杨澜 北京申奥演讲 案例分析 英文版

杨澜 北京申奥演讲 案例分析 英文版
杨澜 北京申奥演讲 案例分析 英文版

Case study & analyzation

H aving watched Yang Lan’s public speaking, I would like to carry out an analysis from two perspectives. One is from my own view, while another stands on the theory in text book.

According to our text book, criteria for intercultural communication competence (ICC) includes four key points. Following are my analyzation on Yang Lan’s public speaking with the use of ICC.

First, think and act in ways that acknowledge and respect cultural diversity. This concept was well blended into her lecture. At the beginning of her speech, she named listeners as ladies and gentlemen, which shows full respect to everyone. In paragraph four, Yang described Beijing as a city of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. Furthermore, she expressed wishes that Chinese people are eager to enhance harmony between their own culture and the diverse culture all over the world. In paragraph six, Yang promised that Chinese people is about to carry out multidiscipline cultural programs, ranging from exhibitions to camps, which will involve young people from around the world. Besides, she praised Greek, Roman, Egyptian and many other cultures as the oldest civilizations known to man in the next paragraph. Yang delivered her speech with a sincere attitude and placed diverse culture into the same level without discrimination, which is the best way to show respect to different culture.

Second, be sensitive to different cultural backgrounds and seek to understand the world from various points of view. This concept seems similar to the previous idea. Although both of them all emphasize the significance of esteem to diverse cultural, it does have a difference. The former one place emphasis on respect, while the latter one underline the understanding.

I think the sentence “seek to understand the world from various points of view” can be comprehended as a further step that guarantees our perception as well as judgment precisely and entirely. In this way, it ulterior avoids our discrimination or subject opinions. Through Yang’s speaking, we can spot that there isn’t much relevant thing reflect latter sentence. In my opinion, it is because of the orientation of lecture. Anyway, it is much important to obey the rule “respect cultural diversity”than “understand the world from various points of view” in such an intercultural speaking. It is enough when Yang evaluated other cultures in a same high level.

Third, be especially alert to how cultural factors will affect responses to your message. This concept can be divided into three sub-points. No.1 is to avoid words or phrases that might cause misunderstanding. In Yang’s speech draft, she deliberately avoided using sensitive words like “the first” “the most” or other phrases related to policy and religion. No.2 is to research examples and other supporting materials that are relevant to your listeners. Yang’s speech purpose is to draw public attention as much as possible and help Beijing win the right to host Olympic Game. So, the majority of her lecture are related to the expectation and introduction. She mentioned that Beijing is an international modern city that possess a long history and is capable to be the host city. Her lecture also refers to the spreading of Olympic spirit. No.3 is to recognize that your cultural assumptions and practices will not be shared by all members of your audience. That is, try not to express in an extreme way and give it more leeway. For example, in paragraph two, Yang used sentence “Many people are fascinated by China’s sports legend in history.” instead of “Everyone are all fascinated by

China’s sports legend in history.”

Forth, give attention to and respect one’s native language and cultures as well as the audiences’ language and culture. In Martin Luther King’s words, all men are created equal. Yang Lan obviously did it well. In paragraph six, Yang promised to hold activities that benefit athletes and welcome people all over the world to participate in. In paragraph ten, Yang expressed China’s hope to host a feast that satisfy athletes, spectators, and the worldwide television audience. What she said was on the stand of mankind, where Chinese people is only a part of.

A bove all of these is the analysis with theory on text book. Next, I’m goin g to make extra analysis on Yang Lan’s body language. As is known to us all, many renown orators color their speech with gestures. While in Yang’s public speaking, it is easy to be noticed that there was obviously no body language except smile. No movements, no gestures, only smile and some eye contact. However, to reduce your body language like thumb-up and so on as much as possible is a wise and secure choice, especially in such an intercultural occasion. Not only does it represent a sign of dignity, but also it guarantees the unnecessary dispute due to the multi-culture, and therefor avoid the sensitive cultural backgrounds. Besides, her pronunciation as well as cadence was perfect, which surely made her speech more influential and contributed to the final success. Anyway, it’s much better than me.

That’s all about it.


杨澜ted演讲稿中文 欢迎来到聘才网,以下是聘才小编为大家搜索整理的,欢迎大家阅读。 杨澜ted演讲稿中文 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guewho was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.


2008北京申奥演讲稿中英文(杨澜) Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. You're going to have a great time in Beijing.China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was very popular and women were also participating. Now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.There are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. But beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. People of Beijing believe that the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. Their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great Movement that you guide. Within our cultural programs, education and communication will receive the highest priority. We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the Olympic Ideals throughout the country. Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes. Our Ceremonies will give China's greatest-and the world's greatest artists a stage for celebrating the common


杨澜ted英文演讲稿 篇一:杨澜TED演讲稿中英文 Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guestSusan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese]So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.


Sample:Beijing bid for a host city Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. You're going to have a great time in Beijing.The game was very popular and women were also participating. There are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. But beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. People of Beijing believe that the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the Olympic Ideals throughout the country. Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they will live in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes."Share the Peace, Share the Olympics," Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to the world. Come and join us.Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all. 主席先生,女士们,先生们,下午好!在向各位介绍我们的安排之前,我想先告诉大家,你们2008年将在北京渡过愉快的时光。北京是一座充满活力的现代都市,三千年的历史文化与都市的繁荣相呼应,除了紫禁城、天坛和万里长城这几个标志性的建筑,北京拥有无数的戏院、博物馆,各种各样的餐厅和歌舞场所,这一切的一切都会令您感到惊奇和高兴。北京城里还有千千万万友善的人民,热爱与世界各地的人民相处,无论是过去还是现在,北京历来是各个民族和各种文化的汇集地,北京人民相信,在北京举办2008年奥运会,将推动我们文化和全世界文化的交流。在我们的计划当中,教育和交流将是我们的希望,我们期待在全国尤其是数百万青少年中,留下一笔精神财富。以共享和平、共享奥运为主题,女士们,先生们,我相信北京和中国将向世界证明,这是一块神奇的土地。谢谢主席先生,谢谢大家!


杨澜ted演讲稿中英文 杨澜ted演讲稿中英文 杨澜在ted演讲上演讲的内容是《重塑中国的年轻一代》,演讲中讲述了自己的奋斗岁月,也讲述了当今青少年的世界观,下面由管理资料网整理杨澜ted 演讲稿中英文 杨澜ted演讲稿中英文 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “China’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a

few words in Chinese. [Chinese] So it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle —a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要

杨澜 TED 演讲稿

杨澜TED 演讲稿——The generation that's The generation that's remaking China 重塑中国年轻的一代(一) 杨澜——苏格兰TED演讲稿 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 里面有许多话还是值得深思的,前段时间在北外的校庆杨澜也有去,可惜没有机会一睹风采。一个很有思想的女性。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese] So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做“中国达人秀”决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。”她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的“你好”或者“谢谢”,她说的是——“送你葱”(Song Ni Cong)。为什么?这句话其实来源于中国版的“苏珊大妈”——一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中年妇女(蔡洪平)。这位中国的苏珊大妈并不懂英文,法语或意大利文,所以她将歌剧中的词汇都换做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出来。在她口中,歌剧《图兰朵》的最后一句便是“Song Ni Cong”。当真正的英国苏珊大妈唱出这一句“中文的”《图兰朵》时,全场的八万观众也一起高声歌唱,场面的确有些滑稽(hilarious)。


杨澜2001年申奥演讲 由博雅源收集整理 大背景介绍:2001年7月13日,是所有中国人永远记住的日子。那天中国获得了北京奥运会的主办权,那天夜晚全中国都沸腾了。而在中国申奥的最关键时刻,赴莫斯科的中国申奥大使杨澜,在7月13日代表中国在莫斯科作最后陈述成为一次精彩的经典演说,杨澜的演说感动评委、震动世界,杨澜以她的东方魅力嫁接起沟通世界的桥梁。七年后,杨澜代表中国宣誓的奥运梦想正在变为现实。 八年前在蒙特卡洛的投票选举中,北京未能获得2000年奥运会的举办权。杨澜当时作为中央电视台前方主持人,目睹了投票的前前后后。她事后说自己是哭着回来的。八年后,北京申奥的舞台上再次出现了杨澜的身影。这次中国成功了。 莫斯科时间7月13日晚进行最后投票,在当天白天,5个申办城市将在所有投票人面前作最后一次1小时的申办陈述。中国的1小时陈述由七八个人来完成,这其中有时任副总理李岚清、时任北京市副市长刘琪以及袁伟民、邓亚萍、杨澜等。作为其中的两位女性,邓亚萍代表运动员作1分半钟的陈述,而杨澜作关于北京文化计划的4分钟陈述。杨澜的4分钟陈述和当年2月考察团来华时,所作的20分钟报告的主体内容相一致,而要把20分钟的内容浓缩在4分钟之内并非易事。杨澜陈述的具体内容有:北京特殊的文化和奥林匹克运动的关系、北京的教育计划,闭幕式的设计以及火炬接力的设计等因素。所有人的陈述都要用英语完成。 经历过第一次的失败,这次申奥中,无论是政府官员,还是方方面面的专家,国际化程度方面提高了许多,不仅能熟练地用英语交流,而且还有长期国际交往的经验,而第一次申办时北京的申奥队伍能用英语和外国人直接交流的还不是很多。媒体和民众心态比上一次申办时更加理性,更加以平常心来看待这次申奥,这也是一个城市自信和成熟的表现。申奥能否成功,其中有许多不确定因素。作为申办者,应该全力以赴,但不要给自己太多的压力。杨澜的英文演说时间4分钟,但是极具演讲风采、东方魅力。杨澜以亲和的微笑、宁静自信的眼神和流畅的英文,讲述北京的悠久历史文化和北京举办奥运会的文化意义。为了与评委的和世界观众的沟通,杨澜的论述很有西方技巧:杨澜上场第一句话是“你们将会在北京享受一个愉快的夏天!”拉近了与西方的心理距离,很平淡的一句话但有技巧。借用西方人马可波罗这个元素,拉近与西方文化的距离。杨澜的演说还生动阐述了奥运火炬传递壮观景象设想,把东方的雄浑大气、厚重底蕴和西方的浪漫精神、挑战理想融合为一,富有想象力和浪漫感,感染和震动评委和观众。杨澜说“多年的媒体经验,在国内生活居住的经验,都让我知道该用什么语言,该用什么表达方式来和这些人打交道。”杨澜与西方人打交道的技巧也启发我们每个人,因为我们将首次迎来最大规模的世界客人,我们要做东道主。 杨澜4分钟的英文演说成为一次经典演说,这次经典演说先声夺人开启了北京奥运会响


杨澜TED演讲:重塑中国的年轻一代(中英文对照) The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “China’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese] So it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a li ne from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle — a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in C hinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。” 她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的”你好“或者”谢谢“,她说的是——“送你葱”(Song Ni Cong)。为什么?这句话其实来源于中国版的“苏珊大妈”——一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中年妇女(蔡洪平)。这位中国的苏珊大妈并不懂英文,法语或意大利文,所以她将歌剧中的词汇都换做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出来。在她口中,歌剧《图兰朵》的最后一句便是“Song Ni Cong”。当真正的英国苏珊大妈唱出这一句“中文的”《图兰朵》时,全场的八万观众也一起高声歌唱,场面的确有些滑稽(hilarious)。 So I guess both Susan Boyle and this vegetable vendor in Shanghai belonged to otherness. They were the least expected to be successful in the business called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them through. And a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams. Well, being different is not that difficult. We are all different from different perspectives. But I think being different is good, because you present a different point of view. You may have the chance to make a difference. 我想Susan Boyle和这位上海的买菜农妇的确属于人群中的少数。她们是最不可能在演艺界成功的,而她们的勇气和才华让她们成功了,这个节目和舞台给予了她们一个实现个人梦想的机会。这样看来,与众不同好像没有那么难。从不同的方面审视,我们每个人都是不同的。但是我想,与众不同是一件好事,因为你代表了不一样的观点,你拥有了做改变的机会。 My generation has been very fortunate to witness and participate in the historic transformation of China that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years. I remember that in the year of 1990, when I was graduating from college, I was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in Beijing, Great


杨澜Ted演讲稿:年轻的一代将会改变国家 关于年轻一代,梁启超在《少年中国说》中说:”今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年。 少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球则国雄于地球。” 如其所说,年轻一代,是国之栋梁与希望。尤其是在如今的社会转型期,年轻人只有肩负起身上的责任与重担,只有坚守自己的原则和底线,才能创造出更为美好的世界。 2011年杨澜在ted上的一篇励志演讲稿。杨澜从中国达人秀说起,提到了susan boyle,说起自己刚毕业的经历,以及去美国留学的种种。同时剖析了现今中国的火热现象:微博,裸婚,郭美美,马诺,农民工,蚁族,男女比例,直面中国年轻一代的焦虑与现实。即便如此,她依然坚信:”我们年轻的一代将会改变他们的国家同时也改变了自己。” 一起来看杨澜的这篇青春励志演讲稿: 杨澜ted演讲稿:年轻的一代将会改变国家 年轻的一代将会改变国家 演讲时间:2011年 --杨澜在ted上的励志演讲稿 在我去苏格兰的前一晚,中国达人秀邀请我到上海主持总决赛体育馆的现场有八万名观众。知道特别嘉宾是谁吗?苏珊大妈。我告诉她:”我明天要去苏格兰。” 她不但歌声非常动听,还学会了说几句中文。她说:”送你葱”这句话的意思不是”你好,”“谢谢,”那类的话。”送你葱”意思是”免费的大葱。”她为什么要说这句话呢? 因为”送你葱”是来自有着”中国苏珊大妈”之称的一位五十多岁在上海卖菜的女摊贩,她非常喜欢西方歌剧,但她不懂歌词的意思也不会说英语,法语,或是意大利语,所以她以独特的方式来记歌词将歌词全部换成蔬菜名。(笑声) 意大利歌剧公主彻夜未眠的最后一句她当时就是以”送你葱”来演唱的。当苏珊大妈说了这句话的时候,现场的八万名观众一起跟着唱了起来。当时的场面十分有趣。 我想苏珊大妈还有那位上海的卖菜大婶都有她们的独特之处。 大家通常会觉得她们无法在娱乐圈这个行业里闯出天下,但是才能和勇气让她们得到了肯定。 一场秀和一个平台让她们有了一个可以圆梦的舞台。



杨澜ted演讲稿全文 杨澜ted演讲稿全文 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “china’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in chinese. [chinese] So it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a --------------------精选公文范文,管理类,工作总结类,工作计划类文档,感谢阅读下载

vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。” 她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的”你好“或者”谢谢“,她说的是——“送你葱”。为什么?这句话其实于中国版的 --------------------精选公文范文,管理类,工作总结类,工作计划类文档,感谢阅读下载


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/fb18985781.html,)/演讲致辞/英语演讲稿 20XX北京申奥演讲稿中英文(杨澜) Mr.President,LadiesandGentlemen,Goodafternoon!BeforeIin troduceourculturalprograms,Iwanttotellyouonethingfirsta bout20XX.You'regoingtohaveagreattimeinBeijing.Chinahasi tsownsportlegends.BacktoSongDynasty,aboutthe11thcentury ,peoplestartedtoplayagamecalledCuju,whichisregardedasth eoriginofancientfootball.Thegamewasverypopularandwomenw erealsoparticipating.Now,youwillunderstandwhyourwomenfo otballteamissogoodtoday.Therearealotmorewonderfulandexc itingthingswaitingforyouinNewBeijing,adynamicmodernmetr opoliswith3,000yearsofculturaltreasureswovenintotheurba ntapestry.AlongwiththeiconicimageryoftheForbiddenCity,t heTempleofHeavenandtheGreatWall,thecityoffersanendlessm ixtureoftheatres,museums,discos,allkindsofrestaurantsan dshoppingmallsthatwillamazeanddelightyou.Butbeyondthat, itisaplaceofmillionsoffriendlypeoplewholovetomeetpeople fromaroundtheworld.PeopleofBeijingbelievethatthe20XXOly mpicGamesinBeijingwillhelptoenhancetheharmonybetweenour


2020北京申奥演讲稿中英文(杨澜) Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to ___ you one thing first about xx. You're going to have a great time in Bei ___g.China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was very popular and women were also participating. Now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.There are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Bei ___g, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. But beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. People of Bei ___g believe that the xx Olympic Games in Bei ___g will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. Their gratitude will


布莱尔申奥演讲中英 It is a unique honour to act as Host City. I also understand it is an honour which comes with a great responsibility - and which requires the highest levels of co-operation with the IOC. My promise to you is that we will be your very best partners. All of us who have made guarantees to you are ready to deliver on them now. On security. On finance. On every single undertaking we have given. If you award London the Games, I pledge to you personally we will continue to give the highest level of support to Seb Coe and Keith Mills as they lead the Organising Committee, backed up by our Olympic Minister Tessa Jowell. My entire Government - and the main Opposition parties too - are united behind this bid. It has total political support. It is the nation's bid. It has excited people throughout the country. More than three million have already volunteered their support. And that support goes beyond our shores too. We were honoured to receive the endorsement of the most inspiring statesman of


杨澜ted演讲稿全文 杨澜ted演讲稿全文 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “china’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in chinese. [chinese] So it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves

singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。” 她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的”你好“或者”谢谢“,她说的是——“送你葱”。为什么?这句话其实于中国版的“苏珊大妈”——一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中
