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Chapter 1

“My mind was racing.”大脑(思维)快速运转

“Jacobi nosed our car up in front of the Lorenzo.”nose v. (车辆、船只等)缓慢前行

grungy 肮脏的,难闻的,蹩脚的,低劣的

forbidding (外表)可怕的,令人生畏的,不友好的

“(Somewhere) is so forbidding even the sun won’t cross the street.”

curb n. 路缘围栏

license plate 车牌

“Jacobi peeled off a ten in exchange for a slip of paper.”peel off 从一摞(某物)最上面抽出一张 a slip of paper 一张纸片

junkie 吸毒者;上瘾的人;废品旧货商

rookie 新手(green hand)

“’Yes , ma’am,’he said , logging me in.”log sb. In 记下来,登记

twelve-by-twelve-foot 十二乘十二平方英尺

fuse n.保险丝v.(使)熔合;(使)合并

wraith [C] 阴魂,幽灵

flick 弹去,拂去;拍动,抖动;“啪”地打开(或关闭)

vial 小瓶,小药水瓶

mattress 床垫;褥垫

stain 染污,沾污;染色

-ette 小的kitchenette 小厨房cigarette 小雪茄(香烟)

rank and file 普通成员

paraphernalia [U] 个人随身物品,装备;烦琐的手续

“The air in the bathroom was thick , almost soupy.”形容雾浓,空气潮湿extension cord 延长线路

socket (电源)插座

clogged 堵塞的

toilet bowl 抽水马桶

guts n. 魄力,勇气;决心;内脏,肠v. (尤指从内部)彻底毁坏(尤指烧毁);洗劫一空

clench your fists/teeth 握紧拳头/咬紧牙齿

“My guts clenched as I caught the dead boy in my beam.”catch 发现skinny 瘦削的,皮包骨的

blond 金发碧眼的男子blonde 金发女人

bulge v. 鼓起;塞满,充满n. 膨胀;鼓起(肿胀)部位;骤增

foam n. 泡沫v. 起泡沫

nostril 鼻孔

old-fashioned 老式的

glint 闪烁,闪光;眼睛发亮(显露出不友好的眼神)

Let’s propose a toast to…为……干杯!

debit card 借记卡

“He’s toast , all right .”all right 加强语气,确实

commanding 指挥的,统帅的;威严的

homicide 谋杀,杀人,凶杀案

detail (军队中的)任务;特遣队(员)Homicide detail 凶杀案调查特遣队,重案组“I wasn’t supposed to do hands-on detective work anymore.”hands-on 亲手参与的

“But at times like this .”times 时候

“I just couldn’t stay away.”can’t stay away 不能袖手旁观

electrocute 使触电受伤(身亡)

“Was he a random victim of violence or was it personal?”personal 有个人针对性的

“In my mind’s eye , ….”in sb.’s mind’s eye 在某人的想象中

flail 胡乱挥动;用棍子打

-icide 杀pesticide 杀虫剂suicide 自杀homicide 凶杀

north by west 北偏西

standing water 静水,定水,积水

creep 匍匐而行;蔓生;(不知不觉地)渐渐产生或出现

“knowing full/perfectly/only too well …”非常清楚地知道full adv.

whine 哀诉;悲鸣;吱吱响

nasal 鼻子的;有鼻音的

squeal 发出长而尖锐的声音

hinge n. 门枢;铰链v. hinge on/upon 取决于

Where on earth have you been ? on earth 强调

Chapter 2

grisly 恐怖的,可怕的;令人极其厌恶的

CSU Channel Service Unit 信道服务单元

forensic 法庭的;法医的forensic equipment 验尸器具

yank 猛拉,使劲拉

“Thank you , Jesus.”Jesus = Gee

“as light flooded the god-awful place.”flood 倾斜在……上

rifle n. 来复枪v. 迅速翻遍;洗劫(某地)

scrap n. 小块,碎屑;废品v. 放弃,抛弃;报废

ID identity 身份

medical examiner 验尸官

nasty 不友善的,恶毒的;难闻/看/吃的;糟糕的

“more of a sister to me.”更像是我的姐姐

“I swallowed hard , forcing down the gorge that kept rising in my throat.”make sb.’s gorge rise 令人作呕;令人非常愤怒

reach in 伸手进去reach out 伸出手;帮助The church needs to find new ways to reach out to the young people.
