



1. 对年级、班级、排号、号码等提问时要用what ,并与名词grade 、class 、row 、number 等连用。如:What number are you?你是几号呢?

2. 对某事物或某人的姓名提问时常用what .如:What is your name?你叫什么名字?

3. 对算式的得数进行提问时用what .如:What is three plus four?三加四等于几?

4. 询问“某物有何毛病”或“某人怎么了”常用what .如:What's wrong with your bike?你的自行车出什么毛病了?

5.what 与colour 构成what colour 来询问颜色。如:What colour is your coat?你的上衣是什么颜色?

6.与名词number 连在一起用来询问汽车或电话号码等。如:What number is Mr Green's car?格林先生的车牌号是多少?

7.对职业进行提问时,用what ,其句式为“ What + do / does + 主语+ do ”或“ What + be + 主语?”。例略。

8.询问“某地有什么”用what ,其后多接“ be + 介词短语”。如:What's on the wall?墙上有什么?

9. 询问具体的时间(几点几分)常用what time .如:What time is it?(= What's the time?)现在几点了?

10.对价格提问时用what .如:What's the price of these apples?这些苹果多少钱?

11. 询问“星期几”时,常用what 与day 一起提问。如:What day is today?(What day is it today?)今天星期几?

12.征求意见或询问对方消息时常用what about .如:What about something to drink?来点喝的怎么样?

13. 用来询问对某人或某物的看法时,用“ What … think of …”,译为就是“……认为……怎么样?”如:

—What do you think of the story?你认为这个故事怎么样?

—It's very interesting. 它很有趣。

二.what用作关系代词,引导名词性从句,表示“the thing that...”


What surprised me most was his way of speaking. (what 作从句的主语)


What I’m afraid of is that they’ll take him to Boston. (what 作从句的宾语)



______ makes the shop different is that it offers more personal services. (2006 辽宁)

A. What

B. Who

C. Whatever

D. Whoever

[解析]答案A。此题考查what 引导的主语从句,且what 作从句的主语。句意:使该商店与众不同的是它提供私人服务。


I can’t do what you ask me to do. (what 作从句中动词的宾语)


Our hometown is much different from what it was ten years ago. (what作句中介词的宾语) 我的家乡与十年前的大不一样了。


—What did your parents think about your decision?

—They always let me do ______ I think I should.


A. when

B. that

C. how

D. what



She is no longer what she used to be. (what作从句的表语)



See the flags on top of the building? That was ______ we did this morning. (2006全国卷I)A. when B. which

C. where

D. what


Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ______ it was 20 years ago, ______ it was so poorly equipped. (2005安徽)

A. what; when

B. that; which

C. what; which

D. which; that

[解析]答案A。第一个空考查what引导的表语从句,且what在从句中作表语,第二个空考查when 引导的非限定性定语从句,when在从句中作时间状语。


He has no idea what remarkable woman Maggie is. 他不知道玛吉是个多么出色的女人。『典型考例』

Do you have any idea ______ is actually going on in the classroom? (2005辽宁)

A. that

B. what

C. as

D. which

[解析]答案B。此题考查what引导的同位语从句,且what 在从句中作主语。

三、what用作关系形容词,意为:“所……的全部,任何的”,与little, few连用时,其含义多为“虽然少,但把所有的都……”。

Don’t worry. I’ll give you what help (any help that / as much help as) I can. 不要担忧,我一定尽我所能帮你。

What little he said on the subject was full of wisdom. 他对这个问题的寥寥数语充满了智慧。

What few friends I have here have been very kind to me. 这里我仅有的几个朋友都对我很好。

四、what用作疑问形容词,引导感叹句,此时注意和how 引导的感叹句的区别,其固定句式为:what + adj. + n. + 主语+谓语/ how + adj. / adv. + 主语+谓语。

What fine weather we are having today! 今天天气多好啊!

What a pity you can’t go! 真遗憾你不能去!

You can’t imagine how surprised I was! 你想象不出来我当时有多吃惊!


I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ______ silly mistakes I had made. (2005湖南)

A. what

B. that

C. how

D. which

[解析]答案A。此题考查what 引导的感叹句,符合感叹句的构成句式,what 引导的感叹句在句中作recognize的宾语。

______ role she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar. (2002上海春招)

A. How interesting

B. How an interesting

C. What interesting

D. What an interesting

[解析]答案D。因为play a role in...为一固定搭配,故选D。

五、what用于表示比喻的一个特殊结构:A is to B what C is to D 意为“A对于B犹如C对于D一样”,A和B是主体,C和D是喻体。

Parks are to the city what lungs are to the body. 公园对于都市犹如肺对于人体。

Virtue is to the soul what health is to the body. 美德对于心灵犹如健康对于身体。

六、what 构成惯用插入语,其句型是:what is /was + adj. 的比较级,此结构中的what 泛指下文所讲的话,意为“而且,更……,尤为甚者”。

He is handsome, and what is more, very rich. 他人长的美,而且很富有。

Tom said nothing, and what is worse, laughed at us. 汤姆啥也没说,尤为甚者他还嘲笑我们。


What is better, what is more (important / interesting...), what is news to sb., what is best of all, what we call, what is called.

七、what 的强调形式为whatever, 相当于anything that,意为“什么都,任何……的事或物”。

Take whatever magazine you want to read. 你可以取阅任何你想读的杂志。

Whatever reasons you may have, you should carry out a promise.无论你有什么理由,你都应当遵守诺言。


The poor young man is ready to accept ______ help he can get. (2005全国卷II)

A. whichever

B. however

C. whatever

D. whenever

[解析]答案C。此题考查whatever引导的从句作accept 的宾语。

The old tower must be saved, ______ the cost.


A. however

B. whatever

C. whichever

D. wherever

[解析]答案B。此题考查whatever引导的让步状语从句,此处为省略句,whatever the cost is。


1. What for? 为何?为什么?

—I’ll go to Brazil next month.


—What for?


2. So what? 那又怎样?

—Maybe he got angry.


—So what? I don’t like him at all.


3. What about...? 干……如何?怎么样?

What about going out for a drink? 出去喝点东西如何?

4. What if / though? 如果……怎么办?即使……又有什么关系?What if aliens should invade the earth? 如果外星人侵略地球该怎么办?What if he gets angry? 即使他生气了又有什么关系?

5. What do you think of ...?


What的用法总结 What主要用于引导名词性从句,尽管没有在近年的高考真题语法填空中考查,但在改错题中考查过。其用法总结为七种: 1.What+主语+及物动词 例句1:What he says is reasonable. 解析:What he says是主语从句,what 在主语从句中作宾语。 例句2:It is none of your business what other people think about you. Believe yourself. 解析:本句意为“别人怎么看你,与你无关,相信你自己。”其中It是形式主语,真正的主语是what other people think about you. 2. what +主语+不及物动词/系动词+介词 例句:The judge does not consider what each eyewitness looks like. 解析:what each eyewitness looks like是宾语从句,what在从句中作介词like的宾语。 3. What + 主语+系动词 例句1:He is not what he was ten years ago. 解析:本句意为“他不再是十年前的他了。”其中what he was是表语从句,what 在从句中作表语。 例句2:I’m not to blame, Mum. I am what you have made me. 解析: what you have made me.是表语从句,what 在从句中作补语。 例句3:The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make what it is. 解析: what it is是宾语从句,what 在从句中作表语。 4. What后接名词,作定语 例句1:I gave him what books I had . 解析: what books I had是宾语从句,what 在从句中作books的定语。 例句2:It is uncertain what side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. 解析: what side effect the medicine will bring about是宾语从句,what 在从句中作side effect的定语。 例句3:The shocking news made me realize what terrible problems we would face. 解析: what terrible problems we would face.是宾语从句,what 在从句中作problems的定语,且terrible也是定语修饰problems。 5.What +及物动词+宾语或What +be done 例句1:What makes the matter worse has been puzzling me. 解析:其中What makes the matter worse是主语从句,what 在从句中作主语。 例句2:The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. 解析: what was caught.是宾语从句,what在从句中作主语。 6. what 用于固定搭配what……do with (处理): 例句:What do you do with this problem? 这个问题你怎样处理? 7. 感叹句中:

高中英语语法:It的完整用法精讲 打印版

高中英语语法:It的完整用法精讲 it可用作人称代词、指示代词、先行词及引导词等。 1. 人称代词it,是第三人称单数中性,代表前文已提到过的一件事物。如: 1)That vase is valuable. It's more than 200 years old. 那个花瓶很珍贵,它有200多年的历史。 2)I love swimming. It keeps me fit. 我喜欢游泳,它能使我保持健康。 当说话者不清楚或无必要知道说话对象的性别时,也可用it来表示。如: 3)It's a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl? 宝宝真可爱,是男孩还是女孩? it可用来指代团体。如: 4)The committee has met and it has rejected the proposal. 委员会已开过会,拒绝了这项建议。 it用以代替指示代词this, that.如: 5)--- What's this? --- It's a pen. —这是什么?—是一支钢笔。 6)--- Whose book is that? --- It's Mike's. —那是谁的书?—是迈克的。 2. 指示代词it,常用以指人。如: 7)Go and see who it is. 去看看是谁。 8)--- Who is making such a noise? —是谁发出这样的吵闹声? --- It must be the children. —一定是孩子们。 3.虚义it无指代性,常用作没有具体意义的主语,出现于表示天气、气候、温度、时间、地点、距离等意义的句子中。如: 9)It is half past three now. 现在是三点半钟。 10)It is six miles to the nearest hospital from here. 这里离最近的医院也有六英里。 11)It was very cold; it snowed and grew dark. 天气很冷;天下着雪,渐渐地变黑了。 it也常用来表示一般的笼统的情况。如: 12)It's awful—I've got so much work I don't know where to start. 糟透了——我有这么多工作要做我不知从何开始。 13)How is it going with you? 你近况如何? 14)Take it easy. 不要紧张。 it也常用于下列结构: 15)It looks as if the college is very small. 看起来这个学院很小。 16)It seems as though our plan will be perfect. 似乎我们的计划很完善。 17)It's my turn. 该轮到我了。 it也常用于某些习惯用语中作宾语,各该习惯用语有具体意义,但it并无具体意义。如:cab it 乘车catch it 受责,受罚come it 尽自己分内come it strong 做得过分walk it 步行make it 办成take it out of somebody 拿某人出气 4. 先行词it. it充当形式主语或形式宾语,本身无意义,只起一种先行引导的作用,先行词不重读。后面的真正主语或真正宾语通常是不定式结构、-ing分词结构或名词性从句。 (1)用作形式主语


what引导名词性从句的五种用法 一、用法归纳 1. 表示“……的东西或事情”: They’ve done what they can to help her. 他们已经尽力帮助了她。 He saves what he earns. 他赚多少,积蓄多少。 What Mary is is the secretary. 玛丽的职务是秘书。 2. 表示“……的人或的样子”: He is no longer what he was. 他已经不是以前的那个样子。 He is what is generally called a traitor. 他就是人们通常所说的叛徒。 Who is it that has made Fred what he is now? 是谁把弗雷德培养成现在这个样子的? 3. 表示“……的数量或数目”: Our income is now double what it was ten years ago. 我们现在的收入是10年前的两倍。 The number of the students in our school is ten times what it was before liberation. 现在我校学生的数量是解放前的10倍。 4. 表示“……的时间”: After what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile. 似乎过了几个小时他才苦笑着出来。 The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for what seemed like hours. 小女孩吓得不敢说话,在那儿站了几个小时。 5. 表示“……的地方”: This is what they call Salt Lake City. 这就是他们称为盐湖城的地方。 In 1492, Columbus reached what is now called America. 1492年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。 二、用法说明 (1) 这样用的what相当于“先行词+关系代词”,所以其前不能有先行词: 你喜欢什么就拿什么吧。 正:You can have what you like. / You can have everything (that) you like. 误:You can have everything what you like. (2) 有时what 可用作限定词,其后修饰一个名词: I gave him what books I had. 我把我所有的书都给他了。 He gave me what money he had about him. 他把身边带有的钱全给了我。 (3) What 后的名词可以是复数名词或不可数名词,但通常不能是单数可数名词: 误:I gave him what book I had.


英语it的用法小结 江苏沛县湖西中学鹿俊先 221611 1.实义的it。 实义的it用来指代具体的内容。 1.1.指代上文提过的除人以外的生物或非生物,复数形式为they。 The earth is the planet that we live on. It is the fifth largest planet of the solar system. This car is not fast enough. It can only do 60 miles an hour. John is in the school football team. It was reorganized last year. “Where is the cat?”“It is in the garden.” “Where are the cats?”“They are in the garden.” 1.2.指代上文提过的性别不明或无须指明性别的小孩。 To feed a child without also educating it is a fault in the father. What’s matter with the baby? It has been crying. Her baby is due next month. She hopes it will be boy. 1.3.作主语指代上文提过的人,谓语用以指明该人的身份。 “Who is that at the door?”“It’s the postman.” The footsteps drew nearer and she saw from behind the curtain who her visitor was. And she opened the door to welcome her. It was Maria Cragg.(文中的主人已知客人是谁,所以在使用It之前就使用了her,但读者依然不明白,所以最后用It 作主语谓语指明该人的身份。) 1.4.作主语,指代谓语部分所说明的自然现象(如:风、雨、热、冷)、季节、时间、距离、环境等。 It was raining hard when he got off the train. Is it very cold in your country in December? It is high time (that) we had a rest. It was early spring / 1986 when we first met. It is six months since he lost his job. It won’t be long before we meet again. It is only two hours’ ride / eighty miles to Cleveland. It is very dark / pretty / crowded / noisy /dirty in the room. 1.5.指代上下文或一定语境所表明的情况、事件等。 “I’m trying to change my job.”“You’ll find it difficult.”(it指调换工作这件事。) “I’ll have to work all night through.”“It is awful.”(it指你彻夜工作这件事。)You’ll be in trouble before you know it.(it指你陷入困境这件事。。) English is very important, and we all know it.(it指英语的重要性。) When the factory closes, it will mean 500 redundancies.(it指工厂倒闭这件事。有些学者把此处及以下四个句子中的it解释为形式主语或形式宾语但却无法解释没有真正的主语/宾语何来形式主语/宾语。) I’d appreciate it if you could help me with the work.(it指你帮助我工作这件事。)


what用法总结 温馨提示:what用法很多,对专升本有用的我已经用红色字体显示,由于部分同学考研可能要用到,把几乎所有用法都附上了。 what的用法是各种类型英语科测试的热点,what的用法灵活多变,出题花样翻新,只有对其有一个全面的掌握,才能灵活运用。本文以2006年的两道高考题为例,总结what的用法,希望能让同学们对它有一个全面的了解。 The shopkeeper did not want to sell for _____ he thought was not enough.(2006山东卷第26题) A. where B. how C. what D. which 答案:C Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _____ it was 20 years ago, _____ it was so poorly equipped.(2006安徽卷第32题) A. what; when B. that; which C. what; which D. which; that 答案:A. 上述两题中的what都是关系代词,一般含义是“the thing that”。第一题中what 的意思是“the price that”,引导宾语从句;第二题中what的意思是“the school that”,引导的是表语从句。what的其他结构还有:

一、what + little 在此结构中,little是名词,强调某种东西“虽少但已是全部”,至于被强调的是什么,只能凭借上下文来判断。 例如:(1)What little he said on the subject was full of wisdom. (2)She saved what little of the money she could out of her slim salary to help her brother go to school 二、what little + 名词 此结构为上一结构的延伸,所不同的是,little在这里不是名词,而是形容词了。 例如:(1)He gave me what little money he had about him. (2)My father spent what little spare time he had in writing. 三、what + few + 名词 当被修饰的名词为可数名词时,little应换成few,含义为“仅有的几个”。 例如:(1)What few friends I have are very kind to me. (2)I will lend you what few books I can spare.


it的用法及练习 一、概述 在英语中,it的使用相当广泛,它既可用作代词,如人称代词(personal it)、指示代词(demonstrative it)及非人称代词(impersonal it), 也可用作引导词(anticipatory it)和强调结构中的强调词(emphatic it) Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is.有人在按门铃。去看看是谁。(人称代词)What’s this?这是什么? It’s a book.这是一本书。(指示代词) What a long way it is from Beijing to London! 从北京到伦敦真远。(非人称代词) It's best to plant trees in spring because it's warmer.春天是植树的最佳时节,因为天气更暖和。(作引导词) It was I who met him in the park last week. 是我上星期在公园遇到他的。(强调结构中的强调词) 二、it作代词 1、用作人称代词(personal it) 代替前文提到过的事物,it作真实主语或宾语。 The frog is not a warm-blooded animal. It is a cold-blooded one.青蛙不是温血动物,它是冷血动物。My pen is missing. I can't find it anywhere. 我的笔丢了,我哪儿也找不到它了。 I won't be back tonight. Please tell my wife about it .我今晚不回来了,请你向我妻子说一声。 I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be much better. 我对这部电影很失望,我曾盼望它更好。 Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didn't help.汤姆的妈妈不停地告诉他要努力,但这没起作用。 2、用作指示代词(demonstrative it) 相当于this或that,it有时不特指某件东西,而代表前面已提到的或将会发生的某件事情。 -Who is knocking at the door? —谁在敲门?

英语人教版四年级上册what would you like

Unit 5 What would you like? PartA let’s learn &Let’s play 一、教材分析 本课时由Let’s learn和Let’s play两部分组成。Let’s learn中有5个新单词和三个句型,让学生在游戏活动中巩固新单词,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、学情分析 关于食物的单词学生在三年级上册unit5中学习过,有一定的学习基础。I’d like some..这个句型学生也已经学习过。食物与学生的生活息息相关,学生学习兴趣高。 三、学习目标 (一)、知识技能目标 1.能听、说、认、读单词:beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables. 2.能熟练运用句型:What would you like? I’d like some…, please. OK. …yuan, please. 3.了解知识点:beef, chicken, soup是不可数名词。noodle,vegetable 是可数名词。 (二)、情感态度目标 培养学生健康饮食的好习惯。 四、学习重点、难点 教学重点 1.掌握三会单词beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables并能用I’d like some…, please.来点餐。 2.能熟练运用句型:What would you like? I’d like some…, please. OK. …yuan, please.进行问答练习,并能在实际生活中灵活运用。 教学难点 vegetables的发音是本课的难点。 五、教学准备 录音机,单词卡片,会话气泡等。 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 说唱做演,激情引趣 (一)复习旧知中知识热身 将全班同学分成两组,进行PK. 教师出示食物图片,图片一闪而过,让学生来猜这种食物是什么,并说出相应的食物名称。(师可适当提问:Do you like rice? Would you like some milk?)


what的用法与高考 一.what作为疑问代词的用法: 1. 对年级、班级、排号、号码等提问时要用what ,并与名词grade 、class 、row 、number 等连用。如:What number are you?你是几号呢? 2. 对某事物或某人的姓名提问时常用what .如:What is your name?你叫什么名字? 3. 对算式的得数进行提问时用what .如:What is three plus four?三加四等于几? 4. 询问“某物有何毛病”或“某人怎么了”常用what .如:What's wrong with your bike?你的自行车出什么毛病了? 5.what 与colour 构成what colour 来询问颜色。如:What colour is your coat?你的上衣是什么颜色? 6.与名词number 连在一起用来询问汽车或电话号码等。如:What number is Mr Green's car?格林先生的车牌号是多少? 7.对职业进行提问时,用what ,其句式为“ What + do / does + 主语+ do ”或“ What + be + 主语?”。例略。 8.询问“某地有什么”用what ,其后多接“ be + 介词短语”。如:What's on the wall?墙上有什么? 9. 询问具体的时间(几点几分)常用what time .如:What time is it?(= What's the time?)现在几点了? 10.对价格提问时用what .如:What's the price of these apples?这些苹果多少钱? 11. 询问“星期几”时,常用what 与day 一起提问。如:What day is today?(What day is it today?)今天星期几? 12.征求意见或询问对方消息时常用what about .如:What about something to drink?来点喝的怎么样? 13. 用来询问对某人或某物的看法时,用“ What … think of …”,译为就是“……认为……怎么样?”如: —What do you think of the story?你认为这个故事怎么样? —It's very interesting. 它很有趣。 二.what用作关系代词,引导名词性从句,表示“the thing that...” 1.引导主语从句 What surprised me most was his way of speaking. (what 作从句的主语) 最让我吃惊的是他的说话方式。 What I’m afraid of is that they’ll take him to Boston. (what 作从句的宾语) 让我害怕的是他们要带他去波士顿。 『典型考例』


高考英语语法知识之It 的用法总结 1.It is + 被强调部分+ that ... 该句型是强调句型。将被强调的部分放在前面,其它部分置于that之后。被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,状语。强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用。 如果把这种句型结构划掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子。这也是判断强调句型与其它从句的方法。 It was they that (who) cleaned the classroom yesterday. It was in the street that I met her father. 2.It was not until + 被强调部分+ that ... 该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语"直到...才...",可以说是not ... until ... 的强调形式。 It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. = Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star. = I didn’t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses. 3.It is clear ( obvious, true, possible,certain....) that ..... 该句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句,常译为"清楚(显然,真的,肯定...)"是主语从句最常见的一种结构。 It is very clear that he’s round and tall like a tree.= That he’s round and tall like a tree is very clear. 4. It is important ( necessary, right, strange, natural...) that ... 由于主句中的形容词不同,that 后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省去。 It is important that we (should) learn English well. It is necessary that he (should) remember these words. 5. It is said (reported, learned....) that ... 该句型中的it 仍是形式主语,真正主语是that 引导的主语从句。该结构常译为"据说(据报道,据悉...)"。It is said that he has come to Beijing. 6. It is suggested ( ordered ... ) that ... 主句中的过去分词是表示请求,建议,命令等词时,that后的从句要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省。常译为"据建议;有命令.. It is suggested that the meeting ( should ) be put off. It was ordered that we ( should ) arrive there in two hours. 7. It is a pity ( a shame ... ) that ... 该句型中,that后的从句一般用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should可省去.表示出乎意料,常译为"竟然"。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。 It is a pity that such a thing ( should ) happen in your class. It is a pity that he is ill. 8. It is time ( about time ,high time ) that ... 该句型中that 后的从句应该用虚拟语气,值得注意的是①常用过去时态表示虚拟.②有时也用should + 动词原形,should 不能省。常译为"是(正是)...的时侯..."。 It is time that children should go to bed. = It is time that children went to bed. 9. It is the first ( second ... ) time that ... 该句型中的that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用完成时态。至于用什么完成时态,由主句的谓语动词的时态决定。如果是一般现在时,后面从句用现在完成时态;如果是一般过去时,后面从句则用过去完成时态。该结构中that 可以省去;it有时用this / that 替换.常译为"这是某人第几次做某事了"。 It is the first time I have been here. = This is the first time I have been here. 10 It is the +形容词最高级+ 名词+ that + ….. 该句型中的that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用完成时态。至于用什么完成时态,由主句的谓语动词的时态决定。如果是一般现在时,后面从句用现在完成时态;如果是一般过去时,后面从句则用过去完成时态。该结构中that 可以省去;it有时用this / that 替换.常译为"这是某人做过的最…的事情"。 This is the best film that I have ever seen . That was the worst song that he had heard . 11. It is .... since ...


what的一种特殊用法 what =the (things or people)that……. The money that I have will be yours when I die. = what money I have will be yours when I die. 我一死,我仅有的那点钱都是你的了。 I spent the little time that I had together with my family. = I spent what little time I had together with my family. 我仅有的一点时间和家人一起度过了。 The family and friends that I still have live abroad. = what family and friends I still have live abroad. 我仅有的家人和朋友都住在国外。 NMET: 1.The house improvement has taken what little there is ____ my spare time. A.of B .in C .on D .for (A) 2. -----You have booked on a four o’clock flight? -----what chance is there_____taking an earlier plane? A .in B.on C.of D.for (C) 3. After the terrible earthquake, nothing is left __________ the city but sad memories. A. from B.for C.of D.at (C)


英语中it的用法及练习 一、概述 在英语中,it的使用相当广泛,它既可用作代词,如人称代词(personal it)、指示代词(demonstrative it)及非人称代词(impersonal it), 也可用作引导词(anticipatory it)和强调结构中的强调词(emphatic it) Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is.有人在按门铃。去看看是谁。(人称代词)What’s this?这是什么? It’s a book.这是一本书。(指示代词) What a long way it is from Beijing to London! 从北京到伦敦真远。(非人称代词) It's best to plant trees in spring because it's warmer.春天是植树的最佳时节,因为天气更暖和。(作引导词) It was I who met him in the park last week. 是我上星期在公园遇到他的。(强调结构中的强调词) 二、it作代词 1、用作人称代词(personal it) 代替前文提到过的事物,it作真实主语或宾语。 The frog is not a warm-blooded animal. It is a cold-blooded one.青蛙不是温血动物,它是冷血动物。 My pen is missing. I can't find it anywhere. 我的笔丢了,我哪儿也找不到它了。 I won't be back tonight. Please tell my wife about it .我今晚不回来了,请你向我妻子说一声。 I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be much better. 我对这部电影很失望,我曾盼望它更好。 Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didn't help.汤姆的妈妈不停地告诉他要努力,但这没起作用。 2、用作指示代词(demonstrative it) 相当于this或that,it有时不特指某件东西,而代表前面已提到的或将会发生的某件事情。 -Who is knocking at the door? —谁在敲门? -It's me. —是我。 I had a talk with the student. It was very helpful to her. 我和那个学生谈了次话,对她非常有帮助。 It happened during my stay in the United States. 事情发生在我在美国的时候。 -Whose exercise book is that? —谁的作业本? -It's his . —是他的。 3、用作非人称代词(impersonal it) 代词it可用来指除人以外的一切生物和事物,无阴阳性之分。可指时间、距离、度量、价值、自然现象(天气、气体、阴暗等)。 -What's the time? —“几点了?” -It's half past ten. —“十点半”(指时间) It is late autumn now. 现在是深秋。(指时间) It is rather cold today, isn't it?今天很冷,是不是?(指天气) -How far is it from here to the station? —从这儿到车站有多远? -It's about two kilometers. -大约两公里。(指距离) It is raining hard. 雨下得很大。(指自然现象) -What's the cost of the dictionary? 那本词典多少钱?


what 的特殊用法 网友问:有这样一个句子:Today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call “ modern art ” . Wha句中是什么意思?作何种成分? 本句中,they指代the Impressionist paintings。意思是:今天,印象派作品被公认为我们所说的“现代艺术”的开端。 人教版新课标英语课本中,类似的句子曾出现过多次。例如: I lived in what you call “ Ancient Gre我生活在你们所说的古希腊”。 以上两句中,what we call和what you call 用为一个句式,意为“我们所说的(所谓的)”和“你们所说的(所谓的)”。从教学和翻译角度,我们可以把what we/you call 按定语看待,分别修饰modern art 和Ancient Greece 。但是,实际上what we call “modern art和what you cal l “Ancient Greece都是名词性从句:第一句modern art是call的宾语,what是modern art的宾补。第二句Ancient Greece 是call的宾语,what是Ancient Greece的宾补。问题是,what在这里该怎么理解?能不能翻译成带有疑问的什么”?回答显然是不行的。再看一个句子:His eyes stare at what is left of the brothers' dinner on the table. (他的眼睛注视着兄弟俩饭桌上的残羹剩饭)。这是美国著名作家马克吐温名作The Million Pou nd Bank Note 上的一个句子。说的是一个穷困潦倒的美国青年,在英国富人家里看到的情况。从句子意思看,what 不像是疑问,不能译成“什么东西”。那么,这些what 此究竟是什么意思呢? what 的主要作用有3个(当然还有其他用法,如引导感叹句): 1. 充当疑问代词,引导特殊疑问句。 What are they talking about over there? 2. 充当连接代词,引导名词性从句(如宾语从句),仍然表示“疑问”概念。 I don 't know what they are talking about over there. 3. 充当“复合关系代词”,引导名词性从句(如宾语从句),不表示“疑问”概念。 “复合关系代词”,是what 的一个非常重要的用法,以上三个句子中的what 就是此种用法。下面再看两个句子: (1)W e should do what the teacher tells us to do. 我们应该做老师叫我们做的事情。 (2)H e isn't what he was ten years ago. 他现在不是十年前的那个他了。 句(1)中的what 实际上就等于everything that ,the things that 或the thing that ,表示“物”的


四年级上册知识点总结 Unit 1 My friends 一、词汇:window窗户blackboard 黑板light 灯picture 图画 door 门floor 地板classroom教室computer 计算机 teacher’s desk 讲台wall 墙fan电扇 二、句型: 1、What’s in the classroom ? 教室里面有什么? Many desks and chairs. 许多课桌和椅子。 2、Let’s clean our classroom .让我们一起打扫教室吧 ①OK. 好。②Good idea . 好主意。③All right .好的。 3、Where’s my seat ?我的座位在哪里? It’s near the door.它在门的附近。 4、Look at the picture .看那幅图画。It’s nice .它很好看。 5、We have a new classroom,.我们有一个新教室。 Let’s go and have a look.让我们一起去看看吧。 It’s so big.它很大。 The wall is white.墙是白色的。 6、Let me clean the window.让我来擦窗户。Good job!做得好! 三、语法: 1.Where 引导的特殊疑问句:Where“哪里”,看到where就要想到地点方位词,例如:on,in,under,near,behind等。 2.Let’s = Let us让我们Let me 让我

特殊疑问句练习 一、选择正确的特殊疑问词填空(who, where,what,how,how many,how much) 1._____ is that pretty girl? She is my sister. 2._____ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you. 3. -_____ has a beautiful flower? -John has a beautiful flower. 4. -_____ is my mother? -She is in the living room. 5. -_____ are you from? - I'm from Changchun city. 6_ milk do you need ? - Three cups .


What用法小结 一,what about与how about 用这两个短语放在句首的简略问句,都可以用来表示征求意见或询问情况.两者可以互换,但有时不能,what about也有别的用法和解释.例如:What about going to Harbin tomorrow =How about going to Harbin tomorrow What about the funding Where are we going to get it =How about the funding Where are we going to get it 注意what about有别的用法和解释.例如: What about it =What shall we do What about the others(Concerning the others, what is your plan or idea 别的人怎么办(至于别人,人有什么打算或意见) What about it (Tell me more precisely what you mean.) 这是怎么回事(把你的意思明确的地告诉我.) 二,what if, what of和what for 这三个短语的用法和含义各不相同.What if表示"倘若……将会怎样即使……又有什么关系呢";what of 表示"……的情况怎样……又有什么重要性呢;what for为何目的为什么.例如: What if it rains while we are out 倘若我们外出遇上下雨,那怎么办呢 What of it 那有什么了不起呢(那又怎么样呢) Well, and what of it (It has no importance.) 嗯,那又怎么样呢(怎么,那有什么了不起) What for did you ask that silly question Now he's going to speak for another ten minutes. 你干吗要问那个愚蠢的问题这一来他又得说上十分钟. What did you do that for 三,what作the thing that 或as much…as解. What作关系代词,其作用相当于the thing或people that,请比较: =This is just the book that I have been looking forward to. The thing that I like most in her is her kindness. =What I like most in her is her kindness. The upstart is not what he was ten years ago. =The upstart is not the man that was ten years ago. 这个暴发户已经不是十年前那个人了. 四,What作关系形容词,其作用相当于as much…as, whatever.请比较: She will give the sick baby what care she can. =She will give the sick baby as much care as she can. Lend me what money you have on hand. 五,What …is或What…are 当what引导的从句作主语时,谓语动词要根据表语的内容判断.请比较: What I need most are two books. What I need most is only one book. 六,what is+形容词或副词比较级 常用的短语有:what is more而且;what was worse 更糟糕的是;what is better而且更可贵的是;what is the best of all最难能可贵的是,what is more important更重点的是;what is more
