


中医学:traditional Chinese medicine;

中医药学:traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy 中医基础理论:basic theory of TCM

中药:Chinese material medica

中药学:traditional Chinese pharmacy

中西医结合:integreted traditional Chinese and Western medicine

中医诊断学:diagnosis of TCM

中医方剂学:science of traditional Chinese formula

中医内科学:internal medicine of TCM

中医皮肤病学:dermatology of TCM

中医肛肠病学:proctology of TCM

中医妇科学:gynecology of TCM

中医儿科学:pediatrics of TCM

中医眼科学:ophthalmology of TCM

中医耳鼻喉科学:oto rhino laryn gology of TCM

中医骨伤科学:orthopedics (矫正外科学) and traumatology (创伤学) of TCM

针灸学:acupuncture and moxibustion

中医推拿学:traditional Chinese tuina

中医养生学:traditonal Chinese life cultivation

中医康复学:traditonal Chinese rehabilitation

温病学:warm disease study / science of epidemic febrile (发热的,发烧的) disease of TCM

中医各家学说:theories of different schools in TCM

中药炮制学:processing of Chinese herbal medicinals


Out-patient department 门诊部

In-patient department 住院部

Nursing department 护理部

Admission office 住院处

Discharge office 出院处

Registration office 挂号处

Reception room, waiting room 候诊室

Consultation room 诊察室

Isolation room 隔离室

Delivery room 分娩室

Emergency room 急诊室

Ward 病房

Department of internal medicine 内科

Department of surgery 外科

Department of pediatrics 儿科

Department of obstetrics(产科学) and gynecology 妇产科Department of neurology 神经科

Department of ophtalmology 眼科

E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科(ear-nose-throat department)Department of stomatology 口腔科

Department of urology 泌尿科

Department of orthopedic 骨科

Department of traumatology 创伤科

Department of endocrinology 内分泌科Department of anesthesiology 麻醉科Department of dermatology 皮肤科Department of infectious diseases 传染病科Department of pathology 病理科Department of psychiatry 精神科Department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科Department of cerebral surgery 脑外科Department of thoracic surgery 胸外科

Pharmacy dispensary 药房

Nutrition department 营养部

Diet-preparation department 配膳室Therapeutic department 治疗室Operating room 手术室

Blood-bank 血站

Supply-room 供应室

Disinfection-room 消毒室

Record room 病案室

doctor’s office 医生办公室

nurse’s office 护士办公室


director of the hospital 院长

physician 内科医师

chief physician 主任医师

associate chief physician 副主任医师attending doctor 主治医师

resident doctor 住院医师

intern doctor 实习医师

general practitioner 全科医师

specialist 专科医师

head of the nursing department 护理部主任Head nurse 护士长

Student nurse 实习护士


inspection 望诊

inquiry 问诊

auscultation 听诊

percussion 扣诊

palpation 触诊

consultation 会诊

emergency 急诊

diagnosis 诊断

prognosis 预后

recovery 康复

treatment 治疗

prescribe 开药方

pathological section 病理切片

ECG (electrocardiogram) examination 心电图检查EEG (electroencephalogram) examination 脑电图检查

skin-test 皮肤试验

examination by centesis 穿刺检查routine analysis of blood 血常规分析urine analysis of blood 尿常规分析

red blood cell count (RBC) 红细胞计数white blood cell count (WBC) 白细胞计数general check-up 全身检查

routine examination 常规检查

follow-up examination 随访检查

injection 注射

hypodermic injection 皮下注射intramuscular injection 肌肉注射intravenous injection 静脉注射

fluid infusion 点滴注射

blood transfusion 输血

dose 剂量

tablet 药片

capsule 胶囊

liquid medicine 药水

powder 药粉

ointment 药膏(软膏)plaster 硬膏,石膏

lotion 洗剂

side effect, adverse effect 副作用operative treatment 手术疗法major operation 大手术

minor operation 小手术anesthesia 麻醉

general anesthesia 全身麻醉local anesthesia 局部麻醉hemostasis 止血

dressing 包扎

sew up the incision 缝合切口

remove the stitches 拆线

diet 饮食

special diet 特定饮食

low protein diet 低蛋白饮食

low fat diet 低脂肪饮食

low calorie diet 低热量饮食

liquid diet 流质饮食

semi-liquid diet 半流质饮食

solid diet 固体饮食

light diet 易消化的饮食

vegetable diet 素食


diseases 疾病

acute diseases 急性病

advanced diseases 病沉重期,晚期疾病chronic diseases慢性病

communicable diseases 传染病

infectious diseases 传染病

contagious diseases接触性传染病complicating diseases 并发病

congenital diseases 先天性疾病

acquired diseases 后天性疾病

endemic diseases 地方病

functional diseases 机能病、官能病inherited diseases 遗传病

malignant diseases恶性病

occupation diseases 职业病

periodical diseases 周期病

primary (principal) diseases原发(主导)病secondary diseases 继发病

terminal diseases 绝症

chief complaint 主诉

clinical manifestation 临床表现


family history 家族史

history / medical history 病史

marital status婚姻状况

past history既往史

pathogenesis 发病机制

vital sign 生命体征

body length (height of the body) 身高body weight 体重

emaciation 消瘦

flushed face 面色潮红

gain (loss) in weight 增加(减轻)体重obesity 肥胖

pallor 苍白

agitation 焦急不安

debility, weakness 虚弱

dizziness, vertigo 眩晕

lassitude, fatigue 无力,倦怠

night sweat 盗汗

spontaneous sweating 自汗

numbness 麻木

perspiration, sweating 出汗

itching 痒

burning pain 灼痛

angina 绞痛

cardiac angina 心绞痛

backache 背痛

toothache 牙痛

bloody sputum 带血的痰

cough 咳嗽

dry cough 干咳

anorexia, loss of appetite 食欲不振,厌食belching 嗳气

flatulence 气胀

hiccough, hiccup 打呃,呃逆

nausea 恶心

regurgitation 反胃,回流

thirsty 口渴

vomiting 呕吐

diarrhea 腹泻

defecation 排便

incontinence 大便失禁

urinary incontinence 尿失禁

therapies 治疗方法

acupuncture therapy 针刺疗法

block therapy 封闭疗法

chemical therpy (chemo-therapy) 化学疗法combined therapy 综合疗法conservative therapy 保守疗法

dietetic therapy 饮食疗法

operative treatment 手术疗法

physical therapy 物理疗法psychotherapy 精神疗法


The cardiovascular system 心血管系统

The circulatory system 循环系统

The respiratory system 呼吸系统

The digestive system 消化系统

The (central) nervous system (中枢)神经系统The immune system 免疫系统

The urinary system 泌尿系统

The excretory system 排泄系统

The reproductive / genital system 生殖系统The endocrine system 内分泌系统

The muscular system 肌肉系统

The bone & joint system 骨、关节系统

7. 医院类型名称

general hospital 综合医院children hospital 儿童医院tumour hospital 肿瘤医院chest hospital 胸科医院field hospital 野战医院military hospital 部队医院municipal hospital 市立医院mental hospital 精神医院infectious hospital 传染医院

affiliated hospital 附属医院training hospital 教学医院


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。本文描绘并阐述了各系统的主要部分。 The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made. 骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。它对软组织及人体器官起到支持和保护作用,并牵动骨胳肌,引起各种运动。人体有206根骨头。骨形态不一,有长的、短、立方的、扁的及不规则的。许多长骨里有一个内层间隙,里面充填着骨髓,这即是血细胞的制造场所。 A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. 关节把骨与骨连接起来。颅骨不能运动,是由于骨与骨之间的连接太紧密。但其它的关节可允许活动,如一个平面上的前后屈伸运动,如肘关节;或是绕轴心旋转运动,如枢轴点允许头部转动。如果一根骨的球形末端插入另一根骨的臼槽里,大辐度的运动(如肩关节、髋关节)即成为可能。 Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult. 软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。它是骨连结的保护、缓冲层。它把肋骨与胸骨连结起来,也是鼻腔与内耳的结构基础。一个婴儿的骨骼就是由软骨组成,然后不断生长、


医学英语:试验设计常用词汇 SFDA Glossary: GCP,GLP,TRIAL Accuracy 准确度 Active control, AC 阳性对照,活性对照Adverse drug reaction, ADR 药物不良反应Adverse event, AE 不良事件 Adverse medical events 不良医学事件Adverse reaction 药物不良反应 Alb 白蛋白 ALD(Approximate Lethal Dose)近似致死剂量ALP 碱性磷酸酶 Alpha spending function 消耗函数 ALT 丙氨酸氨基转换酶 Analysis sets 统计分析的数据集 Approval 批准 Assistant investigator 助理研究者 AST 天门冬酸氨基转换酶 ATR 衰减全反射法 AUCss 稳态血药浓度-时间曲线下面积 Audit 稽查 Audit or inspection 稽查/视察 Audit report 稽查报告 Auditor 稽查员 Bias 偏性,偏倚 Bioequivalence 生物等效应 Blank control 空白对照 Blind codes 编制盲底 Blind review 盲态审核 Blind review 盲态检查 Blinding method 盲法 Blinding/ masking 盲法,设盲 Block 分段 Block 层

Block size 每段的长度 BUN 尿素氮 Carryover effect 延滞效应 Case history 病历 Case report form 病例报告表 Case report form/ case record form, CRF 病例报告表,病例记录表Categorical variable 分类变量 Cav 平均浓度 CD 圆二色谱 CL 清除率 Clinical equivalence 临床等效应 Clinical study 临床研究 Clinical study report 临床试验的总结报告 Clinical trial 临床试验 Clinical trial application, CTA 临床试验申请 Clinical trial exemption, CTX 临床试验免责 Clinical trial protocol, CTP 临床试验方案 Clinical trial/ study report 临床试验报告 Cmax 峰浓度 Co-investigator 合作研究者 Comparison 对照 Compliance 依从性 Composite variable 复合变量 Computer-assisted trial design, CATD 计算机辅助试验设计Confidence interval 可信区间 Confidence level 置信水平 Consistency test 一致性检验 Contract research organization, CRO 合同研究组织 Contract/ agreement 协议/合同 Control group 对照组 Coordinating committee 协调委员会 Crea 肌酐 CRF(case report form) 病例报告表 Crossover design 交叉设计 Cross-over study 交叉研究


第一章医学英语词汇 医学领域涉及的科学和专业广泛,不仅包括基础医学和临床医学的诸多学科,还涉及化学和物理两大基础学科领域,甚至社会科学领域中的诸多学科和专业。因此,医学英语词汇数量庞大,其词汇量高达数十万。同时,由于医学专业的历史渊源,医学英语词汇大多含有希腊语和拉丁语成分,一些医学英语单词显得古怪而陌生,单词结构长而复杂。但就其构词法上基本遵循普通英语单词的构词规律,也往往由前缀、词根、后缀组成,虽然具有其自身的特点,也是可以找到规律的。因此,医学英语词汇构词法,理解与掌握单词尤其是组合词构成的基本知识,牢记必要的基本词素,就能找到掌握医学英语词汇的捷径。 第一节医学英语词汇的结构 一、医学词素 一般认为,词是语言中可独立使用表达意思的最小单位。但是,从结构方面来看时,词并不是最小的语言单位,许多单词可以细分为更小的,同时也是具有意义的单位.这些最小的有意义的单位就是词素。 医学词素(morpheme)是医学语词的组成部分,是医学英语中语音和语义的最小结合体。一个医学语词可以由一个词素构成,也可以由两个或两个以上的词素构成。从语义方面来看,医学词素有两种类型。一种医学词素含有明确的词汇意义,表达单词的主要意义,这类词素称为词根。例如,orth(o)-(正常的)、plasma(血浆)、reticul(o)-(网状)等。其中,plasma可以单独使用,这类词根称为自由词根。另外两个不能单独使用,是黏着词根,这类词根必须与其他词素结合使用。还有一类医学词素是词缀。词缀也有两种,一种屈折词缀只有语法意义而没有词汇的意义(如表示名词复数-s);另一咱派生词缀有一定的词汇意义,但只表达单词的次要意义。 二、医学词根 医学词根(root)是医学语词的基本形式,承载着医学语词的核心意义。一般认为,词根是同根词共有的、可以辨认的部分,也就是说,词根可以在不同的单词里出现,但它的基本形式和含义相同。例如,erythroblast(成红细胞)、erythrocatalysis(红细胞溶解)、erythroclasis(红细胞破碎)和erythrocytopenia(红细胞减少)都有一个共同的词根“erythr(o)-”(红的)。这一词根在不同的语词里出现,但形式没有什么变化,含义也相同。


常用骨科医学专业英语词汇 骨科ORTHOPEDICS 1、概论INTRODUCTION *fracture n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折 *open fracture 开放骨折 close fracture 闭合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 压缩骨折 shock n.休克 *deformity n.畸形 tenderness n.压痛 swelling n.肿胀 ecchymosis n.瘀斑 obstacle n.功能障碍 *bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染 spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤 surrounding nerve 周围神经 *fat embolism 脂肪栓塞 bedsore n.褥疮

arthroclisis n.关节僵硬 ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死 ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩 *traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎 hematoma n.血肿 *callus n.骨痂 heal n.愈合 *synovitis n.滑膜炎 *ligament n.韧带 *tendon n.肌腱 * pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 *reduction n.复位 *bone traction 骨牵引 *osteoporosis n.骨质疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨 *humerus n.肱骨 *rotation n.旋转 supracondyle n.髁上 blister n.水疱 pulsate n.搏动 thrombus n.血栓


医学专业英语翻译 医学专业英语翻译如下: portable electric dental engine 轻便电动钻牙机,轻便牙钻portable hearing aid 袖珍助听器 portable microtome 手提式切片机 portable monitor 手提式监护仪 portable obstetric table 轻便产床 portable operating table 轻便手术台 portable photoelectric colorimeter 便携式光电比色计 portable suction unit 便携式吸引器 portable testing set 便携式测试仪器 portable typewriter 手提式打字机 portable X-ray machine 手提式X 光机 portacid 移酸滴管,滴酸器 portal 门,入门 portal venography 门静脉造影术 port B/L 港口提单 portcaustic 腐蚀药把持器 porte 柄 porte-acid 移酸滴管,滴酸器

porte-aiguille 持针器 porte-caustique 腐蚀药把持器 porte-ligature 深部结扎器,缚线把持器porte-meche 填塞条器 porte-noeud 瘤蒂结扎器 porte-polisher 握柄磨光器 porterage 搬运费 portial impression trays 局部牙托portion 部分,段,份 portligature 深部结扎器,缚线把线器port of arrival 到达港 port of delivery 交货港 port of departure 出发港 port of destination 到达港目的港 port of discharge 卸货港 portogram 门静脉造影片 portoraphy 门静脉造影术portovenogram 门静脉造影片 posion 阴离子,阳向离子 position 位置,状态 positioner 定位器(牙),位置控制器


疾病Disease anemia, anaemia 贫血 angina pectoris 心绞痛appendicitis 阑尾炎 arthritis 关节炎 bronchitis 支气管炎 cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他, 粘膜炎 chicken pox, varicella 水痘cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒, 伤风, 着凉(head) cold 患感冒 diabetes 糖尿病 diphtheria 白喉 eczema 湿疹 epilepsy 癫痫 erysipelas 丹毒 gangrene 坏疽 German measles, rubella 风疹 gout 痛风 headache 头痛 hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫, 半身不遂 icterus, jaundice 黄疸indigestion 消化不良influenza, flu 流感 insanity 精神病 leukemia 白血病 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition 营养不良Malta fever 马耳他热, 波状 热 measles 麻疹 migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌 梗塞 mumps 流行性腮腺炎 neuralgia 神经痛 neurasthenia 神经衰弱paralysis 麻痹 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pharyngitis 咽炎 phtisis 痨病, 肺结核pneumonia 肺炎 poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎rabies 狂犬病 rheumatism 风湿病 rickets, rachitis 佝偻病scabies, itch 疥疮 scarlet fever 猩红热 sciatica 坐骨神经痛 sclerosis 硬化 septicemia, septicaemia 败 血病 sinusitis 窦炎 smallpox 天花 swamp fever 沼地热 syncope 晕厥 syphilis 梅毒 tetanus 破伤风 thrombosis 血栓形成


cardiovascular diseases; 脑垂体的功能the function of pituitary; 泌尿道urinary tract; 分子molecule; 动脉artery; 内分泌学endocrinology; 呼吸困难dyspnea; 唾液saliva; 组织学histology; 血液循环blood circulation; 血液学hematology; 生理学physiology; 解剖学anatomy; 女性生殖系统femal reproductive system; 神经细胞nerve cell; 免疫学immunology; 消化不良dyspepsia; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 胚胎学embryology; 心理学psychology; 细胞学cytology; 原生质protoplasm; 细胞膜cell membrane; 细胞核nucleus; 细胞质(浆)cytoplasm; 脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid; 能半渗透的semipermeable; 分子生物学molecular biology; 碳水化合物carbohydrate; 有区别性的differentially; 使…完整intact; 根据according to; 遗传特性hereditary trait; 渗滤diffusion; 转换transaction; 蓝图blueprint; 染色体chromosome; 色素pigment; 排出废液excrete waste fluid; 散开disperse; 脉冲信号impulse; 核糖核酸ribonucleic acid; 损害正常功能impair the normal function; 污染环境pollute environment; 功能失调malfunction; 致病因子causative agents; 易受侵害的人群vulnerable groups; 局部化的感染localized infection; 花柳病venereal disease; 抗原与抗体antigen&antibody; 肌电图electromyogram; 多发性硬化multiple sclerosis; 心电图electrocardiograph; 疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease; 光纤技术fiber optic technology; 造血系统hematopoietic system; 致命的疾病fatal disease; 体液body fluid; 无副作用的治疗hazard-free treatment; 无侵犯的实验检查non-invasive laboratory test; 核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance; 葡萄糖耐糖实验the glucose-tolerance test; 乐观的预后optimistic prognosis; 超声波检测法ultrasonography; 病史medical history; 随访活动follow-up visit; 营养不良nutritional deficiency; 使细节显著highlight detail; 脑电图electroencephalogram; 缺血的组织blood-starved tissue; 肌纤维muscle fiber; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 消化道alimentary canal; 肌腹fleshy belly of muscle; 横纹肌striated muscle; 肌肉痉挛cramps of muscle; 肌肉收缩muscle contraction; 肌肉附着点attachment of the muscle; 肌肉放松relaxation of muscle; 动脉出血arterial hemorrhage; 止端insertion;起端origion;供血blood supply; 屈肌flexor; 蛋白分子protein molecule; 纤维结缔组织fibrous connective tissue; 伸肌extensor; 意志力willpower; 横切面transverse section; 起搏器pacemaker; 肌萎缩muscle atrophy; 重症肌无力myasthenia gravis; 弥散性局部缺血diffuse ischemia; 常染色体隐性autosomal recessive; 全身性感染systemic infection; 受累的肌肉muscle involved; 显著相关性significant correlation; 神经末梢nerve terminal; 自体免疫反应autoimmune reaction; 神经支配innervation; 肌营养不良muscular dystrophy; 慢性营养不良chronic mulnutrition; 先天性肌病congenital myopathy; 预期寿命life expectancy; 免疫紊乱immunologic derangemant; 发病高峰年龄the peak age of onset; 胸腺肿瘤thymoma; 呼吸肌受累the involvement of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎inflammatory myositic; 去神经支配denervation; 矿物质吸收mineral absorption; 机械应力mechanical stress; 骨基质有机部分the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟premature puberty; 蛋白溶解酶protein-digesting enzyme; 破骨细胞osteoclast; 松质骨spongy bone; 骨折fracture; 不规则骨irregular bone;


这里汇聚了中西医学行业的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word 文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 西医篇: 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室 Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科 Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科 Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科 Department of endocrinology 内分泌科

医学专业英语 阅读一分册 第二章

Human Diseases The brief survey of the human body in Chapter One has given us a glimpse into two different studies that are considered the fundamentals of medical sciences, namely anatomy and physiology. However, the picture is not complete without considering pathology, the science that deals with the structural and functional changes produced by the disease. In fact, the modern approach to the study of disorder emphasizes the close relationship of the pathological and physiological aspects and the need to understand the fundamentals of each in treating any body diseases. 第一章中,通过对人体的概论,即解剖学与生理学,我们对两种被认为是医学基础的不同学科有了一个大致的印象。然而如果我们不考虑病理学,这门涉及由疾病带来的结构和功能变化的学科,上述的人体概论就不是完整的。实际上,现代对疾病的研究方法强调了病理学与生理学方面的密切关系,强调了我们在治疗任何人体疾病方面需要了解病理学与生理学基础的重要性。 Then what is a disease? It may be defined as a condition that impairs the proper function of the body or of one of its parts. Every living thing, both plants and animals, can succumb to disease. People, for example, are often infected by tiny bacteria, but bacteria, in turn, can be infected by even more minute viruses. 那么什么是疾病呢?它可能被定义为正常的功能或是部分功能遭受损害时的一种状态。每一种生物、植物和动物,都会受制于疾病。例如,人类常常被微小的细菌所感染,但是,反过来说,细菌又能够被甚至更加微小的病毒所感染。 Hundreds of different diseases exist. Each has its own particular set of symptoms and signs, clues that enable a physician to diagnose the problem. A symptom is something a patient can detect, such as fever, bleeding, or pain. A sign is something a doctor can detect, such as a swollen blood vessel or an enlarged internal body organ. 许多种疾病存在于世。每一种都有其特定的症状、征兆和线索,医生能以此诊断疾病之所在。症状是病人自己就能觉察到的,比如,高烧、流血,或是疼痛。而征兆则是医生能够观察到的,比如,血管扩张或是体内器官肿大。 Diseases can be classified differently. For instance, an epidemic disease is one that strikes many persons in a community. When it strikes the same region year after year it is an endemic disease. An acute disease has a quick onset and runs a short course. An acute heart attack, for example, often hits without warning and can be quickly fatal. A chronic disease has a slow onset and runs a sometimes years-long course. The gradual onset and long course of rheumatic fever makes it a chronic ailment. Between the acute and chronic, another type is called subacute. 疾病可以划分为不同的种类,例如,流行病是一种在某一社区内侵袭许多人的疾病。当它年复一年地袭击同一社区,就成了一种地方病。急性病发作快,但病程短,举个例子来说,急性心脏病发作常常没有前兆,而且会很快致命。慢性病发作则慢,但病程有时会长达几年之久。风湿热正是由于发病慢、病程长而成为一种慢性失调病(慢性病)。而介于急性与慢性之间的另一种类型,就被称为亚急性。 Diseases can also be classified by their causative agents. For instance, an infectious, or communicable, disease is the one that can be passed between persons such as by means of


医学英语:看医生常用词汇及句子 看医生的英语我们都知道是see a doctor,但是头痛怎么说?发烧怎么说?如何表达具体症状呢?下面跟小编一起来学习看医生常用英语词汇及句子吧! 常用看医生词汇: have a cold 感冒have a cough 咳嗽headache 头痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a fever 发烧 allergy 过敏 pneumonia 肺炎 medication 药物 pills 药丸 see a doctor 看病 have an operation 动手术 recover 复原,痊愈 常用看医生句子: I feel sick,I want to see a doctor. 我觉得不舒服,我想去看医生。 Please call an ambulance. 请叫救护车。 What are your symptoms? 量一下体温吧。 The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily. 医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。 The doctor says that I should take quinine. 医生说我应该服用奎宁。 The doctor gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. 医生给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。

The doctor gave me a shot and said to go to bed for a few days. 医生给我打了针,并吩咐我躺着休息几天。 I took some medicine and went to bed at once. 我服了药就上床休息。 The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily. 医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。


一、绪论 中医学TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), 中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM, 形成formation, 发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点 The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment 第一章阴阳五行学说 阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性the property of yin-yang 阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang 阴阳对立制约Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根互用Interdependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长平衡Wane and Wax between yin and yang 阴阳相互转化Mutual transformation between yin and yang 阴阳学说在中医学中的应用 The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM 说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body 阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis 阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang 阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang 阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin 阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang 阳偏衰Relative decline of yang 阴偏衰Relative decline of yin 五行the five elements,


医学英语课后翻译答案完 整版 Revised by Jack on December 14,2020

Translation: Unit one 1 医院,在现代意义上,就是由专业人员和专业的设备为病人提供医疗服务的机构,通常但也不总是提供长期的住院治疗。它的历史意义,直至最近,是给退伍战士提供服务的地方。 2 在现代社会,从广义上说,医院或者由它所处的国家的政府提供资助,或者在私营部门通过竞争在经济上生存下来。目前,为医院提供赞助的通常有公共部门,医疗机构,赢利或者非赢利的,医疗保险公司或者教会,包括直接由教会提供捐赠。在历史上,医院通常由宗教机构或者教会的成员或领导来建立和资助。与此不同的是,现代医院主要由专业的内科医生、外科医生和护士组成,在过去这些工作主要由成立医院的宗教机构或者志愿者来完成。 3 一些病人去医院只是去接受诊断和治疗,然后离开,不在医院过夜(门诊病人);也有一些病人被收入院,在医院过夜,甚至长达几个星期或几个月(住院病人)。医院的等级划分通常由它们所提供的医疗设施的类型和为住院病人提供的医疗服务,以及其他的在门诊所提供的医疗服务水平所决定。(医院与其他医疗机构的区别在于它具有将病人收住院并为住院病人提供医疗服务的能力,而其他一类通常称为诊所。) Unit two 1它们平均是每两位医生为一千位病人提供预防性和初级医疗服务。下一级别的为城镇医疗中心,这些中心通常主要为一万到三万位病人

提供门诊医疗服务。每一个中心有十到三十个床位,中心的专业医生为医士(助理医师)。这两个较低级别的医疗机构构成了乡村合作医疗系统,为大多数的乡村病人提供医疗服务。 2强调公共卫生和预防性治疗为主的医疗政策始于50年代早期,在那个时候,共产党开始有大批的人口流动,(动员群众)参与大规模的“爱国卫生运动”,目的在于改进较差的环境卫生,预防某些疾病。 3这一转变对农村医疗卫生产生了一系列重要影响,合作医疗缺乏资金来源,致使赤脚医生数量减少,这就意味着健康教育、初级保健和家庭保健都受挫,在一些村庄,卫生状况和饮用水(水源检测这个大家自己看哈)很少得到监控。 Unit three 1金刚烷阻碍(阻断)了由m2蛋白质形成的离子通道,这一通道在vRNPs释放进入细胞质的过程中是至关重要的。对金刚烷的排斥(耐药)迅速形成,大多数的人类传染性H1N1和H3N2病毒,一些H5N1病毒,大多数的欧洲猪H1N1、H1N2和H3N2病毒都能抵制(耐受)金刚烷。 2(然而),万一(一旦)发生流行性疾病(大流行),鸡蛋供应就会短缺,相反的是,细胞培养是可高度控制的系统,可以促使疫苗的大批量生产,包括这些对抗高致病性H5N1的禽流感病毒(可以促使包括那些针对高致病性H5N1病毒在内的疫苗大批量生产),通过以狗肾传代细胞或者非洲绿猴子肾细胞生产的流感疫苗的纯度和免疫能力



疾病Disease anemia, anaemia 贫血angina pectoris 心绞痛appendicitis 阑尾炎 arthritis 关节炎 bronchitis 支气管炎 cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他, 粘膜炎chicken pox, varicella 水痘cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒, 伤风, 着凉(head) cold 患感冒 diabetes 糖尿病 diphtheria 白喉 eczema 湿疹 epilepsy 癫痫 erysipelas 丹毒 gangrene 坏疽 German measles, rubella 风疹gout 痛风 headache 头痛 hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫, 半身不遂 icterus, jaundice 黄疸indigestion 消化不良influenza, flu 流感 insanity 精神病 leukemia 白血病 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition 营养不良 Malta fever 马耳他热, 波状热measles 麻疹migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞mumps 流行性腮腺炎neuralgia 神经痛neurasthenia 神经衰弱paralysis 麻痹 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pharyngitis 咽炎 phtisis 痨病, 肺结核pneumonia 肺炎 poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎rabies 狂犬病 rheumatism 风湿病 rickets, rachitis 佝偻病scabies, itch 疥疮 scarlet fever 猩红热 sciatica 坐骨神经痛 sclerosis 硬化 septicemia, septicaemia 败血病sinusitis 窦炎 smallpox 天花 swamp fever 沼地热 syncope 晕厥 syphilis 梅毒 tetanus 破伤风 thrombosis 血栓形成torticollis, stiff neck 斜颈tuberculosis 结核病 tumour,tumor 瘤 typhus 斑疹伤寒 urticaria, hives 荨麻疹 2


C o m m o n S y m p t o m s W o r d s u s e d i n C l i n i c s 1.h e a d a c h e头痛 2.v e r t i g o/d i z z i n e s s头昏/眩晕 3.a p o p s y c h i a晕厥 4.c o n v u l s i o n抽搐 5.c y a n o s i s发绀/紫绀 6.d y s p n e a呼吸困难 7.c o u g h咳嗽 8.h e m o p t y s i s咯血 9.c h e s t p a i n胸痛 10.p a l p i t a t i o n心悸 11.o l i g u r i a少尿 12.e d e m a水肿 13.e p i g a s t r a l g i a/u p p e r a b d o m i n a l p a i n上腹部痛 14.h o a r s e v o i c e声音嘶哑 15.i n s o m n i a/t r o u b l e w i t h s l e e p失眠 1.d y s p h a g i a吞咽困难 2.n a u s e a恶心 3.v o m i t i n g呕吐

4.b e l c h i n g/e r u c t a t i o n嗳气 5.s o u r r e g u r g i t a t i o n反酸 6.h e a r t b u r n烧心感 7.a n o r e x i a食欲不振 8.a b d o m i n a l d i s t e n s i o n腹胀 9.a b d o m i n a l p a i n腹痛 10.d i a r r h e a腹泻 11.c o n s t i p a t i o n便秘 12.t e n e s m u s里急后重 13.j a u n d i c e黄疸 14.h e m a t e m e s i s呕血 15.m e l e n a黑粪 16.h e m o t o c h e z i a便血 17.e a r l y f u l l n e s s早饱 18.A b d o m i n a l m a s s腹块 19.a s c i t e s腹水 20.f l a t u s放屁/打屁 1.c h e s t p a i n胸痛 2.c o u g h咳嗽 3.f e v e r发热 4.s o r e t h r o a t咽痛
