pair work

pair work
pair work

Pair work

What and Why?

Pair work involves students working in pairs simultaneously. The reasons for the use of pair work are similar to those

of groupwork. Pair work allows more students to get more practice. It also provides a change of pace to a lesson and helps to sustain motivation. Students working in pairs are able to share ideas and help each other. However, pair work can fail if it is not set up well. This can led to students getting distracted, disenchanted with English, and, eventually, misbehaving.

Practical ideas

· Ensure that students know exactly what they have to do before they begin any pair work activity. Run through a few examples with the whole class. Initially at least, pair work tasks need to have a clear, concrete focus, for example on completing an exercise, doing patterned practice, preparing some interactive writing, preparing questions and so on.

· For variety, different students can be paired together. Students can be moved around the room or they can be put into pairs with students to their left or right, in front or behind.

· Give the students a time limit so that they know when they have to finish.

· Students can work in pairs to produce questions exercises, etc. for other pairs to do.

· If the task does not actually require pair work, the students can choose whether they want to work in pairs or alone. Group work

What and why?

Group work in CES is based on the idea that students can learn language and information from each other. The principle of co-operative learning is basic to classroom education. It also allows teachers the opportunity to help with individual problems, stronger and weak students to work at the own pace (see monitoring and guiding) and more students to get more practice.

Practical ideas

· Before students begin group work, make sure they know exactly what they are expected to do. Make the focus clear with a definite outcome (for example, to write something, make a list of something).

· During the lesson note which students are working together so that you can encourage them to work with different people next time.

· After working in groups, students can be cross-grouped. This involves groups re-forming with represent of the other groups (for example, if students are labelled A,B, C, and D in their groups, cross-groups can be formed by all the As coming together, all the Bs, all the Cs and so on). In their cross groups, students can compare ideas.

· Three or four are probably the best numbers for group work.

· There are many ways to set up groups. Try to vary the basis on which you group students 1) Students can choose who to work with. 2) They can turn round and work with the students behind/in front of /next to them. 3) They can be grouped according to ability. 4) They can be grouped alphabetically, according to birth months. 5) They be can grouped to maintain a balance of boys and girls. 6) They can grouped by numbering students 1, 2, 3, 4 around the class. 7) You can cut up some postcards and distribute the pieces round the class. Students have to find who has the pieces which goes with theirs and thus form a group. 8) You can

give out cards with names of animals (4 of each). Students have to walk around the class making the noise of the animal to find out who is in their group.

Researching the Classroom

· Vary the way in which you set up groups (see above). Monitor how the students work when they are grouped differently.

· If group work is not functioning well, ask the students to draw up their on 'Rules for Group work' which they will agree to follow.

· Monitor the type of tasks which you give students in groups. Which kind of tasks produces most interaction? Do closed or open-ended tasks produce more discussion?

· Keep a record of how the students appeared to work in their groups - well, cooperatively, noisily, unfocussed and so on. Also keep a record of the details of the group work: who was working with whom, what they were doing in groups, what time of day it was, when in the lesson they did it, what preceded the group work and so on. After a few lessons, you may be able to see a pattern in what affects their group work.

· Studies have shown that the way students are labelled can affect how they perform. For example, students labelled

'good students' tend to work hard, students labelled 'weak' tend to find their work difficult. (This is known as 'the

self-fulfilling prophecy'.) You can give each group a name which flatters them, to see if this affects the way they work. For example, 'Brilliant Students: red group', 'Brilliant Students: green group', and so on.

· If you put students into ability groups, tell the weakest students that they will find the work you give them very easy for them. You can see if this increases their confidence in their work.


What and why?

In CES, homework gives students time to absorb, process and practice what they have learnt at school. (See also 'Notes on the Workbook', in the Teacher's Book.) It also keeps the students involved between lessons and maintains their commitment to learning English. In most courses, the amount of time available in class is simply not sufficient for language learning to take place fast enough. Extra work

outside class is essential.

Practical Ideas

· Before you set homework make sure that the students know which exercises they have to do and how long they are expected to spend on their homework. (No more than half an hour is recommended.)

· There are no answers in the Students Workbook so their homework will have to be checked in the next lesson. You will need to allow some time for this and to build it in as part of the lesson.

· There are a number of ways in which you can correct homework. See 'Notes on using the Workbook'.

· If you set homework, but find that students do not do it, you need to consider why this is happening. There may be a number of possible reasons. It may be too difficult or too easy. They may not have time because of other commitments. They may not see the point of it. They may not have the book (!) They may have other personal problems. You may be able to resolve these problems talking to the students about it, agreeing with them when they can do their homework, discussing whether they find it too easy/difficult, and so on. Perhaps they can sometimes suggest something to

do for homework. (Everybody doesn't always have to do the same thing.)

Researching the Classroom

· Talk to the students about homework, what they think about it and why it is necessary. Ask them what kinds of homework they find most enjoyable. Ask for ideas of what they would like to do for homework.

· You could also find out what they students think by giving them a questionnaire or by interviewing a few students.

· Experiment with different kinds of homework to see if it affects their response: homework that requires research, homework that requires to find/make things, homework exercises, homework they can record on cassette and so on. Many teachers have found that students respond better to homework that is social (i.e. that involves them interacting with other people) rather than solitary.

· Experiment with how homework is organised. For example, you could give students a list of things for homework from which they choose. You could sometimes ask them to tell you what they are going to do for homework and get them to put it in writing.

· You could involve the students in monitoring their own homework: what they did, when they did it, where they did it, what they found difficult and how well they performed. You can then see in what circumstances they appear to do best.


"众创空间"模式借鉴——盛嚣尘上的WeWork模式在中国的适应性 一、WeWork的运营模式 从运营模式上看,WeWork主要是通过在一些租金较为便宜的地区租用楼面,并进行二次设计,将楼面设计为风格时尚、可定制且社交功能较齐全的办公空间,之后以远高于同业的价格租给各种创业者(公司或个人),并在租金中获利。在日常运营中,除了为各类创业者提供办公空间(办公室、会议室、娱乐设施、生活设施)之外,WeWork还为创业者提供各种跟创业关系密切的隐形服务,如定期举办社交活动,促进创业者之间、创业者与投资人之间的交流;充当中间人,为创业者之间合作、创业者和投资人、初创企业和成熟企业之间搭建业务或资本合作的桥梁;完善办公空间的各类社交功能,为创业者和投资人创造各种各样偶然的邂逅可能。其具体的运营特点如下表所示:图表:WeWork运营模式的特点 二、WeWork的盈利模式 目前,WeWork的盈利模式主要来自两个方面: 1、向创业者(个人或公司)收取租金 WeWork主要是在新建的开发区或者萧条的街区开设办公点,先折扣价租下整层写字楼,分成单独的办公空间,再出租给愿意挨着办公的初创企业,采取的是"整批零租"的形式,重点是保证好利差,从而在会员租金和配套服务上收费。WeWork的租金比较高,一张办公桌的月租为350美元,一间64平方英尺办公室的租金为每人650美元;但是因为其较为完善的创业环境以及完备的创业社交网络,其会员数量一直保持着激增状态。当WeWork在伦敦绍森德(South End)开设最新的办公地点时,一开始就租出去80%。 WeWork的会员数量比较稳定,公司28%的收入来自较小会员。当较大的会员搬到自己的办公场所或者更大更新的WeWork办公点时,较小的会员就会升级。"我在这里接到了很多生意,即使租金翻倍,我仍然能够赚到钱。"Brilliant Collaborations公司首席执行官乔纳森·斯莫利(Jonathan Smalley)说。这家广告代理商是WeWork沃登面包工厂办公点的会员。 2、隐形回报获利 WeWork除了会员租金和配套服务收费之外,WeWork还通过周边地价溢价、对种子公司投资等隐性回报来获利。 除此之外,WeWork管理者看到了以中间人身份向会员介绍各项服务的新收入来源。这些服务包括医疗、会计、法律和云计算。比如通过TriNet,WeWork帮助会员每月节约200美元的健康保险费;WeWork会员使用亚马逊AWS云服务提供的网络主机第一年可免除5000美元费用。虽然目前WeWork没有收取服务中介费,但据公司透露消息,未来这种情况可能会改变。 三、WeWork商业模式的创新分析 WeWork是创新型办公空间的代表,与现有写字楼的经营模式相比,存在着如下创新: 1、地产开发到运营的轻资产创新 目前商业地产和楼宇经济的发展模式主要是"拿地、开发、招租"的运营模式,在这种模式之下,资金投入非常大,而运作周期极为漫长,资金回笼时间非常长。而在WeWork模式中,略去了拿地和开发的环节,通过物业对所租之地进行改造升级。这种模式之下,公司可以在数月之内完成项目交付,让资金得到快速回笼。 2、办公楼宇产品形态的创新 一方面,租面积到租工位,非标准产品到标准产品的进步,瞬间打破了以楼层、面积、户型、使用率等为代表的写字楼的复杂性。另一方面,租赁标的可伸缩性以及租期的灵活性,又减少了企业对未来发展不确定性的顾虑,营销成本也将随着产品的改进而降低。 3、集约经营到共享经济的创新

团队合作的重要性(一) The Importance of Teamwork(一)(大学英语作文)

团队合作的重要性(一)The Importance of Teamwork(一) 大学英语作文 Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In myopinion, everyone had better learn to work with others together becauseteamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society. 有些人喜欢单独工作,而有些人则喜欢团队合作。在我看来,每个人最好学习与他人一起工作,因为团队合作在现代社会是很有必要和重要的。 First, working in a teamprovides a chance for us to communicate with each other. Just as the sayinggoes, “many hands make light job.”Working in a team, teammates share theirideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second,working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon. Teammates in a team canlearn something from each other because they are from different places, owningvarious experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, gettingalong with other teammates is also a

VMware Workstations网络连接的三种模式

VMware Workstations网络连接的三种模式vmware为我们提供了三种网络工作模式,它们分别是:Bridged(桥接模式)、NAT(网络地址转换模式)、Host-Only (仅主机模式)。 打开vmware虚拟机,我们可以在选项栏的“编辑”下的“虚拟网络编辑器”中看到VMnet0(桥接模式)、VMnet1(仅主机模式)、VMnet8(NAT模式),那么这些都是有什么作用呢?其实,我们现在看到的VMnet0表示的是用于桥接模式下的虚拟交换机;VMnet1表示的是用于仅主机模式下的虚拟交换机;VMnet8表示的是用于NAT模式下的虚拟交换机。 1 / 8

同时,在主机上对应的有VMware Network Adapter VMnet1和VMware Network Adapter VMnet8两块虚拟网卡,它们分别作用于仅主机模式与NAT模式下。在“网络连接”中我们可以看到这两块虚拟网卡,如果将这两块卸载了,可以在vmware的“编辑”下的“虚拟网络编辑器”中点击“还原默认设置”,可重新将虚拟网卡还原。 2 / 8

小伙伴看到这里,肯定有疑问,为什么在真机上没有VMware Network Adapter VMnet0虚拟网卡呢?那么接下来,我们就一起来看一下这是为什么。 一、Bridged(桥接模式) 什么是桥接模式?桥接模式就是将主机网卡与虚拟机虚拟的网卡利用虚拟网桥进行通信。在桥接的作用下,类似于把物理主机虚拟为一个交换机,所有桥接设置的虚拟机连接到这个交换机的一个接口上,物理主机也同样插在这个交换机当中,所以所有桥接下的网卡与网卡都是交换模式的,相互可以访问而不干扰。在桥接模式下,虚拟机ip地址需要与主机在同一个网段,如果需要联网,则网关与DNS需要与主机网卡一致。其网络结构如下图所示: 3 / 8


Teamwork is very important 团队合作非常重要 I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play it.But I have seen a wonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate class.It is so wonderful that I cann't help asking myself "Is it real".The answer is pretty yes.I also learn a lot from the game. First ,teamwork is very important.You are sure to fail if you play by yourself.So five members must play together and well orgnized.Second ,you should have a aim.In order to reach it,you should try your best. Last,never give up whatever have happened.Even if you get low scores,you shouldn't give up.If there is a will,there is a way.If there is a will ,there is also a opportunity.And you can make failure into success.Believe yourself and believe your team.You are the best one. 参考译文 我不喜欢篮球,更不用说打了。但我已经看到了我们班和研究生班之间的一场精彩的篮球比赛。它是如此美妙,我不禁问自己,“这是真的吗”。答案是肯定的。从比赛中我也学到了很多。


Homework #2 Note:In some problem (this is true for the entire quarter) you will need to make some assumptions since the problem statement may not fully specify the problem space. Make sure that you make reasonable assumptions and clearly state them. Work alone: You are expected to do your own work on all assignments; there are no group assignments in this course. You may (and are encouraged to) engage in general discussions with your classmates regarding the assignments, but specific details of a solution, including the solution itself, must always be your own work. Problem: In this problem we will investigate the importance of having the correct model for classification. Load file hw2.mat and open it in Matlab using command load hw2. Using command whos, you should see six array c1, c2, c3 and t1, t2, t3, each has size 500 by 2. Arrays c1, c2, c3 hold the training data, and arrays t1, t2, t3 hold the testing data. That is arrays c1, c2, c3 should be used to train your classifier, and arrays t1, t2, t3 should be used to test how the classifier performs on the data it hasn’t seen. Arrays c1 holds training data for the first class, c2 for the second class, c3 for the third class. Arrays t1, t2, t3 hold the test data, where the true class of data in t1, t2, t3 comes from the first, second, third classed respectively. Of course, array ci and ti were drawn from the same distribution for each i. Each training and testing example has 2 features. Thus all arrays are two dimensional, the number of rows is equal to the number of examples, and there are 2 columns, column 1 has the first feature, column 2 has the second feature. (a)Visualize the examples by using Matlab scatter command a plotting each class in different color. For example, for class 1 use scatter(c1(:,1),c1(:,2),’r’);. Other possible colors can be found by typing help plot. (b)From the scatter plot in (a), for which classes the multivariate normal distribution looks like a possible model, and for which classes it is grossly wrong? If you are not sure how to answer this part, do parts (c-d) first. (c)Suppose we make an erroneous assumption that all classed have multivariate normal Nμ. Compute the Maximum Likelihood estimates for the means and distributions()∑, covariance matrices (remember you have to do it separately for each class). Make sure you use only the training data; this is the data in arrays c1, c2, and c3. (d)You can visualize what the estimated distributions look like using Matlab contour(). Recall that the data should be denser along the smaller ellipse, because these are closer to the estimated mean. (e)Use the ML estimates from the step (c) to design the ML classifier (this is the Bayes classifier under zero-one loss function with equal priors). Thus we are assuming that priors are the same for each class. Now classify the test example (that is only those


TEAMWORK In my last postion, I was part of a software implementation team. We all worked together to plan and manage the implementation schedule, to provide customer training, and ensure a smooth transition for our custom ers. Our team always completed our projects ahead of schedule with very positive reviews from our clients. I was part of team responsible for evaluating and selecting a new vendor for our office equipment and supplies. The inter-departmental team reviewed options, compared pricing and service, chose a vendor, and implemented the transition to the new vendor. In high school, I enjoyed playing soccer and performing with the marching band. Each required a different kind of team play, but the overall goal of learning to be a member of a group was invaluable. I continued to grow as team member while on my sorority's debate team and through my advanced marketing class where we had numerous team assignments. The following sample job interview questions about team s and team work enable you to asses s your candidate’s skill in working with teams. Feel free to use these job interview questions in your own candidate interviews. ?Give an example of a successful project you were part of. What was your role? Why was the project successful? ?Describe two situations from your past work experience in which you have determined a team was the best potential solution to a problem, a needed process improvement, or a planned change. How did each work out? ?What actions and support, in your experience, make a team function successfully? ?Give me an example of a time when your work group or department worked especially well with another work group or departm ent to accomplish a goal. ?Have you been a member of a team that struggled or failed to accomplish its goal? If so, what assessment did you make of the reasons for the failure?


浅析workshop教学模式在八年制麻醉教学中的应用 发表时间:2018-12-01T16:09:40.257Z 来源:《航空军医》2018年19期作者:陈明华廖炎周治明廖琴 [导读] 随着麻醉学科不断发展,麻醉工作内容复杂,涉及与多个临床学科交叉。 (中南大学湘雅三医院湖南长沙 410000) 摘要:随着医学教育事业的发展,教学方法的改革已经成为医学教育事业改革的一项重点创新内容,八年制麻醉学科的教育目标是培养基础扎实、专业能力突出、综合素质高的临床医师。为提高麻醉学的教学水平以及技能操作水平,解决传统教学的短板,结合八年制麻醉学学生培养的特点,在麻醉学教学过程中采取workshop教学模式对学生进行分组培训和讨论。对教学效果展开问卷调查,结果显示学生对workshop教学模式接受度较高,获得较好的教学成果。workshop教学模式能够提高麻醉学教学水平,有利于开展麻醉学临床技能培训,确保教学的质量并高质量的完成培养标。 关键词:workshop;教学模式;麻醉学 随着麻醉学科不断发展,麻醉工作内容复杂,涉及与多个临床学科交叉,根据麻醉学其自身特点及培养目标,不断探索改革教学模式,培养具有扎实理论基础与熟练的临床技能医学生,促进教学质量的稳步提高与发展。麻醉临床教学具有内容多、要求高、实践时间短等特点,workshop教学是医学教育界较推崇的一种先进教育理念和手段,也是目前医学教育改革的重点。 麻醉学八年制医学生培养特点1.高起点精英教育。八年制医学教育主要培养适应我国发展需要、具有较高综合素质、能适应国际医学发展和交流需要的临床医学专业高层次精英人才。2.全面综合高素质教育。培养八年制医学生强调单科性医科大学与综合、多科性大学紧密合作的基础上办学,使学生具有创新思维和良好医学道德修养。3.教学要求具自主性、个性、创新性。长学制医学体制改革已经进入教学内容和教学方法改革阶段。各高校都在不断摸索和完善。4.教育覆盖面广、培养周期短。如何在较短时间内对八年制医学生进行全面和高质量的教学,成为麻醉学教学团队探索的新方向。《中国医学教育改革和发展纲要》指出,高等医学教育应逐步扩大长学制教育,提出“以五年制为主体、八年制为重点、三年制为补充教育改革思路。根据八年制医学生培养目标及培养特点,深入进行教学模式与教学方法改革的探索,实现长学制医学生培养目标和教学质量的可持续发展。麻醉学八年制教学存在内容广、目标和要求高,实践周期短等局限性,因此,探讨麻醉学八年制学生教育模式是目前教学改革要解决的问题。 1 Workshop教学对麻醉学教学的结合 关于workshop教学起源于20世纪初的包豪斯学院。根据课程要求,学生要集中在规定的场地中进行创作,这个场地即workshop,这种学习模式与工厂学徒制类似,学生即等同于学徒工。传统教学多由一名教师授课,而workshop教学需要两名老师,其中一名老师主要讲授理论知识和课程,另外一名老师主要开展技术和实践教学。在上世纪60年代,在都市建设中引入workshop概念,工作模式转变为多元开放、探索交流的模式。Workshop成为了一种由主持人带头进行讨论交流的组织方式,进而workshop模式被不同领域引进开展研究性专题讨论。Workshop教学模式发展成教学主题明确,同学间和师生之间进行交流,深入探讨并解决实际问题,注重学生参与度、实践能力以及自主能力的教学模式。 Workshop打破单一、间断的传统教学弊端,将教学与实践有机融合,培养学生在学做结合,运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。目前麻醉学的绝大多数教师能够很好地操作和实施传统大课教学,而不够重视麻醉见习课堂。由于传统医学教学缺少师生之间的交流和反馈,导致学生对麻醉学科操作学习兴趣不足,缺乏学习自主性与合作性。中国教育改革如火如荼,教育行业深知workshop模式对教育改革的必要性,老师们开始在各个教学领域尝试进行workshop教学。如何在麻醉学科教学中高效的运用Workshop教学法,为麻醉学教育带来全新的体验,为学生提供课外拓展交互式见习平台,营造学生易于接受学习环境,增加学生对麻醉学习和实际操作的兴趣是麻醉学教育者的首要任务。Workshop教学法在提供易为年轻人参与的先进的情景体验,打破传统课堂固有模式等方面具有独特的优势。 2 Workshop教学模式的实施 麻醉学教学课时有限,临床见习是麻醉学中一项重要的教学内容。临床见习课的目标是将所学理论知识运用到实际操作中,是牢固记忆理论知识,迈向临床医生工作岗位必不可少的关键步骤。麻醉学教育中临床见习课的特点包括操作难度大、相关医学操作多、和实际问题密不可分、知识点零散等。本研究采用workshop教学方法进行见习教学,通过设置实际医学问题,指引学生不断自主、能动地深入探讨,在workshop模式中,同学之间结合成工作小组并对相关问题进行探讨与研究,然后为虚拟患者进行诊断和进一步麻醉操作。通过改革教学模式,使得教学内容进一步深化,教学效果更加明显,为麻醉学实习课开辟新道路。 每节的workshop模式都有不同的教学主题,整个过程以该主题为核心进行研讨操作。具体主题由老师依据教学大纲选出与理论课联系密切紧的临床经典病例,并针对这些病例设计教学问题。然后任课老师把学生分配成若干个工作小组,并就临床经典病例提出一系列问题,由老师指导学生进行小组内思考与讨论,讨论过程中即使有错误之处也不必立即予以纠正,等到学生组内讨论完成后,汇总学生提出的治疗方法;教师进行示范性操作,通过现场进行workshop实际案例讲解与操作,能够当场迅速的解决学生的问题,把细枝末节悉告知学生,使学生们感受具体的方法与原理,进而自动纠正其错误认知;学生们通过亲自实践练习习得细节步骤。在示范完一项内容后,再开展下一内容的研讨与示范。在workshop过程结束时,教师对内容进行总结,进一步巩固并加深学生准确理解和记忆理论知识,将做与学二者相结合,提高学生实践操作能力。通过多方面亲身体验加强学生运用基本知识解决问题的能力,也在一定程度上增加学生对麻醉学的兴趣。 3 Workshop教学模式的启示 在以往的临床麻醉教学中,教师讲解是最常用的方法,而学生多机械记忆。在workshop模式中学生能够积极参与教学环节,同时教师能够得到反馈,教学相长。在教学实践中发现,学生对CPR(cardio-pulmonary resuscitation,心肺复苏)情景再现、疼痛虚拟患者的实施、使用生命体征监测和调控的等教学内容参与度高,教学效果好。在拟定麻醉方案,选取恰当的药品器材和麻醉方法,做好有可能出现危险的情况预防方案过程中,学生角色转换为临床麻醉医师和决策者,而不再被动学习知识,使学生的学习热情得到激发。教师以医学模拟人来替代模拟患者,演示气管插管、徒手心肺复苏、椎管内穿刺等具体操作步骤,拓宽了学生视野,让学生更深入掌握教学内容。CPR


大学英语作文 写作:团队合作的重要性 The Importance of Teamwork 团队合作的重要性 Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion, everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society. 有些人喜欢单独工作,而有些人则喜欢团队合作。在我看来,每个人最好学习与他人一起工作,因为团队合作在现代社会是很有必要和重要的。 First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each other. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.” Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon. Teammates in a team can learn something from each

other because they are from different places, owning various experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of increasing our knowledge. Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship. Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful, which make a great contribution to establishing friendship. Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships. 首先,在一个团队中工作为我们提供了一个彼此沟通的机会。正如俗话所说,“众人拾柴火焰高。”在一个团队中工作,队友们互相分享他们的想法,这有助于创造更好的成绩。第二,在团队中工作是拓宽我们视野的一个好方式。一个团队的队友可以相互学习因为他们来自不同地方,拥有不同的经验并且对事物有不同的看法。因此,和其他队友相处融洽也是增长见识的过程。最后,团体合作有助于建立友谊。在一个团队的队友们有机会互相帮助,共同解决问题,分享成功的快乐,这些都为建立友谊做出很大的贡献。因此,在团队工作是最有效的扩展个人关系的方法之一。 To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really necessary and important and we should try to enjoy it.

初中英语作文:团队合作非常重要Teamwork is very important

初中英语作文:团队合作非常重要Teamwork is very important I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play I have seen a wonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate is so wonderful that I cann't help asking myself "Is it real".The answer is pretty also learn a lot from the game. 我不喜欢篮球,更不用说打了。但我已经看到了我们班和研究生班之间的一场精彩的篮球比赛。它是如此美妙,我不禁问自己,“这是真的吗”。答案是肯定的。从比赛中我也学到了很多。 First ,teamwork is very are sure to fail if you play by five members must play together and well ,you should have a order to reach it,you should try your

best. 首先,团队合作是非常重要的。你一定会失败的如果你只靠自己的话。所以五个成员必须一起参与、组织好。其次,你应该有目标。为了达到这个目的,你应该尽你最大的努力。 Last,never give up whatever have if you get low scores,you shouldn't give there is a will,there is a there is a will ,there is also a you can make failure into yourself and believe your are the best one. 最后,无论发生什么事情永不放弃。即使你得到较低的分数,你也不应该放弃。有志者事竟成。如果有志着,也会有机会。你可以把失败变成成功。相信你自己,相信你的团队。你是最好的。


Teamwork Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiments are designed,data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone. Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever the task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience. What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Thirdly, always worktogether, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference. Useful words and expressions: playing field n. 运动场 productive adj. 多产的,有生产价值的 productive force 生产力 productive labor 有价值的劳动 a productive farm 肥沃的农场 a productive writer 多产作家 investigation n. 调查,研究 (be) under investigation 在调查研究中 bear investigation 经得起考查,不怕追查 keep an open mind 不抱成见,抱着虚心态度 make a great difference 有很大差别,有很大影响

VMWare Workstation三种工作模式[3页]

VMWare 三种工作模式(bridged、host-only、NAT) VMWare提供了三种工作模式,它们是bridged(桥接模式)、NAT(网络地址转换模式)和host-only(主机模式)。要想在网络管理和维护中合理应用它们,你就应该先了解一下这三种工作模式。 1.bridged(桥接模式) 在这种模式下,VMWare虚拟出来的操作系统就像是局域网中的一台独立的主机,它可以访问网内任何一台机器。在桥接模式下,你需要手工为虚拟系统配置 IP地址、子网掩码,而且还要和宿主机器处于同一网段,这样虚拟系统才能和宿主机器进行通信。同时,由于这个虚拟系统是局域网中的一个独立的主机系统,那么就可以手工配置它的TCP/IP配置信息,以实现通过局域网的网关或路由器访问互联网。 使用桥接模式的虚拟系统和宿主机器的关系,就像连接在同一个Hub上的两台电脑。想让它们相互通讯,你就需要为虚拟系统配置IP地址和子网掩码,否则就无法通信。 如果你想利用VMWare在局域网内新建一个虚拟服务器,为局域网用户提供网络服务,就应该选择桥接模式。 bridge: 这种方式最简单,直接将虚拟网卡桥接到一个物理网卡上面,和linux下一个网卡绑定两个不同地址类似,实际上是将网卡设置为混杂模式,从而达到侦听多个IP的能力。 在此种模式下,虚拟机内部的网卡(例如linux下的eth0)直接连到了物理网卡所在的网络上,可以想象为虚拟机和host机处于对等的地位,在网络关系上是平等的,没有谁在谁后面的问题。 使用这种方式很简单,前提是你可以得到1个以上的地址。对于想进行种种网络实验的朋友不太适合,因为你无法对虚拟机的网络进行控制,它直接出去了。 2.NAT(网络地址转换模式) 使用NAT模式,就是让虚拟系统借助NAT(网络地址转换)功能,通过宿主机器所在的网络来访问公网。也就是说,使用NAT模式可以实现在虚拟系统里访问互联网。NAT模式下的虚拟系统的TCP/IP配置信息是由VMnet8(NAT)虚拟网络的DHCP服务器提供的,无法进行手工修改,因此虚拟系统也就无法和本局域网中的其他真实主机进行通讯。采用NAT模式最大的优势是虚拟系统接入互联网非常简单,你不需要进行任何其他的配置,只需要宿主机器能访问互联网即可。 这种方式也可以实现Host OS与Guest OS的双向访问。但网络内其他机器不能访问Guest OS,Guest OS可通过Host OS用NAT协议访问网络内其他机器。NAT方式的IP地址配置方法是由VMware的虚拟DHCP服务器中分配一个IP ,在这个IP地址中已经设置好路由,就是指向192.168.138.1的。 如果你想利用VMWare安装一个新的虚拟系统,在虚拟系统中不用进行任何手工配置就能直接访问互联网,建议你采用NAT模式。


八大浪费是定义工厂在JIT生产方式中的,其浪费的含义与社会上通常所说的浪费有所区别。对于JIT 来讲,凡是超出增加产品价值所必需的绝对最少的物料、设备、人力、场地和时间的部分都是浪费。因此,JIT生产方式所讲的工厂的浪费归纳为八大种,分别是:不良、修理的浪费,过分加工的浪费,动作的浪费,搬运的浪费,库存的浪费,制造过多过早的浪费,等待的浪费和管理的浪费,简称为八大浪费。 2具体表现 1.不良、修理的浪费 所谓不良、修理的浪费,指的是由于工厂内出现不良品,需要进行处置的时间、人力、物力上的浪费,以及由此造成的相关损失。这类浪费具体包括:材料的损失、不良品变成废品;设备、人员和工时的损失; 额外的修复、鉴别、追加检查的损失;有时需要降价处理产品,或者由于耽误出货而导致工厂信誉的下降。 2.加工的浪费 加工的浪费也叫过分加工的浪费,主要包含两层含义:第一是多余的加工和过分精确的加工,例如实际加工精度过高造成资源浪费;第二是需要多余的作业时间和辅助设备,还要增加生产用电、气压、油等能源的浪费,另外还增加了管理的工时。 3.动作的浪费 动作的浪费现象在很多企业的生产线中都存在,常见的动作浪费主要有以下12种:两手空闲、单手空闲、作业动作突然停止、作业动作过大、左右手交换、步行过多、转身的角度太大,移动中变换“状态”、不明技巧、伸背动作、弯腰动作以及重复动作和不必要的动作等,这些动作的浪费造成了时间和体力上的不必要消耗。 4.搬运的浪费 从JIT的角度来看,搬运是一种不产生附加价值的动作,而不产生价值的工作都属于浪费。搬运的浪费具体表现为放置、堆积、移动、整列等动作浪费,由此而带来物品移动所需空间的浪费、时间的浪费和人力工具的占用等不良后果。 国内目前有不少企业管理者认为搬运是必要的,不是浪费。因此,很多人对搬运浪费视而不见,更谈不上去消灭它。也有一些企业利用传送带或机器搬运的方式来减少人工搬运,这种做法是花大钱来减少工人体力的消耗,实际上并没有排除搬运本身的浪费。 5.库存的浪费 按照过去的管理理念,人们认为库存虽然是不好的东西,但却是必要的。JIT的观点认为,库存是没有必要的,甚至认为库存是万恶之源。如图1-1,由于库存很多,将故障、不良品、缺勤、点点停、计划有误、调整时间过长、品质不一致、能力不平衡等问题全部掩盖住了。 例如,有些企业生产线出现故障,造成停机、停线,但由于有库存而不至于断货,这样就将故障造成停机、停线的问题掩盖住了,耽误了故障的排除。如果降低库存,就能将上述问题彻底暴露于水平面,进而能够逐步地解决这些库存浪费.。 6.制造过多过早的浪费 制造过多或过早,提前用掉了生产费用,不但没有好处,还隐藏了由于等待所带来的浪费,失去了持续改善的机会。有些企业由于生产能力比较强大,为了不浪费生产能力而不中断生产,增加了在制品,使得制品周期变短、空间变大,还增加了搬运、堆积的浪费。此外,制造过多或过早,会带来庞大的库存量,利息负担增加,不可避免地增加了贬值的风险。 7.等待的浪费 由于生产原料供应中断、作业不平衡和生产计划安排不当等原因造成的无事可做的等待,被称为等待的浪费。生产线上不同品种之间的切换,如果准备工作不够充分,势必造成等待的浪费;每天的工作量变动幅度过大,有时很忙,有时造成人员、设备闲置不用;上游的工序出现问题,导致下游工序无事可做。此外,生产线劳逸不均等现象的存在,也是造成等待浪费重要原因。
