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Today in Haiti people filled churches and attendedmemorials for those who die d in that country's massive earthquake five years ago. The officialdeath toll according to the Haitian governmentstands at more than 316,000. More than a millionand a half people were left homeless. Billions ofdollars in aid has help ed Haiti, but recovery hasbeen uneven, at best. Now the country is struggli ng with a political crisis that's left the nationwithout a functioning parliament and the president ruling by decree. NPR's Carrie Kahn reportsfrom Port-au-Pri nce.

CARRIE KAHN, BYLINE:In the shadow of the ruins of Haiti's main cathe dral, hundredspack a small brick church, raise their hands above their heads, sway back and forth and singhallelujah.


KAHN: We will never forget, the church sings in unison over and over. Mimo t Jean, a streetvendor and her two kids head into the church. She says, we w on't forget and we will honorthose we lost that terrible day.

MIMOT JEAN: (Through interpreter) We don't think we are better than thos e who died. Butthose who survived, we are grateful to God, and we thank G od for that.

KAHN: Maramuda Estad says the same. She came to church to remember he r cousins, heruncle and countless friends who died in the quake.

MAR AMUDA ESTAD: (Through interpreter) January 12,

2010 was very painful. This is one ofthe most painful days we ever have. KAHN: Both women took the day off of work. Schools are closed, as are most businesses, andboth say they will go straight home. They don't want to be ou t in the streets too long for fearof protests. Demonstrators clashed with police throughout the weekend, demanding the resignation of President Michel M artelly. Elections have long been postponed due to bickeringbetween the presi dent and opposition parties. As of today, most of the terms of the majority of Haiti's lawmakers expired, leaving Martelly ruling by decree.


KAHN: At Haiti's rebuilt Parliament, the flag blows in the sea breeze at half-s taff. Workers weretold to report to duty today, but most stood outside arguin g politics. Martelly announced hereached a deal with opposition lawmakers to call elections and extend the legislators' terms,but he faces a Catch-22. T he parliament has to approve such a deal and it's unclear whetherenough st

ill have legal standing today to cast a vote. Opposition Senator Jean Baptiste Bien-Aime says regardless, he won't vote for it.

JEAN BAPTISTE BIEN-AIME: (Foreign language spoken).

KAHN: "I cannot support the corruption of Martelly. He is corrupt. The peo ple want him togo," he says. Earlier in the day, President Martelly and his wif e laid white flowers on the mass gravesite memorial where hundreds of thou sands of Haitians were buried after the earthquake. Martelly said at this time , Haiti needs peace. The ongoing political turmoil is threatening to derail the recovery effort and undermine investor and donor confidence.Much has improved in Haiti in the past five years. The rubble has been removed. New r oads,businesses, hotels and homes have been built. Crime and poverty are d own and economicgrowth is up for four years in a row. But tens of thousands of people are still homeless. Foodand gas prices are high. And poverty remai ns extreme.

Back in front of the shattered cathedral, Maramuda Estad, who sells used s hoes on thestreet, says she is not interested in politics.

ESTAD: (Through interpreter) I haven't paid my rent yet. That's what I care about. And Idon't know where I'm going to find the money to do that. KAHN: Carrie Kahn, NPR News, Port-au-Prince.
