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.罗克韦尔自动化与思科系统 合作伙伴简介行业领先企业提供整个企业范围的无缝安全连接当今的制造企业必须更迅速地响应不断变化的市场和运营环境,同时又不能牺牲效率。这使得制造商迫切需要融合和连接整个价值链中众多彼此隔离的生产系统和过程。为此,他们寻求在整个企业范围内进行无缝安全连接。不过,由于制造工程师和 IT 专业人员的优先级不同,实现这种连接会有一定难度。制造工程师往往最关注设备的运行速度和正常运行时间,而 IT 专业人员则主要关注数据传输的安全性和可靠性。通过正确的设计指导,制造商能够利用单网络架构和真正协调的方法满足这些优先级要求。罗克韦尔自动化和思科致力于在车间和高级信息系统之间搭建技术和文化的衔接桥梁,从而在帮助制造商提高经营业绩方面成为业内最具价值的资源。通过产品、服务和培训资源方面的成功合作,这些行业领导者能够帮助制造商融合其网络基础设施,以及使用 EtherNet/IP 这一世界 领先的开放式工业以太网网络紧 密集成技术与业务系统。现在,制造商具备了成熟的 一体化控制和信息基础架构, 能够提供工厂和企业范围 内所需的速度、正常运行 时间、安全性和稳定性, 从而促进生产、劳动力优 化以及业务转型。网络融合的价值为了能够更快地响应不断变化的市场和运营环境,制造商需要在车间和 IT 业务系统之间实现无缝安全连接。而罗克韦尔自动化与思科的合作呈现了最有价值的资源,为制造业和工业环境提供了全厂融合以太网 (CPwE) 架构。

融合网络架构对制造商具有以下帮助:• 降低总拥有成本• 加强运营反应能力• 缩短产品上市时间• 保护重要的制造系统• 提高经营业绩Rockwell Automation and Cisco Systems Partner Profi le Industry Leaders Deliver Seamless, Secure Connectivity Across the Enterprise Today’s manufacturing companies must become more responsive to changing market and operational conditions without sacrifi cing effi ciency. This has created urgency for manufacturers to converge and connect the multitude of isolated production systems and processes throughout their entire value chain. To do that, they look for seamless, secure connectivity across the enterprise. However, this connectivity can be diffi cult as manufacturing engineers and IT professionals have different priorities. Manufacturing engineers tend to care most about speed and uptime of equipment, while IT professionals care most about security and reliability of data transmission. With the right design guidance, manufacturers can meet these priorities with a single network architecture and truly harmonized approach.Rockwell Automation and Cisco are committed to being the most valuable resource in the industry to help manufacturers improve business performance by bridging the technical and cultural gaps between plant-fl oor and higher-level information systems. Through successful collaboration on products, services and educational resources, these industry leaders enable manufacturers to converge their network infrastructure and tightly integrate technical and business systems using EtherNet/IP – the world’s leading open industrial Ethernet network.Manufacturers now have a proven, unifi ed control and information infrastructure that delivers the speed, uptime, security and reliability they need across the factory fl oor

and enterprise for production and workforce optimization and business transformation. The Value of

Network Convergence

T o be more responsive to changing

market and operational conditions,

manufacturers need seamless, secure connectivity between plant-fl oor and

business IT systems. T ogether,

Rockwell Automation and Cisco

present the most valuable resource

in delivering Converged Plantwide

Ethernet (CPwE) Architectures

for manufacturing and industrial environments.

A converged network architecture will

help manufacturers to:

• Lower total cost of ownership

• Improve operational responsiveness

• Reduce time to market

• Protect critical manufacturing systems

• Improve business performance
