
1 翻译实践

1.1 原文1译文











1.2 原文2译文


我永远不会忘记我读高一时的一天。那天,我双手抱着头坐在通往地下室的楼梯上向父母哭诉,我攒的钱根本不够上大学。父母极力安慰我, 但是攒够64268美元几乎是不可能的。这是我迫切想上的那所私立大学的费用。


所有的一切都是开始于那条我讨厌的送报路线。但我下定决心坚持了6个月, 直到我们家迁到威斯康星州的沃索市。随着我每次送报纸都能换来几美元,我的存款开始增加。我的第二份工作是给一家运动员公司做电话客服代表。存折上的钱增长速度仍然很慢。之后, 在我上高二的秋季, 我开始在餐馆当服务员。那个工作很辛苦, 但是赚得多, 每小时的报酬至少要比以前多出一倍。

当我上高三的时候, 我已经存下了相当数量的钱。这很让人受鼓舞, 但我知道我需要些帮助, 所以我开始申请奖学金,。一次一次的被拒绝有时让我很沮丧。但是后来我的第一笔奖学金进账了,打网球,每年2000美元。对于每年要花费高达14000美元的大学来说这只是九牛一毛,但这是个好的开始。之后, 我又获得了几项学科奖学金, 不久, 奖学金的总额达到9050美元。奖学金加上我自己的存款, 我有足够的钱应对大学第一年了。


最终,我跨进了大学的校门。由于我的节约,大学的第一年里我不需要去打工。但暑假到来的时候,我要比之前更辛苦的去工作。晚上我继续在餐馆当服务员,每周的几个上午去网球夏令营当教练, 下午做几个小时的秘书。我过于心急, 又决定在社区大学修了一门课,这门课为我节省了650美元。这个让人精疲力尽的暑假使我盼望着开学,盼着回到轻松的大学生活去。

在我大学的第二年和第三年, 我决定在学校招生办公室做接听电话的工作,每周5个小时。这样我能赚点零花钱,也就不必动用我的存款了。大四那年似乎充满了希望,因为只要暑假我再赚到上一个暑假那么多的钱就够了。我想去以色列学习3个星期。可是我犹豫不决, 因为去以色列修学分要多花1600美元。大约过了两个星期, 妈妈打电话告诉我说我在银行里还有1600美元的存款, 而我早就忘了!关于去以色列,我担心的不只是费用,还有一个顾虑是失去了赚钱的时间。然而, 那个暑假我在家10个星期赚的钱相当于我之前在家的那个暑假14个星期赚的。各种巧合使我的以色列之行得以实现, 这是我一生所经历过的最激动人心的事情之一。

最后我进入大学的第四学年。为了顺利些, 我决定买辆车。我显然不可能有太多的钱花在车上。但我需要一辆性能可靠的车, 以便我往返于家和学校之间

的10小时车程不那么累。我找了很多报纸上的广告。我爸和我一起查找性能良好的二手车信息。当我找到一辆撞毁后重新修复的车只要4200美元时, 我欣喜若狂。

后来我还参加了科罗拉多州的一个为期8周的关于婚姻和家庭的研习班。这是一次不可思议的经历, 它改变了我的世界观, 并教会了我如何建立一个健康的家庭。当然,这次经历的花费也很高:4000美元。等我毕业时, 我惊奇地发现, 我没有任何负债, 而且还在大学期间进行了那么多令人难忘的旅行。

这些经历在我身上产生了重大影响。首先我学到了一种坚定的敬业精神的重要性。长时间的工作塑造了我的性格, 并让我懂得了一元钱的价值。它还让我学会了如何在遇到困难的时候设计出富有创意的解决办法。

每当我对未来感到不知所措或惧怕时, 我就会想起我那64268美元的奇迹。

1.3 原文3译文












2 实践报告





何谓文化?英国学者泰勒(E.B Tylor,1871)给“文化”下的定义是:“所谓文化或文明,即知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及其它作为社会成员的人们能够获得的包括一切能力和习惯在内的复合性整体。”文化并不是抽象的,它是我们所感知的一切。人类以自己的情感、技能和智慧创造了自己的文化,更新了自己的文化。不同民族语言不同、文化各异,但人类的能力本质是相同的。因为人类所创造的文化在深层意义上反映了人类的共同能力。各民族的文化都有同一性,不同国家、不同民族活动的多样性和观念的多元化使其文化内容和形式出现多样性,这就是文化差异的渊源。翻译则是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动,是两个语言社会之间的交际过程和交际工具。







“It had been a fine,golden autumn,a lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth,and some of them their lives,before the leaves turned again in a peacetime fall.”


再如奥运口号“北京欢迎您”,它表达了中国人民欢迎世界各国人民到北京的心情,我们常见的译文为“welcome to Beijing”,翻译中句式使用英语祈使句,恰当地表达出中国人期盼奥运的热情。如果译为“Beijing is welcome you”,则语气过于清淡,效果也会大打折扣。



并对翻译实践提出更高的要求。民族文化背景对语言的发展有极大的影响,每个民族的语言都会带有各自历史文化的痕迹。因此,在第三篇文章中我们就可以清楚地意识到,东方与西方的历史发展不同,因而语言中沉积的文化内涵也不相同。历史文化的一个重要内容体现为历史典故和习语;要译好不同语言中的习语和历史典故,就必须对该语言所反映的历史文化有所了解。“Oxford” 在汉语中常译为“牛津”,所以很多人把““Oxford” English”译为“牛津英语”其实““Oxford”在西方人心目中的形象是官方的,标准的。因此应译为“官方标准英语”。汉语中常说:“说曹操,曹操到”,曹操是中国历史上的著名人物,但许多英语读者就不知他为何人。不过英语中有类似的说法“Talk of the devil,and he’s sure to appear.”

社会习俗更是如此,它影响和制约着翻译的精确性。在英语国家对一个经过长途旅行后的人可以说“You must be tired from such a long trip.”、“Did you have a good trip?”,表示“路上辛苦了”、“一路好吗?”之类的问候。对正在进行或刚完成一项艰难任务的人,可以说“Well done,That was a hard job”。不同的文化有不同的表达方式,因此在翻译时,一定要考虑两种文化间的差异,决不能望文生义,更不能机械地直译。又如,bread and butter这两样东西在英语国家历史悠久,面包是他们生活中不可缺少的一部分,也是日常的主要食品,所以在语言中的转义也较多。如“bread and butter”还有“生计,谋生之道,靠山”等含义,美国《新闻周刊》评论家大卫·安森说过:“As ever,politics,vulgarity and senti mentality were the bread and butterof the Academy Awards.”(政治、粗鄙和感伤一度成为奥斯卡奖的支柱。)

3 宗教信仰、宗教意识方面


“B eing a teacher is being present at the creation when the clay beginning to breathe.”有些人译为“教师一直在创造中,当土地开始呼吸。”这是由于他们不了解西方人的宗教信仰所致。因为英语中的“creation”常指“上帝创造”,而“clay”常指“上帝创造的人”。这句话的译文应该是“教师是创造的见证人,目睹生命呼吸成长。”


救世人以及中世纪教派之间的相互残杀,使英民族文化中的“red”总是同流血、牺牲、殉难等不好的事情联系起来,因此“red hands”译为“沾满鲜血的手”,“a red battle”译为“血战”。


习语的翻译算得上是难中之难。因为习语不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种文化产物。如“黔驴技穷”可译为英语中的习惯说法“at one’s wits end”,也可翻译为“The proverbial donkeyin ancient Guizhou has exhausted its tricks,and it can do nothing more.”这种翻译,既传播了汉文化、保存了原汁原味,也符合英语读者的阅读习惯,达到使文化交流贯穿于语言交流的目的。比如“Love me,love my dog”,译为“爱屋及乌”;“A loss may turn out to be a gain”,可译为“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。

同样英汉习语中有大量是由历史典故形成的,这些习语结构简单、意义深远,往往是不能单从字面意义去理解和翻译的。如汉语中的“名落孙山”、“叶公好龙”等;英语中的“meet one’s waterloo”(一败涂地)、“a Pandora’s box”(潘多拉之盒—灾难、麻烦、祸害的根源)等。




3 参考文献

[1] Eugene A.Nida. Language Culture And Translating[M].1993.

[2]刘宓庆. 文化翻译论纲[M]. 湖北: 湖北教育出版社,1999.

[3]陈新. 英汉文体翻译教程[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,2004.

[4]王婧媛.浅谈翻译中的文化因素[M]. 北京:中国校外教育杂志社,2008.

[5]谭载喜.新编奈达论翻译[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999.



Women’s liberation

Have you heard of the women’s liberation move ment? It began in the 1960s and started by women who were concerned about their identity, their role in society, their work, and the view of women that many people held.Now many American women are deeply concerned about these things.These women would like better and more interesting lives for all women everywhere.

There are many aspects of the women’s liberation movement. Some women agree with all of the goals of women’s liberation. They want full equality with men in every aspect of life. In marriage, they want husbands and wives to share all of the work and responsibilities of a home and family. In work, they want women and men to have the same jobs and the same chance to succeed. They want women to be paid just as much as men for the same work. Other women agree with only some of the ideas of women’s liberation. They want the same pay if they hold the same job as a man. At home, however, they do not expect their husbands to share in the cleaning, cooking, and other household jobs.

It is necessary to remember that the women’s liberation movement is not concerned only with concrete issues. The movement is also concerned with attitudes and beliefs; one typical example of this concern is the issue of a woman’s identity. A woman’s identity is what she thin ks of herself as a person, who she thinks she is, and what she thinks she can do. Some women do not think they are capable of doing anything important. The women’s liberation movement would like to help these women improve their views of themselves. Many women who are concerned with women’s liberation have taken jobs, have helped others, have raised healthy children, and have done many other things to contribute to their communities. They have shown that they are capable of being good leaders and of doing many important things.

A second issue of the women’s liberation movement is the question of women’s roles. Should a women work outside the home? Should she work if she is married

and has children? Or should she stay home to take care of her husband and children? What will the rest of society think of her if she enters a profession or has a career? What will other people think if she wants to stay home and raise a family? These questions do not have just one correct answer. Every woman must decide her own role. The women’s liberation movement is trying to make it possible for a woman to decide what she wants to do. The movement also wants to make it possible for her to do the best and the most she possibly can.

If a woman decides to take a job outside the home, there are many important questions which are raised. Can she get any job she is capable of and qualified for? Or are some jobs closed to her because she is a woman? If she gets a job and some of her fellow workers are men doing the same work, will she be paid as much as they are? These issues are considered important in the United States. The government has passed some laws to try to help women get any job for which they are qualified, and to help them get the same pay as a man for doing the same work. The government has also passed a law to encourage businesses that get money from the government to be fair to women and minority groups. This is called the Affirmative Action Law. It says that if a company is not fair to women and other minority groups, the government will not do business with that company. This encourages businesses to provide equal opportunities for women.

Many people agree with the ideas and goals of women’s liberation. They feel that women ought to be considered equal to men in every way. They feel that a woman should be able to decide to stay home and raise a family, or to stay home and not raise a family, or to go out and work, or to have a job outside the home and the family as well. They feel a woman should be able to do anything that she wants to do and can do. Other people are opposed to women’s liberation. They do not think that women should have the same jobs and the same pay as men. They believe that men should do all of the important work. They feel that women should stay at home, taking care of men and children. Many husbands do not want their wives to work outside the home. Some women agree with these men. People who support women’s liberation do not feel that it is bad for a woman to remain at home if she wants to. They believe that work in the home is important and should be respected. But they want to make sure that a woman works at home because she wants to, and not

because she can’t get a job outside the home, or because she does not believe that she can do anything useful in her community.

The women’s liberation movement is trying to give women a chance to show what they can do. Perhaps a woman will find the cure for our most serious disease. Perhaps a woman will solve the energy crisis. Perhaps women and men, working together, will be able to accomplish important things better and sooner than men would if men were working alone. If the women’s liberation movement is successful, we will have a chance to find out.

Each man and each woman must decide whether he or she agrees with the ideas of the women’s liberation movement completely, partly, or not at all. Whether you agree or disagree with women’s liberation, you know that it has begun to change our lifes.


Save Money for College on My Own

I will never forget the day in my first year in high school. I was sitting on the stairs descending into the basement, putting my head in my hands and crying out in despair to my parents that I would never be able to save enough money for college. My parents tried to console me, but it seemed impossible to save $64,268, the cost for the private institution that I desperately wanted do attend.

Now let me tell you the amazing story of how I earned this sum of money.

It all began with a paper route in I hated delivering that route, but was determined to stick it out six months until my family moved to Wausau, Wisconsin, with a few meager dollars from my paper route, my savings began to develop. My next job was with an athletic company as a telephone customer service representative. The savings account continued to grow very slowly. Then came the fall of my junior year of high school, and I began to work as a waitress at a restaurant. It was hard work, but the money began to roll in and this job paid at least twice as much money per hour.

By the time my senior year arrived, I had saved a considerable amount of money. This was encouraging, but I knew that I would also need some help, so I began the process of applying for scholarships. Sometimes it was discouraging because I was rejected again and again. Then, my first scholarship offer came in, $2,000 a year to play tennis. This is only a small dent at a school that costs approximately $14,000 a

year, but it was start. Several other academic scholarships also came my way and soon my scholarships were up to $9.050. With the scholarships and my savings, I had enough money for my first year!

Another interesting development emerged. I began testing out of classes. Running anxiously to the mailbox in anticipation of my test scores became part of my daily routine. Excitement mounted as test after test came back with passing results. Each passing result saved me approximately $1,000 in tuition and then enabled me to graduate a year early. This would save room and board expenses as well.

Finally, I entered the institution. Become of my careful savings, I did mot have to work during the school year. Then, summer came and it was time to work harder than ever. I continued working as a waitress at night, instructed tennis camps several mornings a week and worked as a secretary for a few hours in the afternoon. Being a little overzealous, I also decided to take a class at a community college. This class at the community college saved me $650. It was an exhausting summer and made me anxious to return to my relatively easy life at college.

During my second and third years of undergraduate schooling, I decided to work about five hours per week in the campus admissions offices answering phones. This provided a little spending money and kept me from draining my savings. The overall situation looked hopeful as I approached my senior year as long as I could make as much money as I had the precious summer. I wanted to go to Israel to study for 3 weeks, but I hesitated in making this decision because it would cost me $1,600 more to get the credits in Israel. About two weeks later my Mom called to tell me that I had $1,600 in the bank that I had forgotten about! One of my concerns about this trip was not only the cost, but the loss of time to make money; however, I made as much that summer in the ten weeks when I was at home as I had made during the fourteen weeks when I was at home the summer before. The way everything worked together to make this trip feasible was one of the most exciting things that have ever happened to me.

Finally my senior year of college came and to keep things satisfactory, I decided to buy a car. I obviously did not have a lot of money to spend on a car and yet I wanted something reliable to make the ten-hour trips between home and school not too tiring.

I searched many newspaper ads and my father and I began searching for good used card. I was ecstatic when I found a crashed car that had been fixed up for only $4,200. Then, I also attended an eight-week course on marriage and family in Colorado. This was an incredible experience that taught me a great deal about my worldview and how to develop a healthy family. This experience was also very costly, $4,000. I was

surprised to find that I had graduated with no dept and so many remarkable journeys along the way. This experience has shaped me in many important ways. The first thing that I learned was the importance of a strong work ethic. Working long hours did a lot to mold my character and helped me learn the value of a dollar. It also made me learn how to craft creative solutions to difficult dilemmas.

Whenever I am overwhelmed or afraid of the future, I can remember my $64,268 miracle.


The Mystery of Speaking Effectively

Why that is some people have a seemingly natural ability to get attention and respect when they speak? What is it that makes others listen and pay attention to their words? It isn’t necessarily a question of status, or the content of what they say. Such people often don’t speak “Oxford” English, express themselves using perfect grammatical constructions, or even use appropriate words. What they do have is resonance. Such people tend to have beautiful, rich voices and to use the lower end of their voice range. Observe and listen to others. People who speak quickly and breathily in a high-pitched voice do not appear as assertive as those who speak more slowly using deeper voice tones. The lower pitch conveys control and confidence.

It would be ridiculous to suggest that from now on you self-consciously lower the tone of your voice when you speak, but you can begin to achieve greater resonance by practicing the way you breathe. Try this. Stand in front of a mirror breathing naturally. Now draw a deep breath. Does your chest expand? Do your shoulders rise?

I think so. You are breathing “high”, using your rib rather than your abdominal muscles. Try again, this time putting your hands across your stomach. When you breathe in, consciously keep your shoulders lowered and fill your lungs from the abdomen – you will feel your stomach expanding. If you practice abdominal breathing, you will be utilizing all, not just the top, of your lungs, which in itself must be beneficial. You will also be engaging your diaphragm more, and this in turn will access the lower end of your voice range and add resonance to your voice, conveying more authority.

Words delivered in a monotone soon become just that-monotonous! Your delivery will need light and shade if you want to keep the attention of your listener. Assertive delivery requires smooth-flowing, resonant inflection; the voice will be relaxed with enough volume to be heard distinctly without being overpowering.

However, there are some occasions when assertive behavior requires a little more power than generally recommended for everyday conversations. If you were to see a small child about to put her hand into an activated food processor, it would be inappropriate to say, in a low-pitched, relaxed way, “I’d prefer you not to put your hand into that food-processor.” Assertive, yes; practical, no! Obviously, there are occasions –when someone’s personal safety is at risk, for instance – when more force of delivery is required.

The content of the communication doesn’t have to beco me aggressive, however. In the above example, a loud, sharp “NO” to stop the action immediately and demand attention, followed by a forceful explanation of why that was a dangerous thing to do, would be an appropriate response, whereas “Stop! Don’t do that you stupid child!” would be an inappropriate (though human and understandable) one. The whole child is labeled as “stupid” rather than the action itself being criticized. Appropriate volume and intonation without aggressive tones will give the other person the message that you mean business.

Another common failing is that when we are tense, overworked or just irritable, we often respond with a force totally inappropriate to the situation.

To give an example: you are reading an interesting article in the Sunday papers. Your partner is reading the supplement and constantly interrupts, reading aloud witty bits and snippets. It’s breaking your concentration and making you disturbed. You say nothing, but when she then asks something which requires a respon se, like “Do you want a coffee?” you respond “No, I don’t; we only had one half an hour ago. Why are you so talkative?”

The intensity of the response reflects your annoyance at the previous interruptions and is certainly unfair, and totally inappropriate to the situation. (It might also reflect irritation at your own lack of assertion when earlier you should have said something like, “Can you read that to me latter? This article is a bit complex and I need to concentrate.”)

There are occasions in ever yone’s life, social and business, when the skill of using appropriate volume and force needs to be practiced. For example, when you have given an assertive request in clear, level tones and that request is ignored, you have two choices: give up the fight and put up with the situation as it is, or make your request again, this time with a little more force. If you take the latter course, you could either change the way of your request, making it a directive which will give the message more “punch” and/or inc rease volume, altering intonation to match the emotion behind the delivery. If you are interested in this, you can have a try.
