



进入位:gate location

水口形式:gate type

大水口:edge gate

细水口: pin-point gate

水口大小:gate size

转水口:switching runner/gate

唧嘴口径:sprue diameter

二、流道: runner

热流道:hot runner,hot manifold

热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner

唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate

圆形流道:round(full/half runner

流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis

流道平衡:runner balance

热嘴:hot sprue

热流道板:hot manifold

发热管:cartridge heater

探针: thermocouples

插头:connector plug

插座: connector socket

密封/封料: seal

三、运水:water line

喉塞:line lpug


塑胶管:plastic tube

快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件:mold components

三板模:3-plate mold

二板模:2-plate mold

边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin

边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing

中托司:shoulder guide bushing

中托边L:guide pin

顶针板:ejector retainner plate

托板:support plate

螺丝: screw

管钉:dowel pin

开模槽:ply bar scot

内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock

顶针:ejector pin

司筒:ejector sleeve

司筒针:ejector pin

推板:stripper plate

缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock


模胚(架): mold base

上内模:cavity insert

下内模:core insert

行位(滑块): slide



耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate


撑头: support pillar

唧嘴: sprue bushing

挡板:stop plate

定位圈:locating ring


扣鸡:parting lock set

推杆:push bar



活动臂:lever arm

分流锥:spure sperader


垃圾钉:stop pin


弹弓柱:spring rod

弹弓:die spring

中托司:ejector guide bush

中托边:ejector guide pin


销子:dowel pin

波子弹弓:ball catch



进入位:gate location

水口形式:gate type

大水口:edge gate

细水口: pin-point gate

水口大小:gate size

转水口:switching runner/gate

唧嘴口径:sprue diameter

二、流道: runner

热流道:hot runner,hot manifold

热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner

唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate

圆形流道:round(full/half runner

流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis

流道平衡:runner balance

热嘴:hot sprue

热流道板:hot manifold

发热管:cartridge heater

探针: thermocouples

插头:connector plug

插座: connector socket

密封/封料: seal

三、运水:water line

喉塞:line lpug


塑胶管:plastic tube

快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker

四、模具零件:mold components

三板模:3-plate mold

二板模:2-plate mold

边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin

边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing

中托司:shoulder guide bushing

中托边L:guide pin

顶针板:ejector retainner plate

托板:support plate

螺丝: screw

管钉:dowel pin

开模槽:ply bar scot

内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock

顶针:ejector pin

司筒:ejector sleeve

司筒针:ejector pin

推板:stripper plate

缩呵:movable core,return core core puller

扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock


模胚(架): mold base

上内模:cavity insert

下内模:core insert

行位(滑块): slide



耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate


撑头: support pillar

唧嘴: sprue bushing

挡板:stop plate

定位圈:locating ring


扣鸡:parting lock set

推杆:push bar



活动臂:lever arm

分流锥:spure sperader


垃圾钉:stop pin


弹弓柱:spring rod

弹弓:die spring

中托司:ejector guide bush

中托边:ejector guide pin


销子:dowel pin

波子弹弓:ball catch

喉塞: pipe plug

锁模块:lock plate

斜顶:angle from pin

斜顶杆:angle ejector rod

尼龙拉勾:parting locks

活动臂:lever arm

复位键、提前回杆:early return bar


斜导边:angle pin


承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance 模排气:parting line venting

回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference

模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight

顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin 料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side

模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B-plate.

不准用镶件: Do not use (core/cavity) insert

用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert

初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design

反呵:reverse core

弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length

稳定性好:good stability,stable

强度不够:insufficient rigidity

均匀冷却:even cooling


热膨胀:thero expansion


铜公(电极):copper electrode 注塑成形不良用语

aberration 色差 atomization 霚化

bank mark 滞料纹 bite 咬入

blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking scab 涂料疤

blister 起泡 blooming 起霜

blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白

body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉

bubble 膜泡 burn mark 糊斑

burr 毛边 camber 翘曲

cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱

check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂

chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕

collapse 塌陷 color mottle 色斑

corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕

crazing 碎裂 crazing 龟裂

deformation 变形 edge 切边碎片

edge crack 裂边 fading 退色

filler speak 填充料斑 fissure 裂纹

flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱 flaw 刮伤

flow mark 流痕 galling 毛边

glazing 光滑 gloss 光泽

grease pits 污斑 grinding defect 磨痕

haircrack 发裂 haze 雾度

incrustation 水锈 indentation 压痕

internal porosity 内部气孔 mismatch 偏模

mottle 斑点 necking 缩颈

nick 割痕 orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷

overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离

pit 坑 pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀

plate mark 模板印痕 pock 麻点

pock mark 痘斑 resin streak 树脂流纹

resin wear 树脂脱落 riding 凹陷

sagging 松垂 saponification 皂化

scar 疤痕 scrap 废料

scrap jam 废料阻塞 scratch 刮伤/划痕

scuffing 深冲表面划伤 seam 裂痕

shock line 模口挤痕 short shot 充填不足

shrinkage pool 凹孔 sink mark 凹痕

skin inclusion 表皮折迭 straightening 矫直

streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕

surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折 surging 波动

sweat out 冒汗 torsion 扭曲

warpage 翘曲 waviness 波痕

webbing 熔塌 weld mark 焊痕

whitening 白化 wrinkle 皱纹


stamping, press冲压

punch press, dieing out press冲床

uncoiler & strainghtener整平机


rack, shelf, stack料架




conveyer belt输送带

transmission rack输送架

top stop上死点

bottom stop下死点

one stroke一行程


to continue, cont.连动

to grip(material)吸料

location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块







to draw holes抽孔

inquiry, search for查寻

to stock, storage, in stock库存


approval examine and verify审核

processing, to process加工

delivery, to deliver 交货

to return delivenry to.

to send delinery back

to retrn of goods退货


registration card登记卡

to control管制

to put forward and hand in提报

safe stock安全库存

acceptance = receive验收

to notice通知

application form for purchase请购单

consume, consumption消耗

to fill in填写


reverse angle = chamfer倒角

character die字模

to collect, to gather收集

failure, trouble故障


demand and supply需求

career card履历卡

to take apart a die卸下模具

to load a die装上模具

to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓

to looser a bolt拧松螺栓

to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件

standard parts标准件

breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑

common vocabulary for die engineering


die 模具

figure file, chart file图档

cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die 连续模compound die复合模

punched hole冲孔

panel board镶块

to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边

to bending折弯

to pull, to stretch拉伸

Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印

upsiding down edges翻边

to stake铆合

designing, to design设计

design modification设计变化

die block模块

folded block折弯块

sliding block滑块

location pin定位销

lifting pin顶料销

die plate, front board模板

padding block垫块

stepping bar垫条

upper die base上模座

lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板

upper padding plate blank上垫板

spare dies模具备品

spring 弹簧


alloy tool steel 合金工具钢

aluminium alloy 铝合金钢

bearing alloy 轴承合金

blister steel 浸碳钢

bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板

carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢

clad sheet 被覆板

clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢

emery 金钢砂

ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力

forging die steel 锻造模用钢

galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板

hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢

high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢

hot work die steel 热锻模用钢

low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢

low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢

marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢

martrix alloy 马特里斯合金

meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢

meehanite metal 米汉纳铁

merchant iron 市售钢材

molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢

molybdenum steel 钼钢

nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢

prehardened steel 顶硬钢

silicon steel sheet 硅钢板

stainless steel 不锈钢

tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板

tough pitch copper 韧铜

troostite 吐粒散铁

tungsten steel 钨钢

vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑料覆面钢板


adjustable spanner 活动扳手 angle cutter 角铣刀

anvil 铁钻 arbour 心轴

backing 衬垫 belt sander 带式打磨机

buffing 抛光 chamfering machine 倒角机

chamfering tool 去角刀具 chisel 扁錾

chuck 夹具 compass 两角规

concave cutter 凹面铣刀 convex cutter 凸形铣刀

cross joint 十字接头 cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙

drill stand 钻台 edge file 刃用锉刀

file 锉刀 flange joint 凸缘接头

grinder 砂轮机 hammer 铁锤

hand brace 手摇钻 hatching 剖面线

hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓 hexagon nut 六角螺

index head 分度头 jack 千斤顶

jig 治具 kit 工具箱

lapping 研磨 metal saw 金工锯

nose angle 刀角 pinchers 钳子

pliers 铗钳 plug 柱塞头

polisher 磨光器 protable driller 手提钻孔机

punch 冲头 sand paper 砂纸

scraper 刮刀 screw driver 螺丝起子

scribing 划线 second out file 中纹锉

spanner 扳手 spline broach 方栓槽拉刀

square 直角尺 square sleeker 方形镘刀

square trowel 直角度 stripping 剥离工具

T-slot T形槽 tool for lathe 车刀

tool point angle 刀刃角 tool post 刀架

tosecan 划线盘 trimming 去毛边

waffle die flattening 压纹效平 wiper 脱模钳

wrench 螺旋扳手




3-Jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具头

A.T.C.system 加工中心机刀库

Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 连续


Balancing equipment 平衡设备

Bayonet 卡口

Bearing fittings 轴承配件

Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机

Bearings 轴承

Belt drive 带传动

Bending machines 弯曲机

Blades 刀片

Blades,saw 锯片

Bolts,screws & nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺丝

Boring heads 搪孔头

Boring machines 镗床

Cable making tools 造线机

Casting,aluminium 铸铝

Casting,copper 铸铜

Casting,gray iron 铸灰口铁

Casting,malleable iron 可锻铸铁

Casting,other 其他铸造

Casting,steel 铸钢

Chain drive 链传动

Chain making tools 造链机

Chamfer machines 倒角机

Chucks 夹盘

Clamping/holding systems 夹具/支持系统

CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机

CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床

CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床

CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机

CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机

CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床

CNC lathes 电脑数控车床

CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件

CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床

CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机

CNC toolings CNC刀杆

CNC wire-cutting machines 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains 输送链

Coolers 冷却机

Coupling 联轴器

Crimping tools 卷边工具

Cutters 刀具

Cutting-off machines 切断机

Diamond cutters 钻石刀具

Dicing saws 晶圆切割机

Die casting dies 压铸冲模

Die casting machines 压铸机

Dies-progressive 连续冲模

Disposable toolholder bits 舍弃式刀头

Drawing machines 拔丝机

Drilling machines 钻床

Drilling machines bench 钻床工作台

Drilling machines,high-speed 高速钻床

Drilling machines,multi-spindle 多轴钻床

Drilling machines,radial 摇臂钻床Drilling machines,vertical 立式钻床

drills 钻头

Electric discharge machines(EDM) 电火花机

Electric power tools 电动刀具

Engraving machines 雕刻机

Engraving machines,laser 激光雕刻机

Etching machines 蚀刻机

Finishing machines 修整机

Fixture 夹具

Forging dies 锻模

Forging,aluminium 锻铝

Forging,cold 冷锻

Forging,copper 铜锻

Forging,other 其他锻造

Forging,steel 钢锻

Foundry equipment 铸造设备

Gear cutting machines 齿轮切削机

Gears 齿轮

Gravity casting machines 重力铸造机

Grinder bench 磨床工作台

Grinders,thread 螺纹磨床

Grinders,tools & cutters 工具磨床

Grinders,ultrasonic 超声波打磨机

Grinding machines 磨床

Grinding machines,centerless 无心磨床

Grinding machines,cylindrical 外圆磨床

Grinding machines,universal 万能磨床

Grinding tools 磨削工具

Grinding wheels 磨轮

Hand tools 手工具

Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant 硬(软)


Heat preserving furnaces 保温炉

Heating treatment funaces 熔热处理炉

Honing machines 搪磨机

Hydraulic components 液压元件

Hydraulic power tools 液压工具

Hydraulic power units 液压动力元件

Hydraulic rotary cylinders 液压回转缸

Jigs 钻模

Lapping machines 精研机

Lapping machines,centerless 无心精研机

Laser cutting 激光切割

Laser cutting for SMT stensil 激光钢板切割机

Lathe bench 车床工作台

Lathes,automatic 自动车床

Lathes,heavy-duty 重型车床

Lathes,high-speed 高速车床

Lathes,turret 六角车床

Lathes,vertical 立式车床

Lubricants 润滑液

Lubrication Systems 润滑系统

Lubricators 注油机

Machining centers,general 通用加工中心

Machining centers,horizontal 卧式加工中心

Machining centers,horizontal & vertical 卧式及立式加


Machining centers,vertical 立式加工中心

Machining centers,vertical double-column type 立式双


Magnetic tools 磁性工具

Manifolds 集合管

Milling heads 铣头

Milling machines 铣床

Milling machines,bed type 床身式铣床

Milling machines,duplicating 仿形铣床

Milling machines,horizontal 卧式铣床

Milling machines,turret vertical 六角立式铣床

Milling machines,universal 万能铣床

Milling machines,vertical 立式铣床

Milling machines,vertical & horizontal 立式及卧式铣

Mold & die components 模具单元

Mold changing systems 换模系统

Mold core 模芯

Mold heaters/chillers 模具加热器/冷却器

Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨纹

Mold repair 模具维修

Molds 模具

Nail making machines 造钉机

Oil coolers 油冷却器

Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels 铝轮


P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant P型


PCB fine piecing systems 印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系

Pipe & tube making machines 管筒制造机

Planing machines 刨床

Planing machines vertical 立式刨床

Pneumatic hydraulic clamps 气油压虎钳

Pneumatic power tools 气动工具

Powder metallurgic forming machines 粉末冶金成型机

Presses,cold forging 冷锻冲压机

presses,crank 曲柄压力机

Presses,eccentric 离心压力机

Presses,forging 锻压机

Presses,hydraulic 液压冲床

Presses,knuckle joint 肘杆式压力机

Presses,pneumatic 气动冲床

Presses,servo 伺服冲床

Presses,transfer 自动压力机

Pressing dies 压模

Punch formers 冲子研磨器

Quick die change systems 速换模系统

Quick mold change systems 快速换模系统Reverberatory furnaces 反射炉

Rollers 滚筒

Rolling machines 辗压机

Rotary tables 转台

Sawing machines 锯床

Sawing machines,band 带锯床

Saws,band 带锯

Saws,hack 弓锯

Saws,horizontal band 卧式带锯

Saws,vertical band 立式带锯

shafts 轴

Shapers 牛头刨床

Shearing machines 剪切机

Sheet metal forming machines 金属板成型机

Sheet metal working machines 金属板加工机Slotting machines 插床

spindles 主轴

Stamping parts 冲压机

Straightening machines 矫直机

Switches & buttons 开关及按钮

Tapping machines 攻螺丝机

Transmitted chains 传动链

Tube bending machines 弯管机

Vertical hydraulic broaching machine 立式油压拉床Vises 虎钳

Vises,tool-maker 精密平口钳

Wheel dressers 砂轮修整器

Woven-Cutting machines 织麦激光切割机Wrenches 扳手


age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理

air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火 anode effect 阳极效应

anodizing 阳极氧化处理 atomloy treatment 阿扥木洛伊表面

austempering 奥氏体等温淬火 austenite 奥斯田体/奥


bainite 贝氏体 banded structure 条纹状组织

barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光

blackening 染黑法 blue shortness 青熟脆性

bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理 box annealing 箱型退火

box carburizing 封箱渗碳 bright electroplating 辉面电

bright heat treatment 光辉热处理 bypass heat treatment


carbide 炭化物 carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层

carburizing 渗碳 cementite 炭化铁

chemical plating 化学电镀 chemical vapor deposition


coarsening 结晶粒粗大化 coating 涂布被覆

cold shortness 低温脆性 comemtite 渗碳体

controlled atmosphere 大气热处理 corner effect 锐角


creeping discharge 蠕缓放电 decarburization 脱碳处理

decarburizing 脱碳退火 depth of hardening 硬化深层

diffusion 扩散 diffusion annealing 扩散退火

electrolytic hardening 电解淬火 embossing 压花

etching 表面蚀刻 ferrite 肥粒铁

first stage annealing 第一段退火 flame hardening 火焰


flame treatment 火焰处理 full annealing 完全退火

gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法 globular cementite 球状


grain size 结晶粒度 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处

graphitizing 石墨退火 hardenability 硬化性

hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 hardening 硬化

heat treatment 热处理 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火

hot dipping 热浸镀 induction hardening 高周波硬化

ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 ion carburizing 离子


ion plating 离子电镀 isothermal annealing 等温退火

liquid honing 液体喷砂法 low temperature annealing


malleablizing 可锻化退火 martempering 麻回火处理

martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭 metallikon 金属喷镀法

metallizing 真空涂膜 nitriding 氮化处理

nitrocarburizing 软氮化 normalizing 正常化

oil quenching 油淬化 overageing 过老化

overheating 过热 pearlite 针尖组织

phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 physical vapor

deposition 物理蒸镀

plasma nitriding 离子氮化 pre-annealing 预备退火

precipitation 析出 precipitation hardening 析出硬化

press quenching 加压硬化 process annealing 制程退火

quench ageing 淬火老化 quench hardening 淬火

quenching crack 淬火裂痕 quenching distortion 淬火变

quenching stress 淬火应力 reconditioning 再调质

recrystallization 再结晶 red shortness 红热脆性

residual stress 残留应力 retained austenite 残留奥

rust prevention 防蚀 salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火

sand blast 喷砂处理 seasoning 时效处理

second stage annealing 第二段退火 secular distortion


segregation 偏析 selective hardening 部分淬火

shot blast 喷丸处理 shot peening 珠击法

single stage nitriding 等温渗氮 sintering 烧结处理

soaking 均热处理 softening 软化退火

solution treatment 固溶化热处理 spheroidizing 球状化


stabilizing treatment 安定化处理 straightening

annealing 矫直退火

strain ageing 应变老化 stress relieving annealing 应力


subzero treatment 生冷处理 supercooling 过冷

surface hardening 表面硬化处理 temper brittleness 回


temper colour 回火颜色 tempering 回火

tempering crack 回火裂痕 texture 咬花

thermal refining 调质处理 thermoechanical treatment


time quenching 时间淬火 transformation 变态

tufftride process 软氮化处理 under annealing 不完全


vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化 vacuum

carburizing 真空渗碳处理

vacuum hardening 真空淬火 vacuum heat treatment 真


vacuum nitriding 真空氮化 water quenching 水淬火

wetout 浸润处理



ABA Acrylonitrile-butadiene-acrylate 丙烯腈/丁二烯/


ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene 丙烯腈/丁二烯/


AES Acrylonitrile-ethylene-styrene 丙烯腈/乙烯/苯乙烯共聚物

AMMA Acrylonitrile/methyl Methacrylate 丙烯腈/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物

ARP Aromatic polyester 聚芳香酯

AS Acrylonitrile-styrene resin 丙烯腈-苯乙烯树脂

ASA Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate 丙烯腈/苯乙烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物

CA Cellulose acetate 醋酸纤维塑料

CAB Cellulose acetate butyrate 醋酸-丁酸纤维素塑料

CAP Cellulose acetate propionate 醋酸-丙酸纤维素CE Cellulose plastics, general 通用纤维素塑料CF Cresol-formaldehyde 甲酚-甲醛树脂CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose 羧甲基纤维素CN Cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素

CP Cellulose propionate 丙酸纤维素

CPE Chlorinated polyethylene 氯化聚乙烯CPVC Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) 氯化聚氯乙烯CS Casein 酪蛋白

CTA Cellulose triacetate 三醋酸纤维素

EC Ethyl cellulose 乙烷纤维素

EMA Ethylene/methacrylic acid 乙烯/甲基丙烯酸共聚物

EP Epoxy, epoxide 环氧树脂

EPD Ethylene-propylene-diene 乙烯-丙烯-二烯三元共聚物

EPM Ethylene-propylene polymer 乙烯-丙烯共聚物

EPS Expanded polystyrene 发泡聚苯乙烯ETFE Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene 乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物

EVA Ethylene/vinyl acetate 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物

EVAL Ethylene-vinyl alcohol 乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物

FEP Perfluoro(ethylene-propylene) 全氟(乙烯-丙烯)塑料

FF Furan formaldehyde 呋喃甲醛

HDPE High-density polyethylene plastics高密度聚乙烯塑料

HIPS High impact polystyrene 高冲聚苯乙烯IPS Impact-resistant polystyrene 耐冲击聚苯乙烯LCP Liquid crystal polymer 液晶聚合物LDPE Low-density polyethylene plastics 低密度聚乙烯塑料

LLDPE Linear low-density polyethylene 线性低密聚


LMDPE Linear medium-density polyethylene 线性中


MBS Methacrylate-butadiene-styrene 甲基丙烯酸-


MDPE Medium-density polyethylene 中密聚乙烯

MF Melamine-formaldehyde resin 密胺-甲醛树脂

MPF Melamine/phenol-formaldehyde 密胺/酚醛树



PA Polyamide (nylon) 聚酰胺(尼龙)

PAA Poly(acrylic acid) 聚丙烯酸

PADC Poly(allyl diglycol carbonate) 碳酸-二乙二醇


PAE Polyarylether 聚芳醚

PAEK Polyaryletherketone 聚芳醚酮

PAI Polyamide-imide 聚酰胺-酰亚胺

PAK Polyester alkyd 聚酯树脂

PAN Polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯腈

PARA Polyaryl amide 聚芳酰胺

PASU Polyarylsulfone 聚芳砜

PAT Polyarylate 聚芳酯

PAUR Poly(ester urethane) 聚酯型聚氨酯

PB Polybutene-1 聚丁烯-[1]

PBA Poly(butyl acrylate) 聚丙烯酸丁酯

PBAN Polybutadiene-acrylonitrile 聚丁二烯-丙烯腈

PBS Polybutadiene-styrene 聚丁二烯-苯乙烯

PBT Poly(butylene terephthalate) 聚对苯二酸丁二酯

PC Polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯

PCTFE Polychlorotrifluoroethylene 聚氯三氟乙烯

PDAP Poly(diallyl phthalate) 聚对苯二甲酸二烯丙酯

PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯

PEBA Polyether block amide 聚醚嵌段酰胺

PEBA Thermoplastic elastomer polyether 聚酯热塑弹


PEEK Polyetheretherketone 聚醚醚酮

PEI Poly(etherimide) 聚醚酰亚胺

PEK Polyether ketone 聚醚酮

PEO Poly(ethylene oxide) 聚环氧乙烷

PES Poly(ether sulfone) 聚醚砜

PET Poly(ethylene terephthalate) 聚对苯二甲酸乙二

PETG Poly(ethylene terephthalate) glycol 二醇类改性


PEUR Poly(ether urethane) 聚醚型聚氨酯

PF Phenol-formaldehyde resin 酚醛树脂

PFA Perfluoro(alkoxy alkane) 全氟烷氧基树脂

PFF Phenol-furfural resin 酚呋喃树脂

PI Polyimide 聚酰亚胺

PIB Polyisobutylene 聚异丁烯

PISU Polyimidesulfone 聚酰亚胺砜

PMCA Poly(methyl-alpha-chloroacrylate) 聚α-氯代丙


PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate) 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯

PMP Poly(4-methylpentene-1) 聚4-甲基戊烯-1

PMS Poly(alpha-methylstyrene) 聚α-甲基苯乙烯

POM Polyoxymethylene, polyacetal 聚甲醛

PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯

PPA Polyphthalamide 聚邻苯二甲酰胺

PPE Poly(phenylene ether) 聚苯醚

PPO Poly(phenylene oxide) deprecated 聚苯醚

PPOX Poly(propylene oxide) 聚环氧(丙)烷

PPS Poly(phenylene sulfide) 聚苯硫醚

PPSU Poly(phenylene sulfone) 聚苯砜

PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯

PSU Polysulfone 聚砜

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯

PUR Polyurethane 聚氨酯

PVAC Poly(vinyl acetate) 聚醋酸乙烯

PVAL Poly(vinyl alcohol) 聚乙烯醇

PVB Poly(vinyl butyral) 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛

PVC Poly(vinyl chloride) 聚氯乙烯

PVCA Poly(vinyl chloride-acetate) 聚氯乙烯醋酸乙烯

PVDC Poly(vinylidene chloride) 聚(偏二氯乙烯)

PVDF Poly(vinylidene fluoride) 聚(偏二氟乙烯)

PVF Poly(vinyl fluoride) 聚氟乙烯

PVFM Poly(vinyl formal) 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛

PVK Polyvinylcarbazole 聚乙烯咔唑

PVP Polyvinylpyrrolidone 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮

S/MA Styrene-maleic anhydride plastic 苯乙烯-马来


SAN Styrene-acrylonitrile plastic 苯乙烯-丙烯腈塑料

SB Styrene-butadiene plastic 苯乙烯-丁二烯塑料

Si Silicone plastics 有机硅塑料

SMS Styrene/alpha-methylstyrene plastic 苯乙烯-α-甲


SP Saturated polyester plastic 饱和聚酯塑料

SRP Styrene-rubber plastics 聚苯乙烯橡胶改性塑料

TEEE Thermoplastic Elastomer,Ether-Ester 醚酯型热


TEO Thermoplastic Elastomer, Olefinic 聚烯烃热塑弹性体

TES Thermoplastic Elastomer, Styrenic 苯乙烯热塑性弹性体

TPEL Thermoplastic elastomer 热塑(性)弹性体TPES Thermoplastic polyester 热塑性聚酯

TPUR Thermoplastic polyurethane 热塑性聚氨酯TSUR Thermoset polyurethane 热固聚氨酯

UF Urea-formaldehyde resin 脲甲醛树脂UHMWPE Ultra-high molecular weight PE 超高分子量聚乙烯

UP Unsaturated polyester 不饱和聚酯

VCE Vinyl chloride-ethylene resin 氯乙烯/乙烯树脂VCEV Vinyl chloride-ethylene-vinyl 氯乙烯/乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物

VCMA Vinyl chloride-methyl acrylate 氯乙烯/丙烯酸甲酯共聚物

VCMMA Vinyl chloride-methylmethacrylate 氯乙烯/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物

VCOA Vinyl chloride-octyl acrylate resin 氯乙烯/丙烯酸辛酯树脂

VCVAC Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate resin 氯乙烯/醋酸乙烯树脂

VCVDC Vinyl chloride-vinylidene chloride 氯乙烯/偏氯乙烯共聚物




deburring punch压毛边冲子

groove punch压线冲子

stamped punch字模冲子

round punch圆冲子

special shape punch异形冲子

bending block折刀


baffle plate挡块

located block定位块

supporting block for location


air cushion plate气垫板

air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆

trimming punch切边冲子

stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子

ribbon punch压筋冲子

reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板

sliding block滑块

sliding dowel block滑块固定块

active plate活动板

lower sliding plate下滑块板

upper holder block上压块

upper mid plate上中间板

spring box弹簧箱

spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆

spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板

bushing bolck衬套

cover plate盖板

guide pad导料块


compre sion molding压缩成型

flash mold溢流式模具

plsitive mold挤压式模具

split mold分割式模具




leather cloak仿皮革


flow mark流痕

welding mark溶合痕

post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值

self tapping screw自攻螺丝

striper plate脱料板




handle mold手持式模具


encapsulation molding低压封装成型


two plate两极式(模具)

well type蓄料井

insulated runner绝缘浇道方式

hot runner热浇道

runner plat浇道模块

valve gate阀门浇口

band heater环带状的电热器


spear head刨尖头

slag well冷料井

cold slag冷料渣

air vent排气道




welding line熔合痕

eject pin顶出针

knock pin顶出销

return pin回位销反顶针


stripper plate脱料板

insert core放置入子

runner stripper plate浇道脱料板

guide pin导销

eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧


three plate三极式模具

runner system浇道系统

stress crack应力电裂


sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口


sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆)

slag well冷料井

side gate侧浇口

edge gate侧缘浇口

tab gate搭接浇口

film gate薄膜浇口

flash gate闸门浇口

slit gate缝隙浇口

fan gate扇形浇口

dish gate因盘形浇口



diaphragm gate隔膜浇口

ring gate环形浇口

subarine gate潜入式浇口

tunnel gate隧道式浇口

pin gate针点浇口


Runner less无浇道

(sprue less)无射料管方式

long nozzle延长喷嘴方式



Piping work: 铺管工程

Steam trace: 加热蒸汽管道

Cutting: 切割

socket weld承插焊接

fillet weld角焊,填角焊

branch connection分支接续

fabrication tolerance.制造容差

local heat treatment 局部热处理

threaded pipe螺纹管

seal welding.密封焊接

flange joint 凸缘接头

undercut 底切


conduit outlet电线引出口

seal fitting 密封接头, 密封配件

Screw thread lubricant螺纹润滑剂

Seal: 绝缘层

weld reinforcement 焊缝补强

lock washer 锁紧[止动, 防松]垫圈

electrical panel.配电板,配电盘


zinc plated.镀锌的

ring joint 环接, 围缘接合

bolt 螺栓

control: 控制器

National Electrical Code 全国电气规程

master schedule 主要图表, 综合图表, 设计任务书, 主要作业表

torque wrench 转矩扳手

job site 施工现场

flange connection.凸缘联接

Hard hat:安全帽



packing list装箱单

crate: 柳条箱

purchased material list原材料进货单


wire coil线盘,线卷,

NPT thread. 美国标准锥管螺纹

cable gland 电缆衬垫

terminal block线弧, 接头排接线盒, 接线板, 线夹power drill机械钻

connector. 接线器

insulated sleeve绝缘套管

wire connector接线器

wire terminal电线接头

control wiring控制线路

motor lead电动机引出线

power wiring电力布线

tender document.提供证件orifice plate.挡板

nut 螺母

flange gasket 法兰垫片

dimensional inspection 尺寸检验

burn through 烧蚀

piping system.管道系统

reinforcement of weld加强焊缝


dye penetrant examination染料渗透试验法

magnetic particle examination 磁粉检验

girth weld环形焊缝

cement lined piping 水泥衬里

weld joint 焊缝, 焊接接头

spool drawing 管路图, 管路详图

spot test 抽查, 当场测试

butt weld 对接焊缝

Random Radiography随机射线照相检查

radiographic examination 射线照相检查


erection 架设


cable tray.电缆盘

rigid steel conduit 钢制电线管

power control 功率控制

arc welding 电弧焊

control cable控制电缆操纵索

normal bend 法向[法线]弯管

cable glands: 电缆衬垫


power receptacle 电力插座

grounding conductor 接地导体

lighting fixture照明器材

junction box 分线箱

race way 电缆管道

terminal box接线盒

distribution board配电盘, 配电屏

receptacle 插座

tumble switch.翻转开关,拨动式开关

cathodic protection system 阴极保护系统

Circuit breaker断路开关

amplifier panel 放大器盘

control console 控制台

electrical material电气材料

convenience receptacle.电源插座

cable gland 电缆衬垫

TIG: Tungsten-arc Inert-Gas welding 钨极电弧惰性


filler rod焊条

tensile strength 抗张强度

shield gas 保护气体

shield jig保护夹具

high frequency generator.高频发电机

welding rod 焊条

filler metal 焊料, 焊丝

shop fabrication 车间制造

field installation 现场安装

welding bead 焊道

both sides welding.双面焊接

residual stress 残余应力

electrode 电焊条

condensation 冷凝


horizontal line 水平线

circumferential joint 周圈接缝

nondestructive examination.非破坏性检验,

qualification: 合格性

construction work施工工程

welded joint焊接缝焊接节点

gas cutting.气割

arc cutting电弧切割

grind off 磨掉

metallic luster 金属光泽

Screwed Piping Joints螺丝状的管接头

gouging .刨削槽

Bending: 挠曲

witness test订货人在场的试验

Welding: 焊接

Threading: 车缧纹


color identification 彩色识别


check against 检查, 核对




audit 审计

material certificate.材料合格证

vertical panel竖直面板

power distribution panel 配电盘

gauge board仪表板

beveling 磨斜棱,磨斜边

local panel 现场配电盘

grouting 灌浆

fabrication 加工,制造

instrument rack 计测器支架

tank gauge 液面计

flushing 冲洗,填缝




cable fitting电缆配件


main pipe 主管道


solvent 溶剂

postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理jig.夹具

arc gouging 电弧刨削


machining 机械加工



tack welding 点焊

butt welding 对接焊

grinder. 磨床


gusset plate角撑板, 加固板process pipe 工艺管道

land 纹间表面

tee 三通管丁字钢 T形梁

opening 开口

reinforcing pad.补强垫,增强衬板flux 焊剂

wet developer 湿显像剂


inclusion 杂质

imperfection 缺陷

limitation 限度

valve 阀,闸门

structural attachment 结构附件tapered allowance 削尖余量

tack welding 平头焊接

sputter 喷溅

scale 废料

lateral translation侧向平移

weld joint 焊缝, 焊接接头


fusion 熔融

base material基底材料

lead foil 铅箔

intensifying screen 增光屏, 光增强屏pressure test.压力试验

film density.影片密度

line number行数

leak test漏泄试验

plate thickness 筛板厚度


field fabricated 工地制造的,现场装配的

junction box.接线盒

flow sheet 流程图

vent 放气孔, 通风孔

drain 排水管

instrument air仪表气源


pipe arrangement 管配置

civil engineer.土木工程师

bus duct 母线槽


flow instrument 流量计

power distribution panel 配电盘

level instrument 位面计, 水平仪

pressure instrument 压力仪表/压力计

level switch (信号)电平开关,

gage glass 液位玻璃管

pilot tube指示灯

line check 小检修


blinding plate盲板

expansion joint 伸缩接头

hydrostatic pressure test静水压试验

pneumatic pressure 气压


check valve止回阀

liquid penetrant examination液体渗透探伤

test pump试验泵

witnessed inspections 现场检测


control valve控制阀,

fabrication drawing 制造图纸,制作图

schedule number表示管壁厚度系列的号码

hydrostatic test .流体静力学试验,水压试验

design pressure 设计压力

disposition notice 处罚通知书

pipe stanchion 管支柱

bellow type 波纹管式

expansion joint 伸缩接头

vibration stopper:减震器

subcontractor 转包商

WPS Works Process Specification 典型工艺规程



sleeve 套筒

ferritic .铁素体的

identification mark 识别标志


stamping .冲压

silicone paint硅树脂油漆

weld bead 焊缝

automatic temperature recorder 温度自动记录器

penetrameter 透度计

film viewer底片观察用光源

civil works土建工程,建筑工程

lump sum price 混合价格 ,统包价格

scrap material废料

caulking metal填隙合金[金属](材料)

application drawing操作图, 应用图

cable routing电缆路由选择

channel bases沟渠基底

vertical panel竖直面板

local panel 现场配电盘

power distribution panel 配电盘

gauge board样板, 模板规准尺

anchor bolt 锚定螺栓

expansion bolt 伸缩栓, 扩开螺栓

field instrument.携带式仪表

instrument rack 计测器支架,计测器框架

tank gauge 油箱液位计

guide wire 尺度[定距]索,准绳

name plate名牌, 商标

lead pipe铅管

take-off valve输出阀


air header 集气管

pneumatic signal气动信号

steam trace 加热蒸汽管道

electric heat tracing.电伴随加热

cable trunk 电缆管道

stop end封端

fire barriers防火间隔

bonding wire 接合线, 焊线

conduit box [电]导管分线匣

刚性导管rigid conduits

flexible conduit软管

conduit entry 导管引入装置

平交道口管道组road crossing duct bank

Capping ends顶盖末端

电缆铠装cable armor

电缆包皮层Cable sheath

sealing compound电缆膏

coaxial cable同轴电缆

loop test环路测试

sequence test.联锁顺序试验

lintel beam 水平横楣梁

flash plate闪熔镀层

anchor bolt 地脚螺栓

expansion bolt伸缩栓, 扩开螺栓

shim plate 垫板

push button station按钮式控制站

logic diagram逻辑图

calculation sheet计算书

flow instrument流量计

level instrument 位面计, 水平仪layout drawing 布置图

tie band捆扎用带材

加热室Heating boxes

切孔cutting opening

control valve actuator 阀控传动机构air set空气中凝固, 常温自硬自然硬化solenoid valve.螺线管阀,电磁阀calorimeter热量计




Assembly line组装线



Rivet table拉钉机

Rivet gun拉钉枪

Screw driver起子

Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌


fit together组装在一起


fixture 夹具(治具)



barcode scanner条形码扫描仪

fuse together熔合

fuse machine热熔机repair修理



supervisor 课长



cosmetic inspect外观检查

inner parts inspect内部检查

thumb screw大头螺丝


EMI gasket导电条

front plate前板

rear plate后板

chassis |'∫?si| 基座

bezel panel面板

power button电源按键

reset button重置键

Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试

Voltage switch of SPS


sheet metal parts 冲件

plastic parts塑料件


material check list物料检查表

work cell工作间




left fork叉车

personnel resource department


production department生产部门

planning department企划部

QC Section品管科

stamping factory冲压厂

painting factory烤漆厂

molding factory成型厂

common equipment常用设备

uncoiler and straightener整平机

punching machine 冲床


hydraulic machine油压机


|刨床?planer |'plein




linear cutting线切割

electrical sparkle电火花


staker=reviting machine铆合机



general manager总经理

special assistant manager特助

factory director厂长

department director部长

deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理

section supervisor课长

deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课

group leader/supervisor组长

line supervisor线长

assistant manager助理

to move, to carry, to handle搬运

be put in storage入库

pack packing包装

to apply oil擦油

to file burr 锉毛刺

final inspection终检

to connect material接料

to reverse material 翻料

wet station沾湿台


cleaning cloth抹布

to load material上料

to unload material卸料

to return material/stock to退料

scraped |'skr?pid|报废

scrape ..v.刮;削

deficient purchase来料不良

manufacture procedure制程

deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良

oxidation |' n|氧化?ksi'dei



defective upsiding down抽芽不良

defective to staking铆合不良

mp|镶块ùembeded lump|in'bed| |l

feeding is not in place送料不到位


production capacity生产力

education and training教育与训练

proposal improvement提案改善

spare parts=buffer备件


trailer=long vehicle拖板车

compound die合模

die locker锁模器

pressure plate=plate pinch压板


name of a department部门名称administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规

gauge(or jig)治具

power wire电源线


defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单screwdriver holder起子插座



flow board流水板

hydraulic handjack油压板车




glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套thumb大拇指



ring finger无名指

little finger小指


iudustrial alcohol工业酒精

alcohol container沾湿台

head of screwdriver起子头



vaccum cleaner吸尘器

rag 抹布

garbage container灰箕

garbage can垃圾箱

garbage bag垃圾袋



production line流水线



lamp holder灯架

to mop the floor拖地to clean the floor扫地

to clean a table擦桌子

air pipe 气管

packaging tool打包机


missing part漏件

wrong part错件

excessive defects过多的缺陷

critical defect极严重缺陷

major defect主要缺陷

minor defect次要缺陷

not up to standard不合规格

dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小)

cosmetic defect外观不良

slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头

slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手






poor staking铆合不良

excesssive gap间隙过大

grease/oil stains油污


painting peel off脏污


mixed color杂色


poor processing 制程不良

poor incoming part事件不良

fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱

painting make-up补漆


water spots水渍

polishing/surface processing表面处理

exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露

lack of painting烤漆不到位



delivery deadline交货期



die repair模修

enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划


die worker模工

production, to produce生产


to start a press开机

stop/switch off a press关机






qualified products, up-to-grade products良品

defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品


shut height of a die架模高度

analog-mode device类模器

die lifter举模器

argon welding氩焊

vocabulary for stamping


stamping, press冲压

punch press, dieing out press冲床

uncoiler & strainghtener整平机


rack, shelf, stack料架




conveyer belt输送带

transmission rack输送架

top stop上死点

bottom stop下死点

one stroke一行程


to continue, cont.连动

to grip(material)吸料

location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块







to draw holes抽孔

inquiry, search for查寻

to stock, storage, in stock库存


approval examine and verify审核

processing, to process加工

delivery, to deliver 交货

to return delivenry to. to send delinery back to retrn of goods退货


registration card登记卡

to control管制

to put forward and hand in提报

safe stock安全库存

acceptance = receive验收

to notice通知

application form for purchase请购单

consume, consumption消耗

to fill in填写


reverse angle = chamfer倒角

character die字模

to collect, to gather收集

failure, trouble故障


demand and supply需求

career card履历卡

to take apart a die卸下模具

to load a die装上模具

to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓

to looser a bolt拧松螺栓

to move away a die plate移走模板

easily damaged parts易损件

standard parts标准件

breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂

to lubricate润滑

common vocabulary for die engineering模具工程常用词汇

die 模具

figure file, chart file图档

cutting die, blanking die冲裁模

progressive die, follow (-on)die


compound die复合模

punched hole冲孔

panel board镶块

to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边

to bending折弯

to pull, to stretch拉伸

Line streching, line pulling线拉伸

engraving, to engrave刻印

upsiding down edges翻边

to stake铆合

designing, to design设计design modification设计变化

die block模块

folded block折弯块

sliding block滑块

location pin定位销

lifting pin顶料销

die plate, front board模板

padding block垫块

stepping bar垫条

upper die base上模座

lower die base下模座

upper supporting blank上承板

upper padding plate blank上垫板

spare dies模具备品

spring 弹簧


document folder活页夹

file folder资料夹

to put file in order整理资料

spare tools location手工备品仓

first count初盘人

first check初盘复棹人

second count 复盘人

second check复盘复核人


waste materials废料

work in progress product在制品

casing = containerazation装箱

quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量

quantity of customs count


the first page第一联

filed by accounting department for reference会计部存

end-user/using unit(department)使用单位

summary of year-end physical inventory bills


bill name单据名称

This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to

accounting department together (Those of NHK will be

sent to financial department)



Application status records of year-end physical

inventory List and physical inventory card 年终盘点卡


blank and waste sheet NO.




material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料

not included in physical inventory不列入盘点


incoming material to be inspected进货待验



进入位:gate location

水口形式:gate type

大水口:edge gate

细水口: pin-point gate

水口大小:gate size

转水口:switching runner/gate

唧嘴口径:sprue diameter

二、流道: runner

热流道:hot runner,hot manifold

热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner

唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate

圆形流道:round(full/half runner

流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis

流道平衡:runner balance

热嘴:hot sprue

热流道板:hot manifold

发热管:cartridge heater

探针: thermocouples

插头:connector plug

插座: connector socket

密封/封料: seal

三、运水:water line

喉塞:line lpug


塑胶管:plastic tube

快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker

四、模具零件:mold components

三板模:3-plate mold

二板模:2-plate mold

边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin

边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing

中托司:shoulder guide bushing

中托边L:guide pin

顶针板:ejector retainner plate

托板:support plate

螺丝: screw

管钉:dowel pin

开模槽:ply bar scot

内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock

顶针:ejector pin

司筒:ejector sleeve

司筒针:ejector pin

推板:stripper plate

缩呵:movable core,return core core puller

扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock


模胚(架): mold base

上内模:cavity insert

下内模:core insert

行位(滑块): slide



耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate


撑头: support pillar

唧嘴: sprue bushing

挡板:stop plate

定位圈:locating ring


扣鸡:parting lock set

推杆:push bar



活动臂:lever arm

分流锥:spure sperader


垃圾钉:stop pin


弹弓柱:spring rod

弹弓:die spring

中托司:ejector guide bush

中托边:ejector guide pin


销子:dowel pin

波子弹弓:ball catch

adjustable spanner 活动扳手 angle cutter 角铣刀anvil 铁钻 arbour 心轴

backing 衬垫 belt sander 带式打磨机

buffing 抛光 chamfering machine 倒角机chamfering tool 去角刀具 chisel 扁錾

chuck 夹具 compass 两角规

concave cutter 凹面铣刀 convex cutter 凸形铣刀cross joint 十字接头 cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙角

drill stand 钻台 edge file 刃用锉刀

file 锉刀 flange joint 凸缘接头grinder 砂轮机 hammer 铁锤

hand brace 手摇钻 hatching 剖面线

hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓 hexagon nut 六角螺

index head 分度头 jack 千斤顶

jig 治具 kit 工具箱

lapping 研磨 metal saw 金工锯

nose angle 刀角 pinchers 钳子

pliers 铗钳 plug 柱塞头

polisher 磨光器 protable driller 手提钻孔机

punch 冲头 sand paper 砂纸

scraper 刮刀 screw driver 螺丝起子

scribing 划线 second out file 中纹锉

spanner 扳手 spline broach 方栓槽拉刀

square 直角尺 square sleeker 方形镘刀

square trowel 直角度 stripping 剥离工具

T-slot T形槽 tool for lathe 车刀

tool point angle 刀刃角 tool post 刀架

tosecan 划线盘 trimming 去毛边

waffle die flattening 压纹效平 wiper 脱模钳

wrench 螺旋扳手

aberration 色差 atomization 霚化

bank mark 滞料纹 bite 咬入

blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking scab 涂料疤

blister 起泡 blooming 起霜

blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白

body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉

bubble 膜泡 burn mark 糊斑

burr 毛边 camber 翘曲

cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱

check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂

chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕

collapse 塌陷 color mottle 色斑

corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕

crazing 碎裂 crazing 龟裂

deformation 变形 edge 切边碎片

edge crack 裂边 fading 退色

filler speak 填充料斑 fissure 裂纹

flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱 flaw 刮伤

flow mark 流痕 galling 毛边

glazing 光滑 gloss 光泽

grease pits 污斑 grinding defect 磨痕

haircrack 发裂 haze 雾度

incrustation 水锈 indentation 压痕

internal porosity 内部气孔 mismatch 偏模

mottle 斑点 necking 缩颈

nick 割痕 orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷

overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离

pit 坑 pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀

plate mark 模板印痕 pock 麻点

pock mark 痘斑 resin streak 树脂流纹

resin wear 树脂脱落 riding 凹陷

sagging 松垂 saponification 皂化

scar 疤痕 scrap 废料

scrap jam 废料阻塞 scratch 刮伤/划痕

scuffing 深冲表面划伤 seam 裂痕

shock line 模口挤痕 short shot 充填不足

shrinkage pool 凹孔 sink mark 凹痕

skin inclusion 表皮折迭 straightening 矫直

streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕

surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折 surging 波动

sweat out 冒汗 torsion 扭曲

warpage 翘曲 waviness 波痕

webbing 熔塌 weld mark 焊痕

whitening 白化 wrinkle 皱纹

age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理

air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化

annealing 退火 anode effect 阳极效应

anodizing 阳极氧化处理 atomloy treatment 阿扥木洛


austempering 奥氏体等温淬火 austenite 奥斯田体/奥


bainite 贝氏体 banded structure 条纹状组织

barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光

blackening 染黑法 blue shortness 青熟脆性

bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理 box annealing 箱型退火

box carburizing 封箱渗碳 bright electroplating 辉面电

bright heat treatment 光辉热处理 bypass heat treatment


carbide 炭化物 carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层

carburizing 渗碳 cementite 炭化铁

chemical plating 化学电镀 chemical vapor deposition


coarsening 结晶粒粗大化 coating 涂布被覆

cold shortness 低温脆性 comemtite 渗碳体

controlled atmosphere 大气热处理 corner effect 锐角


creeping discharge 蠕缓放电 decarburization 脱碳处理

decarburizing 脱碳退火 depth of hardening 硬化深层

diffusion 扩散 diffusion annealing 扩散退火

electrolytic hardening 电解淬火 embossing 压花

etching 表面蚀刻 ferrite 肥粒铁

first stage annealing 第一段退火 flame hardening 火焰


flame treatment 火焰处理 full annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法 globular cementite 球状炭化铁

grain size 结晶粒度 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理

graphitizing 石墨退火 hardenability 硬化性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 hardening 硬化

heat treatment 热处理 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火hot dipping 热浸镀 induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理

ion plating 离子电镀 isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法 low temperature annealing 低温退火

malleablizing 可锻化退火 martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭 metallikon 金属喷镀法metallizing 真空涂膜 nitriding 氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化 normalizing 正常化

oil quenching 油淬化 overageing 过老化overheating 过热 pearlite 针尖组织

phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀


机械专业英语词汇(大全) 金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematic 静力学static 分析力学analyse mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 强度intensity 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation 应力stress 硬度rigidity 热处理heat treatment 退火anneal 正火normalizing 脱碳decarburization 渗碳carburization 电路circuit 半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 逻辑代数logic algebra 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding 平面磨削plane grinding 变速箱gearbox 离合器clutch 绞孔fraising 绞刀reamer 螺纹加工thread processing 螺钉screw 铣削mill 铣刀milling cutter 功率power 工件workpiece 齿轮加工gear mechining 齿轮gear 主运动main movement 主运动方向direction of main movement 进给方向direction of feed 进给运动feed movement 合成进给运动resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth 前刀面rake face 刀尖nose of tool 前角rake angle 后角clearance angle 龙门刨削planing 主轴spindle 主轴箱headstock 卡盘chuck 加工中心machining center


机械类常用英语词汇大全 一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver 一点透视 one-point perspective 二画 二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive 二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue 二维的;平面的 two-dimensional 二进制 binary 二极管;整流子 diode 二号螺丝攻 second tap 二路开关 two-way switch 十进制的;公制的 metric 人工制品 artefact 人造板 man-made board 人体工程学 ergonomics; human engineering 人体尺寸 human dimension 人体测量学 anthropometry; anthropometrics 刀片 blade 刀身 blade 刀具 tool 刀具溜座 carriage 刀柱 tool post 刀架 tool rest 刀架底座 tool rest bracket 刀座帷;床鞍 apron 刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle 力 force 力三角形 triangle of force 力平行四边形 parallelogram of force 力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force 力的分解 force resolution 力架;亮漆 lacquer 力矩 moment 力偶 couple 力矩定律 law of moment 力-距离图表 force-distance graph 力图 force diagram 力线 line of force 力点 effort 十字榫 cross halving joint 十字螺丝 Philip s head screw 十字螺丝批 Philip s type screwdriver 丁字尺;T 尺 tee square 三画 三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck 三角尺 set square 三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie 三角锉 triangular file 三维的;立体的 three-dimensional 三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform 三聚氰胺;蜜胺 melamine 三点透视 three-point perspective 上油漆 painting 上釉 enamelling 凡立水 varnish 叉形顶尖 fork centre 口罩 mask 士力;虫漆 shellac 士巴拿;扳手 spanner 大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard; solid corestock-laminated board 大量制造 mass production


组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子 Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检 查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压 测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检 查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产 部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备


机械专业英语词汇 陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank 摇杆racker 凸轮cams 共轭曲线conjugate curve 范成法generation method 定义域definitional domain 值域range 导数\\微分differential coefficient 求导derivation 定积分definite integral 不定积分indefinite integral 曲率curvature 偏微分partial differential 毛坯rough 游标卡尺slide caliper 千分尺micrometer calipers 攻丝tap 二阶行列式second order determinant 逆矩阵inverse matrix 线性方程组linear equations 概率probability 随机变量random variable 排列组合permutation and combination 气体状态方程equation of state of gas 动能kinetic energy 势能potential energy 机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum 桁架truss 轴线axes 余子式cofactor 逻辑电路logic circuit 触发器flip-flop 脉冲波形pulse shape 数模digital analogy 液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism 机械零件mechanical parts 淬火冷却quench 淬火hardening 回火tempering 调质hardening and tempering 磨粒abrasive grain 结合剂bonding agent 砂轮grinding wheel 后角clearance angle 龙门刨削planing 主轴spindle


运动链kinematic chain 运动设计kinematicdesign 运动失真undercutting 运动粘度kenematicviscosity 运动周期cycle of motion 运动综合kinematicsynthesis 运转不均匀系数coefficient of velocityfluctuation 载荷load 载荷-变形曲线load-deformationcurve 载荷-变形图load-deformationdiagram 窄V带narrow V belt 毡圈密封felt ring seal 展成法generating 张紧力tension 张紧轮tension pulley 振动vibration 振动力矩shaking couple 振动频率frequency ofvibration 振幅amplitude ofvibration 正切机构tangentmechanism 正弦机构sine generator,scotchyoke 正向运动学direct (forward)kinematics 正应力、法向应力normalstress 织布机loom 直齿圆柱齿轮spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevelgear 直角三角形right triangle 直角坐标操作器Cartesian coordinatemanipulator 直径系列diameter series 直径系数diametralquotient 直廓环面蜗杆hindley worm 直线运动linear motion 直轴straight shaft 执行构件executive link;workinglink 制动器brake 智能化设计intelligent design,ID 质径积mass-radiusproduct 质量mass 质心center of mass 中间平面mid-plane 中径mean diameter 中心距center distance 中心距变动center distancechange 中心轮central gear


机械专业英语高频词汇 metal cutting 金属切削 machine tool 机床 technology of metals金属工艺学 cutter 刀具 friction 摩擦 link 联结 drive/transmission 传动 shaft 轴 elasticity 弹性 frequency characteristic 频率特性 error 误差 response响应 allocation 定位 jig 机床夹具 term 语术 d ynamic 动力学 k inematic运动学 s tatic 静力学 a nalyse mechanics 分析力学 p ulling 拉伸 s hear 剪切 t wist 扭转 b ending stress 弯曲应力 i ntensity 强度 t hree-phase AC 三相交流电 m agnetic circles 磁路 t ransformer变压器 a synchronous motor 异步电动机 g eometrical 几何形状 p recision 精度 s inusoid 正弦形的 h itting压缩 A C circuit 交流电路 m achining allowance 机械加工余量 d eforming forc e 变形力 d eformation 变形 s tress 应力 r igidity 硬度 r igidity 刚度 h eat treatment 热处理 d ecarburization 脱碳 c ircuit 电路

f raising铰孔 semiconductor element 半导体元件 f eedback 反馈 g enerator 发生器 D C electrical source直流电源 g ate circuit 门电路 l ogic algebra//////algorithm逻辑代数 e xternal grinding 外圆磨削 internal grinding内圆磨削 p lane grinding 平面磨削 c arburization 渗碳 gearbox 变速箱 c lutch 离合器 r eamer铰刀 t hread processing 螺纹加工 s crew 螺钉 m ill 铣削 m illing cutter 铣刀 p ower 功率 w orkpiece 工件 g ear machining 齿轮加工 g ear 齿轮 m ain movement 主运动 d irection of main movem 主运动方向ent d irection of feed进给方向 f eed movement 进给运动 r esultant movement of fe 合成进给运动ed r esultant movement of cut 合成切削运动ting d irection of resultant cutting 合成切削运动方向motion c utting depth 切削深度 r ake face 前刀面 n ose of tool刀尖 r ake angle 前角 c learance angle 后角 p laning 龙门刨削 s pindle 主轴 h eadstock主轴箱 c huck 卡盘 m achining center 加工中心 l athe tool 车刀 l athe 车床 b ore 钻削镗削 t urning车削 g rinder 磨床


statics and dynamics静动/ journal bearing 径向/ rolling bearing滚动/ stress and strain应力和应变/Strengh of materials材料的强度Shaft轴/coupling连接器/ equivalent load 等效载荷/ stress concentration应力集中/ critical speed临界速度/ rigid coupling刚性连轴器/ flexible coupling挠性联轴器/cotter pin开口销/load limit复合极限/elastic deflection弹性变形thrust bearing推力轴承/ taper roller bearing圆锥滚子轴承/mating surface配合面/Internal spline内花键Lathe车床/headstock主轴箱/tailstock尾架/carriage溜板/leadscrew丝杠/feed rod光杠/engine lathe普通车床/slider-crank mechanism曲柄滑块机构/epicyclic gear行星齿轮/Gear broaching拉齿dimensional tolerance尺寸公差/surface roughness表面粗糙度/upper deviation上偏差/lower deviation下偏差/clearance fit间隙配合/interference fit过盈配合/transition fit过度配合 缩写词:N.C. numerical control数控CAD computer aided design CAE computer aided engineering工程CAM computer aided manufacturing制造/Mechanical Designing-Manufacturing and Automation 机械设计制造及其自动化/Machine design机械设计/mechanical theory机械原理/Engineering drawing工程制图 机床的种类:lathes车床,boring machine镗床,milling machine铣床,planers and shapers刨床和牛头刨床,broaching machines拉床,drilling machines钻孔机 选择连接件时考虑哪些因素:primary function基本功能,appearance外观,a large number of small size fasteners versnus a small number of larger size fasteners对于采用大量的小型连接件还是采用少量的大型连接件的确定,operating condition such as vibration loads and temperature诸如载荷、振动和温度等工作条件,frequency of disassembly装拆频率,adjustability in the location of parts零件位置的可调性,types of materials to be joined被连接零件的材料种类,consequences of failure of loosening of the fastener连接件失效或者松脱造成的后果 弹用途:control of motion in machines控制机构互动,reduction of transmitted forces as aresult of impact of shock loading缓冲减震,storage of energy储存能量,measurement of force测量力的大小 摘要包含哪些内容:state the principal objectives and scope of the investigation阐述该项目研究工作的主要目的和范围,describe the methodology employed描述所使用的方法,summarize the results 总结研究成果,state the principal condusions阐述主要结论 科技论文包括哪些内容:title标题,fact vs opinion事实与意见,the abstract摘要,analysis分析,results and discussion结果和讨论,appendixes附录,important information重要信息,tense,the introduction介绍,experimental procedure实验过程,condusions结论. In addition the shaft must be able to sustain a combination of bending and torsional loads. Thus an equivalent load must be considered which takes into account both torsion a factor of safety which includes fatigue, since torsional and bending stress reversals occur.此外,轴还必须能够承受弯矩的当量载荷。因为扭矩和弯矩会产生交变应力,在许用应力中也应该有一个考虑疲劳现象的安全系数。 Removable. This type permits the parts to be readily disconnected without damaging the fastener. An example is the ordinary nut-and-bolt fastener.可拆式,采用这种方式连接的零件很容易被拆开,而且不会对连接件造成损伤。例如普通的螺栓螺母连接件。 Semipermanent.For this type, the parts can be disconnected ,but some damage usually occurs to the fastener. One such example is a cotter pin .半永久式,采用此类方式连接的零件虽然能被拆开,但通常会对所有的连接件造成损伤。 Permanent. When this type of fastener is used,it is intended that the parts will never be disassembled. Examples are riveted and welded joints.永久式,采用这种连接件就表明所连接的零件不会被分开,例如铆接和焊接。 Design can be based on accepted values of life and it is general practice in the bearing industry to define the load capacity of the bearing as that value below which 90 percent of a batch will exceed a life of one million revolutions.轴承设计是机于能够被人们所承受的寿命来进行的。在轴承行业中,通常将轴承的承载能力定义为这样的值,即所承受的载荷小于这个值时,一批轴承中将会有90%的轴承具有超过一百万的寿命。 Gear hobbing ,the most used metal cutting method,uses the rack generating principle but avoids show reciprocation by mounting many “racks”on a rotating cutter . The “racks”are displaced axially to form a gashed worm (fig.29.3). The gear hobbing process is shown in fig.29. 滚齿是最常见的金属切削方法。它采用齿条展成原理,但是通过安装在旋转刀具上的许多“齿条”来避免缓慢的往复运动。这些“齿条”轴向排布,形成了开槽的蜗杆(见图29.3),滚齿加工过程如图29.4所示。 There are three methods of specitying tolerances on dimensions:unilateral, bilateral, and limit forms. When plus-or-minus tolerancing is used, it is applied to a theoretical dimension called the basic dimension . When dimensions can vary in only one direction from the basic dimension (either larger or smaller )tolerancing is unilateral. Tolerancing that permits variation in both directions from the basic dimension (larger and smaller)is bilateral, tolerances may also be given in limit form, with dimensions representing the largest and smallest sizes for a feature.有三种表示尺寸公差的方式:单向,双向和极限方式。当采用正负公差时,就将公差加到被称为基本尺寸的理想尺寸上去。当只允许尺寸向基本的单一方向(或者变大或者变小)的变动时,就是单向公差。当尺寸在基本尺寸的两个方向(变大或者变小)都可以变动时,公差就是双向的。公差也可以用极限形式给出,表示零件的最大和最小尺寸。


机械术语英文翻译 阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm 安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load 凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench 板簧flat leaf spring 半圆键woodruff key 变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar 摆动从动件oscillating follower 摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism 摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile 摆线运动规律cycloidal motion 摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact 保持架cage背对背安装丨back-to-back arrangement 背锥back cone ;normal cone 背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale 热容specific heat capacity 闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism 臂部arm 变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed 变速speed change 变速齿轮change gear ; change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient 标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear 表面质量系数superficial mass factor 表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度surface roughness 并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism 并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering 并行设计concurred design, CD不平衡相位phase angle of unbalance 不平衡imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量amount of unbalance 不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator 波数number of waves补偿compensation 参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress 操纵及控制装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel 槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数Geneva numerate 槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash 差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism 差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor 承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting 尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space 齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash 齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle 齿根高dedendum齿根圆dedendum circle 齿厚tooth thickness齿距circular pitch 齿宽face width齿廓tooth profile 齿廓曲线tooth curve齿轮gear 齿轮变速箱speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构pinion and rack 齿轮插刀pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter齿轮滚刀hob ,hobbing cutter 齿轮机构gear齿轮轮坯blank 齿轮传动系pinion unit齿轮联轴器gear coupling 齿条传动rack gear齿数tooth number 齿数比gear ratio齿条rack 齿条插刀rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链silent chain 齿形系数form factor齿式棘轮机构tooth ratchet mechanism 插齿机gear shaper重合点coincident points 重合度contact ratio冲床punch


陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank 摇杆racker 凸轮cams


机械专业英语 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表

trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 |刨床 planer |'plein miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺


机械设计专业术语的英语翻译 阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm 安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety 安全载荷 safe load 凹面、凹度 concavity 扳手 wrench 板簧 flat leaf spring 半圆键 woodruff key 变形 deformation 摆杆 oscillating bar 摆动从动件 oscillating follower 摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism 摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear 摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile 摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion 摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel 包角 angle of contact 保持架 cage 背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement 背锥 back cone ; normal cone 背锥角 back angle 背锥距 back cone distance 比例尺 scale 比热容 specific heat capacity 闭式链 closed kinematic chain 闭链机构 closed chain mechanism 臂部 arm 变频器 frequency converters 变频调速 frequency control of motor speed 变速 speed change 变速齿轮 change gear ; change wheel 变位齿轮 modified gear 变位系数 modification coefficient 标准齿轮 standard gear 标准直齿轮 standard spur gear 表面质量系数 superficial mass factor 表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度 surface roughness 并联式组合 combination in parallel 并联机构 parallel mechanism 并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism 并行工程 concurrent engineering 并行设计 concurred design, CD 不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance 不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance) 不平衡量 amount of unbalance 不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing 波发生器 wave generator 波数 number of waves 补偿 compensation 参数化设计 parameterization design, PD 残余应力 residual stress 操纵及控制装置 operation control device 槽轮 Geneva wheel 槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ; Maltese cross 槽数 Geneva numerate 槽凸轮 groove cam 侧隙 backlash 差动轮系 differential gear train 差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism 差速器 differential 常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 车床 lathe 承载量系数 bearing capacity factor 承载能力 bearing capacity 成对安装 paired mounting 尺寸系列 dimension series 齿槽 tooth space 齿槽宽 spacewidth 齿侧间隙 backlash 齿顶高 addendum 齿顶圆 addendum circle 齿根高 dedendum 齿根圆 dedendum circle 齿厚 tooth thickness 齿距 circular pitch 齿宽 face width 齿廓 tooth profile 齿廓曲线 tooth curve 齿轮 gear 齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes 齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack 齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter 齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter 齿轮机构 gear 齿轮轮坯 blank 齿轮传动系 pinion unit 齿轮联轴器 gear coupling 齿条传动 rack gear 齿数 tooth number 齿数比 gear ratio


机械英语词汇大全2 金属切削 metal cutting 机床 machine tool 金属工艺学 technology of metals 刀具 cutter 摩擦 friction 联结 link 传动 drive/transmission 轴 shaft 弹性 elasticity 频率特性 frequency characteristic 误差 error 响应 response 定位 allocation 拉孔 broaching 装配 assembling 铸造 found 流体动力学 fluid dynamics 流体力学 fluid mechanics 加工 machining 液压 hydraulic pressure 切线 tangent 机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure 稳定性 stability 介质 medium 数学模型 mathematical model 画法几何 descriptive geometry 机械制图 Mechanical drawing 投影 projection 视图 view 剖视图 profile chart 标准件 standard component 零件图 part drawing 装配图 assembly drawing 尺寸标注 size marking 技术要求 technical

机床夹具 jig 动力学 dynamic 运动学 kinematic 静力学 static 分析力学 analyse mechanics 拉伸 pulling 压缩 hitting 剪切 shear 扭转 twist 弯曲应力 bending stress 强度 intensity 三相交流电 three-phase AC 磁路 magnetic circles 变压器 transformer 异步电动机 asynchronous motor 液压驱动泵 fluid clutch 液压泵 hydraulic pump 阀门 valve 失效 invalidation 强度 intensity 载荷 load 应力 stress 安全系数 safty factor 可靠性 reliability 螺纹 thread 螺旋 helix 键 spline 销 pin 滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bearing requirements 刚度 rigidity 内力 internal force 位移 displacement 截面 section 疲劳极限 fatigue limit 断裂 fracture 塑性变形 plastic distortion 脆性材料 brittleness material 刚度准则 rigidity criterion 垫圈 washer 垫片 spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮
