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You dragged your feet when you went out , By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses, Too deep to clear them away! The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind. The paired butterflies are already yellow with August Over the grass in the West garden; They hurt me. I grow older. If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang, Please let me know beforehand, And I will come out to meet you, As far as Cho-fu-Sa.
意译法的核心是灵活变通,但灵活变通是有根据的,不是置 原文于不顾地乱译一气。 [例1] She knew I knew and she knew if she got funny I’d either ruin the romance or make her marry him, so she was very friendly. 译文1:她很了解我,我很了解她;要是他遭遇困难,我得牺牲 我们的浪漫,让她同他结婚,因为她待我太好了 译文2:她知道我知道她和他的事,她也明白要是他跟我过不去, 破坏或成全他们全在我的一年之间,所以他对我很客气
长干行 李白
妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。 妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。 低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。 低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。 十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆。 十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆。 五月不可触,猿鸣天上哀。 五月不可触,猿鸣天上哀。 门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。 门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。 苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。 苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。
At fifteen I stopped scowling, I desired my dust to be mingled with yours For ever and for ever and for ever. For Why should I clime the look out? At sixteen you departed, You went into far Ku-to-yen, by the river of swirling eddies, And you have been gone five months, The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead.
The Won-Done Song
Men all know that salvation should be won, But with ambition won’t have done, have done. Where are the famous ones of days gone by? In grassy graves they lie now, every one. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their riches won’t have done, have done. Each day, they grumble they’ve not made enough, When they’ve enough, it’s goodnight everyone!
Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their loving wives they won’t have done, The darlings everyday protest their love, But once you’re dead, they’re off with another one. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their children won’t have done, have done. Yet though of parents fond there is no lack, Of grateful children saw I ne’er one. (Translated by David Hawks)
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1. 对单词、词汇的理解 2. 对上下文逻辑关系的理解 3. 对习语、典故、专有名词、历史 文化、专业知识背景的理解
(二)表达阶段 直译 VS 意译 1. 直译:在转达原文意思时,使译文的表达 形式和句法结构尽量同原文一致,其理想目标 是做到“神形兼备”。 [例1] to add fuel to the fire 火上浇油 to fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼
具有可操作性的标准: (一)共同标准(对于各种文体翻译的基本要求) 1. 信息传真: 复制原文多层面的信息,包括原作语言词 汇的含义、引申以及文化背景,既不添枝加叶, 也不断章取义
2. 风格再现 1)作家的个人风格 2)文体风格 3)人物语言风格
3. 可读性好 1)保证译文地道、通顺,避免“欧式汉语” 或“汉化英语” 2)必要的文字润色
[例3]形式尚未明朗化。 译文1:No clear picture has yet emerged. 译文2:The situation has not yet been clarified. [例4]我们应该抢时间完成任务 译文1:It’s better for us to hurry in our work so as to fulfill what we are assigned to do ahead of time. 译文2:We should work against the clock.
译文 The River Merchant''s Wife: a Letter by Ezra Pound While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead I played about the front gate, pulling flowers. You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse, You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums. And we went on living in the village of Chokan: Two small people, without dislike or suspicion. At fourteen I married my lord you. I never laughed, being bashful. Lowering my head, I looked at the wall. Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back.
直译过程中要注意避免“硬译”,如: [例1]Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 译文1:昨晚我听见他把他的猪赶去市场。 1 译文2:昨晚我听见他鼾声如雷 [例2] They ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. 译文1:他们跑得像他们的腿所能载动他们那样的快。 译文2:他们拼命逃跑 译文3:他们飞快逃命,连吃奶的力气都用上了。
(二)个性标准 各种文体的翻译在保证达到共同标准的前提 下,还应该有各自的共同点。
比较 [例1]This novel was the beginning of his fame. 译文1:这部小说是他名声的开始。 1 译文2:这部小说是他的成名之作。 [例2]At the beginning of the new year, this area saw a big snow fall. 译文1:在新年的开始,这个地区就经历了一场大雪。 译文2:新年一开头,这个地区就下了一场大雪 译文3:新年伊始,这个地区就普降瑞雪。
三. 翻译的过程
The truth: Facts of the matter
Source language: Writer, norms, culture, setting and tradition
Target language: Relationship, norms, Culture, setting and tradition
[例5]我们在会议期间畅所欲言 译文1:We freely expressed our opinions during the meeting. 译文2:We had the luxury of opinions during the meeting.
[例6] 好了歌 世人都晓神仙好,唯有功名忘不了, 古今将相在何方,荒冢一堆草没了。 世人都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了, 终朝只恨聚无多,及到多时眼闭了。 世人都晓神仙好,只有娇妻忘不了, 君生日日说恩情,君死又随人去了。 世人都晓神仙好,只有儿孙忘不了, 痴心父母古来多,孝顺儿孙谁见了。
2.意译:通过对原文深层意蕴的理解,打破原文 的语言形式,用译文的习惯表达形式把原文的 意蕴再现出来。 [例1] Justice has long arms. 译文:天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
[例2] Their language was almost unrestrained by any motive of prudence. 译文: 他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,都没有顾 及到什么谨慎不谨慎的问题 [例3] Will a duck swim? 译文:当然喽!/还用说吗?
[例2] Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 [例3] I read this letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise because he is still around, excitement because he didn’t ever forget me. 我读到他的信既惊又喜,惊的是他还健在,喜的是 他一直都没有忘记我。
八月蝴蝶来,双飞西园草。 八月蝴蝶来,双飞西园草。 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。 早晚下三巴,预将书报家。 早晚下三巴,预将书报家。 相迎不道远,直至长风沙。 相迎不道远,直至长风沙。 【长干】古金陵里巷名 【剧】游戏 【抱柱】《庄子·杂篇·盗跖》“尾生与女子期于梁下,女子不来, 水至不去,抱梁柱而死” 【三巴】巴东、巴郡、巴西 【长风沙】在今安徽安庆东长江边上
一.关于翻译的几个基本问题 1. 什么是翻译? 2. 为什么要翻译? 3. 为谁而翻译? 4. 如何翻译?
二.翻译的标准 著名的翻译家和学者所提出过的标准: 1. 玄奘的“求真”“喻俗”说 2. 严复的“信、达、雅”说 3. 鲁迅的“忠实、通顺、美”说 4. 傅雷的“神似”说 5. Eugene A. Nida 的 “灵活对等”理论 6. Peter Newmark 的 “语义交际”理论