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Traffic noise is caused by launching and running of various automobile, motorcycle, tractor caused, it is an unstable, noise, and the sound source with liquidity, the effect of surface is wide, about 40% city noise sources, with feeling, limitations, pollution,dispersion, energy, wave and difficult avoidance, latent harm. Sound insulation is one of the most commonly used technology of noise control, sound insulation member is mainly used to make the sound source and receiver separately, transmission blocking air sound, so as to achieve the purpose of noise control technology. Method for setting the sound barrier is simple, economic, convenient disassembly and movement, widely used in noise control engineering. The design for the vertical height of 3.5m sound barrier, adopts the materials of double layer 1.5mm thick steel plate, the protection of the primary school and the life of the surrounding residents normal, noise reduction after the noise is reduced to meet the national standard, to the teaching area and residential area in a quiet and comfortable environment.

Keywords: traffic noise; sound insulation; ecological acoustic barrier


第一章总论 (1)

1.1 设计目的 (1)

1.2 设计任务和内容 (1)

1.2.1 设计内容 (1)

1.2.2 设计要求 (1)

1.2.3 设计原则 (2)

1.2.4 设计依据 (2)

1.3 噪声基本知识 (3)

1.3.1 噪声来源 (3)

1.3.2 噪声的危害 (3)

1.3.3 噪声控制技术 (4)

第二章声屏障的相关知识 (5)

2.1 声学原理 (5)

2.1.1 绕射 (5)

2.1.2 透射 (6)

2.1.3 反射 (6)

第三章声屏障设计与计算 (7)

3.1 声屏障设计要点 (7)

3.2 声屏障设计目标值的确定 (7)

3.2.1 噪声标准 (7)

3.2.2 噪声保护对象的确定 (8)

3.2.3 代表性受声点的确定 (8)

3.2.4 声屏障设计目标值 (8)

3.3 位置的确定 (9)

3.4 几何尺寸的确定 (9)

3.4.1 绕射声衰减计算 (9)

3.4.2 透射声修正量△Lt的计算 (13)

3.4.3 反射修正量计算 (13)

3.4.4 障碍物声衰减的确定 (13)

3.4.5 地面吸收衰减的确定 (13)

3.4.6 吸声降噪量的确定 (14)

3.4.7 声屏障实际插入损失 (14)

3.5 小结 (15)

第四章声屏障的选材 (16)

4.1 声屏障的形状的选择 (16)

4.1.1 直立型声屏障 (16)

4.1.2 折板型和弯曲型声屏障 (16)

4.1.3 半封闭型声屏障 (16)

4.1.4 全封闭型声屏障 (16)

4.2 声屏障材料的选择 (16)

4.2.1 FC板 (17)

4.2.2 PC板 (17)

4.2.3 彩钢复合板 (17)

4.2.4 金属隔声板 (17)

4.3 本设计采用的声屏障材料 (18)

总结 (19)

参考文献 (20)
