Essentials Of Investments 8th Ed Bodie 投资学精要(第八版)课后习题答案chap04

Essentials Of Investments 8th Ed Bodie 投资学精要(第八版)课后习题答案chap04
Essentials Of Investments 8th Ed Bodie 投资学精要(第八版)课后习题答案chap04

CHAPTER 04 MUTUAL FUNDS AND OTHER INVESTMENT COMPANIES 1.Mutual funds offer many benefits. Some of those benefits include the ability to invest

with small amounts of money, diversification, professional management, low

transaction costs, tax benefits, and reduce administrative functions.

2.Close-end funds trade on the open market and are thus subject to market pricing. Open-

end funds, are sold by the mutual fund and must reflect the NAV of the investments.

3.Annual fees charged by a mutual fund to pay for marketing and distribution costs.

4. A unit investment trust is an unmanaged mutual fund. Its portfolio is fixed and does not

change due to asset trades, as does a close-end fund. .

5.Exchange-traded funds can be traded during the day, just as the stocks they represent.

They are most tax effective, in that they do not have as many distributions. They also have much lower transaction costs. They also do not require load charges, management fees, and minimum investment amounts.

6.Hedge funds have much less regulation since they are part of private partnerships and

free from mist SEC regulation. They permit investors to take on many risks unavailable to mutual funds. Hedge funds, however, may require higher fees and provide less

transparency to investors. This offers significant counter party risk and hedge fund

investors need to be more careful about the firm the invest with.

7.An open-end fund will have higher fees since they are actively marketing and managing

their investor base. The fund is always looking for new investors. A unit investment trust need not spend too much time on such matters since investors find each other.

8.Asset allocation funds may dramatically vary the proportions allocated to each market

in accord with the portfolio manager’s forecast of the r elative performance of each

sector. Hence, these funds are engaged in market timing and are not designed to be low-risk investment vehicles.


a. A unit investment trusts offer low costs and stable portfolios. Since they do not

change their portfolio, the investor knows exactly what they own. They are better suited to sophisticated investors.

b. Open-end mutual funds offer higher levels of service to investors. The investors do

not have any administrative burdens and their money is actively managed. This is better suited for less knowledgeable investors.

c. Individual securities offer the most sophisticated investors ultimate flexibility. They

are able to save money since they are only charged the expenses they incur. All

decisions are under the control of the investor.

10. Open-end funds must honor redemptions and receive deposits from investors. This flow

of money necessitates retaining cash. Close-end funds no longer take and receive

money from investors. As such, they are free to be fully invested at all times.

11. The offering price includes a 6% front-end load, or sales commission, meaning that

every dollar paid results in only $0.94 going toward purchase of shares. Therefore: Offering price =

06.0170.10$load 1NAV -=-= = $11.38

12. NAV = offering price ? (1 – load) = $12.30 ? 0.95 = $11.69

13. HW

14. Value of stocks sold and replaced = $15,000,000

Turnover rate = 000,000,42$000,000,15$= 0.357 = 35.7%


a. NAV =

million 5million 3$million 200$-= $39.40

b. Premium (or discount) = NAV NAV

ice Pr - = 40.39$40.39$36$-= –0.086 = -8.6%

The fund sells at an 8.6% discount from NAV

16. Rate of return = NAV year of Start ons Distributi

)NAV (+? = 50.12$50.1$40.0$+-= 0.0880 = 8.80%


18.Assume a hypothetical investment of $100.

Loaded up

a. Year 1 = 100 x (1+.06-.0175) = 104.25

b. Year 3 = 100 x (1+.06-.0175)^3 = 116.30

c. Year 10 = 100 x (1+.06-.0175)^10 = 151.62

Economy fund

a. Year 1 = 100 x .98 x (1+.06-.0025) = 103.64

b. Year 3 = 100 x .98 x (1+.06-.0025) ^ 3 = 115.90

c. Year 10 = 100 x .98 x (1+.06-.0025) ^ 10 = 171.41


a. (450,000,000 – 10,000,000) / 44,000,000 = $10 per share

b. (440,000,000 – 10,000,000) / 43,000,000 = $10 per share


a.Empirical research indicates that past performance of mutual funds is not highly

predictive of future performance, especially for better-performing funds. While

there may be some tendency for the fund to be an above average performer next

year, it is unlikely to once again be a top 10% performer.

b.On the other hand, the evidence is more suggestive of a tendency for poor

performance to persist. This tendency is probably related to fund costs and

turnover rates. Thus if the fund is among the poorest performers, investors

would be concerned that the poor performance will persist.

21.Start of year NAV = $20

Dividends per share = $0.20

End of year NAV is based on the 8% price gain, less the 1% 12b-1 fee:

End of year NAV = $20 ? 1.08 ? (1 – 0.01) = $21.384

Rate of return =













= 0.0792 = 7.92%

22.The excess of purchases over sales must be due to new inflows into the fund. Therefore,

$400 million of stock previously held by the fund was replaced by new holdings. So turnover is: $400/$2,200 = 0.182 = 18.2%

23.Fees paid to investment managers were: 0.007 ? $2.2 billion = $15.4 million

Since the total expense ratio was 1.1% and the management fee was 0.7%, we conclude that 0.4% must be for other expenses. Therefore, other administrative expenses were:

0.004 ? $2.2 billion = $8.8 million

24.As an initial approximation, your return equals the return on the shares minus the total

of the expense ratio and purchase costs: 12% - 1.2% - 4% = 6.8%

But the precise return is less than this because the 4% load is paid up front, not at the end of the year.

To purchase the shares, you would have had to invest: $20,000/(1 - 0.04) = $20,833 The shares increase in value from $20,000 to: $20,000 ? (1.12 - 0.012) = $22,160

The rate of return is: ($22,160 - $20,833)/$20,833 = 6.37%

25.Suppose you have $1000 to invest. The initial investment in Class A shares is $940 net

of the front-end load. After 4 years, your portfolio will be worth:

$940 ? (1.10)4 = $1,376.25

Class B shares allow you to invest the full $1,000, but your investment

performance net of 12b-1 fees will be only 9.5%, and you will pay a 1% back-end

load fee if you sell after 4 years. Your portfolio value after 4 years will be: $1,000 ? (1.095)4 = $1,437.66

After paying the back-end load fee, your portfolio value will be:

$1,437.66 ? 0.99 = $1,423.28

Class B shares are the better choice if your horizon is 4 years.

With a 15-year horizon, the Class A shares will be worth:

$940 ? (1.10)15 = $3,926.61

For the Class B shares, there is no back-end load in this case since the horizon is greater than 5 years. Therefore, the value of the Class B shares will be:

$1,000 ? (1.095)15 = $3,901.32

At this longer horizon, Class B shares are no longer the better choice. The effect of Class B's 0.5% 12b-1 fees cumulates over time and finally overwhelms the 6% load charged to Class A investors.

26. For the bond fund, the fraction of portfolio income given up to fees is:

%0.4%6.0= 0.150 = 15.0%

For the equity fund, the fraction of investment earnings given up to fees is:

%0.12%6.0= 0.050 = 5.0%

Fees are a much higher fraction of expected earnings for the bond fund, and therefore may be a more important factor in selecting the bond fund. This may help to explain why unmanaged unit investment trusts are concentrated in

the fixed income market. The advantages of unit investment trusts are low turnover and low trading costs and management fees. This is a more important concern to bond-market investors.


a. After two years, each dollar invested in a fund with a 4% load and a portfolio

return equal to r will grow to:

$0.96 ? (1 + r – 0.005)2

Each dollar invested in the bank CD will grow to:

$1 ? (1.06)2

If the mutual fund is to be the better investment, then the portfolio return, r,

must satisfy:

0.96 ? (1 + r – 0.005)2 > (1.06)2

0.96 ? (1 + r – 0.005)2 > 1.1236

(1 + r – 0.005)2 > 1.1704 1 + r – 0.005 > 1.0819

1 + r > 1.0869

Therefore, r > 0.0869 = 8.69%

b.If you invest for six years, then the portfolio return must satisfy:

0.96 ? (1 + r – 0.005)6 > (1.06)6 = 1.4185

(1 + r – 0.005)6 > 1.4776

1 + r – 0.005 > 1.0672

1 + r > 1.0722

r > 7.22%

The cutoff rate of return is lower for the six year investment because the "fixed

cost" (i.e., the one-time front-end load) is spread out over a greater number of


c.With a 12b-1 fee instead of a front-end load, the portfolio must earn a rate of

return (r) that satisfies:

1 + r – 0.005 – 0.0075 > 1.06

In this case, r must exceed 7.25% regardless of the investment horizon.

28.The turnover rate is 50%. This means that, on average, 50% of the portfolio is sold and

replaced with other securities each year. Trading costs on the sell orders are 0.4%; and the buy orders to replace those securities entail another 0.4% in trading costs. Total trading costs will reduce portfolio returns by: 2 ? 0.4% ? 0.50 = 0.4%

29.Suppose that finishing in the top half of all portfolio managers is purely luck, and that

the probability of doing so in any year is exactly ?. Then the probability that any

particular manager would finish in the top half of the sample five years in a row is (?)5 = 1/32. We would then expect to find that [350 ? (1/32)] = 11 managers finish in the top half for each of the five consecutive years. This is precisely what we found. Thus, we should not conclude that the consistent performance after five years is proof of skill.

We would expect to find eleven managers exhibiting precisely this level of

"consistency" even if performance is due solely to luck.


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在文化交流互鉴中促进民心相通 ——“一带一路”建设背景下海外中国文化中心发展调研报告 xxxx《光明日报》( 2016年10月05日05版)2015年5月,我们随“海外中国文化中心与‘一带一路’建设”调研组赴比利时、西班牙和埃及三国调研,了解我国在布鲁塞尔、马德里和开罗设立海外文化中心的建设和运行状况,研究推进“一带一路”建设背景下如何进一步发挥海外文化中心在传播中华文化中的独特作用,为实现与“一带一路”沿线国家“民心相通”目标作出更大贡献。调研期间,拜会了中国驻比利时大使曲星、驻西班牙大使吕凡和驻埃及大使宋爱国,与驻上述三国文化参赞进行了深度交流,实地考察了布鲁塞尔文化中心、马德里文化中心和开罗文化中心,观摩了文化中心的部分活动,听取了长期从事中国文化交流传播工作的专家、当地有关媒体代表以及国内媒体驻外记者的意见,较为全面准确地了解了目前我国对外文化宣传工作的现状与面临的主要问题。 1.海外xx文化中心功能及发展历程 在国外设立文化中心是世界主要国家战后普遍采用的文化“走出去”方式,是其宣传和推广本国文化、传播思想价值理念、树立良好国家形象的重要手段,也是提升文化软实力的重要平台。文化中心面向驻在国主流社会,覆盖各个阶层,围绕“文化交流、教学培训、思想对话、信息服务”等职能,常态化开展活动,全面、协调、持续地推广和传播本国文化,并为文化的交流互鉴和民心沟通提供稳固的平台。 西方主要国家早在20世纪中叶就开始在国外设立文化中心提升国家形象,扩大影响力。 目前,英国已在全球110个国家和地区设立了230个文化中心,德国在92个国家设立了150多个文化中心(歌德学院),法国在91个国家设立了144个文化中心,美国也建立了多种形式的文化推广场所800多个,发展中国家的印度也设立了37个文化中心。德国文化中心(歌德学院)成立60年来,为在全世界传播推广德国语言文化,帮助德国摆脱“二战”纳粹阴影,树立和平发展的



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形势与政策 中国文化走出去的对策和建议要点

安阳工学院 《形势与政策》课程 社会实践教学调研报告 题目:中国文化走出去的对策和建议 中国文化走出去的对策和建议 摘要:近年来,随着世情、国情的发展变化,不同文化的交流交融交锋越来越多地表现在文化市场上,表现在文化产品、文化服务、文化资本的竞争上。显然“中国文化走出去”已成为提升国家综合实力的重要途径。然而我国文化产业发展差距还非常明显,文化产品和服务出口总体上还处在探索起步阶段,规模总量偏小、结构不尽合理、营销手段落后,特别是缺乏在国际上有较大影响力的文化企业和文化品牌。怎样提高中国文化在国际上的竞争力,如何让我们的文化产生经济价值,在国际上有一席之地已经成了一个亟待解决的问题。 关键词:中国文化、全球化、走出去、竞争力、经济价值 一、中国文化为什么要“走出去” “走出去”首先是在经济领域提出的一个战略,其萌芽可以追溯到党的十四大。江泽民在党的十四大报告中提出:“积极开拓国际市场,促进对外贸易多元化,发展外向型经济”、“积极扩大我国企业的对外投资和跨国经营”、“更好地利用国外资源和引进先进技术”、“对外贸易多元化”、“跨国经营”、“开拓国际市场”和“利用国外资源”等就是“走出去”战略的核心概念。2000年10月,党的十五届五中全会第一次明确提出要实施“走出去”战略,在此次全会上通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展的第十个五年计划的建议》中指出:“实施‘走出去’战略,努力在利用国内外两种资源,两个市场方面有新的突破。” 近年来,经济全球化的浪潮使各个国家、地区间的文化交流越来越密切,各种文化之间会加速影响和融合。在此意义上说,文化也存在一种全球化的趋势,这意味着


中国传统文化在国外 【作者】许启贤 80年代以来,不少国家和地区兴起了一股研究、探索中国传统文化的热潮。近些年,这一热潮又和我国国内的“中国传统文化热”结合起来,呈现出进一步发展的趋势。关注和研究国外关于中国传统文化讨论的问题、观点及其讨论情况,对我们学习、了解中国传统文化,加强社会主义精神文明建设都有重要意义。 一、国外“中国传统文化热”的发展情况 国外的中国传统文化热在受中国传统文化影响最深远的日本、新加坡、韩国最为突出。 在日本,东京、京都等地现在有许多研究孔孟思想的学会和研究所。他们把研究中国儒家思想与日本现代化结合了起来。1987年,日本文部省资助了一项《东亚比较研究》的大型研究计划。在第一次会上,项目负责人、东京外国语大学教授中岛岭雄说:“应在新的现代化论的框架中,重新考虑支持日本人行为方式的儒教性因素的有效性。”为了把经济搞上去,日本许多思想家企业家主张用儒家伦理精神激励人们。日本著名的伦理研究所创始人凡山敏雄在会员必读的《人类幸福之路》一书中,就引用了不少中国传统美德的语录。他用《孟子》的“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨”的语录激励人们不要怕苦难。用《史记》中的“得时难而失之易”的话,教诲人们爱惜人生,爱惜今日。被誉为日本“企业之父”、“日本近代经济的最高指导者”的涩泽荣一,他一生按孔子《论语》精神倡导和实践的企业精神,在日本影响很大。在他所著的被誉为“商务圣经”的《论语与算盘》一书中说:“《论语》中有算盘,算盘中有《论语》”,“打算盘是利,《论语》是道德”,主张义利合一,不可分离。成立于1970年的日本松下电器商学院,处处以儒家经典为学习内容。该院的研修目标就是《大学》中的“三纲领”:“在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。”即竭尽全力地实践商业道德,至诚无欺地保持良好的人际关系,为实现尽善尽美的目标而努力。日本大东文化大学教授沟口雄三在去年北京举行的“孔子诞辰2545周年纪念与国际学术研讨会”的发言中说:“现在,人类面临着利己主义还是共生主义问题。这正是儒学再次崛起的契机,因为儒学才是关注人类最根本问题的思想。儒学的共生主义正体现在‘达己必先达人’的精神中。” 在新加坡,从80年代就开始推行以中国儒家传统文化为中心内容的“文化再生”运动。1982年春节,李光耀总理就号召新加坡人民保持和发扬中华民族儒家的传统道德,并把“忠孝仁爱礼义廉耻”作为政府必须坚决贯彻执行的“治国之道”。教育当局宣布在中学三、四年级开设《儒家伦理》课,以培养具有儒家伦理道德观念和价值观念的一代人。1988年10月,第一副总理吴作栋又提议把儒家东方价值观提升为国家意识,并使之成为每个公民的行动指南。1990年2月,新加坡政府发表了充满儒家伦理精神的《共同价值白皮书》。该书提出了五大共同价值观为:(1)国家至上,社会为先;(2)家庭为根,社会为本;(3)关怀扶持,同舟共济;(4)求同存异,协商共识;(5)种族和谐,宗教宽容。在韩国,儒学思想早在汉唐时代就传入朝鲜半岛,影响很大。创建于公元992 年的国子监,1398年更名为成均馆,1946 年改建为成均馆大学。该校现在仍以儒学为宗旨,以仁义礼智为校训。该校一年级学生都必须学习《儒学原理》。中央有成均馆,各郡县则设乡校300多所,利用寒暑假对中小学生进行儒家修身和忠孝仁爱的道德教育和行为规范教育。并且他们把儒家道德和企业经济发展结合


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前端编程提高之旅 jQuery常见特效

前端编程提高之旅(二)----网站常见特效的jquery 实现 时间 2014-08-09 23:11:11 CSDN博客原 文,/yingyiledi/article/details/38460189 最好的编程语言是逻辑,前端各种交互特效的实现多可以用jquery实现,特效可以纷飞,内在逻辑则基本不变。这一篇文章主要介绍jquery实现常见特效背后的逻辑。 1.通过类名获取元素集合 首先来看一个js原生代码不支持的方法,通过类来获取元素集合。document.getElementsByClassName=function(classname){ var retnode = []; var myclass = new RegExp('\\b'+classname+'\\b');//匹配类名 var elem = this.getElementsByTagName('*');//得到所有元素 for (var j = 0; j < elem.length; j++) { var classes = elem[j].className; if (myclass.test(classes)){ retnode.push(elem[j]); } } return retnode; }//通过遍历整个文档元素类名,返回所有指定类名的数组

逻辑思路: 通过构造一个类名的正则表达式,选取所有标签,并通过正则表达式与所有标签类名属性进行匹配,从而返回一个类名数组,实现通过类名得到元素集合的目标。 实现这个方法的同时,也给在不使用jquery的情况下,选取特定序数的元素提供了便利。 2.二级联动菜单的构造 $("#select1").change( function() { //侦测一级菜单的change事件 var id = $("#select1").val(); if(id == 1){ //通过id判断二级菜单 $.get('index.php', null, function(data){ //get方式传值 $("span").empty(); //清空标签 $("span").append(""); //填充对应的二级菜单 }); }else{ $.get('index.php', null, function(data){ //get方式传值 $("span").empty(); //清空标签 $("span").append(""); //填充对应的二级菜单 }); } });


先给大家展示下bootstrap图片轮播图,效果如下所示,如果大家感觉效果还不错,请继续往下阅读,参考实现代码。 直接给大家贴代码了,具体代码如下所示: 代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-CN"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- 上述3个meta标签*必须*放在最前面,任何其他内容都*必须*跟随其后!--> <title>图片轮播_01</title> <!-- Bootstrap --> <link href="../bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="../js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <script src="../bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- 作者:凯尔 时间:2016-02-20 描述: carousel date-interval="4000"停留时间/幅图 支持键盘左右方向键对图片进行轮播方向选择 --> <div class="container"> <div style="width:960px;height: 400px;margin: auto;padding: auto;"> <div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide"> <ol class="carousel-indicators"> <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li> <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="1" class=""></li> <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="2" class=""></li> <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="3" class=""></li> </ol> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="item active"> <img src="../img/图片轮播/pic01.jpg" /> </div> <div class="item"> <img src="../img/图片轮播/pic02.jpg" />


使用jQuery制作图片轮播效果 在DW中插入一个图片,然后回车 重复步骤1直到所有图片添加完成 选择所有图片,格式菜单-〉列表-〉项目列表,制作一个图片列表 然后再插入一个div,id命名为“LunBoNum”,在div内写入代码如下: 1 2 3 4 5 插入一个新id为“LunBo”的div,并包含如上全部内容,代码如下:

1 2 3 4


在网页的代码间加入jQuery框架链接 编写JS代码如下