





21. A考查人称代词。句意为:我的姑妈住在加拿大。她会今年夏天回来看我们。填空部分人称代词指代的是姑妈,故选A。

22. C考查介词。端午节在今年的六月九日。六月九日是具体日期,故选C。

23.B 考查连词。A表示转折;B表示顺承;C表示或者;D表示因果。句意为他告诉了他父母他的想法,并且他们觉得这个想法很好。故选B。


25. B考查现在完成时。从回答中的时间标志词since可知用现在完成时。故选B。

26. C考查形容词比较级。quicker是quick的比较级,形容词比较级前可用much强调,表示更快,而形容词原形和最高级前面不能用much修饰。故选C

27. D考查时态。句意为Lisa昨天早上八点在跑步。昨天早上要用过去时。由具体时间八


28. D考查现在完成时。句意为:我不能出去玩,因为我的作业还没有做完。句尾有yet,是现在完成时标志,故选D。

29. B考查情态动词。句意为:——妈妈我现在能看电视吗?——不能,你必须先整理房间。must表示命令。故选B。



31. C. 考察上下文理解,从本空前一句中的fun可以看出作者喜欢,所以是like

32. B. 考察上下文理解,从本空后一句中的I wrote an article...可知是要交一篇writing

33. B. 考察利用因果逻辑分析理解上下文的能力,for表原因,作者的爸爸从改一个句子到最后把作者的整篇文章都改了,是因为作者没有阻止他那么做,所以选stop

34. D. 考察上下文理解,从下文的much better 可知是wonderful

35. A. 考察对人物情绪情感的分析能力,当老师说"welcome to..." 即告诉作者被录用的好消息时,作者的反应当然应该是excited ,这个部分But before I could be excite, he added,... 应该这么理解: 我还没来得及兴奋, 他就又说道。。。。。。把这一点理解到位,这道题才能做对,本题难度稍大。

36. A. 考察固定搭配tell the truth 从上下文可知作者不敢也不能告诉老师其实第一篇交上的文章是爸爸完全改写的真,所以选truth

37. D. 考察对人物情绪情感的分析能力,从下一段老师对作者说的话明显看出老师对作者后来交的文章是不满意和比较失望的,有点失望的,因为希望作者后来写的文章能跟第一次交的一个水平(但那是作者父亲的写作水平,而不是作者自己的) ,所以选


38. B.考察一词多义,reached the level of在这里意为" 达到。。。。。。的水平"

39. D. 本考察对人物情绪情感的分析能力,本题比较容易在realise 和complained两个选项中徘徊,认真分析下文my father rewrote...instead of 这不是意识到的某个道理,而本身就是事实,所以不选realise; 后面还有一个But 转折的逻辑关系,"但内心知道根本上还是'自己'的错,因为是'自己'允许父亲那样做的,所以前面就应该是一种抱怨的情绪,前后才能形成转折的逻辑关系,即虽然抱怨父亲那样做

导致我遭受的shame ,但内心知道根本上还是自己的错,因为自己允许父亲那样做的,并没有进行阻止。

40.C考察固定短语a bright side的含义和对文章升华的主题的理解, that school experience had a bright side 在学校的那次经历有积极意义的一面,符合完形类文章积极向上的主题导向。



41. B 细节题。由Musical Chairs段最后一句Monday is rock night可知周一晚上有摇滚乐。故选B。

42. A 细节题。由The Chocolate Box段最后一句可知餐厅只提供像巧克力和蛋糕一类的甜食。B与倒数第二句矛盾,C、D未在本段提及,故选A。

43. C 细节题。由Fast Best段第二句和第三句This is the right place可知C选项正确。B 选项与本段最后一句矛盾;A、D未在本段提及,故选C。

44. D 细节题。题干为哪个餐厅最适合电影或者表演开始之前,或结束之后去吃饭。Last Day of The Raj段的第一句后半句与题干完全相同。故选D


45. B细节题。由第二段第二句They would collect rubbish and then get it to a place 可知B选项正确。C选项find“drop off”places是进行垃圾回收项目的一个流程,不是目的。故选B。

46. D细节题。由第四段前两句可知church man愿意帮助捡垃圾。故选D。

47. C细节题。由第五段第三句The community center put a note about the recycling center in their monthly newsletter可知选C。



49.B 细节题。从第二段第三行“But Aug gie has deformities of the face and looks very different from the other children”可得知.故选B

50.D 细节题。从第三段第三行“He worries that other students will look at him and say terrible things.”可得知,故选D

51.B 细节题。从最后一段第二行“Many schools use the book to start discussions about bull ying,friendship and being different.”可得知,学校用这本书引导学生讨论霸凌,友谊和与众不同,旨在教育学生,故选B


52.A 猜词题。从第一段的however(然而)可以推断出,作者想要表达的情绪是与之前描述的便利所相反的,所以选A,Interruptive打扰的

53.C 细节题。从第二段的“Even the most out-going people sometimes need some “down

time” to calm down on her own and get relaxed. This is something that I consider necessary and healthy”可得知,所以选C

54.B 推断题。从倒数第二段的“We judge ourselves and other people by the photos they put online, so we can tell how much fun they are having compared to us.”和“but being wrapped up in what other pe ople are doing or always thinking about other people’s recognition of us can be quite unhealthy.”可得知,故选B

55.D 主旨题。从全文可得知,作者认为随着科技的发展,人们很少有自己的独处时间,然而平衡自己独处和与他人共度的闲暇时间非常重要。故选D,用疑问句的形式引发读者思考。


56-60 DCBAE



61. It suggests that you only keep the necessary and important things and get rid of everything else.

62. She sold them on line.

63. She felt excited.

64. Because we are often told that it’s better to have more things.

65. It helps us to keep our rooms tidy, have a clear and organized mind, save money and really value the things we have.




(略写)Para. 1 Lead in(邀请)+ when and where( the answer to Q1)

●when:this weekend

●where:Beihai Park

(详写)Para. 2 Activities( the answer to Q2)

●in the morning:walk, go boating—— to appreciate the scenery along the


●at noon:have a picnic,enjoy delicious food——to develop cooking skills,

team spirit,experience the happiness of working and dinin together

●in the afternoon:play games in groups,such as playing cards,playing hide-

and-seek……——to develop friendship and social skills

(略写)Para. 3 advice for Peter (necessary preparations)+ wish(the answer to Q3)

●camera,sunblock(防晒霜) sunglasses,sunhat and so on

●casual clothes,comfortable shoes


(略写)Para. 1 Lead in+what family members should do to build a happy family

● A happy family is important for everyone.

●love , understand ,help

(详) Para. 2what +why (附加自己这么做的理由或好处以充实内容)

●respect parents: be polite to them;listen to them patiently and never talk

back-to make them feel happy and satisfied

●share the housework-relieve them of their heavy burden

●buy gifts for parents on important days such as their birhthdays-to express

love and thanks

(略写) Para. 3 what (room for improvement还需哪些方面改进)+wish(提出希望和号召)


spend more time with parents: the whole family watch TV or some good movies together and share opinions,or travel together,...

create more chances for communication so as to narrow the generation gap

volunteer to teach them how to use certain modern forms of communication such as We-Chat, QQ and so on-to make their life much easier and more colorful


If we...

I believe/hope...

