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1、While these problem tend to have multiple roots, their biological bases may yield to biological solutions , and these solutions , in turn , will help ease the associated pressures on society.


2、In studying the living world , you are embarking on adventure of discovery that will not only excite your imagination and enrich your appreciation of the natural world ,but will provide a basis on which you can contribute intelligently to the difficult choices society must make in the future .


1、The criterion of movement is thus neither necessary –possessed by all life forms-nor sufficient-possessed only by life forms , even though it is a common attribute of many kinds of organisms .


2、The order of the subunits making up the DNA contains , in code ,the information that determines what an individual organism will be like ,just as the order of letters on this page determines the sense of what you are reading .


1、Our atmosphere has since changed as living organisms began to harness the energy in sunlight to split water molecules and form complex carbon molecules, giving off gaseous oxygen molecules in the process .


2、On earth today , we are shielded from the effects of solar ultraviolet radiation by a layer of ozone gas(O3)in the upper atmosphere, and it is particularly difficult to imagine the enormous flux of ultraviolet energy to which the early earth’s surface must have been exposed.


1、The idea of evolution-the notion that kinds of living things on earth changed gradually from one form into another over the course of time-provides a good example of how an idea , an educated guess , is developed into a hypothesis , tested , and eventually accepted as a theory.


2、He presented his idea in such convincing detail that they could logically be accepted as explaining the diversity of life on earth , the intricate adaptation of living things , and the ways in which they are related to one another.


1、Two phyla , arthropoda—a gigantic group that includes crustaceans , spiders , and insects—and chordate—our own phylum , which includes the vertebrates—dominate animal life on the land .


2、The ability of animals to move—and to move more rapidly and in more complex ways than the member of other kingdoms—is perhaps their most striking characteristic , one that is directly related to the flexibility of their cells .


1、The eggs of arthropod develop into immature forms that may bear little or no resemblance to the adults of the same species ; most members of this phylum change their characteristics as they develop from stage to stage , a process called metamorphosis .


2、The fundamental differences in the derivation and structure of their mouthparts indicate that the chelicerates and the mandibulates represent different evolutionary lines among the arthropods and that neither group gave rise to the other .


1、The hollow dorsal nerve cord of most vertebrates is protected within a U-shaped groove formed by paired projections from the vertebral column .


2、This relationship has in the past sometimes been recognized by designating the agnathans as a distinct group of vertebrates , more different from the other classes than the other classes are from one anther .


1、In all but a few mammals 除少数种类以外,在所有哺乳动物当中。。。

2、These animals occur only in Australia and New Guinea ; recently , a 110-million-year-old fossil jaw similar to that of a platypus was discovered in Australia , indicating that monotremes have inhabited that part of the world for a very long time .

这些动物仅出现在澳大利亚和新几内亚;近几年在澳大利亚发现1.1 亿年的类似于鸭嘴兽的颚的化石,这表明单孔目动物在地球上的这部分陆地栖居了相当长的时间。

3、One evolutionary line of mammals , the bats ,has joined insects and birds in the only group of living animals that truly flies ; another ,the Cetacea , together with the Sirenia , or manatees , has reverted to an aquatic habitat , like that from which
