

Pub Culture in Britain

As a saying goes,if you haven’t been to a pub,you haven’t been to Britain.Pub culture is a particular and essential part of British culture.

In European continent,Open-air coffee shop is the best choice for social activity.But in Britain,owing to the rainy climate,pub takes place of Open-air coffee shop.In fact,the word ‘pub’ can date back to the Victoria Age,pub was called public house by then.At

that time people from one

place to another place also is

limited to use carriage—the

traditional means of

transportation , many place is remote, but the people who had a long journey need a short place to inhabit . Then, a kind of little business hotel which built by local people began to appear. The hospitable host often took out his drinks to entertain the journey of the traveler in the sitting room. As the change of time, more and more people coming and going, the original little sitting room has been unable to accommodate more people, so, the host will expand the space of the sitting room, then people called it "PUBLIC HOUSE“.Today’s pub is short for public house.Excluding pub,there are other names of pub,such as the ale

house, the inn, the tavern, the gin palace etc.

The name of pub is another story.For

traditional British pub,you can never see words like

bar or pub on its shop sign.Instead,traditional pubs

always have beautiful name.For exmaple,the crown

and lion is commenly seen on the shop sign.The

crown represents the king or queen. Many pubs are

named after individual kings and queens.The Red

Lion ,the pub name became popular after James the

First ordered a red lion to be displayed outside all

public places.We can see the historical meaning in

their names.Many pub’s name is as exquisite as a poetry,such as Lamb and Fl ag, The Rose and Crown, The Fisherman’s Cot, The Sailor’s Return,etc.These name make up a ancient scene of British history.

The way of British people ordering in the pub quite diff ers from the way in our mind. British people have its unique way.Amazingly for the British, who love queues, there is no f ormal line-up.Because the bar staff are skilled at knowing who se turn it is. You are permitted to try to attract attention, but t here are rules about how to do this. Do not call out tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swi

mmer. Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes. And whatever y ou do, do not ring the bell hanging behind the counter——this is used by the landlord to signal closing time. The key thing is to catch the bar worker's eyes. You could also hold an em pty glass or some money, but do not wave them about. Do a dopt an expectant, hopeful, even slightly anxious facial expres sion. If you look too contented and complacent, the bar staff may think you are already being served.Another tip is always saying "please" and trying to remember some of the British b ar staffs petty hates. They do not like people to keep others waiting while they are making up their minds or wondering ab out which one to chose. They don't like people standing idly a gainst the bar when there are a lot of customers wanting for service. And they do not like people who wait until the end of the order before asking for such drinks as Guinness stout wh ich take considerably longer to pour than other drinks.While yo u are familiar with these tips,you may have a good time in th e pub.But actually,these are far less than enough. One Dutch tourist who spent six months visiting 800 of Britain's 61,000 p ubs and interviewing 50 publicans and bar workers and more than 1,000 customers said :" I cannot understand how the Brit

ish ever manage to buy themselves a drink."So,there is a profound knowledge in the British pub.

According to the British tradition,pubs are divided into two kinds,public bar and sallon bar.In public bar,there is a small place available to customers for handhled game. They take darts, throw them to the dartboard.After one round, they will sit down to drink wine. Then, they will go another round. When three rounds have been finished, the one who gets the least scores should treat others with drinks . Such kind of game has a long history of several hundred https://www.360docs.net/doc/dc10079846.html,pared with public bar,sallon bar is more peaceful and expensive.

The atmosphere in the pub is often happy and hot.The happy atmosphere is due to two customs of British people.

First,they rarely like to come

on a visit to their friend’s hom

e . They always like to have a

gathering with their friends in

pubs , especially on weekend.

They chat, talk about something easy, swap information, m eet new friends . All of this things are done in a pub. Eve n though you are alone , never mind , you can chat with e veryone to resolve the boredom of your heart . The exhaus

tion and worry brought by fast-paced work for the whole da y diminished in this jovial atmosphere.Second,they like footb all very much,The Premier League is the most attractive to pic in the bar. Whenever there was an important competitio n, there will be a large number of fans gathered at the bar and cheer for their favourite team . The bar will arrange l arge screen wall to welcome their visit in advance, at the same time, ready to facea little sales peak.

Due to the popularity , the pub also is the place that Britain’s history.The famous plot of British history that whig attempted to overthrow Charlie II was planned in a traditional small bar; At the end of the eighteenth century, c ricket game rule is formulated in a small bar.Since the poet Chaucer's creation " T a bard " , literature and pub is insepa rable. Shakespeare was a frequent visitor to the pubs , often drunk and wrote the screenplay in pubs. Many of his plays had a stage and propagation in a small pub first. In Charles. Dickens's many works, the bar is a remarkable scene. Samuel. Johnson ,the British writer , has a famous saying: " There is no an invention can be compare with Pub , it bring people so much joy. "

There is a small story about pub.If a person who liv ed in tenth Century woke up from the grave, he can identif y only two things -- the church and the pub. It's doubtful th at whether the church is still the contemporary for British in dispensable spiritual rest places .But he can still find the m emories of the past Pub.

In a word,pub play an improtant part in British people’s life and British h istory.

西方文化论文 浅析伊丽莎白时代的文化辉煌

浅析伊丽莎白时代的文化辉煌 她是英国历史上最杰出的帝王之一,她使英国成为欧洲最强大的国家之一,开创英国历史的“黄金时代”,保持了英格兰的统一,人们至今崇拜着她,称之为“荣光女王”、“英明女王”,并以其名来命名那个时代。在第二个千禧年来临之际,她亦曾被推选为100位对世界历史影响最大的人物之一。她就是伊丽莎白一世——都铎王朝最后一位君主,英格兰文化正是在她的手中迎来辉煌。 1558年,伊丽莎白一世在内部因宗教分裂的混乱状态中即位,采取宗教兼容政策和重商主义政策,稳定了统治,工商业和海外贸易迅速发展,国力日益强盛,击溃了不可一世的西班牙“无敌舰队”,成为海上霸主,为未来“日不落”的大不列颠王国奠定了基础。此时的英格兰也正处于文艺复兴时期,人文主义遍布英国的思想领域,各个文学大家以莎士比亚,斯宾塞,约翰逊,马洛,培根等为代表,佳作竞出。由此,英国文学代表了欧洲文艺复兴文学的最高成就。那么为何英国文化能在伊丽莎白一世手中开启“黄金时代”呢? 伊丽莎白时代的文化繁荣主要体现在诗歌和戏剧的繁荣上(当然也不排除其他文学、艺术形式的发展繁荣)。下面仅以诗歌和戏剧上的创作为例,浅谈当时的文化盛况。 在诗歌方面,英国文学家们,除了引入意大利的十四行诗,也进行了一些其他诗体的创作,在内容和格局上都有了很大突破。诗歌方面又以斯宾塞成就最大。他的主要作品《仙后》规模宏大﹐内容丰富﹐利用中古骑士传奇的体裁﹐以寓言为主要手法﹐在精神上却反对天主教而歌颂作为英国民族象徵的伊丽莎白女王﹐其中优美而多变的韵文﹐使得斯宾塞不仅独步当时诗坛﹐而且成为后世讲究诗艺的作家所仰慕的“诗人的诗人”。在主题或歌颂对象方面,英国诗歌也和欧洲其他经历文艺复兴的国家一样,着重描写人的内心世界,抒发理想、信念、感情,鞭挞黑暗、腐败,赞扬人追求幸福的权利,赞颂美和爱。此外,彻底改变英国诗歌面貌的主力军却是——白体诗。它主要包含在戏剧创作之中,其代表人物则是两位伟大的戏剧家和诗人——马洛和莎士比亚。 戏剧无疑是英国这一时期最骄傲的文学成果。16世纪80年代起﹐英国戏剧家们摆脱了中世纪神秘剧﹑奇迹剧等的宗教色彩和粗糙技巧,建立起了一种新戏剧,赋予其更加丰富的表达和人文气息﹐敏锐﹑强烈地表达了时代精神﹐在艺术上作了多方面的大胆创新。以《浮士德博士的悲剧》为代表作,马洛一生创作了7部悲剧。而作为英国文艺复兴高潮时期的著名的代表人物,英国戏剧的集大成者——莎士比亚,一生共创作了37部剧本,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、四大悲剧等作品皆是人类文学史上不朽的明珠,它们探讨了友谊和虚伪、爱情和阴谋、权利和道德、生存和死亡这些与人的命运息息相关的主题。那些生动


每个城市都有其独特的特点,有的是文明都市,有的是工业化城市,有的则是现代化大都市,有的亦是历史文明的古都。不管是怎么样的城市,都用独特的魅力吸引着众人们,伦敦是世界上的经济发达、历史悠久、又充满现代化气息的文明大都市。每年吸引着大量的游客 总体来说,是因为伦敦的文化底蕴和现代化气息合理的融入在这个城市里。其作为英国的首都,也是作为世界上出名的城市,不论是经济上的发达,还是文化上的独特,总用其独特的味道吸引着大量的游客慕名而来。是不是你也有一个伦敦梦呢?我想很多人都和我一样想去伦敦,好好的欣赏一下是什么样的环境造就了工业文明的开始,又是什么样的原因成就了伦敦的文明。 明等领域上的卓越成就,成为全世界最大的都市。伦敦是英国政治中

伦敦的星期天,不是所有的商店都停止营业,但是大多数(尤其是个人的)徽闭店所有的剧场和大多数电影院也都关门。因为伦敦人都喜欢在星期天出城去郊游。在英国,尊重妇女是体现绅士风度的一个重要方面。女士优先是一个人人皆知的行为准则。英国社会非常有制度,插队会遭到所有人的鄙视和白眼。事实上他们不会有人这样做.英国人的时间观念较强。对安排好的约会一定要准点。在英国,送礼时最好送较轻的礼品。由于所费不多就不会被误认为是一种贿赂。英国人也象其他大多数欧洲人一样。喜欢高级巧克力、名酒和鲜花。对于饰有客人所属公司标记的礼品,他们大多并不欣赏。在英国购物,最忌讳的是砍价。英国人不喜欢讨价还价,认为这是很丢面子的事情。如果你购买的是一件贵重的艺术品或数量很大的商品时,你也需要小心地与卖方商定一个全部的价钱。英国人很少讨价还价,如果他们认为一件商品的价钱合适就买下,不合适就走开。另外英国人见面时不爱讲个人私事,而爱谈论天气,否则会受以冷遇。不是爱谈论天气,而是以天气为开头,化解都不说话的尴尬场面。还有些很有趣的事情:在英国,如果戴口罩上街,人们会认为是传染病者跑出来了,也许还会有人叫救护车;如果翘起大拇指那是拦路要求搭车之意。还有就是千万不要问女士的年龄. 伦敦有很多地标性建筑物。包括白金汉宫、大本钟,伦敦眼,塔桥,圣彼得大教堂等。很多人也会去欣赏一下英国的喜剧演出表演。


浅谈中西酒吧文化的差异 随着我国文化娱乐市场的发展变化,酒吧数量在我国直线上升。西方酒吧文化源远流长,传入中国后,受中国传统历史文化的影响以及不同地区和城市经济文化发展现状的制约,酒吧文化在我国不同地区有着不同的内涵和表现方式。 酒吧是一种大众闲暇消费的活动空间,是泡吧者释放压力的港湾,并由此产生了一种欣欣向荣的文化新景观。酒吧在中国的出现,始于20世纪90年代的一些大都市里。在改革开放、市场经济的浪潮中,许多新的休闲方式、交际方法、文化形态也应运而生,不知不觉中,酒吧也融入了中国人的生活。酒吧这种外来文化自登陆中国起,便一路高歌猛进,把城市和年轻人无一例外地揽入怀中。它的出现乃至后来的发展,与整个中国的经济、社会、文化的发展存在着千丝万缕的联系,其步伐始终紧跟时代发展的脉搏。随着城市化进程的加快和居民消费水平的提高,酒吧在我国的发展,也呈现出欣欣向荣的发展态势。 西方酒吧文化是西方文化的重要组成部分和重要表现形式,酒吧文化属于其中的一种新型的娱乐文化。欧洲人有种说法说要找人,不是去办公室或家里找,而是要到酒吧去;不在酒吧,肯定在去酒吧的路上。这句话听很好地体现出了酒吧在西方人生活中的重要地位。西方绝大部分人都把酒吧当成社交、娱乐和饮食的场所。西方人的交往联系,往往是在酒吧里进行的,而不像中国人喜欢把朋友带到自己的家里。西方人士的许多重要的聚会,如生日聚会、结婚纪念聚会等都是在酒吧举行。 在西方的酒吧里,人们相互之间无需考虑各自的社会地位、等级和礼仪问题,只要举止得体就符合基本的交往准则。酒吧是一个非常热闹的场所,有音乐,有酒,还有很多的人。酒吧也是一个自由的地方,西方人喜欢一群人边喝酒边高谈阔论,一边喝着,一边聊着,人与人之间都是平等、自由地进行交流和沟通,他们相互尊重彼此的看法。 例如,即使是在以冷漠著称于世的英国社会里,酒吧都被看作是促进社会交往的重要场合。因为人们在排队的时候,可以和身边同样等待买酒的人交谈。同样,在英伦诸岛上,和陌生人交谈,只有在吧台上才被认为是“完全适宜”的正常行为。在《酒吧护照:旅游者酒吧仪俗指南》这个小册子里有这样一句忠告:


英国文化论文 虽然英国的发展历史并没有很悠久,但其发展却极其迅速,下面是关于英国的地理、历史、君主立宪体制、政治、文学、媒体、经济、宗教和教育的概述。 公元前地中海的伊比利亚人、比克人、凯尔特人,先后来到不列颠。公元1-5世纪大不列颠岛东南部为罗马帝国统治。罗马人撤走后,欧洲北部的盎格鲁人、萨克逊人、朱特人相继入侵并定居。7世纪开始形成封建制度,许多小国并成七个王国,争雄达200年之久,史称“盎格鲁—撒克逊时代”。829年威塞克斯国王爱格伯特统一了英格兰。 英国位于欧洲,是由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰和一些小岛(海外领地)组成。英国本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。24.36万平方公里(包括内陆水域),英格兰地区13. 04万平方公里,苏格兰7. 88万平方公里,威尔士2. 08万平方公里,北爱尔兰1. 36万平方公里。 政体为君主立宪制。国王是国家元首、最高司法长官、武装部队总司令和英国圣公会的“最高领袖”,形式上有权任免首相、各部大臣、高级法官、军官、各属地的总督、外交官、主教及英国圣公会的高级神职人员等,并有召集、停止和解散议会,批准法律,宣战媾和等权力,但实权在内阁。议会是最高司法和立法机构,由国王、上院和下院组成。上院(贵族院)包括王室后裔、世袭贵族、新封贵族、上诉法院法官和教会大主教及主教组成。 英国资产阶级革命确立的君主立宪政体大大削弱了国王的权力,议会及政府逐步掌握了治理国家的权力,这种政治体制虽然有其历史局限性,但它结束了英国的封建专制制度,使得英国走上资产阶级政治民主化的道路,有利于资本主义的发展。它代表了历史发展的趋势,是历史的一大进步。英国是世界上第一个建立君主立宪制的国家,这一制度的确立和不断完善,不仅对巩固资产阶级在英国的统治起了巨大的作用,而且对其他国家的资产阶级建立新的制度,也有着巨大影响。 英国文学源远流长,经历了长期、复杂的发展沿变过程。在这个过程中,文学本体以外的各种现实的、历史的、政治的、文化的力量对文学发生着影响,文学内部遵循自身规律,历经了盎格鲁—撒克逊,文艺复兴,新古典主义,浪漫主义,现实主义,现代主义等不同历史阶段。 传媒业在英国相当发达。在英国这样一个拥有6000万人口的国家,报纸、杂志、书籍、电视、广播以及各种音像制品等传媒,在人们日常生活中几乎无所不在。而且由于英语在当今国际交流中的主导地位以及英国在国际社会中的独特角色,英国的新闻产品和英文节目跨越和占据了世界传媒版图上的大部分角落,并享有着不可撼动的地位。随着传媒技术的发展,传媒不但为大众提供了新闻信息和休闲娱乐,而且成为一种创造财富的重要手段,是GDP的一个重要组成部分。 英国是世界经济强国之一,其2007年国内生产总值位居世界第五。英国制造业在国民经济中的比重有所下降;服务业和能源所占的比重不断增大,其

酒吧文化的起源 各国酒吧文化介绍

酒吧文化的起源各国酒吧文化介绍 酒吧文化的起源 最初,在美国西部,牛仔和强盗们很喜欢聚在小酒馆里喝酒。由于他们都是骑马而来,所以酒馆老板就在馆子门前设了一根横木,用来拴马。后来,汽车取代了马车,骑马的人逐渐减少,这些横木也多被拆除。有一位酒馆老板不愿意扔掉这根已成为酒馆象征的横木,便把它拆下来放在柜台下面,没想到却成了顾客们垫脚的好地方,受到了顾客的喜爱了。其他酒馆听说此事后,也纷纷效仿,因此柜台下放横木的做法便普及起来。由于横木在英语里念"bar” ,所以人们索性就把酒馆翻译成“酒吧”,就跟把糕饼"pie"译成“派”一样。 中国酒吧文化 发展 酒吧最初源于欧洲大陆,但bar一词也还是到16世纪才有“卖饮料的柜台”这个义项,后又 经美洲进一步的变异、拓展,十年前进入我国,“泡吧”一词还是近年的事。酒吧进入我国后,得到了迅猛的发展,尤其在北京、上海、广州、成都等地,更是得到了淋漓的显现:北京的酒吧粗犷开阔,上海的酒吧细腻伤感,广州的酒吧热闹繁杂, 深圳的酒吧最不乏激情。总的来说。都市的夜空已离不开酒吧,都市人更离不开酒吧,人们需要在繁忙遗忘,沉醉。北京是全国城市中酒吧最多的一个地方,酒吧的经营方式更是形形色色,生意也有好有坏。上海的酒吧已出现基本稳定的三分格局,三类酒吧各有自己的鲜明特色,各有自己的特殊情调,由此也各有自己的基本常客,第一类酒吧就是校园酒吧,第二类是音乐酒吧,第三类是商业酒吧。 一个空间舶移过来的无历史的风景靠什么来支撑它的时尚流行呢?泡吧一族也许会说,虽然我不了解酒吧的历史,其实我从来也不想去了解什么历史。因为,我喜欢,并不需要理由;我体验,并不需要历史。对酒吧,我有我主张,我有我体验,我有我想像。 酒吧在中国虽然是一个无历史的空洞风景,但这一风景的空洞其实也并不是一片空白。否则谁也不愿意站在一片空白的风景中嬉戏。是什么填充了这一风景的空洞呢?填满充盈这一空洞风景的充填物是些什么东西呢?应该说是文化想像。具体说,是关于西方的文化想像构成了这些充填物。关于西方的文化想像成为酒吧风景的充填物,正是这些想像之物使酒吧的空洞在中国变得色彩缤纷,并极富特殊的意味。 20世纪80年代初,关于西方的文化想像构成了当代中国普遍的社会心理现象。改革开放,国门洞开。国人从封闭、专制、动乱、落后的历史中走出来,开始睁开眼睛看世界。西方社


刘姝彦(29) Class 4 Comments on the Reservedness The characteristic English pose involves keeping the head held high, the upper lip stiff and the best foot forward. In this position, conversation is difficult and intimacy of any kind of almost impossible. This in itself is a clue to the English character. If you ask me which aspect of the English character impress me most, I will say "reserved" without hesitation. British people will not show their passion and feelings casually like the French.To other Europeans, the best known quality of the British,and in particular of the English, is"reserved". A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers,does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. The English seem to be quiet most of the time. When making a journey, they may try their best to find an empty seat or compartment. If they have to share the compartment with a stranger, they may travel many miles without starting a conversation. Sherlock Holmes, in the BBC's TV miniseries Sherlock, is a typical English person who is reserved.Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. He is presented as lacking sympathy, and it is implied that he has been diagnosed with a personality disorder.Without doubt, he is reserved and calm which gives people an impression that he is cold-hearted. However, at the end of the serious,he gives his life for his friend, Doctor John Watson. We can draw the conclusion that being reserved does not mean being cold-hearted, it just because people can not demonstrate their love casually and audaciously. They just do not show their feelings and cherish their love in their heart, which reminds me of a person, Severus Snape. Professor Severus Snape is a fictional character in Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling. In the novel, he is hostile toward Harry. Snape is generally depicted as being cold, calculating, precise, sarcastic, and bitter. He strongly dislikes Harry and often


酒吧文化论文 当夜幕笼罩这座城市的时候,酒吧在都市美仑美奂的夜色中偷偷展露着她的笑脸,不张扬,不炫耀,在这流光溢彩的世界中显得分外的恬静。放松抑郁的心情,忘却疲惫的身心,在那柔美的灯光、浮动的烟雾、流淌的音乐中感受生活、感受美好吧。 总序: 在今天,酒吧已经成为时尚生活的象征.所以我们组选择了酒吧文化这个主题. 我们今天所知道的公共酒店(pub)是18世纪的发明,在那之前有卖啤酒的啤酒店,这些啤酒常常是由妇女们在店内酿造的,我们称她们为啤酒店女主人或者酿酒人。更让人觉得身心愉快的地方是那些建得更宽大的酒馆,在那里可以提供食物、马厩和各种类型的餐厅及会议室。 适应于不断变化的品位和新建筑的开放风格,在18和19世纪大量的酒吧被重建以迎合工业和城镇的新要求。从二战开始,酒吧发生了更大的变革,以便和范围不断扩大的休闲娱乐业竞争。许多酒吧开始卖食物,而另外一些则成为希望吸引年轻人的主题酒吧。 一:英国酒吧 英国酒吧以独特的社交中心、社会生活的焦点、对流行文化的影响、历史资源和旅游吸引力而闻名于世界。你如果没去过酒吧,那就等于没有到过英国。英国是个冷漠而保守的社会,在大不列颠群岛上,把和陌生人友好地交谈看作是完全适宜的正常行为的唯一场所,可能就是吧台了。 大多数英国酒吧都没有服务员,你得到吧台去买酒。对爱排队的英国人而言,酒吧里居然看不到正式的队伍。酒保则是其中的关键了。你可以做些动作引起酒保的注意,吸引酒保的注意。而说到"小费",你可千万别给酒保现金以表示谢意。正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。酒吧为自己的平等气氛感到自豪。现金小费会使人想到酒保是伺候人的,请喝一杯才是友好的表示。 二:美国酒吧 传统的美国酒吧,常常被叫做"BAR",它们为城市中辛苦工作一天的人们提供一个放松身心和朋友聚会的场所。许多酒吧会放置一台大荧幕的电视机,用他们招揽顾客。 美国酒吧是用餐或者和朋友们喝一杯的好地方。许多酒吧还会以提供各种进口的葡萄酒、啤酒以及装在附带龙头的酒桶里的地方啤酒等广泛选择为特色。在白天,如果电视里正在播放一场体育比赛的总决赛,酒吧里会十分吵闹。在晚间,酒吧会播放生动的音乐,可以跳舞或者只是作为背景音乐。 从美国的服务界来说,每个服务人员都希望得到小费。而在酒吧,通常会有一个坛子或容器来放你给的小费。当服务生看着你时,一定把小费放到坛子里,那会保证你一整个晚上都会得到好的服务。一般说来小费的数目是你所花费数目的10-15%,不过还是由你自己决定的。 酒吧是会朋友的好地方。许多人都是酒吧的常客,因此很容易认识新朋友,并且和那些经常一起喝酒的人成为最好的朋友。 三:中西酒吧文化差异 在中国,在悠久的传统文化的影响下,人们是不习惯于跟陌生人打交道的,也不会像西方人那样很快就交上了朋友。中国人泡酒吧大多是熟悉的朋友一起去,到了酒吧坐成一堆。就算是一个人前去,也乐意做一个酒吧热闹的表象下孤独和寂寞的灵魂。所以,国内的酒吧与西方不同,大多设计有许多包房和半隔离的卡座。酒吧代表的是潮流的追赶和时尚的品位,酒吧就是在时尚包装下,被越来越多的人接受、认可的。在中国,品位表现在通过酒吧融入西方文化的装饰和格调体现的。在国人的眼里,酒吧的生命就是个性张扬,就是走极端和标新立异。这点

英国文化概况 结课论文

Introduction to British literature --- Introduction to the book of Kipling 2014-12-23

When I was a child, I have read an interesting book named “the jungle book”, which is written by Joseph rudyard K ipling. It’s so at-tractive and vivid that I have read it for many times. Looking back now, the book is so simply. However, it told me so mang meaningful things. Joseph Rudyard Kipling , a talented writter who have created many-famous articles. Also, he is the first Englishman who awarded the nobel prize. The nobel prize reviewers praised him as "the world writer's work with closely observed, unique imagination, bold, narrative for excel-lence". Turning the page, you just like come into a charming tropical jun-gle, roaming among them, witnessing the strange and exciting life in the jungle. The description is vivid and relaxing. Everyone will be fo und of the book the minute he opens it. I’m sure that you will enjoy yourself. The story tells that a woodcutter's son was chased by tigers. Lucki-ly, he was saved by a kind wolf , and then he became a member of the wolves. He experienced a lot in his growth. He escaped from death in a great catastrophe .When in the face of the treasure , he chose to give up. Also, he had much brave behaviour. Finally he became the son of the jungle. His life is a legend. Although this book doesn’t have serious conception, it bring readers good feel. Once you indulge in the book, you will feel relaxed and enjoyable. I admire the hero 's courage and wisdom. He used the buffalo herds killed the evil tiger; Luring red hair dog into the "death zone", where the wild bees make th em casualties seriously. This is all expression of human wisdom. It’s fascinating and interesting. This is the biggest highlight of the book . For a long time, this book is read as a fairy. It has left countless people a wonderful childhood memory. But behind the simple and re-laxing novel story, it also has profound implication. It will influence readers deeply. The original jungle is mysterious, with countless animals living in which. After the arrival of the hero, he got protection and education. He became familiar with the jungle laws quickly; He played with his wolf brothers happily, and his wolf brothers always provide help for him when he needed. The jungle just like a big family, which


An simple introduction To British culture Term paper British customs

Name: xxxx Student ID: xxxx Class&major: xxxx British customs Main idea: British customs are wonderful and interesting, you can find many excellent masterpieces and brilliant paintings in some occasions. They are British most valuable cultural treasure, the customs has something to do with its locations. The mountains, rivers, forests, splendid mansions, all of them have a great influence on their culture.

Outline: Ⅰ.An introduction to London and the influence which bring to Britain . Ⅱ. In the UK, Christmas calendar New Year's Day, although not as grand, but New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, or used in accordance with local customs Ⅲ .The Gothicismus movement took pride in the Gothic tradition that the Ostrogoths and their king Theodoric the Great who assumed power in the Roman Empire had Scandinavian ancestry Ⅳ .During the 17th century, Danes and Swedes competed for the collection and publication of Iceland manuscripts, Norse sagas, and the two Eddas. London is a cosmopolitan mixture of the Third and First worlds, of chauffeurs and beggars, of the establishment, the avowedly working class and the avant-garde. Unlike comparable European


英国和美国的文化比较 上了近十多周的“英美文化赏识”我的感触很深,这让我知道了以前从来都不知道的东西,如:教育,政策,习俗……这双方的差异很值得人们去思考,下面就让我简单地说一下英美文化的特点 首先是政治: 英国的实质就是君主立宪制,君主虽然予以保留,代表国家元首,但只在特定时期是在具有一定实权,并且权利不能超越宪法。 而美国是共和制中的总统责任制,总统拥有党政军大权,集政府首脑、国家元首于一身,但是受三权分立制约。 英国有着悠久的议会民主传统,实行君主立宪制,君主为国家元首,目前是伊莉莎白二世。英国的立法机关,也就是议会,目前拥有两个议院。下议院地位较重要,上议院主要是修订法律的机构。行政机关由首相领导,英国现任首相为工党的托尼〃布莱尔。通常,首相是在下议院拥有最多席位的政党领袖。该政党其他主要成员与首相一起组成内阁,即主要的行政机构。从严格意义上讲,英国并非是一个联邦制的国家,但现任政府最近在苏格兰及威尔士成立了地方分权机构,如设在爱丁堡的苏格兰议会及设在卡地夫的威尔士议会。英国还试图成立北爱地方分权政府,但是由于各政党之间存在纷争,以至于被暂时搁臵下来。英格兰和威尔士的立法、司法制度与苏格兰、北爱尔兰大不相同。同样,苏格兰的法律与英格兰的法律也有不少的差异。 美国是联邦制国家,政权组织形式为总统制,实行三权分立与制衡相结合的政治制度和两党制的政党制度。由此而进,美国现代自由主义与保守主义关于大、小政府之争的帷幕正式拉开。美国的国家组织是依据三权分立与联邦制度、二大政治思想而制定,当初在起草宪法时因恐权力过分集中于个人或某一部门将危害人民的自由,因而将立法、司法,行政三种权力分别独立,互相制衡,以避免政府滥权,行政机关是以由人民直接选举的总统为最高行政首长,并以副总统辅之,下设几个行政部门。政府的权力有联邦政府、州政府之分,宪法起草人根据政府必须接近百姓才不致剥夺人民自由的原则,将有关各州自治权保留给州政府,各州政府本身拥有立法、司法、行政诸权限,联邦政府的权力系以一州政府无法单独行使者为限,如课税、财政、国防、外交、货币银行、出入境管理、对外贸易、国民福利、邮政,以及科学艺术的发展援助等。 接着是教育: 英国教育制度素来在学术品质与提供完善照顾方面享有盛名,至今世上无人能出其右。数百年来,在许多院校有许多不断扩充的学习中心来提供英国及外籍学生学习,另有大量新近成立的院校加入传统学校的行列,以确保英国学制不只赶得上日益繁复,日趋科学化社会的脚步,也在探求无尽的知识与完美领域不断超越学习的界域。相比之下,英国教育似乎更关心人的实际能力,以及在其解决问题中的创造力。他们给学生身心发展上更大的空间,学生们有足够的时间、精力和机会去接触外部的世界,接触他们赖以生存的环境和与之息息相关的社会。而英国政府则希望英国的每所学校,最终都能够发挥起自己的特色,他们认为需要改变教育体制来使学生个体的潜能得到充分发展,而不能强迫学生来适应教育体制结构。 美国和大多数其它国家教育制度的一个主要不同点,是美国的教育为社会上每一个人而办,不是专为少数人而设。用税款兴办的免费教育,除了设立一般学校的科目如数学、历史、语文外,还有缝纫、打字、无线电与汽车修理等科目。学生可依自己的兴趣、个人未来的计划和才能,从许多科目中自行选修。美国教育的主要目的,在于发展每个孩子的才能,不管它高或低到什么程度,同时给每个孩子灌输公民意识。美国法律规定,任何学龄儿童均应进入学校就读,并提供义务的中小学教育,当然进入私立学校就读的话,便要缴付相当昂贵的


Bob的Party一般都是Flying Saucer Club里举行的.每个星期他和他爱人都会呆在这里喝啤酒,所以他喜欢把聚会开在那里.他经常邀请我们,只是有时感觉累,就不想去.今天不去不行了,他邀请了几次,再不去说不过去了.Flying Saucer又名为UFO Club,是一家专营全世界啤酒的俱乐部.里面的高墙和屋顶上密密麻麻贴满了大大小小不同类型的碟子,从最低层的小菜碟子到大的花碟子,再上升到高处的金色碟子,到了金色碟子就可以有名字刻在上面了.所有的碟子是证明这个俱乐部成员的资格,就如同我们所说的白银,黄金,黑金会员.而Bob夫妇酷爱喝啤酒,这成了他们俩周末消遣的聚集地.他们已经在短短的两年喝了6000杯的各种不同的啤酒,所以他已是黑金会员了.今天庆祝他获得黑金会员,club的老板亲自给他挂上了他的第7个名字的金碟,还给每个客人介绍他的资格来源,再加上每个漂亮的waiter的拥抱,整个酒吧的人对他举起杯欢呼Cheers!,呼叫他的名字. 拥有黑金的会员,可以定期邀请好友一起免费品尝酒吧里的任何一款啤酒.我喜欢Blue moon,有点蜂蜜的香味.Fly Saucer有三百多种世界上最出名的啤酒,中国的青岛啤酒也列入了全世界啤酒的名牌排行榜中.在国内,我们喝啤酒,都是大口喝的,这里是品的,每一种都可以品尝,但是不多.我觉得这样挺好,象国内这种拼命三郎式的拼酒,对胃不好,喝多了还难受.可能,这就是酒文化的差异吧. 第二页-九页:介绍了美国一些传统酒吧和特色酒吧 第十页:美国不同档次酒的价格 第十一页:美国与酒有关的法律 第十二页-二十页:盛放不同酒用的酒杯名称、大小、特点配图很直观 第二十一-二十三页:酒吧中调酒用的各种工具 第二十四页:总结美国酒吧文化 American Bars In America there are many bars, but the style for most of them is almost the same: a group of people sit together chatting: there are many TV sets showing the football or basketball match. In Chinese bars we go to bars mostly in order to have a get-together. While, our TV shows are seldom about sports except when most of the guests are men. Though bars sound noisy but really give people a busy and lively sight. 当夜幕笼罩这座城市的时候,酒吧在都市美仑美奂的夜色中偷偷展露着她的笑脸,不张扬,不炫耀,在这流光溢彩的世界中显得分外的恬静。放松抑郁的心情,忘却疲惫的身心,在那柔美的灯光、浮动的烟雾、流淌的音乐中感受生活、感受美好吧。 在酒吧已经成为时尚生活象征的今天,让我们一起去PUB开心品味各种洋酒,还有那些随酒而来的惬意Chat吧! Chapter 1酒吧文化我知道 Chapter 2 酒单大全--好酒任你挑 Chapter 3 相识有缘人--酒吧搭讪完全手册 Chapter 4 京沪酒吧资讯大公开


历史文化学院全校公选课《西方视域中的国学》课程论文课程号:任课教师: 学院:专业: 姓名:班级: 学号:成绩: 联系电话:

目录 一:中国古代文学的传入: (3) 二:中国翻译入英国的主要作品: (3) 1:清小说 (4) 2:道德经 (4) 3诗经: (4) 三:中国文化对英语词汇的影响 (5) 四、青少年如何继承和发扬国学 (6) 五:参考文献 (6)

论国学对英国文化的影响 摘要:国学,是以先秦经典及诸子百家学说为根基,是中国传统思想文化学术,在漫漫历史长河中,世界各国都曾经来学习我中华的国学,并对他们产生了深远的影响。本文先大体介绍了国学传入英国的过程,然后具体介绍了英国翻译的一些重要的国学经典和由汉语而来的英语外来词,最后阐述了青少年如何继承和发扬国学,将中华文明延续下去 关键词:国学明清小说道德经诗经英国易经 一:中国古代文学的传入: 18世纪末,是英国汉学研究的萌生期和准备阶段。英国刚开始派遣一些人来学习汉语和研究中国文化,记录的中国风俗、地理出产。并开始翻译中国的古典文学。首先是中国古代的小说,主要是明清的小说,代表人物有:托马斯·珀西,他为了改变英国人对中国人的鉴赏能力和道德水准的认识,他专门译著了一本《关于中国人的杂著》,后来,中国的诗歌渐渐地引起英国人的关注,例如威廉·琼斯,对诗经的翻译。他深为论语中孔子所引用的诗歌所感动,进而找到诗经的中文原本,经过一段时间的努力,他用英文翻译出了诗经的部分并指出:诗在任何民族、任何时代,都被重视,而且在任何地域,都会采用同样的意象。但是这个时期翻译数量少、面也相当狭窄,也缺乏对中国古代文学真正的了解,更谈不上深入的研究,后来一直到鸦片战争开始,英国大批的传教士,文人等进入中国,这些人在传播英国文化的过程中,遇到汉字,并开始了汉语的语言文字学习和研究。接触到中国的大好河山和诸多人文景观;搜集的大批中国典籍和风俗文化资料,使他们在震惊、激动之中逐渐对中华文化产生了浓郁的兴趣,主要代表人物有:理雅各,用20多年时间译介的儒家的经典,包括尚书、竹书纪年、春秋左氏传、诗经、易经和礼记,共七大卷,取名《中国经典》,其中《诗经》是英国第一部全译本。德庇士翻译了许多中国的唐诗,并著成中国诗选译。翟理思翻译了中国的聊斋志异等。 1906年,英国财政部门成立专门的委员会,研讨改进汉学教学和研究问题。后来成立东方研究院,英国的中国古典文学研究正式进入发展期,主要代表人物有克莱默-宾翻译中国古代诗文选,邓罗翻译的《三国演义》,这是英语世界第一个《三国演义》的全译本,杰弗理·邓洛普翻译了《水浒传》,但是此时汉学教学虽已在大学学院、帝王学院等大学设立,包括中国古典文学翻译和研究在内的中国传统文化研究,但是并未受到大学当局的重视,因此研究经费困难,汉学教授薪水低于其它学科教学人员,图书设备差,缺乏藏书和一些工具书,很难进行高水平的研究,一直到第二次世界大战以后,西方对以中国为主的东方学重视起来。 二:中国翻译入英国的主要作品:


On One of the English Dynasties —the House of Tudor Abstract: This article mainly written Tudor background, history of reform. It is main that is in the history of King Contribution to the country. And my own view of the Dynasty Key words:Tudor Dynasty; Development background; contribution During the Tudor Dynasty, the feudal production relation collapsed with the development of productive forces. Traditional military organization lost its economic basis. At that time, England had a military revolution, and the war increased military expenditure. Under the pressure of war, the Tudor monarchy required the parliamentary approval of taxes on the one hand, resulting in increased monarchy wealth, but also strengthening the control of the Parliament; on the other hand, through the confiscation of monastic property, the Tudors got rid of the political bindings of the church. The Tudor monarchy took war as an excuse, increased authority in the secular and spiritual fields by increasing revenue, and finally strengthened the throne. The year 1485 is commonly accepted today as the beginning of a new historical era. English children are commonly today that the Middle Ages ended in 1485, when the Wars of the Roses were over and the house of Tudor ascended the throne in the person of King Henry VII .The Tudor family ruled English from 1485 to 1603.It was notable state with an efficient centralized government. The Tudor Monarchy, being in the transitional stage form feudalism to capitalism, witnessed many important political, economic and social changes. It reformed church in English and tolerated enclosures. It was during the Tudor Monarchy that America was discovered and the Renaissance spread into English. The Tudor also stimulated English commercial and maritime enterprise, under them English rose commercial and maritime enterprise, under them England rose to one of its highest points of power and influence. Through the ages, the Church in Europe gathered wealth and power that attracted the jealousy of king. The rules of English, safe in their island, used the Church of the middle Ages had not a religious body, but a political and legal power. Its doctrine dominated man’s thinking in Europe and politically the pope’s interference in their national affairs, but they did nothing to weaken his rule in Rome. The reform of the political reason, The Church of the middle Ages had not been only a religious body, but also a political and legal power. Its doctrine dominated man’s
