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1.air 常见意思:n.空气不常见意思:v.通风

She airs the room every day.

bine 常见意思:v.联合不常见意思:n.联合收割机

The farmers are harvesting with combines.

3.empty 常见意思:adj.空的不常见意思:v.倒空

He emptied his bag in order to find his keys.

4.sandwich 常见意思:三明治不常见意思:v.夹在中间

He was sandwiched between two fat men.

5.swallow 常见意思:v.吞咽不常见意思:n.燕子

Now that the day is getting warm, the swallows shall return soon.

6.pound 常见意思:n.磅;英镑不常见意思:v.猛击;捣烂

He was so angry that he pounded the wall with his fists.

Pound the herb and cover the injured area with it.

7.drop 常见意思:v.掉落不常见意思:n.硬糖

She took out a lemon drop.

8.die 常见意思:v.死亡不常见意思:n.骰子

You need to have a die to play this game.

9.shoot 常见意思:v.射击不常见意思:n.嫩芽

Giant pandas like to eat bamboo shoots

10.weather 常见意思:n.天气不常见意思:v.平安地渡过

The ship has weathered several terrible storms.

11.minute 常见意思:n.分钟不常见意思:adj.极小的(注意发音)

There is only a minute change in the plan.

12.novel 常见意思:n.小说不常见意思:adj.新奇的

He came up with a novel idea.

13.cushion 常见意思:n.垫子不常见意思:v.缓冲

This device is intended to cushion the impact.

14.clock 常见意思:n.钟不常见意思:v.计时

You run around the playground and I will clock you.


What make is this pen?

16.go 常见意思:v.去不常见意思:n.尝试

I opened the can at one go.

17.safe 常见意思:adj.安全的不常见意思:n.保险柜

There is an iron safe in my room.

18.sink 常见意思:v.沉没不常见意思:n.水槽

He is doing the dishes in the sink.

19.pay 常见意思:v.支付不常见意思:n.报酬

The pay of my job is low.

20.felt 常见意思:feel的过去式和过去分词不常见意思:n.毛毡She locked the felt in the case.

21.blind 常见意思:adj.盲的不常见意思:n.百叶窗

The soldiers opened the blind.

22.count 常见意思:v.计算不常见意思:n.伯爵

