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When you’re packing for an adventure, what’s the most important thing you’ll need? __36__ Or better yet, a GPS. What about other animals, how do they know where they’re going?

While humans depend on technology to travel, some animals have something far more advanced. Researchers, mainly from Oregon State University, US, found that Chinook salmon (鲑鱼) have a “built -in GPS” of the Earth’s magnetic field. __37__ It acts like a big map inside their brain.

Scientists placed some baby salmon into a big swimming pool. To simulate (模拟) the Earth’s

magnetic field, they put magnetic coils (线圈) all around the pool. Then, by changing the direction of the coils, the salmon began to change their own direction. They started to face in the direction of their ocean feeding area. ___38__When the scientists changed the coils to the opposite side, the salmon also turned in the opposite direction. Just by using their “built -in GPS”, the salmon were able to figure out the direction of their feeding area.

___39___The scientists believe that their navigation skills came through evolution. The fish that were able to reach the feeding area lived longer. ___40___ So if you’re ever lost and in need of some help, maybe you should ask a salmon to point you in the right direction!

A. How did Chinook salmon get their “built -in GPS”?

B. If you don’t want to get lost, you’ll need a map!

C. This is a safe place in the ocean where salmon can find food to eat.

D. Then they could pass on their navigation skills to their babies.

E. However, the magnetic field is likely not the only tool salmon use to navigate.

F. It turns out young salmon don’t just learn quickly, they don’t need to learn at all.

G. This means as soon as they are born they are able to direct themselves in the ocean 【2017安徽滁州中学高三上9月试题】

How do learning habits influence learning results? It’s useful and necessary to discuss

shows the importance of habits.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” also 62 (show) a healthy everyday habit helps to build up our body. Thus, good learning habits can help us gain great learning results, high scores and abundant knowledge 63 (include). At first, learning habits form our ways of thinking and 64 (attitude) to the content of our learning. 65 (obvious), a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations. As we can see, developing a good habit is so important that I would like to introduce one kind of good learning habits —keeping 66 learning diary every day. We can start the habit by 67 (write) a learning summary and remember to record something impressive and meaningful. Keep it in mind, 68 gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.

What’s 69 (much), I find out that I still have some bad learning habits 70 well. I can only concentrate on reading for a short time, and I will conquer the problem by spending more efforts on concentration practice.

I believe through my efforts, I can gain good learning results by having good habits.

61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

70. 【2017甘肃武威第18中学高三上11月试题】

As students, all of us will be faced a problem after passed the college entrance examination. Should we choose a good major and a good university first?

Here are some different ideas. Some more prefer to choose a major first so they can learn that they are interested in. In this way they can put their hearts into study and got their favorite jobs in the future. Other believe that the environment is important t o one’s develop and that graduates from key universities are more likely to find good jobs. As long as I’m concerned, the best choice is a good university if they can’t obtain all.
