Meeting at night 赏析

Meeting at night 赏析
Meeting at night 赏析

Meeting at night Analysis

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

This is a love poem. The author used simple words to describe the hero crossed the sea by boat to see his lover with happy mood. Poet influenced our emotions through image, makes us feel the hero by what he saw and heard.This poem is unforgettable to readers. There are several reasons.

The poet wrote the scenery specifically, no mention of the mood, but the emotion is quite obvious. Firstly, I want to analyze some key words. At the beginning of this poem, Dante Gabriel Rossetti used “Grey sea” and “long black land” laid the main tone for first section. Deep color symbolizes fathomless and reflects the hero did not sure about the idea of his girlfriend. “Large”and “low”interacted with each other. “Yellow half-moon” changed the tone from obscure color to bright one. This two lines are static description, but it contrasts with the tone of the above, let us know that the hero is happy about this date. The third line turns the static description to dynamic state,so that “startled” and “leap” add vitality to this poem. “Then” and “a mile”are key words of the seventh line, the former shows us it was a long way to the girl’s home, the latter expresses the hero was urgent. “To cross”and “till”pass expectation and difficulties of this data to us.

The last two lines of the poem reach a climax:“And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,Than the two hearts beating each to each!”Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

Next, I would to write about images. To combine emotion with scenery. This poem used a variety of vivid images to express emotion. In this poem, the poet used not only the visual images, auditory images, olfactory images, but also the tactile images of the hero’s experience. By this way, readers can share expectations and excitement from the hero. “Gray sea”“black land” and “yellow-moon”gave us with vivid visual experience, they also heightened the atmosphere of the night. “warm sea-scented beach”is olfactory image that makes us seem to smell the air of ocean. The eleventh line uses many auditory images to pass the data experience to the reader in the most graphic detail which present us a wonderful and happy meeting more vibrant. “Gain”“quench”“tap”of tactile image to express the hero cannot wait to meet the lover with anxious and exciting mood.Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

The use of onomatopoeia is another highlight of this poem. The pronunciation of “slushy” likes the sound of friction between the bow and sand, as if reader can hear the sound of the ship. “Scratch”and

“spurt”imitate the moment of lighting a match. And“beach”,“scratch”,“match”and“each”in some lines , the poet used “-ch”(plosive) creatively, the short and light pronunciation just like heartbeat when we were excited and scared. That made us better understand “joys and fears”two protagonists had when they met secretly at night.Smile because it happened.

Finally, I want to talk about metrical form. This poem consists of iambic and anapest. The poet has a regular arrangement of light stress, so that the whole poem can get a quick rhythm. The poem also used a variety of rhythms. First, the alliteration likes “pushing prow”and “slushy sand”. “And the yellow half-moon large and low”, “land”, “low”, “leap”, “sleep”, “prow”, “sand”are internal rhyme and end rhyme. These end rhyme appeared repeatedly, contributed much to the beauty of this poem.

To the world you may be one person, but to him, you may be the world.


会议纪要Meeting Minutes 会议日期:2008年9月01日会议地点:大唐V80现场办公室 Date of Meeting: September 01, 2008 Place of Meeting: Datang V80 Site Office 参会人Participants: 大唐赛罕坝风电公司:赵宇欣,韩洋 Datang Saihanba Wind Power Co., Ltd.: Zhao Yuxin, Han Yang (维斯塔斯)公司Vestas:Chen Lian, Sylvain Chevineau 1、首先,双方签署了之前的会议纪要。 First of all, the minutes of previous meeting were signed by both parties. 2、当天工作总结:Summary of Today’s Work: 天气情况weather: 晴朗 Fine

3、大唐希望在西文离开现场休假之前能够完成第18/19/20/47号风机的故障处理工作,Vestas 表示会尽全力完成这项工作。 Datang hope that the trouble shooting at Pad 18/19/20/47 can be finished before Sylvain leave for vacation, and Vestas site expressed that they will try their best to finish it. 4、Vestas 表示,5号线最后一台风机确定为第9号风机。 The last turbine of power line 5 was confirmed by Vestas as Pad 9. 5、天工作安排:Work Arrangement for Tomorrow 1)路易斯和Ole负责线路连接检查。 Luis and Ole will carry on cable connecting inspection at Pad 39 2)第43号风机调试。 Zhluo and . will carry on Commissioning at Pad 43. 3) 西文和戴庆民42、41号风机送电 Power up Pad 42/41 by Sylvain and Alex. 大唐现场负责人: Vestas现场负责人:

英文写作教学——纪要Meeting Minutes

M EETING MINUTES 1. I NTRODUCTION Writing good meeting minutes can provides a written record of a meeting: the purpose of the meeting and its agreed outcomes. They are records that can be referred back to and be used for follow-up purposes later. Good meeting minutes are concise and to the point, but at the same time, they do not leave out critical information. Meeting minutes should include all of the essential elements such as type of meeting, name of the organization, date and time, venue, name of the chair, a list of the attendants, main topics and decisions made and next steps agreed to at the meeting. You’d better prepare an outline based on the agenda ahead of time, and leave plenty of white space for notes. 2. U SEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ●Purpose of Meeting ●Date/Time ●Chairperson ●Action 3. T EMPLATE

Meeting Minutes

M EETING M INUTES T EMPLATE This Project Meeting Agenda Template is free for you to copy and use on your projects and within your organization. We hope that you find this template useful and welcome your comments. Public distribution of this document is only permitted from the Project Management Docs official website at: www.P roject M anagement D, M EETING M INUTES


M EETING O BJECTIVES State in one or two sentences the overall purpose and objective of the meeting (you can copy this from your meeting agenda). A CTION I TEM R EVIEW In the meeting the first item on the agenda was to review the action items from previous meetings. Copy the action items section from the meeting agenda and add a short one sentence status to each item. The status should be on the same line as the action item, but separated with a dash and italicized. 1.First Action Item from last meeting - Status of this item. 2.Second Action Item from last meeting - Status of this item. 1.First Action Item from last meeting - Status of this item. 2.Second Action Item from last meeting - Status of this item. 3.Third Action Item from last meeting - Status of this item. 1.First Action Item from last meeting - Status of this item. 2.Second Action Item from last meeting - Status of this item. S CHEDULE R EVIEW Summarize the status of the project schedule in one to two sentences. Include any risks identified which affect the schedule; also, list them in the next section and added to the risk management plan. Provide a high level list of work completed and work which is planned for the next two weeks. Work Completed ?Item 1 ?Item 2 Planned Work for the Next Two Weeks ?Item 1 ?Item 2 R ISK M ANAGEMENT Copy the risks from the project meeting agenda and provide a status of the risk to the right of each risk. Include detailed responses to any risks which were realized. ?Risk 1 - Status of this risk. ?Risk 2 - Status of this risk. ?Risk 3 - Status of this risk. N EW A CTION I TEMS

minutes of meeting会议记录 英式格式

AURORA HOLDINGS plc 奥罗拉控股公共有限公司(Public Limited Company) WELFARE COMMITTEE (福委会) MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE WELFARE COMMITTEE HELD IN THE CHAIRMEN’S OFFICE ON TUESDAY 21 OCTOBER 2013 – AT 1630. PRESENT: Eileen Taylor (Chairman) Jim Cage Robert Fish Ellen McBain Wendy Sheppard Georgia Thomas Will Thomas 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (请假致歉) Apologies were received from Anthony Long who was attending a business conference. 2 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (上次会议记录) The minutes had already been circulated and the Chairman signed them as a correct record. 3 MA TTER ARISING (续议事项) Will Thomas reported that he and Georgia had visited Renee Simpson in hospital on 16 October to deliver the committee’s basket of flowers and good wishes for a speedy recovery. Renee said she hopes to return to work on Monday 4 November and will be able to attend the next committee meeting. 4 STAFF RESTAURANT (员工餐厅) JIM Cage distributed copies of the accounts for the half year ending 31 July. He pointed out that a profit of£1300 was made over the first 6 months of the year. He suggested that some of this be used to buy a new coffee machine as the present one is old and unreliable. It was agreed that he would obtain some estimates and discuss this further at the next meeting. 5 WASHROOM FACILITIES (洗手间设施) Mr Taylor announced that several complaints had been received about the female toilets on the second floor. He had investigated the complaints and agreed that they need upgrading. Several locks were reported to be faulty, plus chipped tiles (瓷砖裂缝) and poor decoration. Miss McBain volunteered to arrange for some local workmen to provide an estimate on the cost of repairs and to report back at the next meeting. 6 STUDY LEAVE FOR YOUNG TRAINEES (年轻学员的进修假期) Mr Robert Fish reported that examinations would be held in December for the company’s

meeting minutes

宝山城市工业园开发有限公司 企业战略规划项目 项目启动会议纪要 时间:2000年2月14日上午9:30-11:00 地点:上海宝山城市工业园区开发有限公司 (以下简称“园区开发公司”)会议室 与会者: 园区开发公司: 园区开发公司董事长崔兰竹先生 园区开发公司总经理滕永福先生 园区管理委员会副书记朱云仙女士 园区管理委员会副主任沈明忠先生 园区管理委员会企划部经理黄建明先生 园区管理委员会办公室副主任施为益先生 园区管理委员会外商投资中心王敏先生(代马震永经理) 安达信公司: 企业咨询部合伙人施能自先生 企业咨询部顾问樊应斌先生、马炯琳小姐、王宏伟先生、魏丽丽小姐 会议内容: 在会上安达信公司项目经理樊先生对项目启动会议资料的内容作了具体解释,包括项目启动会议目标、本项目的工作范围和工作方法、具体工作计划和时间安排、项目组织结构、安达信和园区开发公司人员安排和职责、明确了项目提交成果和项目资源保障。同时,施先生着重对以下的一些思路和想法作了解释:

外部环境的挑战 目前的中国各种开发区泛滥、招商引资的手段类似,单纯的用土地换投资已经没有什么前景。当初这些开发区设立的时候,国家的政治环境影响的成份相对较大,例如松江园区的设立得益于小平同志的南下;闵行园区作为开发区的先锋受到政府的扶植;漕河泾又是市政府特意设立的后期高新技术园区,而今天,宝山城市工业园区(以下简称“宝山园区”)没有政策上的优势,我们面临的挑战将更为复杂、竞争也将更为激烈。这也就决定了,宝山园区借鉴其他开发区的经验十分有限,其战略缺乏可比性我们应更多地关注其他开发区的未来设想和可能构成的未来竞争态势。 其次中国加入世界贸易组织的这一趋势对中国而言,可能是机遇,也可能不是。加入之前外商在中国国内生产是销售的前提,加入之后外商会比较在国内生产和在境外生产的成本等因素,不一定在国内生产。因此宝山园区不是单纯的用土地换投资,关键在于如何把机遇变为实际,帮助潜在的宝山园区客户降低成本,只有提供增值服务才能真正吸引外资在宝山园区内投资。 园区战略规划的一些想法 我们不能做一些表面的入门战,要做一些别的开发区在1~2年内很难模仿的具有前瞻性的工作: 1.内外商兼顾 我们在与中国100大企业老总的交流中发现,他们开始更多地注重企业的商业化操作成本,而且为了成本的降低而入主宝山园区是相当可能的。所以我们在招商引资的对象方面,不仅局限于外商,还可以兼顾成功的国内大中型企业。 2.本地乡镇企业 本地的乡镇企业虽相对规模较小,但是可能在地方经济发展过程中作出重要贡献,我们对宝山园区内的有潜力的乡镇企业可以考虑逐步加以培养,有一些可以未来提供支持使其壮大,有一些可以引导其转型,避免将来与宝山园区的总体规划方向产生冲突。

Meeting Minutes _Template

Minutes of Meeting Elementary meeting with X.X.X. On how to develop Sudan market for ** products. Date 11/05/2014 Time 14:00 – 16:30 Attendance: Mr. @@@@ Venue *** Tower 8/F Minutes by: C*** Meeting Topics: Sudan market status 1.2 Info. Offered by Mr. @@@@ ? 4 million cellar subscribers, 3 million for GSM and 1 million for CDAM ; ? 4 operators , 2 each for GSM & CDMA ; Mobitel is the biggest ; ?There is a tendency that change from GSM to CDMA. ?import duty : 30%, then MIS usually add 50% for sales profits ?2006 total sales quantity in Sudan market : 1700,000 pcs ?Nokia 1110i is $48 to the end customer ; middle level $ 126-200 ; high level : $ 400 -- 1300 ?Language requirement : only Arabic + English, Arabic is a must! ?Others : 5 year ago, Alcatel low end products was sold around $130 in Sudan bi-sim-card ( CDMA & GSM ) products is selling ~ $120 1.3 Info. *****offered T&A background Introduced basic info. of Alcatel & TCL products. X.X.X’s basic info : Company name :, Contact person : 6 years experience for Mobile phone selling,

Sample of Board Meeting Minutes

Sample of Board Meeting Minutes Name of Organization (Board Meeting Minutes) (Month Day, Year) (time and location) Board Members: Present: Absent: Quorum present? Others Present: List any organizational staff and guests and their affiliations here Proceedings: ·Call to Order [name of CEO or board chair] called the meeting to order at [start time of meeting] and [name of secretary] recorded the minutes. A quorum of directors was present, and the meeting was ready to proceed with business. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Sb. · Approval of Minutes [name] presented to the Board the minutes of the meeting [date of previous board meeting] of the Board for approval, minutes of previous board meetings were amended and approved · Chief Executive's Report:(CEO Report) [name of CEO] reviewed the agenda and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Next, [name of CEO] discussed the current status of the company and its progress. A number of questions were asked and extensive discussion ensued. ·Finance Committee report provided by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker

How to Write Meeting Minutes

Tips for Writing Meeting Minutes Do you want to be more efficient? Think about your meetings and the meeting notes that follow them: When our meetings aren't effective, we waste valuable time figuring out what we are trying to accomplish in them. When our meeting minutes aren't effective, we waste the time we spent in meetings. Without good meeting notes or minutes, we may not remember or recognize: ?What we decided in the meeting ?What we accomplished in the meeting ?What we agreed to in terms of next steps (action items) And when we can't remember the items above, we end up going in different directions and then meeting again for the same original purpose! (Definition: Notes and minutes are the same thing. Minutes are more formal and are often required by organizational bylaws.) To avoid wasting your time spent in meetings, be sure your notes and minutes answer these 10 questions: 1.When was the meeting? 2.Who attended? 3.Who did not attend? (Include this information if it matters.) 4.What topics were discussed? 5.What was decided? 6.What actions were agreed upon? 7.Who is to complete the actions, by when? 8.Were materials distributed at the meeting? If so, are copies or a link available? 9.Is there anything special the reader of the minutes should know or do? 10.I s a follow-up meeting scheduled? If so, when? where? why? Minutes need headings so that readers can skim for the information they need. Your template may include these: Topics Decisions Actions Agreed Upon Person responsible Deadline Next Meeting Date and Time

HND商务沟通会议2 Meeting Minutes (sample)

Minutes of the Group Meeting Held on Date/Time at 11:30 AM. Present at Meeting: Ms. XXX Ms. XX Mr. XXX Mr. XXX 1.Apologies: There were no apologies. 2.Minutes of the Last Meeting: Minutes of last meeting were read and approved as a correct record. 3.Matters Arising: There were no matters arising. 4.Introductions of Attended member: All the attendants are introduced to each other. 5.Topic 1: 5.1Topic1-1: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 5.2Topic1-2: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 6.Topic 2: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 7.Topic 3: 7.1Topic 3-1: XXXXXXX 7.2Topic 3-2: XXXXXXX 7.3Topic 3-3: XXXXXXX 7.4Topic 3-4: XXXXXXX 8.Topic 4: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 9.Any Other Business There was no other business 10.Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting was arranged for Date/Time, same venue.
