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think about(思考) hear about(听说) move about(走来走去)

set about(着手;开始) bring about(带来;促成) care about(对…感兴趣)


look at(看) stare at(凝视) glare at(怒目注视)

gaze at(凝视) glance at(扫视) tear at(用力撕)

work at(用功) wonder at(对…感到惊讶)


throwaway(扔掉) clear away(清除) carry away(拿走;使狂喜)

blow away(吹走) die away(逐渐消失) wash away(冲掉)

run away(逃走) pass away(去世)


pass by(从…旁边经过) sit by(袖手旁观)


turn down(调小;拒绝) cut down(砍掉;削减) take down(记下) break down(打破;坏掉) burn down(烧毁) close down(停业)

calm down(平静下来) pull down(拉倒;摧毁) drop down(突然掉下) ☺动词+from

hear from(收到…的信) learn from(向…学习) suffer from(受…苦)

differ from(与…不同) result from(由于) die from(因…而死)


call for(需要) care for(关心;喜欢) wait for(等候)

long for(渴望) ask for(请求;要求) search for(寻找;探索) apologize for(道歉) apply for(申请) stand for(表示)

hunt for(寻找) provide for(提供) run for(竞选)


give in(投降;让步) hand in(上交) bring in(引进)

drop in(拜访) succeed in(成功) take in(接纳)

result in(导致) join in(参加) fill in(填写)

persist in(坚持) trade in(交易;从事)


run into(跑进;撞;陷入) burst into(闯入) look into(向…里面看;调查) grow into 成长为; 变得成熟有经验


think of(想到) dream of (梦想到) consist of(由…组成) speak of(谈到) talk of(谈到) hear of(听说)

die of(因…而死) be tired of(讨厌) complain of(抱怨)


pay off (偿清债务) start off (起程) leave off(中断)

call off (取消) get off (下车) take off(脱下)

show off(卖弄;炫耀) see off(送别) go off(食物等变坏) ring off 挂断电话


depend on(依靠) rely on (依靠) insist on (坚持)

keep on(继续) go on (继续) carry on (继续)

hold on 继续, 不挂断


bear out 证实

bring out(使明显;生产) bust out laughing/crying(突然笑/哭起来)

pick out(挑选) figure out(算出) set out(出发)

turn out(产生) hold out(伸出;坚持) wear out (用尽;穿破)

carry out (贯彻执行) point out(指出) hand out(分发)

break out(爆发) help out(帮助某人解决问题/摆脱困境)


go over(复习;翻阅) get over(复原;完成) take over(接收/过)

look over(检查;查阅) watch over(守卫)


get through(通过;干完) carry through(完成) break through(突破)

look through(透过…看去;仔细查看)


grow up(长大) give up(放弃) do up(包扎;梳理头发)

hold up(举起;受阻) mix up(混淆) feed up(使厌烦;过饱)

hurry up(赶快) lock up(锁上) bring up(抚养)

break up(拆开;结束) put up 建立(房屋) pick up捡起, 获得

set up建立show up(出现;露面)

build up(建立) end up with sth/by doing sth (以…结束)

ring up 打电话给某人

take up 拿起, 开始从事, 继续, 拘留, 占据tidy up(整理)


deal with(处理) meet with(遇见) compare with(与…比较)

talk with(与…谈论) begin with(以…开始) agree with(同意;与…吻合)

disagree with(不同意) equip with(装备) combine with(与…联合)


break away from脱离;打破break down(机器、车辆等)坏了break in打断(说话)

break into闯入;破门而人break out突然发生;爆发 break the law违法;犯法

break the record打破纪录break through突破

break up 打碎, 结束, 驱散


bring about引起;导致bring back带回;想起bring in带进;引入

bring on 引起, 导致, 使发展, 提出

bring out取出;显示bring down减少bring to使苏醒

bring up养育;提出


call in 召集, 召来, 来访call on 号召, 访问call at打给某人, 访问,停靠

call out 出动, 大声叫唤

call for 要求, 为...叫喊call up 召唤, 使想起, 提出, 打电话给


come along快点;来吧come about产生come across走过;偶然遇见comeback回来come down下来;(价格等)下降come from来自

come in进来come on快来;开始come out出来;出版

come to来到;结果是come true实现come up走过来;到场;(从土中)长出;发芽☺cut

cut off 切断, 剥夺继承权cut through 抄近路走过, 刺穿
