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1.You don’t look well, you __________ see the doctor.

A.ought to B.may

C.can D.might

2.Schools have been lengthening the school day to raise test marks, which ________ be costly if schools need air conditioning on hot days.

A.might B.can C.dare D.need

3.What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ___________ it better.

A.need have done B.must have done

C.can have done D.might have done

4.—What do you think of your boss?

—He is easy-going most of the time, but sometimes he ________ be hard on us.

A.should B.might C.can D.must

5.They worked hard day and night during the next ten years ________ they ________ pay for the lost necklace.

A.so…would B.so that…would C.in order that…could D.and…would 6.According to the regulations, anyone who has the intention to be a teacher _______ pass a series of demanding tests.

A.can B.would C.might D.shall

7.-Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Guangzhou this morning.

-Really? He__the 9:00 train. It's much more comfortable and safer to travel by train. A.could have taken B.should take

C.must have taken D.can take

8.—It’s so hot and uncomfortable here! Why are your windows still closed?

—Oh, I’m not to blame. They ________ open.

A.shan’t B.mustn’t C.won’t D.wouldn’t

9.–Will you read me a story, Mummy?

--OK. You ______have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.

A.might B.must C.could D.shall 10.According to the latest rule, people _______sort household garbage into four categories. A.can B.shall C.may D.need

11.It ___________ last night, for the road was very muddy.

A.would have rained B.must have rained C.should have rained D.must rain

12.I can’t thank you more, Tony. But for your timely warning, I into great trouble yesterday. A.had got B.got C.would have got D.would get 13.—Life ____ be very hard for people living in the north of Canada as it is very cold there in winter.

—Yes, the weather there _____ be as low as 60℃ below zero.

A.must; can B.shall; must C.will; should D.has to; can

14.Mr. White _______ to hospital for an examination yesterday but he was too busy to come. A.should come B.should have come C.should be coming D.should had come 15.Sir, you ____ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only. A.shouldn’t B.will C.won’t D.needn’t 16.Mary is a bit shy and ____ a speech in public, which makes her lose the precious chance to do the voluntary job.

A.dares not make B.doesn’t dare make

C.dare not to make D.dares not to make

17.You ______ have been out last night, for all the lights in your room were not on.

A.need B.must C.may D.should

18.I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ___________ take me to Disneyland at weekends.

A.might B.must

C.would D.should

19.She looks very happy. She_________ the exam.

A.can have passed B.should have passed C.must have passed D.could have passed 20.Helen________ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet.

A.shall B.may C.must D.can

21.Tom told us that he ______ come to the party tonight, but he wasn’t sure about this. A.will B.would C.could D.might

22.He plays basketball very well. He_________ it a lot.

A.may practise B.must practise

C.must have practised D.should have practiced

23.The heavy rain may ______ the landslide last night.

A.accounts for B.accounted for

C.have accounted for D.accounting for

24.You________have scolded him for his poor performance.After all,he had done his best. A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t 25.—Is Robert coming by coach?

—He should, but he ___________ not. He likes driving his car.

A.may B.could C.need D.must






