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1The Significant Differences between British Literature and American Literature

⒈non-existence of folk literature

⒉ the subject of American dream

⒊ strong concept of democracy, freedom, individualism, liberation of personality

⒋diversity and complexity

⒌ rich flavor of life and civilian color

2Periodization of American Literature

⒈Early American Literature (17th century and 18th century)

①The Literary Scene in Colonial America (ab.1607-1765)

②Literature of Enlightenment and Revolution (1765-1790s)

⒉19th_century American Literature (1st golden time)

1) Romanticism;

2)Realism; 3)Naturalism

⒊American Literature of the 20th century and the present

1)modernism (2nd golden time); 2)postmodernism (3rd)

3Outline of American Literature

1Colonial Period (1607—1765)

2Revolutionary Period (1765—1790s)

3The Age of Romanticism (1800—1865)

4The Age of Realism (1865—1918)

5American Modernism (1918—1945)

6Contemporary Literature (1945-- )

█Colonial Period (1607-1765)

㈠American Puritanism: one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature.

㈡Major writers

①Captain John Smith (约翰·史密斯

the first American writer

②Anne Bradstreet (安妮·布拉德斯特里特) the first American woman poet a Puritan poet, once

called “Tenth Muse”

●General features of Colonial Literature(p15-p16)

a. Humble origins: diaries, histories, letters etc.

b. In content: serving either God or colonial expansion or both

c. In form: imitating English literary traditions

█Literature of Reason and Revolution


The Enlightenment Movement

The War of Independence

2Major Writers and Works

①Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Poor Richard's Almanack

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

②Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

Common Sense

The American Crisis

③Philip Freneau(1752-1832)

“Father of American Poetry”

“Pioneer of the New Romanticism”

㈢ Nature lyrics:

The Wild Honey Suckle

The Indian Burying Ground

█Romantism 1800---1861/1865

㈠The phase of New England Transcendentalism is the summit of American Romanticism.

㈡ Classification of the Romantic Writers

⒈Early Romantic writers/ pioneers

Washington Irving

James Fenimore Cooper

⒉Edgar Allan Poe


Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henry David Thoreau


Nathaniel Hawthorne

Herman Melville

Harrite Beecher Stowe


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Walt Whitman

Emily Dickinson

●Washington Irving

⒈the first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame

⒉the father of American short stories

⒊Major Works

①A History of New York《纽约外史》

②The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon《见闻札记》a collection of essays and short stories

③“Rip Van Winkle” 《瑞普·凡·温克尔》

④“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” 《睡谷的传说》

●James Fenimore Cooper

⒈Frontier Novel

⒉the first authors to write about the Frontier Novelone of American Westward movement and introduced the “Western” tradition into American literature


Leatherstocking Tales《皮袜子故事集》

The Pioneers

The Last of The Mohicans

The Prairie

The Pathfinder

The Deerslayer

●Edgar Allan Poe

⒈the first author in American literature to make the neurotic the hero and the protagnist

⒉Father of psychoanalytic criticism(精神分析) and detective story

⒊Poetic Theory

①chief aim -- beauty

②the most beautiful thing described by a poem is the death of a beautiful woman;

③the desirable tone of a poem is melancholy

●Ralph Waldo Emerson

⒈Ralph Waldo Emerson is the chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.

⒉Major Works:
