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Unit 4 Earthquakes


1 ruin



①The castle has fallen into rain.那城堡已破败不堪。

②An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.那次地震过后,全城到处是残垣断壁。‘

③It poured with rain and my dress got/was mined.大雨倾盆,我的连衣裙已淋得不成样子了。


fall into ruin崩塌

come/go to ruin毁灭,崩溃

lie in ruins成为废墟

the ruins of Yuanmingyuan圆明园遗迹

bring sb.to ruin使某人破产

ruin one’s hopes使某人希望破灭

ruin oneself自取灭亡

ruin one’s health/fame毁坏某人的健康/名誉





He has ruined his health through drinking.



I damaged my shoes in football practice today.今天练习踢足球时我把鞋弄坏了。


The building was completely destroyed by fire. 那栋房子被火烧得一干二净。

On hearing the news,all my hopes were destroyed. 一听到这个消息,我所有的希望都破灭了。


Quarreling completely spoiled the dinner,which broke up in discord.


I do hate to spoil your fun,but I’ve got something urgent to tell you.


2 shock vt.&vi.(使)震动,震惊;(使)受电击n.打击;震惊;震动[C]令人震惊的人或事People were shocked.(回归课本P26)

①1 was shocked to see him alone.我很吃惊地发现他独自一人。

②I felt the shock as the aircraft hit the ground.飞机着陆时我感觉到震了一下。

③If you touch this live wire,you’11 get a shock.如果触摸这条带电的电线,你就会遭到电击。归纳拓展

shocked口办震惊的,震撼的shocking adj.令人震惊的

with/from shock由于震惊

a shocking accident令人吃惊的事故

be shocked at对……感到吃惊

be shocked to do深感意外地去做



①They were shocked by her rudeness .他们对她的无礼感到震惊。 ②What a shocking waste of time!时间的浪费多么惊人呀!

(2)当表示具体的令人震惊的人或事的时候,shock 是可数名词,这一点常和冠词一起考查。如: The news of his mother’s death was a terrible shock to him . 他母亲去世的噩耗使他非常震惊。 3 Trap

vt .(trapped ,trapped)使陷入困境;设陷阱捕 n .陷阱;困境;捕捉(动物的)夹子

①I told him how Heathcliff had trapped US ,and that Cathy was probably married to Linton by now .我告诉他希斯克利夫是如何骗我们入了圈套,还有凯茜很可能已嫁给了林顿。 ②The thieves were caught in a police trap .窃贼落人警方设的陷阱而被捕。

③The lift broke down and we were trapped inside(it).电梯出了故障,我们被困在里面了。 归纳拓展

(1)fall into a trap :be caught in a trap 掉人陷阱;落人圈套

lay/set a trap(for)安装捕捉机;设陷阱,设圈套 (2)trap sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事

By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession .他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。 It’S cruel to trap birds .诱捕乌是很残忍的。

4教材原句P26:Twothirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.他们中有2/3在地震中伤亡


injured adj .受伤的,受委屈的

the injured 伤员an injured look/expression 委屈的样子/表情injured pride/feelings 受到伤害的自尊/情感


injury n .伤,伤口;伤害do an injury to sb.伤害某人 ①While crossing the road ,an old man was knocked down by a car and badly injured.过马路时,一位老人被汽车撞倒且严重受伤。

②Your words may injure her pride.你的话也许会伤她的自尊。 ③The injured were taken to the hospital.受伤者被送进了医院。

5 judge n .法官,审判员;鉴赏家vt .审理;鉴定;判断;认为 vt 判断;评价

Your speech was heard by a group of five judges ,all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.(回归课本P30) 归纳拓展

judgement n .审判,判决;判断力;意见,看法,评价 judge sb./sth.from/by...从……来判断 judge between right and wrong 判断是非 as far as I can judge 据我判断,我认为 judging by/from 从……上看;根据……判断

don ’t judge a book by its cover 勿以貌取人;勿只凭外表判断

①I can’t judge whether he is right or wrong.我不能断定他是对还是错。 ②Judging from his expression ,he was satisfied with my work.


③As far as I can judge ,it is he rather than you is to blame.据我判断,是他而不是你该受责备。 ④In my judgement ,it is necessary to pay him a visit.在我看来,有必要去拜访一下他。 特别提示

judging from/by….置于句首作状语,v-ing 形式不受主语的限制,构成独立成分。类似的用法还有: generally speaking 一般来说 frankly speaking 坦白地说 considering 考虑到…… to tell you the truth 说实话

6 congratulationn .祝贺,庆贺;贺词(复数)

①I show the congratulation to Mrs Jones because her son won in the high jump match .我向琼斯夫人表示祝贺,因为她的儿子在跳高比赛中获胜了。

②Congratulations on winning the football game .祝贺赢得这场足球赛。 归纳拓展

congratulations(to sb)on/upon(doing)sth 祝贺(某人)在某方面取得成就 offer/send sb’S congratulations to sb 向某人致以祝贺
