的后面;(c)put up it也不正确,当宾语是代词时应该放在动词和副词之间;只有(d)put their tent up语序正确,宾语tent是名词,既可以放动词和副词之间,也可以放副词之后,所以要选(d)。 4. 选(d)。 (a)As soon不能引导状语从句,因为后面缺少as; (b)Just as(正当)可以引导从句,但它强调两件事情同时发生,而这个句子是表示两件事一前一后发生;(c)Until(直到……为止)词义不对;只有(d)Just after(刚刚……之后)时间正确,也符合语法。 5. 选(d)。 (a)they had hunger不符合英语习惯;(b)they had hungry语法错误,hungry是形容词,它前面应该是连系动词be,而不是had;(c)they were hunger也不符合语法,连系动词were后面应跟形容词,不能跟名词hunger;只有(d)they felt hungry是正确的,动词fell后面既可以跟形容词hungry,也可以跟名词hunger。 6. 选(b)。 只有选(b)near(在……旁)才能同前一句中的by the campfire(在篝火旁)意思相同;(a)close 是形容词,后面要加上介词to;(c)besides是介词,但表示“除……之外”,词义不对;(d)at(在……)没有“在……旁”的意思。 7. 选(a)。 本句是一般过去时的疑问句,需要选正确的谓语动词。只有选(a)flow是正确的;(b)flowed是过去式,在疑问句中已经用助动词did提问了,就不应该再用过去式了;(c)flew是fly(飞)的过去式,时态和词义都不对;(d)fly词义不正确。 8. 选(d)。 (a)sing songs(唱歌)、(b)tell stories(讲故事)、(c)play(玩)这三个选择都不能同前面的They cooked a meal构成因果关系,因此不符合逻辑;只有(d)eat(吃)才是They cooked a meal的原因,所以是正确答案。 9. 选(d)。 本句是对前一句The boys had put out the campfire (孩子们扑灭了篝火)的解释说明。(a)switched on (打开电源开关)不符合题义:(b)on fire(着火)意思不通;(c)on(打开的)指电源而不是指火,be动词和on连在一起还有“上演”的意思;三者都不对。只有(d)alight(着火的,照亮的)是表语形容词,在这里作表语,并同前一句意思相同,是正确的。 10. 选(c)。 只有选(c)were very quiet(很安静)才与前面的They crept into their tent(他们钻进帐篷)的意思相符,因为creep有“蹑手蹑脚”的含义。而(a)made a lot of noise(制造很多噪音)、(b)ran quidkly(快 跑)、(d)were very noisy(非常吵闹)这三个选择都不符合creep的含义。 11. 选(c)。 只有(c)comfortable(舒适的)最符合句子的要求,因为连系动词were后面应该跟形容词作表语,说明sleeping bags的状况。(a)a comfort是名词、(b)in comfort是介词短语、(d)comfortably是副词,词性都不对。 12. 选(c)。 只有(c)deeply(深深地)修饰sleep才与前一句的soundly(香甜地)意思相近;而(a)noisily(吵闹地)、(b)fast(快)都不符合题义;(d)good(好的)是形容词,不能修饰动词sleep。 1


新概念英语第二册:第26课课文详解及语法解析课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.They always tell you what a picture is‘about’.(他们)总是告诉你一张画的“意思”是什么。 This is a book about Australia. 这是一本关于澳大利亚的书。 They are talking about modern art. 他们在谈论现代艺术。 课文中这句话能够直译为:他们总是告诉你某一幅画是“关于”什么的,也就是一幅画的“意思”是什么。about放在引号里,一是指这些人谈论画的时候经常用到这个词,二是表示一种讽刺,因为有些画没有任何“意思”。 2.They are just pretty patterns.它们就是些好看的图案。 just在此处指“仅仅”、“仅仅(是)”,而不是指“刚才”、“正好”、“正是: It was just a wrong number. 这仅仅一个错误的号码。(即只不过是拨错了号码) It's just six o'clock. 正好6点。 I've just heard the news. 我刚刚听到这个消息。

3.We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. 我们喜爱它们就像我们喜爱漂亮的窗帘布一样。 in the same way that/as是个连接短语,用于表示比较,可译 为“像/和……一样”: She walks in the same way that/as her sister did. 她的走路姿势和她姐姐以前走路的姿势一模一样。 4.I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. 我觉得小孩子们往往比任何人 都更能欣赏现代绘画。 else经常与不定代词连用(如everyone else,someone else,anything else等),表示“另外/加”、“其它/他的”或“不同的”: Can you find anyone else? 你还能够找到其他人吗? I can find nothing else here except an old dictionary. 除了一本旧字典,我在这儿再也找不到别的东西了。 课文中的这句话表示小孩子们比其他任何人都更能欣赏现代绘画。 5.…she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. ……她总能说出我的画是好还是坏。 连接词whether…or not能够表示选择: I don't know whether you are interested (in it) or not.


新概念英语第一册第25课L e s s o n25课文单词知识点

精品资料 Lesson25 Mrs. Smith's kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. It is on the right. There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. The cooker is blue. It is on the left. There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a bottle on the table. The bottle is empty. There is a cup on the table, too. The cup is clean. 史密斯夫人的厨房很小。厨房里有个电冰箱。 冰箱的颜色是白的。 它位于房间右侧。 厨房里有个电灶。 电灶的颜色是蓝的。 它位于房间左侧。 房间的中央有张桌子。桌子上有个瓶子。 瓶子是空的。 桌子上还有一只杯子。杯子很干净。

精品资料 【知识点讲解】 1. 今天我们将学到和方位有关的表达方式。文中提到:on the right(left), 在右边(左边);和in the middle of, 在中间。我们再补充几个: 在……上面(有接触的):on sth. 比如“桌子上有一只盒子”:There's a box on the table. 在……上面(没有接触的):above sth. 比如“桌子上方有一只鸟”:There's a bird above the table. 在……里面:in sth. 比如“盒子里有个皮球”:There's a ball in the box. 在……下面:under sth. 比如“桌子下面有只猫”:There's a cat under the table. 2. “哪里有什么东西”这样的句型我们用There is ... + 表示方位的词组 + 名词这样的句式表达。 3. 几个重点单词:refrigerator是冰箱的意思,一般口语中用其简称 fridge ;cooker这个词不是厨师的意思,而是炊具。英语中的厨师用cook, 或是chief来表示。

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第25课

Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗? Why does the writer not understand the porter? I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. he answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder. In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English? 参考译文 我终于到了伦敦。火车站很大,又黑又暗。我不知道去饭店的路该怎么走,于是向一个搬运工打听。我的英语 讲得不但非常认真,而且咬字也非常清楚。然而搬运工却不明白我的话。我把问话重复了很多遍。他终于听懂 了。他回答了,但他讲得既不慢也不清楚。“我是个外国人,”我说。于是他说得慢了,可我还是听不懂。我的 老师从来不那样讲英语!我和搬运工相视一笑。接着,他说了点什么,这回我听懂了。“您会很快学会英语 的!”他说。我感到奇怪。在英国,人们各自说着一种不同的语言。英国人之间相互听得懂,可我却不懂他们的话!他们说的是英语吗? 【New words and expressions】(5) railway n. 铁路,铁道 [U] (Br.) / railroad (Am.) a line of railway 一条铁路 railway station 火车站 railway n. 轨道 (pl.) [C] eg. The railway was opened to traffic last year. 这条铁路是去年通车的。 high level railway 高架铁路 表示―地铁‖的词汇: subway ['s?bwei] (Am.) tube [tju:b] (Br.) underground (Br.) metro ['metr?u] (Paris) 地铁 rail n. 横杆,扶手,围栏,轨道 jump rail 出轨


新概念英语第二册Lesson34~36课文注释 新概念英语第二册Lesson34课文注释 1.Dan Robinson has been worried all week. 丹·鲁宾逊焦虑 了整整一个星期。 worried 在这里能够当成是形容词,表示“焦虑的”、“担心的”。worry 也能够作及物动词,表示“使担心/发愁”等: She appears to be worried by/ about something. 好像有什么事使她发愁。(用于被动语态时,过去分词与形容词意义差不多) 2.the local police,当地警察局。 local 能够表示“地方性的”或“当地的”、“本地的”: a local newspaper 地方性报纸 local news 本地新闻 local shops邻近的商店 3.Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police…丹奇怪警 察为什么找他…… (1) wonder表示“想知道”时后面往往跟疑问词引导的从句:She wondered who that man was/ what had happened. 她想知道那个人 是谁/到底发生了什么事。 (2) want用于被动语态时能够表示“想与(某人见面、谈话等)”或“缉拿”、“追捕”: Please wait a minute. I'm wanted on the phone.

请等一下。有我的电话。 This is the man (who is) wanted by the police. 这就是警察在追捕的那个人。 4.a smiling policeman ,一位面带笑容的警察。 smiling 为现在分词,作定语,其作用相当于形容词。还能够说: a sleeping dog 一只睡着的狗 a worried face 一张焦虑的脸 5.Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. 那位警 察对他说,那辆自行车是5天前在400英里外的一个小村里发现的。 (1)这句话实际上是一个间接引语(cf.第15课语法),其正常语序 应为: The policeman told him that five days ago the bicycle was picked up…语序变化后,the policeman told him成了插入成分,引导从句的that也被省略,引述的部分被分割成两部分。 (2) four hundred miles away修饰 village,相当于从句 which wasfour hundred miles away。 (3) pick up的含义之一为“(偶然地、无意地)获得”、“找到”、“学会”: I've picked up a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 I picked up some French while travelling in Paris. 在巴黎游览期间我学了几句法语。 He picked up the book in a small library.


新概念二——第22~25课测试满分:100 姓名:得分: 第一部分:基础知识考核(25分) 一、课文原文翻译句子(每题3分,共15分) 1.然而,他们还是决定利用邮局。 2. 去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简(Jane)把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子,又将瓶子扔进了大海。 3. 这栋房子在我姐姐离开之前就已动工了,是在5个月以前完工的。 4. 它肯定是这个地区(或辖区)唯一的一栋现代化住宅。 5. 他开始抱怨起来这个邪恶的世道来,但却被一阵敲门声打断了。 二、语法点考核(每题1分,共10分) ()1. --Have you had ________ breakfast yet? -- No, not yet. A./ B. a C. the D. an ()2. Let’s look at the bag. Can you see _____“s”on the corner of_____ bag? A. a, a B. a, the C. an, a D. an, the ()3. There is egg on the table, egg is for you. A. a, A B. an, An C. an, The D. the, An ()4. Our teacher told us that _______ moon moves around ______ earth, and ________ earth circles________ sun. A. a, a, a, a B. an, an, an, an C. the, the, the, the D. /, /, /, / ()5. At that time, he was studying in_______ university. And it was a famous one. A./ B. the C. a , D. an ()6. We are doing much better ______ English _______ our teacher’s help. A. in, at B. at, in C. in, with D. with, with ()7. The food _______ my hometown is quite different ______that there. A. in, like B. to, from C. from, to D. in, from ()8. Before 1992, there was no airline _________ the two cities. A. along B. in C. between D. among ()9. ________the new computer, travellers at the offices of CAAC can now buy their air tickets much faster. A. Because B. Thanks for C. Thanks to D. Since ()10. He had _________ much work to do that he couldn’t go out. A. so B. such C. as D. or

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第二十六课

单词学习 art 1) [U]艺术,美术 an art student一个学艺术的学生 an art gallery ['ɡ?l?ri]画廊 an art critic艺术评论家 an art lover艺术爱好者 eg. Art is long; Life is short.(谚)艺术长久,人生短暂。arts pl.文科 languages, literature, history Bachelor ['b?t??l?] of Arts文学学士学位 Bachelor of Science理科学士学位 bachelor’s degree学士学位 master’s degree硕士学位 doctor’s degree博士学位 B. A. in English for trade外贸英语专业的文学学士学位 2)技术,技巧,窍门

eg. He is good at the art of making friends.他擅长交朋友。 arts and crafts [krɑ:ft]工艺 artist n.艺术家,画家 eg. He is a great critic and artist.他是著名的评论家兼画家。 critic n. 评论家,批评家 eg. I’m my own critic.我是一个严于律己的人。 a music critic音乐评论家 a theatre critic戏剧评论家 a literary ['lit?r?ri] critic文学评论家 eg. He is famous as an art critic.他是位著名的艺术评论家。 critical adj.批评的,评论的,苛刻的,岌岌可危的,(疾病)危急的a critical remark批评性的评论 eg. Why are you always so critical?你怎么老是吹毛求疵? eg. That teacher is too critical of his students.那个老师对学生太苛刻了。 a critical situation危急的情况 eg. He is now in a critical condition.他现在病况危急。 critically adv.苛刻的,非难的


新概念英语第二册第25-34课测试卷 一、单词与短语互译(30分) 1.not only…but…as well 2.neither…nor.. 3.外国人 4.鉴赏 5.材料 6.上下颠倒地 7.put up one’s tent 8.wind one’s way across…9.舒适的,安逸的10.爬到…里面11.believe in ancient myths 12.没有效果13.从某地飞往某地14.废弃(v)15.偏僻的,人迹罕至的16.row on the river 17. be out of sight 18.对某人大声喊19.a book of his own 20.他早年的艰难岁月21.一个穿着讲究的女人 22.最昂贵的物品之一23.出发,动身 24.struggle up the cliffs 25.向岸边游去 26.在前面(adv.)27.不知不觉地发现某人处在… 28.拜访某地29.not any more 30.一个十五岁的男孩 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空(20分) 1.The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west . 2.”You (joke),”I replied. “I (not know) anyone who does .” 3. She (pay) the bill and (leave) the shop. 4.”Up till now I (be) to New York three times .” he (add) 5.She never expected her bicycle (find). The thief (question). 6.On (arrive) at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she (see). 7.He (worry) all week. Last Saturday he (receive) a letter from the local police . 8.”You (always be) late , Tom .”his teacher (say). “You (be)late five times this week. You (be) nearly late every class . Don’t (be) late next time. Or I’ll punish you. Then I (call) up your mother.” 三、句子翻译(15分) 1.她的英文讲得不但非常认真,而且吐字也非常清楚。(not only …but …as well) 2.他们中还没有一个变成石头呢!(none of them) 3.那个把飞机降落在田里的飞行员没有受伤。(whose, hurt) 4.和往常一样有去和河边坐着。(as usual ) 5.在我二十几岁的时候,我常在一家小商店干活。(in one’s +整数,used to do ) 6.人们不再像以前那样诚实了。(not so …as…) 四、单项填空(30分) 1.You cannot fail to obey it. You can’t ________to do this. a. refuse b. deny c. resist d. withdraw 2.If she _________she will get a surprise.


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 36 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 36 练习答案Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A What will happen: will set out ; will have; will not eat What is going to happen: is going to swim ; is going to set out What will be happening: will be watching; will be waiting C 1 We are going to leave at six o'clock. 2 I am going to pay these bills tomorrow. 3 Are you going to write to him 4 She is not going to look for a new job. 5 When are you going to buy a new car 2.难点练习答案 1 firm 2 watched 3 look at 4 solid/firm 5 firm 3.多项选择题答案 1. a 只有a. Both Debbie’s parents are very interested in their daughter’s attempt to swim the Channel 是正确的,符合课

文的实际情况。其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。 2. d 根据课文第8行Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours(黛比打算每隔两个小时休息一会儿)可以判断,只有d. will stop at intervals during the swim 符合课文的真实情况,其他3个选择都与课文的内容不符。 3. d 只有选d. of 才符合习惯用法和语法,sure of 是“确信,肯定”的意思。其他3个选择都不能同sure搭配。 4. c 只有c. while 是连词,可以引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”。因此c.是最合乎语法和题目意思的,应该选c. a. though meanwhile 不是正确的表达方式; b. meanwhile(与此同时)是副词,不能引导从句;d. during(在……期间),是介词,也不能引导从句。 5. d 本句的回答是Every two hours,因此可以推断本句是针对频率提问的,只有d. How often 是针对频率提问的,所以选d.其他都不是针对频率提问的。 6. c 只有选c. most 最符合习惯用法和题目意思,most of them “他们中的大部分”的意思,因此c 是正确的答案。 a. more , 和d. the more 都不对,通常可以用some of them, many of them, 或most of them,但一般不用more of them这样的表达方式。 b. the most 也不符合习惯用法,在most of them这样的短语中不需要加定冠词the.
