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1. Al though provi ding wild chimpanzees wi th food makes them less _____ and easi er to study, i t i s al so known to _____ their normal soci al patterns.
(A) interesti ng.. rei nforce
(B) manageable.. upset
(C) shy.. di srupt
(D) poi sed.. inhi bi t
(E) accessi bl e.. retard
第一个空格应该与后面easier to study 构成小连接,选C。2. There i s somethi ng_____about the way the buil di ng of monasteries proliferated i n ei ghteenth-century Bavaria, while i n the rest of the Western worl d reli gious ardor was_____and church
buil ding was consequentl y decli ni ng.
(A) enigmati c.. coalesci ng.
(B) destructive.. changi ng
(C) immutable.. di ssi pati ng
(D) incongruous.. dimini shi ng
(E) momentous.. di versifyi ng
意思:有不协调的因素:一方面18世纪building非常兴旺,另一方面其他地方还在减少and church也在减少。
3. Because they had vari ous meani ngs i n ni neteenth-century
bi ol ogical thought, "mechani sm" and "vi tali sm" ought not to be consi dered_____terms; thus, I fi nd the recent i nsi stence that the terms had si ngle defi ni ti ons to be entirel y _____ .
(A) uni vocal.. erroneous
(B) probl emati c.. anachroni stic
(C) intractable.. obtuse
(D) congruent.. suspect
(E) multifaceted.. vapi d
4. Many A meri cans believe that i ndivi dual i ni tiati ve epi tomized the 1890's and see the entrepreneur as the_____of that age.
(A) caricature
(B) sal vati on
(C) throwback
(D) aberrati on
(E) personifi cati on
5. Neither the i deas of phil osophers nor the practi ces of ordinary peopl e can, by themsel ves, _____reality; what i n fact changes reality and ki ndles revol ution i s the_____ of the two.
(A) consti tute.. di vergence
(B) affect.. aim
(C) transform.. i nterplay
(D) preserve.. conj uncti on
(E) alter.. i nterventi on
6. There has been a tendency among art hi stori ans not so much to revi se as to eliminate the concept of the Renai ssance to _____ not onl y i ts uni queness, but its very existence.
(A) explai n
(B) extol
(C) transmute
(D) regret
(E) contest Not so much。。。as。。。与其说。。。不如说。。。
7. Employees had become so i nured to the capri ces of top management's personnel poli cies that they greeted the announcement of a company-wi de dress code with _____ .
(A) astoni shment
(B) impassi vi ty
(C) resentment
(D) apprehensi on
(E) confusi on