Clinging to life cell to matrix adhesion and cell survival

Clinging to life cell to matrix adhesion and cell survival
Clinging to life cell to matrix adhesion and cell survival

Cancer and Metastasis Reviews24:425–439,2005.

C 2005Springer Science+Business Media,Inc.Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Clinging to life:cell to matrix adhesion and cell survival

Peter J.Reddig and Rudy L.Juliano

Department of Pharmacology,School of Medicine,University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill,NC27599

Key words:anoikis,integrin,Bim,Bax,PI3-kinase,FAK


Cell to matrix adhesion regulates cellular homeostasis in multiple ways.Integrin attachment to the extracellular matrix mediates this regulation through direct and indirect connections to the actin cytoskeleton,growth factor receptors,and intracellular signal transduction cascades.Disruption of this connection to the extracellular matrix has deleterious effects on cell survival.It leads to a speci?c type of apoptosis known as anoikis in most non-transformed cell types.Anchorage independent growth is a critical step in the tumorigenic transformation of cells.Thus,breaching the anoikis barrier disrupts the cell’s defenses against transformation.This review examines recent investigations into the molecular mechanisms of anoikis to illustrate current understanding of this important process.


Adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix stimulates

signal transduction cascades that have been shown to

impinge on cell growth,differentiation,and cell death

[1–4].In particular,numerous investigations have de-

lineated the important role of cell adhesion in cell

survival and apoptosis and have been reviewed else-

where[5–8].This review will focus on recent inves-

tigations into the regulation of cell death and survival

through signals regulated by adhesion of cells to the

extracellular matrix.

1.1.Molecular regulation of apoptosis

To understand the role of adhesion in cell survival,a

brief introduction to the mechanisms of apoptosis as

currently understood is required.Apoptosis removes

excess cells from tissues during normal growth and

development.During apoptosis,proteases precisely

dismantle the apoptotic cell through the digestion of

key structural and signaling proteins.Additionally,the

chromosomes themselves are torn asunder by nucle-

ase digestion.The cell is eventually broken into small

membrane enclosed particles that are phagocytosed

by neighboring cells or professional phagocytes


Caspases are the cysteine proteases that cleave at

conserved aspartic acids and are critical to apopto-

sis.The apoptotic caspases are separated into a hi-

erarchy of initiators(caspase-2,-8,-9,and-10)and

executioners(caspase-3,-6,and-7).These molecules

exist as zymogens in the cell with very low activ-

ity.Their activity can be induced by treatment of

the cell with ligands for death receptors or cellular

stress.The initiator caspases exist in the cell as inactive

monomers of large and small subunits.Dimerization of

these subunits in multi-protein complexes stimulates

their activation through conformational alterations


Cellular stress or death receptor initiated cell death

primarily uses caspase-9and caspase-8,respectively,

to start the caspase cascade.Clustering of initiator cas-

pases stimulates their activation and the subsequent

stimulation of the caspase cascade.Cleavage of the

initiator caspases is no longer postulated to be neces-

sary for their activation.The activation of caspase-9is

facilitated by its association with apoptotic protease

activating factor1(Apaf-1)bound to cytochrome c

in a structure denoted the apoptosome.Dimerization

also appears to be the important event for the acti-

vation of the caspase-8zymogen in the multi-protein

death inducing signaling complex(DISC)(see below).

Executioner caspases exist in the cytosol as inactive

dimers.The limited proteolysis of their inter-domain

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linkers,usually by initiator caspases,leads to their ac-tivation through conformational changes[9,13–15]. Receptor mediated activation of apoptosis,also known as the extrinsic pathway,leads to the asso-ciation of a death adapter protein with the receptor and the recruitment of a caspase-8monomer to the adapter protein forming the death inducing signaling complex,DISC.In the case of the Fas death receptor, after binding of Fas ligand(Fas-L),the adapter FADD (Fas-associated death domain)binds to Fas through death domains on the two molecules.FADD recruits procaspase-8monomers in a multiprotein complex to allow dimerization and activation of procaspase-8. Caspase-8can also cleave Bid to form tBid stimu-lating the release of cytochrome c from the mito-chondria and ampli?cation of this caspase cascade [9,16].

A central event in cell stress induced apoptosis,the intrinsic pathway,is the mitochondrial outer membrane permeablization and the release of mitochondrial pro-teins like cytochrome c.Cytosolic cytochrome c can in-teract with Apaf-1to activate caspase-9.This activates caspase-3and stimulates the caspase cleavage cascade. This cascade is initiated by the pro-apoptotic,BH3-only family of proteins Bad,Bim,Bmf,Bid,Noxa, and Puma.These proteins stimulate the translocation of homo-oligomerized pro-apoptotic proteins of the Bax family(Bax,Bak,and Bok)to the mitochondrial outer membrane.This leads to the mitochondrial outer mem-brane permeablization and release of cytochrome c and other pro-apoptotic factors.This disruption may result from intrinsic pore forming activity of the Bax pro-teins or their interaction with mitochondrial channel proteins such as the voltage dependent anion channel. The Bcl-2family of proteins(Bcl-2,Bcl-x L,Bcl-w, Mcl-1,and A1/B?-1)is structurally related to the Bax and BH3-only families and prevents disruption of the mitochondrial outer membrane and apoptosis[10,11, 17–19].

The precise interplay between these proteins and their function remains controversial.The original model of Bcl-2of inhibiting Bax function through het-erodimerization is no longer favored because of the dif?culty in detecting this complex under physiolog-ical conditions.Bcl-2proteins may block apoptosis by maintaining mitochondrial membrane integrity and preventing pore formation though an unde?ned mech-anism.Additionally,Bcl-2family proteins can bind BH3-only proteins and may act as rheostat for BH3-only protein levels.Thus,the level of Bcl-2proteins would determine the threshold for BH3-only activation of Bax family proteins[10,11,17–19].

Bax family proteins stimulate the release of cy-tochrome c by a conformational change that stimulates homo-oligomerization.This conformational change in Bax proteins may help them to induce pore formation and permeablization of the mitochondrial outer mem-brane,loss of the inner mitochondrial membrane po-tential,and release of cytochrome c.The signal for the activation of Bax family proteins and their interaction with the mitochondrial outer membrane remains ill de-?ned.One mechanism for Bax activation may be its interaction with a proteolytically cleaved form of the BH3-only protein Bid,t-Bid[10,11,17–19].


Anoikis is a speci?c type of apoptosis caused by de-tachment of a cell from its supportive matrix and was originally described in MDCK cells by Frisch and Fran-cis[20].Early work suggested that the JNK/SAPK signaling was important for the induction of anoikis. However,later work pointed to a more prominent role for other signaling molecules like PI3-kinase,FAK,and the Ras/MAPK cascade in the regulation of anoikis[7]. Recent work has further delineated the role of these and other signaling molecules and that of the apoptotic reg-ulatory proteins themselves in adhesion regulated cell survival.

2.BH3-only,Bax,and Bcl-2proteins and anoikis 2.1.Bim and anoikis

BH3-only proteins appear to act as sensors of cellu-lar stress and have no intrinsic ability to induce cell death on their own.Two members of this family Bim and Bmf appear to be important sensors of changes in the actin cytoskeleton.The Bim isoforms Bim EL and Bim L bind to LC8,also known as cytoplasmic dynein light chain(DLC1),a component of the microtubule-associated dynein motor complex.These proteins are sequestered in the dynein complex until an apoptotic stimuli induces their release[21].The BH3only pro-tein Bmf binds to dynein light chain-2localizing it to the myosin V motor.Treatment of cells with cytocha-lasin D or induction of anoikis initiates the release of Bmf from the cytoskeleton[22].Several studies have recently investigated the role Bim plays in anoikis.

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It has been previously demonstrated that activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)and the subsequent stimulation of the Erk/MAPK cascade were capable of suppressing anoikis.For example,the introduction of a Raf estrogen receptor fusion protein (Raf-ER)suppressed anoikis in MCF-10A cells and CCL39lung?broblasts cells upon activation of Raf [23,24].Furthermore,the survival of MCF-10A cells in suspension depended on the autocrine production of EGFR ligands HB-EGF,TGFα,and amphiregulin[24]. The Erk/MAPK cascade directly leads to the phospho-rylation of Bim EL which can inhibit its function and lead to its degradation[25,26].

Several recent studies have examined the connec-tion between the EGFR-Erk/MAPK survival path-way,Bim,and anoikis.One investigation found that during anoikis in immortalized mammary breast ep-ithelial cells(MCF-10A),all three Bim isoforms Bim EL,Bim L,and Bim S were elevated.In adher-ent cells,EGFR repressed Bim expression through the Erk/MAPK pathway.Suppression of Bim ex-pression by hyper-activation of the EGFR/Erk/MAPK signaling pathway by over expression of EGFR or constitutively active MAPK components blocked anoikis.Conversely,the loss ofβ1integrin engage-ment in detached cells repressed expression of the EGFR and increased Bim expression.Thus,the neg-ative regulation of Bim expression by adhesion and EGFR signaling were implicated in the suppression of anoikis in breast epithelial cell lines(Figure1) [27].

An additional investigation found that suspension culture of the MCF-10A cells enhanced the expression of the Bim EL,and Bim L[28].Again,activation of the Erk/MAPK cascade suppressed anoikis.Erk activation stimulated phosphorylation and the proteasome depen-dent degradation of Bim EL.These alterations were not observed for Bim L.Furthermore,the elimination of Bim from MCF-10A cells by RNAi partially blocked anoikis.The relevance of the phosphorylation to the suppression of anoikis was indeterminate in this study since a phosphorylation resistant mutant of Bim EL still induced apoptosis(Figure1)[28].

The cells used in the previous studies to examine Bim’s role in anoikis were immortalized breast epithe-lial cell lines.Interestingly,examination of the same phenomena in primary breast epithelial cells or a breast epithelial cell line with a more normal phenotype(FSK-7)gave different results.Detachment from substrate in the absence of growth factors induced dephosphoryla-tion of Bim EL and Erk.However,in the presence of a cocktail of growth factors,2%fetal calf serum,5ng/ml EGF,and5μg/ml insulin,Bim EL and Erk phosphory-lation and protein levels were maintained in detached cells and cell death still occurred within4–8hours.In a parallel examination of MCF-10A cells,the status of Bim EL and Erk phosphorylation also did not corre-late with survival in suspension.The MCF-10A cells were able to survive independently of adhesion status and were only dependent on growth factor signals for survival.

In spite of no detectable role in anoikis in normal breast epithelial cells,Bim EL was important for EGF dependent survival.Suppression of Bim EL by RNAi in-hibited apoptosis in response to EGF withdrawal with no effect on anoikis.The absence of growth factors induced dephosphorylation of Bim EL and Erk and in-creased the level of Bim EL.Conversely,treatment of adherent cells with epidermal growth factor stimulated Bim EL phosphorylation in a MEK-Erk dependent man-ner and inhibited apoptosis.

These results,in contrast to the other investigations, indicate that adhesion is critical for survival of breast epithelial cells,but anoikis can occur independently of Bim and Erk.However,in agreement with the other studies,Bim senses changes in the epidermal growth factor dependent survival signals with the stimulation of the Erk/MAPK cascade being needed for Bim EL and Erk phosphorylation and inhibition of apoptosis (Figure1)[29].


The proapoptotic protein Bax contributes to the induc-tion of apoptosis by translocating to the outer mito-chondrial membrane,inducing its permeablization,and allowing the release apoptotic factors like cytochrome c[11,17].During anoikis in mammary epithelial cells, Bax translocation to the mitochondria depends on the loss of survival signals from FAK.As in other cell death programs,Bax’s movement to the mitochondria dur-ing anoikis correlates with it undergoing an activating, conformational change.The Bax translocation is inde-pendent of caspase activation and cytochrome c release. Detachment of cells from the extracellular matrix stim-ulates the translocation of Bax to the mitochondria in about?fteen minutes.However,the cells do not die immediately,rather death occurs after several hours in suspension.If cells are re-plated quickly enough,Bax

428Reddig and Juliano

Figure1.Suppression of apoptosis and anoikis in breast epithelial cells.(A).Attachment to the extracellular matrix and stimulation of growth factor signaling cascades suppresses the activity of apoptotic factors.EGF binding to the EGFR stimulates Erk/MAPK signaling,which negatively regulates Bim by phosphorylation and stimulating its degradation.This prevents Bim from antagonizing Bcl-2function or stimulating Bax activation.Inhibition of Bim suppresses disruption of the mitochondria and the induction of cell death.The adhesion survival signals suppress anoikis in a Bim dependent and independent manner depending on the time in suspension and the cell type used(B).Detachment from the matrix or growth factor deprivation shuts down these signaling cascades.Some investigations have found that suspension culture actively down regulates EGFR adding to the suppression of survival signals.Once survival signals are suppressed the levels of Bim increase in its dephosphorylated form.This leads to activation of Bax,inhibition of Bcl-2,and cell death.

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will exit the mitochondria and the cells will remain viable[30,31]

The temporal discrepancy between Bax mitochon-drial translocation and execution of cell death during anoikis was examined to determine how this related to spatial and conformational changes in Bax.In viable, anchored cells,Bax exists in the cytoplasm as an in-active monomer.During anoikis,Bax translocates to the mitochondria in the inactive,ing a con-formation sensitive antibody,the activating conforma-tional change in Bax was observed only for Bax in the mitochondrial membrane.As observed for other apoptotic events,the mitochondrial Bax oligomerized with other Bax monomers.The activated Bax formed clusters just prior to loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of cytochrome c.These events were independent of caspase activation.Interestingly, suspended cells commit to the apoptotic pathway be-fore Bax clustering,loss of membrane potential,or the release of cyotchrome c,but after the localization of Bax to the mitochondria.Thus,an unde?ned event oc-curs that commits cells to apoptosis that appears to be independent of Bax clustering,loss of mitochon-drial membrane potential,and release of cytochrome c [32].


As described above,Bid is a BH3only protein that is cleaved to form truncated t-Bid during death receptor mediated apoptosis.Death receptors signals for cleav-age of caspase8and t-Bid have been implicated in the regulation of anoikis[33–35].In contrast,studies of anoikis in mammary epithelial cells found that activa-tion of caspase-8and cleavage of Bid were not nec-essary for anoikis[30].Interestingly,during anoikis in mammary epithelial cells,Bid was found to translocate to the mitochondria as a full-length protein.Cleavage of Bid was not necessary for anoikis.The movement to the mitochondria by Bid was independent of caspase-8activation and translocation of Bax or Bcl-2family proteins to the mitochondria.Suppression of FAK and PI3-kinase signals with dominant negative mutants also stimulated the translocation of Bid to the mitochon-dria.Thus,full length Bid appears to be important for anoikis and suppression of the FAK/PI3-kinase survival signals by cell detachment stimulates its apoptotic ac-tivity[36].2.4.Bit1

Adhesion to the extracellular matrix through certain integrins likeα5β1can stimulate Bcl-2expression [37,38].To identify new modulators of anoikis,Jan et,ed a cDNA library screen to identify genes which could rescue integrin stimulated Bcl-2expres-sion in cells harboring an integrinα5subunit lacking its cytoplasmic domain[39].Surprisingly,a pro-apoptotic protein that inhibited Bcl-2transcription was isolated and named Bit1,Bcl-2inhibitor of transcription.Bit1 is a unique mitochondrial protein with no identi?able homologues and potently induces apoptosis when ex-pressed in the cytoplasm.This activity is speci?cally repressed by adhesion to?bronectin throughα5β1.The original cDNA clone may have been mutated in such a way that allowed it to act like a dominant negative and allowing it to rescue Bcl-2expression.

During anoikis,Bit1translocates from the mitochon-dria to the cytoplasm and interacts with AES,a mem-ber and negative regulator of the Groucho/TLE family of transcriptional regulators.The interaction of Bit1 and AES initiates cell death independently of caspase activation,Bcl-2or Bcl-x L levels,or PI3-kinase ac-tivity.This suggests that Bit1acts downstream or in parallel to these pathways,likely at the level of Bcl-2 expression.Supporting this idea,the transcriptional regulator TLE1,which binds AES,blocks Bit1in-duced apoptosis when over-expressed.The induction of apoptosis positively correlates with TLE1’s abil-ity to stimulate Bcl2expression and Bit1to inhibit it.Bit1may be key mediator of the adhesion sur-vival signal with adhesion being the only upstream survival signal found to repress its death inducing activity when ectopically placed in the cytoplasm [39].


The generation of3 phosphorylated phosphoinositides (PI3,4P&PI3,4,5P)is mediated by the enzyme PI3-kinase.These phosphorylated phosphoinositides stimulate the recruitment of PKB/Akt to the mem-brane through its PH domain where PDK-1/PRK-2 phosphorylation of PKB/Akt at Thr-308and Ser-473 activates PKB/Akt.Activated PKB/Akt mediates cell survival through phosphorylation of several substrates including Bad and pro-caspase-9and inhibiting their function.PI3-kinase and the subsequent activation of

430Reddig and


Figure 2.Suppression of anoikis through PI3-kinase signaling.Upon stimulation with growth factors and adhesion PI3-kinase stimulates the generation of the phosphoinositide PIP 3.PIP 3binds to PKB/Akt helping to recruit it to the membrane where PDK-1can phosphorylate PKB/Akt on threonine 308.The activated TrkB receptor stimulates this pathway for suppression of anoikis.Adhesion can stimulate PKB/Akt phosphorylation on serine-473through ILK-1activation.PP2A associated with β1integrins negatively regulates PI3-kinase signaling by dephosphorylation of serine 473and turning off this survival pathway.Cdc42stimulates the PI3-kinase/PKB/Akt pathway through Rac.Rac and PI3-kinase may function in a positive feedback loop that stimulates this survival pathway.For cell survival,active PKB/Akt suppresses the function of pro-apoptotic proteins and stimulates survival proteins.PKB/Akt directly phosphorylates Bad,pro-caspase 9,and DAP-3to stimulate survival by inhibiting their function.PKB/Akt also stimulates the adhesion mediated increase in survivin levels.

PKB/Akt play a central role in regulation of adhesion,mediated survival signals [7,40].Recent investigations have further delineated these connections.

In a study to identify amino acids in the integrin β1cytoplasmic domain that speci?cally regulate sur-vival signaling,tryptophan 775on the β1cytoplasmic domain was found to be important for stimulation of PKB/Akt activity [41].Substitution of this tryptophan on the β1cytoplasmic domain with an alanine speci?-cally inhibits PKB/Akt activity and decreases cell sur-vival in cells expressing this mutant.Mutation of this tryptophan does not signi?cantly interfere with inte-grin activation,binding to αsubunits,talin,vinculin,or α-actinin,localization to focal adhesion,or activa-tion of PI3-kinase.

Instead,β1was found to selectively recruit a subpopulation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)to β1cytoplasmic domain complexes.PP2A selectively

dephosphorylated PKB/Akt and reduced integrin me-diated survival signaling.The inhibitory nature of this mutant β1arises from an increase in the activity of bound PP2A,not the amount,and a subsequent de-crease in PKB/Akt phosphorylation on serine 473.The presence of PP2A associated with β1may allow for rapid suppression of PKB/Akt activity in response to changes in adhesion status (Figure 2)[41].

In cells derived from strati?ed squamous epithelia,the selective activation of PI3-kinase via differential ex-pression of integrin subunits selectively regulates cell survival.In normal strati?ed squamous epithelia the αv integrin subunit normally pairs with the β5subunit as a receptor for vitronectin.During hyper-proliferation or in transformed cells the αv pairing with β5is re-placed with αv paired with β6.The switch to αv β6confers protection from anoikis in squamous epithe-lial cells.The increased adhesion independent survival

Clinging to life:cell to matrix adhesion and cell survival431

potentiated byαvβ6results from its ability to stimulate

PI3-kinase in suspension whileαvβ5cannot.Replac-

ing the cytoplasmic domains ofβ6with that ofβ5

suppressed its survival phenotype and ability to acti-

vate PI3-kinase;thus,localizing these functions to the β6cytoplasmic domain.Therefore,selective integrin isoform activation of PI3-kinase confers differential

survival phenotypes and this could be important for

cellular transformation[42].

Another connection in the web of PI3-kinase inter-

actions regulating anoikis was found to be the GTP-

binding,death associated protein-3(DAP-3).DAP-

3is a pro-apopptotic protein with mitochondrial and

cytoplasmic pools that regulates cell death mediated

by death receptor ligands like TNF-α.Suppression of

DAP3expression in HEK293cells inhibited anoikis.

Cell detachment stimulated association of DAP3with

FADD and increased caspase-8activity.Expression of

an active Akt inhibited the DAP-3/FADD association,

caspase-8activation,and anoikis in suspended cells.

The direct phosphorylation of DAP3by Akt mediated

Akt’s ability to stimulate survival in suspended cells.

Additionally,adhesion of suspended cells to vitronectin

increased survival,Akt activation,and phosphorylation

of DAP3.Thus,DAP3appears to be an important Akt

target in adhesion mediated survival signaling[43].

Another target of the PI3-kinase pathway important

for survival may be the IAP family protein survivin.It

is not expressed in most adult tissues,but is elevated in

numerous human cancers and is associated with a poor

prognosis[19].The regulation of survivin by adhesion

was examined in prostate cancer cell lines.Adhesion of

a malignant cancer cell line to?bronectin increased the

expression of survivin and resistance to TNF-αinduced

apoptosis.A dominant negative survivin blocked the

protective effect of adhesion to?bronectin.Conversely,

a wild type survivin imparted resistance to apoptosis to

cells cultured in suspension.This elevation of survivin

levels only occurred in the tumorigenic cell types exam-

ined.The survivin and?bronectin dependent increase

in survival was dependent on theβ1A integrin isoform

and PI3-kinase signaling(Figure2)[44].

The importance of the PI3-kinase/AKT survival-

signaling cascade in anoikis was reinforced in a screen

for suppressors of anoikis in rat intestinal epithelial

cells(RIE).TrkB,a neurotrophic tyrosine kinase re-

ceptor,was found to potently suppress anoikis in RIE

cells in the presence or absence of its ligand,brain-

derived neurotrophic factor.Elevation of TrkB levels

in RIE cells disrupted epithelial organization,stim-ulated cell aggregation,and enhanced the prolifera-tion of spheroids in suspension.The TrkB survival signal appeared to be speci?c for anoikis because it could not suppress apoptosis in serum deprived?brob-lasts overexpressing c-Myc.TrkB activated the PI3-kinase cascade and this activation was necessary for its suppression of anoikis and was independent of the cell aggregation.Rac,p70S6-kinase,and MEK,(down-stream effectors of PI3-kinase)were not necessary for its survival function.The importance of TrkB’s sup-pression of anoikis was con?rmed by its ability to form metastatic tumors alone or in combination with its lig-and.TrkB and its ligand are overexpressed in several human tumors types.These?ndings support the im-portance of anoikis,TrkB,and PI3-kinase signaling in tumorigenic transformation of cells(Figure2)[45]. The individual Akt isoforms may have unique and non-overlapping roles in anchorage dependent cell sur-vival.In intestinal epithelial cells Akt-1activation by cell adhesion throughβ1integrin,FAK,and PI3-kinase is critical for cell survival in all states of enterocyte differentiation.However,Akt-2is not regulated by PI3-kinase and cannot replace PKB/Akt in survival signaling[46].

Although important in adhesion dependent survival signaling,the PI3-kinase/Akt survival pathway can be circumvented.In an examination of anoikis in a panel of breast cancer cell lines,Akt activation did not strongly correlate with cell survival.Even pharmacological in-hibition of PI3-kinase did not impart anoikis sensitivity to cells with high PKB/Akt phosphorylation levels[47]. Clearly,PI3-K has a central role in anoikis.The iden-ti?cation of novel modes of regulation of its activity and substrates in relation to anoikis adds to our knowledge of this pathway.Further investigation into the precise interplay of these events and their deregulation in dis-ease will be required for a complete understanding of PI3-kinase regulation of anchorage dependent survival.


The integrin linked kinase(ILK)binds to theβ1cy-toplasmic domain and is regulated by growth factor receptors and integrins in cooperation with PI3-kinase. ILK activity is important for cell survival.Substantial evidence indicates that ILK can enhance phosphory-lation of PKB/Akt on Ser-473that,in combination with Thr-308phosphorylation by PDK-1,is essen-tial for PKB/Akt activation[40,48].However,recent

432Reddig and Juliano

investigations suggest that ILK may not be the media-tor of the Ser-473phosphorylation of PKB/Akt[49]. To de?nitively show that ILK is the mediator of PKB/Akt phosphorylation,ILK was knocked out in cultured cells using both RNAi inhibition of ILK ex-pression and Cre/Lox conditional gene disruption.The elimination of ILK expression blocked Ser-473phos-phorylation of PKB/Akt.The loss of ILK in cells also elevated the levels of apoptosis.Thus,ILK has an im-portant role in the Ser-473phosphorylation of PKB/Akt and cell survival.However,whether ILK directly medi-ates this phosphorylation or regulates the activity of an intermediary kinase is yet to be determined(Figure2) [50].

ILK interacts with the calponin homology domain-containing integrin-linked kinase-binding protein(CH-ILKBP)in a ternary complex with PINCH.CH-ILKBP has also been identi?ed as actopaxin orα-parvin.This trimeric complex of proteins localizes to focal adhe-sions[51–53].Investigations of CH-ILKBP in ILK sig-naling found it to be important for cell survival. Suppression of CH-ILKBP with RNAi increased the level of apoptosis without disruption of focal adhe-sions or ILK focal adhesion localization.This increased apoptotic activity positively correlated with a loss of phosphorylation of Thr-308and Ser-473of PKB/Akt and inhibition of its activation.The impairment of PKB/Akt activation resulted from impaired membrane localization in the absence of CH-ILKBP.Arti?cially targeting PKB/Akt to the membrane permitted its ac-tivation in the absence of CH-ILKBP.The Erk/MAPK and p38/MAPK pathways did not signi?cantly con-tribute to survival signaling mediated by CH-ILKBP and PKB/Akt.Thus,membrane targeting of PKB/Akt by CH-ILKBP plays an important role in cell survival (Figure2)[54].

The other member of this dynamic trio,PINCH, also appears to play an important role in cell survival. The depletion of PINCH-1with RNAi led to inhibi-tion of cell spreading and induction of apoptosis.This increased apoptosis positively correlated with the in-hibition of PKB/Akt phosphorylation of Thr-308and Ser-473.Again,depletion of ILK suppressed Ser-473 phosphorylation.However,an active PKB/Akt could not block the apoptosis induced by RNAi suppression of PINCH-1or ILK-1.Thus,PINCH-1and ILK-1may have functions downstream or in parallel to PKB/Akt activation that are important for cell survival.

The loss of PINCH-1stimulated the proteasomal degradation of ILK-1and CH-ILKBP.Expression of the PINCH-1homologue,PINCH-2,restored the lev-els of ILK-1and CH-ILKBP.However,the reduction in PKB/Akt activation and cell viability was not rescued by the presence of PINCH-2.Thus,the degradation of ILK-1and CH-ILKBP was not necessary for the re-duced viability in the absence of PINCH-1.However, caspase inhibition blocked the apoptotic response me-diated by PINCH-1reduction.Thus PINCH-1may be a conduit for survival signals from PKB/Akt or other parallel pathways[55].

Activation of PKB/Akt depends on ILK and its as-sociated proteins.Membrane association of PKB/Akt mediated by CH-ILKBP appears to be a prereq-uisite for PKB/Akt activation.Once at the mem-brane PKB/Akt depends on the presence of ILK-1and PINCH-1,in addition to other proteins,for activation via phosphorylation.However,activation of PKB/Akt is not the only critical function of PINCH-1and ILK-1given that arti?cially activated PKB/Akt did not sustain cell viability in their absence. Thus,this complex of integrin-associated proteins has a pivotal role in the maintenance of cell viability (Figure2).

5.Focal adhesion kinase(FAK)

FAK plays a central role in transmitting adhesion de-pendent signals and is important for adhesion de-pendent survival signaling.FAK interacts with sev-eral effector proteins,like the p85catalytic subunit of PI3-kinase,Src,Shc,and Cas,in adherent cells to signal.Importantly,anoikis can be prevented by ex-pression of constitutively active FAK mutants.The disruption of FAK signaling in cancer cells by vari-ous techniques induces cell death after the induction of cell rounding and detachment from the substra-tum.FAK survival signaling depends on the PI3-kinase signaling cascade.Cell death in the absence of FAK survival signals depends on the presence of p53 [7,56].

Recent investigations have further delineated the in-timate relationship between FAK and survival signal-ing.FAK was found to directly interact with RIP,a death domain containing serine/threonine kinase[57]. RIP contains a death domain that mediates the inter-action with other death domain proteins in the death receptor complex and regulates death/survival signal-ing through regulation of NF-κB[58,59].Induction of apoptosis in breast cancer cells with the protein

Clinging to life:cell to matrix adhesion and cell survival433

kinase inhibitor,staurosporine,stimulated the dephos-phorylation and degradation of FAK and a reduction in RIP levels.The destruction of FAK in response to this apoptotic stimulus depended on the presence of RIP because the RIP null?broblasts treated with stau-rosporine exhibited little change in FAK phosphory-lation or protein levels and a minimal apoptotic re-sponse.RIP also appears to play an important role in mediating pro-apoptotic signals in response to disrup-tion of adhesion and FAK dependent survival signals. The absence of RIP suppresses cell death induced by suspension culture or the disruption of FAK signaling with the FAK’s carboxy terminus.Again,the absence of RIP prevented changes in FAK phosphorylation, levels,and localization.Thus,RIP transmits apop-totic signals to FAK in response to various stimuli and may be a critical component of the survival-signaling network,especially adhesion dependent survival [57].

Another focal contact protein,vinculin,was also recently implicated in the regulation of cell survival through modulation of FAK signaling.Vinculin binds to talin,actin,and paxillin and is an important link in the connection between integrins and the actin cy-toskeleton[60–63].The ablation of the vinculin gene in F9embryonic carcinoma cells confers resistance to several apoptotic stimuli including serum deprivation, suspension culture,and camptothecin treatment.Ex-pression of the hinge-tail domain of vinculin,which contains the paxillin binding site,in vinculin null cells restores the apoptotic response to serum withdrawal and cell suspension.

Somewhat paradoxically,the vinculin null cells ex-hibit elevated Erk activation after detachment from the substratum while vinculin positive cells do not.Ad-ditionally,the absence of vinculin allowed elevated tyrosine phosphorylation and interaction of FAK and paxillin.Re-expression of vinculin in the null cells dis-rupted the FAK/paxillin interaction and blocked the activation of Erk in detached cells and restored the apoptotic response.

Vinculin and FAK interact with paxillin through sim-ilar paxillin LD motifs[64].The absence of vinculin en-hances the FAK/paxillin survival signaling to Erk while elevation of vinculin disrupts this signal.Vinculin’s absence also enhances motility in F9cells[65].This investigation demonstrates that the enhanced motility results from activation of the same FAK/paxillin/Erk signaling cascade that inhibits apoptosis.Thus,differ-ential FAK protein-protein interactions are important for regulation of FAK survival and motility signaling [66].

6.Cleavage of signaling molecules

Protein cleavage is a hallmark of apoptosis.The ac-tivation of the caspase cleavage cascade is central to most programmed cell death.Cleavage of signaling molecules like FAK,Src,and paxillin can be impor-tant for the progression of the apoptotic cascade[67–69].The cleavage of FAK by caspases shuts down its survival signal and releases FAK’s carboxy-terminus. FAK’s carboxy-terminus contains the focal adhesion targeting domain and is inhibitory to FAK signaling, thereby enhancing the apoptotic effect of cleaving FAK [7].

CAS,an SH2/SH3adaptor protein,which binds FAK and transmits integrin signals,undergoes cleavage dur-ing apoptosis.In etoposide treated cells CAS is cleaved by caspase-3.This cleavage disrupts the CAS-paxillin interaction,CAS cellular localization,and focal adhe-sion architecture[70].The cleavage of CAS produces a31-kDa carboxy terminal fragment of CAS.Expres-sion of this31-kDa CAS fragment induces apoptosis in HeLa cells.Interaction of this fragment with the E2A transcription factor via a helix-loop-helix motif translocated it to the nucleus.This interaction with E2A blocked E2A’s ability to stimulate p21Waf1/Cip1and this repression contributes to the apoptotic response [71].

The induction of anoikis in MDCK cells also led to CAS and FAK cleavage as well as dephosphory-lation of CAS.Caspases and calpain mediated this early event.Again,the carboxy-terminus CAS cleavage product initiated apoptosis when overexpressed in cells resistant to anoikis[72,73].HEF-1,a CAS family pro-tein,also is cleaved by caspases during apoptosis and anoikis releasing a similar,toxic carboxy-terminal frag-ment[74,75].Thus,like FAK,the disruption of CAS controlled signaling by its cleavage and generation of inhibitory fragments could lead to the suppression of survival signals in non-adherent cells.

7.Rho GTPases

The Rho GTPases Rac1and Cdc42are important com-ponents of the adhesion dependent signaling network. Integrin engagement regulates the activation of Rac and Cdc42and their translocation to the membrane

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where they can interact with effectors like the p21 activated kinases[76,77].Given this connection,one might expect a connection between Rac and anoikis. This connection was found in studies of MDCK anoikis.Expression of an activated Rac mutant sup-pressed anoikis in non-adherent MDCK cells while a dominant negative mutant inhibited anoikis.Sup-pression of anoikis by active Rac was dependent on Rac activation of the p38-MAPK and PI3-kinase path-ways,but not the Erk-MAPK or NF-κB pathways [78].

Similarly,expression of an activated Cdc42protein inhibits anoikis in MDCK cells.This effect of Cdc42 depended on its ability to activate PI3-kinase and Rac. Cdc42activation of Erk,JNK,or p38MAPK kinase pathways in suspension was not important for Cdc42 regulation of anoikis.Dominant negative Rac blocked Cdc42activation of PI3-kinase and PI3-kinase suppres-sion of anoikis.Thus,Rac and PI3-kinase activation may act in a positive feedback loop downstream of Cdc42survival signaling.Disruption of the actin cy-toskeleton with Latrunculin B permitted anoikis in cells with active Cdc42and Rac,but this treatment did not alter the activation of PI3-kinase.Thus,Cdc42and Rac potentially regulate survival through PI3-kinase depen-dent and independent pathways(Figure2)[79].

The engagement of integrins with their ligands is im-portant for signal transduction as well as cell survival. As described,alterations in mitochondrial integrity and the release of various mitochondrial constituents are important for the induction of apoptosis.Werner and Werb connected these two phenomena,but the signal was used to induce gene expression not apoptosis[80]. It was demonstrated that disruption of cell shape using an integrinα5β1interfering antibody could induce the production of reactive oxidant species (ROS)through activation of the small GTPase Rac. The source of the Rac stimulated ROS was found to be the mitochondrial respiratory chain after de-polarization of the mitochondrial membrane.This ROS production led to the stimulation of an Nf-κB response element and the collagenase-1promoter. Bcl-2overexpression inhibited this signaling path-way,but it had no dependence on caspase activa-tion[80].While tied to control of gene expression in this work,this induction of ROS release from the mitochondria by alterations in integrin engagement could also be important for similar pathways regulating apoptosis.8.Matrix adhesion,DNA damage,and cell death The cellular response to DNA damage is cell cycle ar-rest or apoptosis.A central regulator of this response is the transcription factor p53.In the presence of cellular stress like DNA damage,the levels of p53in the cell are elevated.Subsequently p53stimulates expression of numerous growth arrest and pro-apoptotic genes like p21waf1/cip1and bax,respectively[81,82].An interest-ing relationship exists between cell adhesion and the cellular response to DNA damaging agents in some transformed,anchorage independent cells.

Recent studies found that some cell types capable of anchorage independent growth,when grown in sus-pension,did not undergo apoptosis in response to DNA damaging insults.However,when the cells were ad-herent they became sensitive to DNA toxic insults and apoptosis.The levels of p53are regulated,in part,by Mdm2stimulated degradation of p53.The tumor sup-pressor p19Arf suppresses Mdm2function by seques-tration of Mdm2to the nucleoli[82].In the resistant cells,the levels of p53and p19Arf declined in sus-pended cells.The p19Arf decline temporally preceded the decline in p53levels.The reduction in p53levels required the presence of Mdm2.The forced expression of p19Arf restored p53’s stability and cellular sensitiv-ity to DNA damaging agents in suspended cells.This demonstrates the importance of p19Arf/Mdm2in the decline of p53levels in suspended cells.Thus,the adhe-sion status of some cancer types may be important for their responsiveness to DNA damaging therapies[83]. The anchorage dependent apoptosis induced by DNA damaging agents also has a p53independent com-ponent.This pathway depends on the activity of the c-Abl tyrosine kinase.In the absence of p53,mouse embryonic?broblasts still exhibited adhesion depen-dent apoptosis in response to genotoxins that was sup-pressed upon culturing in suspension.However,the disruption of c-Abl signaling by inhibitors and gene deletion blocked the adherent cell apoptotic response in the absence of p53.Genotoxin treated cells had an adhesion dependent elevation of c-Abl kinase activity. This elevation of kinase activity positively correlated with the elevation of the p53homologue p73in p53null ?broblasts.Inhibition of c-Abl kinase activity blocked the p73increase.Interestingly,in wild type embry-onic?broblasts,reduced adhesion to a substrate,not only complete detachment,also decreased the apop-totic response to genotoxic insult.These results could

Clinging to life:cell to matrix adhesion and cell survival435

be important to cancer therapies based on genotoxic agents.The level of cellular adhesiveness and the cel-lular genotype could determine the cellular responsive-ness to therapy[84].

9.Tissue architecture

The three dimensional(3D)architecture of the cell and tissue environment also contributes to the viability of the cell in the face of apoptotic stimuli.A recent inves-tigation by Weaver et al.,demonstrated the importance of this in mammary epithelium.When malignant and non-malignant mammary epithelial cells were grown in standard two-dimensional cell culture environments, both underwent apoptosis in response to extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic stimuli equally well.The culture of the non-malignant mammary epithelial cells in recon-stituted basement membrane(rBM)allowed the for-mation of3D,polarized organoids(acini).These po-lar acini were resistant to all forms of apoptotic stim-uli tested.The malignant cells did not form organized structures during culture with the rBM and exhibited no resistance to apoptotic stimuli.However,if the ma-lignant cells were forced to form the acini they also became resistant to apoptotic stimuli.Similarly,dis-ruption of the acini by blocking cadherin function sen-sitized the non-malignant cells to the noxious stimuli. This resistance to apoptotic stimulus was independent of the proliferative status of the cell.The proper polar structure of the acini induced by laminins in the rBM, not simply the3D culture,was critical for increased survival since collagen gel cultures could not support the formation of acini or enhanced resistance to apop-tosis.The proper formation of hemi-desmosomes by the integrinα6β4and the maintenance of NF-κB ac-tivity were demonstrated to be important for mediation of this apoptotic resistance in the mammary cell acini. The inhibition of the apoptotic response byα6β4regu-lated cellular polarization in3D rBM culture correlates well with the poor prognosis of tumor cells expressing α6β4and BM proteins[85].


Adhesion plays a central role in cell survival.Several of the proteins central to the transmission of adhesion sig-nals are also important for survival.In particular,PI3-kinase,which has a central role in other mechanisms of apoptosis,plays a critical role in adhesion-mediated survival.PI3-kinase activity and signaling are modu-lated by adhesion,in part,through FAK,the ILK/CH-ILKBP/PINCH complex,Rac,and PP2A and it regu-lates the function of caspase-9,Bad,survivin,Rac,and DAP-3.FAK,in its active,full length form,anchors the adhesion survival signaling with its ability to scaffold numerous focal adhesion protein interactions,like PI3-kinase.Disruption of FAK function through its degra-dation or by competition with other proteins promotes anoikis.Alterations in the levels or activities of effec-tors of FAK and PI3-kinase,like the Rho GTPases and CAS,also modulate the cell’s response to disruption of adhesion signals.Thus,reinforcing the importance of these signaling pathways for cell survival.

Proteins known to regulate apoptosis during other cell stress situations also mediate anoikis with some twists.Bax translocation to the mitochondria and its oligomerization occurred during anoikis.However,an unde?ned event that condemns the cell to death occurs subsequent to Bax’s association with the mitochon-dria,but prior to the other canonical events of intrinsic apoptosis.What this event is will be important area of investigation.

The role of BH3-only proteins in anoikis is inter-esting and controversial.Bim levels and its phospho-rylation status regulate survival in breast epithelial cells.The EGFR/Raf/MAPK negatively regulates Bim through its phosphorylation and depression of Bim lev-els.Two investigations suggest that cell suspension re-presses the EGFR/Raf/MAPK signal,thus freeing Bim to perform its death function in anoikis.In both cases, hyperactivation of the EGFR/Raf/MAPK can repress Bim function and block anoikis.Other investigators did not observed the adhesion dependent regulation of Bim during anoikis,only observing the EGFR/Raf/MAPK modulation of Bim independent of adhesion status. These differences may result from differences in the time courses used for induction of anoikis and the cell types used.Clari?cation of Bim’s relevance to anoikis will be important to the understanding of this process. The BH3-only protein Bid can regulate death in a novel manner during anoikis.In contrast to earlier re-ports describing Bid cleavage downstream of death re-ceptor and caspase-8activation during anoikis[33,35], intact Bid was found to mediate anoikis in mammary epithelial cells.This function of Bid did not require the death receptor-signaling pathway.However,the studies of RIP and DAP-3support the importance of the death receptor pathway and its components in anoikis.The differences in these studies may again stem from the

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use of different cell lines.This could point to impor-tant cell type differences in the regulation of anoikis. The general applicability of either model awaits further investigation.

The acquired ability to survive independently of ad-hesion is an important hurdle for cellular transforma-tion to a tumorigenic phenotype.The suppression of anoikis after the ecotopic expression of the oncogenic TrkB nicely illustrates this concept.Additionally,adhe-sion status also affects cellular responsiveness to toxic insult.This effect appears to be complex with adhesion of some anchorage independent cells types increas-ing their sensitivity to DNA damaging agents,while the incorporation of cells,irregardless of their malig-nancy status,into three dimensional organoids imparts resistance to toxic insult.The understanding of the dif-ferential response to these agents in relation to adhe-sion status will have important implication for cancer therapy.


This work was supported by NIH grants to RL Juliano. References

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环氧树脂胶配方参考 金属与塑料制品粘接用胶黏剂 HYJ-6环氧胶黏剂 配方 组分用量/g 组分用量/g E-51环氧树脂100 气相法白炭黑2~5 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯15 四乙烯五胺13 氧化铝粉25 制备及固化将配方中前4种组分调制均匀,粘接前加入四乙烯五胺,混合均匀后,即得用于 粘接。粘接后,稍加压力,室温固化2~3d,或70℃固化24h。 用途本胶用于金属与玻璃钢的粘接。 J-37胶 配方 E-44环氧树脂100 间苯二胺15 邻苯二胺15 制备及固化按比例配制,低温保存。固化为80℃时6h。 用途本胶用于粘接金属、玻璃钢等材料。 HYJ-29胶 配方

组分用量/g 组分用量/g E-51环氧树脂100 气相法白炭黑2~5 液体羧基丁腈橡胶16 2-乙基-4-甲基咪唑8 三氧化三铝粉25 制备及固化依次称量,混合均匀。固化:70℃下3h。 用途用于粘接金属和玻璃钢。 KH-511胶 配方 组分用量/g 组分用量/g E-51环氧树脂100 间苯二胺11 液体丁腈橡胶-40 18~20 2-乙基-4-甲基咪唑4 制备及固化依次称量,混合均匀。在0.01MPa压力、120℃下固化3h。用途用于各种金属、玻璃钢、陶瓷、热固性塑料等的粘接,强度较高,中等温度固化,使用 工艺简便,可在-60~+150℃下长期使用。 KH-512胶 配方 组分用量/g 组分用量/g E-51环氧树脂100 647酸酐80 液体丁腈20 2-乙基-4-甲基咪唑2 制备及固化依次称量,混合均匀。固化:120℃下3~4h。 用途用于铝与玻璃钢、金属与硬质塑料等粘接。该胶粘接性能好,

在-60~150℃下使用。 SW-2胶 配方 组分用量/g 组分用量/g A、E-51环氧树脂2.0 苯酚-甲醛-四乙烯五胺0.9 聚醚N330 0.4 C、偶联剂KH-550 石英粉0.6 A:B:C=3:1:0.1 DMP-30 0.1 制备及固化按用量分别配制A、B、C三组分,混合均匀即可。适用期:20℃,10g量,10min 。固化:接触压力,常温下2~4h。 用途本胶为常温快速固化胶,在-60~+60℃下使用,用于铝、钢、铜等金属材料及玻璃钢等 的粘接。 粉末环氧黏合剂 配方 组分用量/g 组分用量/g E-42环氧树脂100 铁粉100 双氰胺7 制备及固化先将双氰胺和铁粉混合均匀,再加到低熔点E-42环氧树脂中,制成粉状(或棒 状)环氧黏合剂。


高一英语语法填空专题练习 (10篇) (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 一 once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 二· Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, and 32 (remain) in fashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34 (necessary) to marriage procedure. It is very much 35 same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. 36 , the bride’s neighbors would look down upon 37 as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases 38 which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony. In a word, crying at wedding is a 39 by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the 40 (arrange) marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life. 三 In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear ______31________spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. _____32_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success _____33_______ language learning. _____34________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____35________(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______36_________meaning, studying the dictionary


专题练习一 A (2017·山西省大同市灵丘县模拟) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military book __1__(date) from the 5th century BC.__2__ (write) by the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (“Master Sun”,also spelled Sunzi), the book consists of 13 chapters, each of __3__ is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is__4__ (common) thought of __5__ a great work on military strategy and tactics(战术). It __6__ (place) at the head of China's Seven Military Classics in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty , __7__ it has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia. It has had__8__ influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. Its first complete English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. __9__ (leader) such as Mao Zedong, General V o Nguyen Giap, General Douglas MacArthur and so on have drawn__10__ (inspire) from the work. 答案与解析 文章介绍了“孙子兵法”这本中国古代杰出的军事作品,以及对后人的影响。 1.dating考查非谓语动词。此处dating from是现在分词短语作定语,修饰book。 2.Written考查非谓语动词。分析句式可知,write和句子主语the book 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。 3.which考查关系代词。根据句式可知,此处是一个非限制性


语法填空 1 A businessman lost his wallet. There was plenty of money in it. So he61 (make) a promise, “ Ifsomeone 62(find) my wallet and returns it to me, I ’ ll give half the money to him.” A dustman found the wallet in the dustbin. He sent it back to the loser. But the businessman changed his 63 . “ There was still a diamond ring in the wallet,” said the loser,“ I won’ t g money in my wallet to you64you return it to me!” “ I ’ ve never seen a diamond ring in the wallet, e dustman”. said th They began to quarrel65(violent). The dustman became angry and took the businessman to see a judge. After the judge heard what 66(happen) to them, he said to the businessman, “ I ’ m sure you are an honest man. It’ s truehavethatlostyouawallet67there was a diamond ring. But it is also clear that there is68money in this wallet. I don’ t think it69’ s . Wait for some time. Perhaps someone will be able to return your wallet to you.” Then the judge turned to the dustman and said,“ Take the wallet home. If the loser doesn’ t go to get it back 70three days, it will belong to you.” 2 Recently, a survey 1(carry) out by a website about the common view on students who graduate 2Beijing University. Only 28% of the interviewed companies think that they are 3(satisfy) with the graduates from Beijing University. The graduates in their companies have a wide range of 4 (know) and they learn things very quickly and easily. 5 , most of the companies don’ t think6(high) of graduates from Beijing University. In their eyes, the graduates always stick 7their own opinions and lack the teamwork spirit. Besides, they may not be satisfied with their jobs even with big companies, and they usually have many 8(complain). As a result, 34% of the companies insist that 9is not necessary to employ graduates from Beijing University. In brief, society and even the students themselves expect too much from graduates from Beijing University. That10 ’asgraduate claims that he himself is rubbish. 3 71 we all know, life is full of dreams and having a good dream is of great importance in our daily life. 72 a good dream, people can’t make progress and countries can’t develop . And I hold the strong belief73


编者: 赵 燕
主审: 张学文
2007 年 4 月

基因工程是现代生物技术的核心, 也是现代分子生物学研究的重 要手段. 掌握基因工程技术对于生物技术专业及其它生物学相关专业 学生都很重要. 基因工程本身是由一系列分子生物学操作技术组成的系统性技 术体系,本实验指导侧重于 DNA 重组操作,将基因工程操作的常用 和核心技术组织起来, 以为我校生物技术本科生及有关专业研究生基 因工程实验提供简单而明确的指导. 为适应基因工程的飞速发展,一些生物技术公司匠心独运,开发 出专门的试剂盒,使一些复杂的实验操作简单化了.这对于实验者来 说自然是好事,但也使实验者动手胜于用脑.对于实验人员来说,一 定应知其然并知其所以然, 才会在实验中运用自己的知识予以创新性 的发展.期望本实验指导不成为实验中的教条.

2007 年 4 月

实验一 实验二 实验三 实验四 实验五 实验六 实验七 实验八 实验九 实验十 附录:

大肠杆菌的对照培养,单菌落的分离及菌种保存 ...............3 强碱法小量制备质粒 DNA.....................................................5 琼脂糖凝胶电泳......................................................................7 植物总 DNA 的提取,纯化和检测 ........................................9 DNA 的 PCR 扩增................................................................. 11 植物总 RNA 的分离 .............................................................15 RT-PCR..................................................................................17 体外重组分子的构建,筛选及检测.....................................21 植物表达载体的构建,筛选及检测.....................................22 植物遗传转化技术 ................................................................23 实验中常用的仪器与器皿 .....................................................24


环氧树脂固化剂的概况 双酚A环氧树脂的结构稳定,能够加热到200℃不发生变化,其他环氧树脂具有无限使用期,通过固化剂使环氧树脂实现交联反应,由于固化过程中不放出H2O或其他低分子化合物,环氧树脂固化物避免了某些缩聚型高分子在热固化过程中所产生的气泡和界面上的多孔性缺陷。环氧树脂固化物性能在很大程度上取决于固化剂,其种类繁多。 一、环氧树脂固化剂分类 1. 按化学结构分为碱性和酸性两类 1.1碱性固化剂:脂肪二胺、多胺、芳香族多胺、双氰双胺、咪唑类、改性胺类。 1.2酸性固化剂:有机酸酐、三氟化硼及络合物。 2. 按固化机理分为加成型和催化型 2.1加成型固化剂:脂肪胺类、芳香族、脂肪环类、改性胺类、酸酐类、低分子聚酰胺和潜伏性胺。 2.2催化型固化剂:三级胺类和咪唑类。 二、环氧树脂固化剂的发展 我国1998年环氧树脂产量为万吨, 固化剂需求量约为2万吨, 实际的固化剂产量仅为万吨, 生产厂家分布在沿海城市, 如天津、上海、江苏和浙江等地。例如:脂肪多胺:常州石化厂650吨/年 间苯二胺:上海柒化八厂80吨/年 T—31改性胺:江苏昆山助剂厂60吨/年 低分子聚酰胺:天津延安化工厂200吨/年 590#改性胺和593#改性胺:上海树脂厂17吨/年 793#改性胺:天津合材所6吨/年 SK—302改性胺:江阴颐山电子化工材料厂5吨/年 另外:B—系列固化剂,N—苄基二甲胺,DMP—30,801#改性胺,HD—236改性胺,GY—051缩胺,CHT—251改性胺,105#缩胺,810#水下固化剂,NF—841固化剂,703#改性胺等。

三、胺类固化剂 1.胺类固化机理 1.1一级胺固化机理 若按氮原子上取代基(R)数目可分为一级胺、二级胺和三级胺;若按N数目可分为单胺、双胺和多胺;按结构可分为脂肪胺、脂环胺和芳香胺。 一级胺对环氧树脂固化作用按亲核加成机理进行,每一个活泼氢可以打开一个环氧基团,使之交联固化。芳香胺与脂环胺的固化机理与一级胺相似(伯胺、仲胺和叔胺) ①与环氧基反应生成二级胺 ②与另一环氧基反应生成三级胺 ③生成的羟基与环氧树脂反应 1.2固化促进机理: 在固化体系中加入含给质子基团的化合物如苯酚,就会促进胺类固化,这可能是一个双分子反应机理,即给质子体羟基上的固发氢首先与环氧基上的氧形成氢键,是环氧基进一步极化,有利于胺类的N对环氧基Cδ+的亲核进攻,同时完成氢原子的加成。 促进剂对环氧树脂和二乙烯二胺固化体系的凝胶化影响,例如乙二醇、甘油和苯酚使凝胶化时间缩短7min,12min和13min。 2. 脂肪胺(脂环胺)固化剂 在室温很快固化环氧树脂,固化反应为放热反应。热量能进一步促使环氧树脂与固化剂反应,其使用期较短。胺类固化剂与空气中的CO2反应生成不能与环氧基起反应的碳酸铵盐而引起气泡的发生。 脂肪胺对皮肤有一定刺激作用,其蒸汽毒性很强。 脂肪胺和脂环胺固化剂



固化剂 1.脂肪族多元胺 1.1 乙二胺(EDA) 由1,2-二氯乙烷(EDC)和氨反应制备。还可由一乙醇胺(MEA)和氨反应制备乙二胺。 对于脂肪胺,伯胺基与环氧的反应速度约为仲胺的2倍。但环氧基与伯胺的反应与生成的仲胺基和环氧基的反应几乎是同时进行的。伯胺易与空气中的二氧化碳反应生成白色的固体碳酸铵盐,不能与环氧基发生反应,但加热可以放出二氧化碳,可继续反应。 1.2 二亚乙基三胺(DETA) 在25℃下24小时内就能充分固化,7d可以达到最高值,加热进行后固化,其性能可以得到进一步改善。 二亚乙基三胺的粘度非常低,与空气接触生产白烟,环氧当量为185的双酚A型环氧树脂其计算用量为11%。在其化学计算量的当量点附近有最大的交联密度。而实际用量为化学计算量的75%即可,有助于减少固化放热。 以二亚乙基三胺固化的环氧树脂有良好的耐化学药品性。 二亚乙基三胺的变性物: 二亚乙基三胺与环氧乙烷(EO)、环氧丙烷(PO)的加成物。生成N,N’-二羟乙基二亚乙基三胺,由于加成物中含有羟基,加速了环氧树脂的固化速度,其适用期比二亚乙基三胺要短。固化放热温度随羟乙基化程度提高而降低。且改善了固化剂对树脂的溶解性,降低

了固化剂的挥发性和毒性。但其吸湿性变强。 二亚乙基三胺与丙烯晴的加成反应成为氰乙基化反应,加成后反应活性降低,适用期增长,受湿度的影响也变难。随着氰乙基化程度的增加,最高放热温度降低,树脂固化物的耐溶剂性得到改善,特别是耐氯化溶剂性能,但固化物电性能有所下降。 二亚乙基三胺与甲醛或多聚甲醛的反应称作羟甲基化反应,可制成一种低毒性的固化剂,适用期较短,适用于快速固化的要求。 二亚乙基三胺与环氧树脂及单环氧化物反应,生成具有羟基和氨基的胺加成物,由于加成物的分子量较大,挥发性小,没有胺臭味,毒性亦低,与树脂的配合量较多,称量不严格,生成的羟基具有促进其固化的作用,由于胺加成物的粘度高,使适用期变短。 二乙胺基三胺与酚、醛的反应成为曼尼期反应,三元反应生成物成为曼尼期碱。由于反应生成物的分子结构里含有酚羟基、氨基、仲胺基使得该类固化剂固化速度快,可在低温、潮湿或水下固化。 二亚乙基三胺与有机酸、有机酸酯的反应加成物 二亚乙基三胺与桐油、丙烯酸酯、水杨酸甲酯、癸二酸、二元羧酸酯、环氧油酸乙酯、环氧树脂、二酮丙烯酰胺的加成物。 三亚乙基四胺和四亚乙基五胺及其变性物,二者的蒸汽压比二亚


高一英语语法填空专项练习 (一) 第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Do you ever wonder why you yawn? Why do you open your mouth wide and take a deep breath? Well, a scientist at the University of Maryland is searching for the answer. Professor Robert Provine has been studying yawning for the past two years. But he says he still does not know 31 people yawn. In fact, no one seems to know much about it. Professor Provine’s students have helped him find out more about yawning. They agreed to 32 (watch) while sitting alone in small rooms. In the rooms, they watched television programs, or pictures of people yawning. Or they just sat and 33 (think) about yawning. Students also kept records of when they yawned throughout the day. The professor says he has learned 34 number of things from these experiments. He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping. His students yawned most just before sleeping or 35 waking from sleep. He also found that people yawn much when they are __36 (bore ) or not interested in what they are doing. Now, Professor Provine is planning future experiments to help him find the purpose of yawning. He said there is some evidence 37 yawning is linked to 38 (excite). Yawning is common among runners 39 (wait) to begin a race. It is also common among people waiting to make a speech. Professor Provine says he is most interested in learning why seeing someone yawn makes others yawn as well. He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn. As a matter of fact, I found 40 yawning a lot as I prepared this report. I wonder if hearing it can make you yawn. If it does, excuse me, if you did yawn, write and tell me. 答案:31.why watched 33.thought 34.a 35.after 36. bored 37.that 38.excitement 39.waiting 40.myself (二) 第二节语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分) Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis(重视)on food. Considered to be an important part of each day, __31 __(eat) is far beyond simply meeting a need. However, people are living in fast-paced society now, so they hardly have time to enjoy their food. They need fast food. That is _32_ China’s fast-food market expands. A foreign fast-food restaurant __33__(call)KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by _34_ such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. __35__ the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed __36__ (grow) in China. However, these “junk foods”have long been criticized by health experts because __37__ can’t provide balanced nutrition(营养). The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food colouring, Sudan I , __38___can cause cancer. In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are __39__ most popular. Compared with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are healthier. __40__ many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential(潜在的)risks. 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或


语法填空+短文改错2 1、阅读下面声文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 For 28-year-old Russian Artem Zhdanov, China is a place to fulfill dreams. After graduating from college with a major in Chinese, he left hometown in Siberia ①__________( he) and moved to Guangzhou, China’s southern economic powerhouse. In recent years, he ②__________(build) a Russian-language news website about China, founded a consulting company and set up ③__________online store on e-cominerce plalfonn Taobao. The news website now has a ④__________(month) visit of 100,000, and the products he sells online — such as T-shirts, cups and chopsticks with catchy Chinese phrases — have become popular with foreigners ⑤__________live in China. “My childhood dream was to be a diplomat. Now my website and Taobao store ⑥__________(connect) foreigners with China are like bridges," he said. " China is a good place to start a business. As long as you have an idea and the courage, you can ⑦__________(easy) build a business here," he said. Zhdanov wants to connect Russian businessmen with investors in China. "China has more unicorn (独角兽) companies — new companies valued at over $ 1 billion each ⑧__________many other countries. And


农杆菌介导的植物转基因技术 一、实验目的 1 了解低温离心机、恒温振荡培养箱、超净工作台等仪器的使用。 2 学习真核生物的转基因技术及农杆菌介导的转化原理;掌握农杆菌介导转化植物的实验方法,了解转基因技术的操作流程。 二、实验原理 农杆菌是普遍存在于土壤中的一种革兰氏阴性细菌,它能在自然条件下趋化性地感染大多数双子叶植物的受伤部位,并诱导产生冠瘿瘤。农杆菌通过侵染植物伤口进入细胞后,可将 T-DNA插入到植物基因组中。因此,农杆菌是一种天然的植物遗传转化体系。人们将目的基因插入到经过改造的T-DNA区,借助农杆菌的感染实现外源基因向植物细胞的转移与整合,然后通过细胞和组织培养技术,再生出转基因植株。 实验一培养基配制 一、仪器和试剂 1、仪器:高压灭菌锅,超净工作台 2、药品:Beef extract (牛肉浸膏) 5g/L ,Yeast extract (酵母提取物) 1g/L ,Peptone (蛋白胨) 5g/L ,Sucrose (蔗糖) 5g/L ,MgSO4.7H2O 0.4g/100ml ,Agar (琼脂)1.5g/100ml,MS粉,有机溶液,肌醇,Fe盐,NAA(萘乙酸),6-BA (6-苄氨基腺嘌呤),卡那霉素(kan),利福平(rif ),链霉素(str )。 二、实验方法 第一组配制YEB固体培养基 1、配制250mlYEB固体培养基:先称取1.25g Beef extract (牛肉浸膏); 1.25g Peptone (蛋白胨);0.25g Yeast extract (酵母提取物);1.25g Sucrose

(蔗糖);1g MgS04.7H2O琼脂粉3.75g ;将上述药品置于250ml三角瓶中,用量筒称取 200ml蒸馏水将其溶解混匀,然后再定容至250ml,用NaOH调pH=7.4。 2、灭菌:将盛有250ml 培养基的三角瓶封口,在三角瓶表面写清培养基名称,用高压灭菌锅进行灭菌。 3、抗生素的加入:高压灭菌后,待培养基温度降到50-60 C时(手可触摸)加入已经过滤好的抗生素(100用/ml kan+50⑷/ml Str+ 50旧/ml rif ),以免温度过高导致抗生素失效。 4 、倒板:将抗生素与培养基混匀,每个平皿倒15ml 培养基,可以倒16个平皿,倒完后打开平皿盖,在紫外灯下照10min,等待培养基凝固,盖上平皿盖,封口备用。 第二组配制YEB液体培养基 1、配制500mlYEB液体培养基:先称取2.5g Beef extract (牛肉浸膏);2.5g Peptone (蛋白胨); 0.5g Yeast extract (酵母提取物); 2.5g Sucrose (蔗糖); 2g MgSO4.7H2O将上述药品置于500ml三角瓶中,用量筒称取450ml蒸馏水将其溶解混匀,然后再定容至500ml,用NaOH调pH=7.4。 2、灭菌:将盛有500ml 培养基的三角瓶封口,在三角瓶表面写清培养基名称,用高压灭菌锅进行灭菌。 3、抗生素的加入:高压灭菌后,待培养基温度降到50-60 C时(手可触摸)加入已经过滤好的抗生素(100用/ml kan+50⑷/ml Str+ 50旧/ml rif ),以免温度过高导致抗生素失效。 4 、分装:将培养基分别分装到试管和三角瓶中,每个试管中分装5ml,分 装12个试管。每个三角瓶中倒入35ml,共12个三角瓶。 5、分装好后,封口备用。 第三组配制MS液体培养基 1、配制500mlMS液体培养基:先在500ml三角瓶中加入400ml蒸馏水,称取2.15gMS 粉置于蒸馏水中,搅拌均匀;再向其中加入5ml 100倍Fe盐浓缩液;5ml100倍肌醇浓缩液;5ml有机溶液的混合液,然后混匀定容至500ml,用NaOH 调pH=5.8。



精品文档 环氧树脂的固化原理 环氧树脂硬化反应的原理,目前尚不完善,根据所用硬化剂的不同,一般认为它通过四种途径的反应而成为热固性产物. (1)环氧基之间开环连接; (2)环氧基与带有活性氢官能团的硬化剂反应而交联; (3)环氧基与硬化剂中芳香的或脂肪的羟基的反应而交联; (4)环氧基或羟基与硬化剂所带基团发生反应而交联. 不同种类的硬化剂,在硬化过程中其作用也不同.有的硬化剂在硬化过程中,不参加到本分子中去,仅起催化作用,如无机物.具有单反应基团的胺、醇、酚等,这种硬化剂,叫催化剂.多数硬化剂,在硬化过程中参与大分子之间的反应,构成硬化树脂的一部分,如含多反应基团的多元胺、多元醇、多元酸酐等化合物. 1、胺类硬化剂 胺类硬化剂—般使用比较普遍,其硬化速度快,而且黏度也低,使用方便,但产品耐热性不高,介电性能差,并且硬化剂本身的毒性较大,易升华.胺类硬化剂包括;脂肪族胺类、芳香族胺类和胺的衍生物等.胺本身可以看作是氮的烷基取代物,氨分子(NH3)中三个氢可逐步地被烷基取代,生成三种不同的胺.即:伯胺(RNH2)、仲胺(R2NH))和叔胺(R3N). 由于胺的种类不同,其硬化作用也不同: (1)伯胺和仲胺的作用 含有活泼氢原子的伯胺及仲胺与环氧树脂中的环氧基作用.使环氧基开环生成羟基,生成的羟基再与环氧基起醚化反应,最后生成网状或体型聚合物. (2)叔胺的作用与伯胺、仲胺不同,它只进行催化开环,环氧树脂的环氧基被叔胺开环变成阴离子,这个阴离子又能打开一个新的环氧基环,继续反应下去,最后生成网状或体型结构的大分子. 2、酸酐类硬化剂 酸酐是由羧酸(分子结构中含有羧基—COOH)与脱水剂一起加热时,两个羧基除去一个水分子而生成的化合物. 酸酐类硬化剂硬化反应速度较缓慢,硬化过程中放热少,使用寿命长,毒性较小,硬化后树脂的性能(如力学强度、耐磨性、耐热性及电性能等)均较好.但由于硬化后含有酯键,容易受碱的侵蚀并且有吸水性,另外除少数在室温下是液体外.绝大多数是易升华的固体,而且一般要加热固化. 酸酐和环氧树脂的硬化机理,至今尚未完全阐明,比较公认的说法如下: 酸酐先与环氧树脂中的羟基起反应而生成单酯,第二步由单酯中的羟基和环氧树脂的环氧基起开环反应而生成双酯,第三步再由其中的羟基对环氧基起开环作用,生成醚基,所以可得到既含醚键,又含有酯基的不溶不熔的体型结构. 除了上述反应之外,第一步生成的单酸中的羧基也可能与环氧树脂分子上的羟基起酯化反应,生成双酯.但这不是主要的反应. 3、树脂类硬化剂 含有硬化基团的一NH一,一CH2OH,一SH,一COOH,一OH等的线型合成树脂低聚物,也可作为环氧树脂的硬化剂.如低分子聚酰胺.酚醛树脂,苯胺甲醛树脂,三聚氰胺甲醛树脂,糠醛树脂,硫树脂,聚酯等.它们分别能对环氧树脂硬化物的耐热性,耐化学性,抗冲击性,介电性,耐水性起到改善作用.常用的是低分子聚酰胺和酚醛树脂. (1)低分子聚酰胺不同于尼龙型的聚酰胺.它是亚油酸二聚体或是桐油酸二聚体与脂肪族多元胺,如乙二胺、二乙烯三胺反应生成的一种琥珀色粘稠状树脂.由于原材料的性质,反应组分的配比和反应条件不同,低分子聚酰胺的性质差别很大.它们的分子量在500~9000之间, 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


一、脂肪多元胺型固化剂 环氧树脂固化物具有优良的机械性能、电器性能、耐化学药品性能,因而得到广泛的应用。固化剂是环氧树脂固化物必需的原料之一,否则环氧树脂就不会固化。为适应各种应用领域的要求,应使用相应的固化剂。固化剂的种类很多,现介绍于下: 乙二胺 EDA H2NCH2CH2NH2 分子量60 活泼氢当量15 无色液体每100份标准树脂用6-8份性能:有毒、有剌激臭味,挥发性大、粘度低、可室温快速固化。用于粘接、浇注、涂料。该类胺随分子量增大,粘度增加,挥发性减小,毒性减小,性能提高。但它们放热量大、适用期短。一般而言它们分子量越大受配合量影响越小。长期接触脂肪多元胺会引起皮炎,它们的蒸汽毒性很强,操作时须十分注意。 二乙烯三胺 DETA H2NC2H4NHC2H4NH2 分子量103 活泼氢当量20.6 无色液体每100份标准树脂用8-11份。固化:20℃2小时+100℃30分钟或20℃4天。性能:适用期50克25℃45分钟,热变形温度95-124℃,抗弯强度1000-1160kg/cm2,抗压强度1120kg/cm2,抗拉强度780kg/cm2,伸长率5.5%,冲击强度 0.4尺-磅/寸洛氏硬度99-108。介电常数(50赫、23℃)4.1 功率因数(50赫、23℃)0.009 体积电阻2x1016 Ω-cm 常温固化、毒性大、放热量大、适用期短。 三乙烯四胺 TETA H2NC2H4NHC2H4NHC2H4NH2 分子量146 活泼氢当量24.3 无色粘稠液体每100份标准树脂用10-13份固化:20℃2小时+100℃30分钟或20℃7天。性能:适用期50克25℃45分钟,热变形温度98-124℃,抗弯强度950-1200kg/cm2,抗压强度1100kg/cm2,抗拉强度780kg/cm2,伸长率4.4%,冲击强度 0.4尺-磅/寸洛氏硬度99-106。常温固化、毒性比二乙烯三胺稍低、放热量大、适用期短。 四乙烯五胺 TEPA H2NC2H4(NHC2H4)3NH2 分子量189 活泼氢当量27 棕色液体每100份标准树脂用11-15份性能同上。 多乙烯多胺 PEPA H2NC2H4(NHC2H4)nNH2 浅黄色液体每100份标准树脂用14-15份性能:毒性较小,挥发性低、适用期较长、价廉。 二丙烯三胺 DPTA H2N(CH2)3 NH(CH2)3NH2 分子量131 活泼氢当量26 浅黄色液体每100份标准树脂用12-15份性能同TETA。 二甲胺基丙胺 DMAPA (CH3)2N (CH2)3NH2 低粘度透明液体每100份标准树脂用4-7份毒性较大,具有固化和催化两个反应,粘附性能良好,柔性也好,适用期长。 二乙胺基丙胺 DEAPA (C2H5)2N (CH2)3NH2 分子量130 活泼氢当量65 低粘度透明液体每100份标准树脂用4-8份固化:60-70℃4小时。性能:适用期50克25℃4小时,
