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英语:高考听力模拟试题(60)听力材料及答案第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

1. What do we know about Jeff?

A. He may get separated in the crowd.

B. He doesn't like speaking in public.

C. He has to go to another meeting first.

2. What are the two speakers doing?

A. Making transportation arrangements.

B. Giving instructions to the drivers.

C. Checking all the cars carefully.

3. Why did Carl go to the hospital today?

A. To see the doctor.

B. To take care of his wife.

C. To pay a visit to his daughter.

4. Where can the man get the letter from the woman?

A. In the mountains.

B. In his aunt's house.

C. In his own home.

5. What are the two speakers going to do?

A. At Try to phone Ann.

B. Go to look for Ann.

C. Wait for Ann till 11:00.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


6. Where have the two speakers most probably been

A. To a party

B. To a concert.

C. To a teahouse.

7. What do the two speakers regret doing?

A. Having the drink.

B. Smoking the cigarettes.

C. Accepting the invitation.


8. How long did the man study in England?

A. For 2 years.

B. For 3 years.

C. For 4 years.

9. When did the man return to his old company?

A. In 1985.

B. In 1989.

C. In 1995.

10. What job does the man do now?

A. He is a clerk.

B. He is a salesman.

C. He is a sales manager.


11. What are the man and woman mainly talking about?

A. Taking pictures.

B. Buying cameras.

C. Developing films.

12. What problem does the man have when taking pictures?

A. His indoor shots are too dark.

B. His pictures are often unclear.

C. He can't find good subjects.

13. What is the man probably going to do after the conversation?

A. Find out the price of a camera.

B. Take a picture of the woman.

C. Have his film developed.


14. Why does the woman talk to the man?

A. To discuss his trip to Mexico.

B. To bring him a message from Prof. Grant.

C. To see what progress he's made in his study.

15. Where does this conversation take place?

A. At a library.

B. In a classroom.

C. On a campground.

16. What seems to be the man's problem?

A. He can't sleep well at night.

B. He can't find a quiet place to study.

C. He can't narrow down his research topic. 听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。

17. What is the speaker talking mainly about?

A. Music program

B. The hospital regulation.

C. The visiting hours.

18. When is the speaker talking?

A. In the morning.

B. In the evening.

C. In the afternoon.

19. Who are the listeners?

A. Visitors.

B. Patients.

C. Nurses.

20. Which is not allowed in the hospital?

A. Dropping in on patients in the morning.

B. Listening to the hospital radio.

C. Smoking in any area.


1-10 BACBC ACACC 11-20 ABACA CBCBA 听力文稿:
