人教版高一Unit4 Earthquakes说课稿

人教版高一Unit4 Earthquakes说课稿
人教版高一Unit4 Earthquakes说课稿

Unit 4 Earthquakes说课稿




























According to the teaching aims, I divide the teaching procedures into 3steps, that is warming up and pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.


Task1:Give some pictures about Tangshan and earthquake .Get the ss to discuss in groups, encourage them to imagine bravely and describe the damage to these beautiful and calm buidings after the earthquake.

Task2: Discuss the 2 questions in pre-reading part and report their result to the whole class.




Scan the passge and do exx.1,2 by individual work and pair work. Meanwhile get the ss to find out the main idea of each paragrah.


Task2Careful and Study reading

①.Get the students to read again and Ask the Ss to try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph and then try to divid the whole passage into three parts. Para.1 Before the quake Para.2-3 While the quake Para.4 After the quake

②. Read the passage again and try to get more detailed information,then ask the Ss try to make a timeline about this passage..


Task3 Listening and reading aloud

Now that the ss have fully understood the whole passage, I will get them to listen to the tape and read it aloud to prepare for the next step: post-reading.

–reading(It includes 2tasks)

Task1 Writing

Get the ss to write a summry of this passage, using the useful expression and sentence patterns they have learnt in this unit.

Task2 discussing

I will ask the Ss to discuss in groups and to describe what they have leaned from this passage and the image of tangshan’sfuture in their own words.Then Suppose the earth begins to shake suddenly, what will do to protect yourself?


Finish off the reading task on workbook and preview the tasks in learning about language.And collect more information about how to protect ourselves in

1. Blackboard design: 1) Key words and sentences 2)Questions for reading 3) The main idea for each paragraph.



外研版高一英语必修一 Moduel 1Unit 1 My First Day at Senior High说课稿 一、教材分析 本课题是外研版高一英语必修1 Moduel 1的第一部分。本模块主要讨论的话题是开学第一天,其宗旨是让学生通过学习来了解我们的新学校,了解初、高中的不同。因此,作为模块1的第一部分,非常重要,不仅要能激发起学生的学习兴趣,更重要的是位后面的学习做好铺垫。所以,如何巧妙的引入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣同时掌握所学知识。 二、学情分析 刚刚入学的新生,对周围的事物充满了好奇,想要了解新学校的各方各面,正是培养学习兴趣和习惯的好时机,所以课堂要充分调动学生的积极性,感受学习英语的乐趣。 三、教学目标 依据课程标准要求、本节教材特点以及学生现有的认知水平,确定本课的教学目标为: 知识与技能目标1)学习掌握与学科相关的词汇并学会表达自己 的喜好。 2)培养学生的阅读能力,学习、应用如何在阅 读中寻找关键词。 过程与方法目标1)通过听、读、小游戏等活动学习词汇。

2)小组活动完成对课文的分析。 情感态度与价值观目标 通过这一课的学习,激发学习的积极性,克服部分同学学英语的畏难心理,为今后的学习打下好的基础。 教学重点、难点 依据课程标准要求和本节教材实际,并结合学生的实际,本节课一是要兴趣为主,二是开始学习阅读方法。由于初中对阅读方法的涉及不是很多,这一方面可能是刚开始接触,所以一定要把握好难易程度,这是本课的难点。 四、教学方法 由身边的事物开始,通过游戏的方式让每个学生参与进来,有话可说,培养学习兴趣和主动性。由分组讨论,激发动机,培养学生的学习积极性。 五、教学过程 导入:In your new school, you must see many new things. Please find out some new things in our classroom…… Introduction: 1)Say the names of your textbooks. 2)Game: work in pairs. Do 1) again as quickly as you can. 3)Group your textbooks. 4)Ask some students write their answers on the blackboard.


人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes教学案例 会昌中学胡赛君 一、教学设计 Teaching goals (教学目标) 1.skill goals (技能目标) Know basic knowledge about earthquakes(了解地震的基本知识) Know how to protect oneself and help others in disasters(了解如何自救与他救) 2. sensibility goals(情感目标) get the students to be aware of the terrible disasters ,meanwhile get them to face it ,treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.(使学生对灾难有正确的认识,要用积极的态度来对待它。) 3.Ability goals(能力目标) a.let the students collect the information from the internet by themselves.(独立搜集信息的能力) b.Let the students pack up the information by themselves.(独立整理信息的能力) c.Let the students design it for the purpose of showing in class.(设计制作课件的能力) d.feed them back to students in class ,using what they have don e.(课堂反馈与学生互动的能力) Teaching important points(教学重点) Let the students know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people(树立对于灾难的正确认识及面对灾难该如何应对) Teaching difficult point(教学难点) How to deal with the interaction between the students speakers and their classmates.(如何处理学生演讲者和同学之间的互动) Teaching procedures: Step 1: natural disaster Show the students some top disasters in the world, by Deng Yuge Team and Zhuang Jinmao Team. Step 2: famous earthquakes Show them some famous earthquakes in this century in the world, by Lin Chuyin Team and Deng Yuge Team. Step 3: Tangshan earthquake a.show them some pictures about Tangshan earthquake by Zhuang JinMao Team. b.Watch a video about Tangshan earthquake. Step 4: Signs before earthquakes 1.Given by Wu mengni Team in the form of pictures and words. 2.Given by Lin Chuyin Team in the form of filling blanks. Step 5: How to escape from the earthquake


Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is ( ) book______ 一、教材分析analysis of the teaching material 二、教学目标teaching aims and demands 三、教学重难点teaching keys and difficulties 四、教学方法teaching methods 五、教学工具teaching aids 六、教学过程teaching procedures 七、板书设计blackboard design 八、教学评价与反思 Now, let me talk about the teaching material first. 本课时所教的是外研社高一上学期使用的必修 2 mudule6。本模块介绍了----------------------------这节课学习的是listening and vocabulary 和speaking 部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时,要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关------------------------的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结的逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking 讨论了--------------------在这节课之前,学生学习了reading and vocabulary, 通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分------------------的词汇,本课由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对-------------------这一主题进行了延伸和拓展。 Therefore, on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of students growing of mind, I put forward the teaching objectives according to English syllabus and new lesson standard. I will talk about it from knowledge objects, ability objects and emotion objects: 知识目标:见教参 能力目标: 见教参 德育目标见教参 (1)----------------------------------------- (2)------------------------------------------ Next, according to the new teachingstand and the teaching content, I made out the key points and the difficult points of this lesson. (1)掌握重点词汇与短语,如---------------- (2)语法方面掌握-------------------------------以及一些有用的表达式和句子结构。 (3)加深学生对于文章的理解,发展学生听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步 应用英语进行交际的能力,侧重提高阅读能力。 Well, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods; I’ll talk about my teaching methods below. According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopt the TSA method in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.


Oral Presentation of the Teaching Plan for Module 1, SEFC Book 1 I. Teaching Material Analysis This is the first unit in SEFC Book 1, and the topic is “My First Day at Senior High”. One of the main characteristics of this teaching material is to stimulate students’ English learning interests and to develop students’ language ability, thinking ability. This text is a diary, in which Li Kang’s first day at his high school, his thoughts and feelings are all showed. After learning this diary, students can express their thoughts and feelings about their first day at senior high school. II. Teaching Objectives 1. Language Objectives (1) New words: embarrassed, amazing, enthusiastic, instruction. (2) New phrases: as…as, nothing like, look forward to. (3) Important sentence patterns: I’m looking forward to doing it. 2. Ability Objectives (1) Get Ss to express their first day at senior high.(express their own feelings and thoughts.) (2)Enable students to develop reading skills (skimming for the main idea of the text and scanning for specific information, summarizing information) 3. Moral Objectives (1) To e nhance student’s awareness of positive attitude towards the new knowledge of senior high. (2) To call for students’ attention to the different school life between junior high school and senior high school. III. Important Points and Difficult Points 1.Ss compare the difference between junior school and high school and know all the difference between junior school and high school. 2.Ss Learn different forms and phrases relatively of one word. 3.Ss know how to find the main idea of the passage quickly. 4.Master the usage of v-ing and v-ed.


Unit4 Earthquakes The First Period Leading in, Warming up & Pre-reading By Liu Xiaohua from Hongling Middle School 一、教学目标(Teaching aims) Student’s Book 1. 能力目标(ability aim) a . Let the students know something about the earthquakes. b . Enable the students to talk about what they should do in a disaster for themselves 2. 语言目标(language aim) a. Words and expressions imagine, shake, right away b. Important sentence What do you think may happen before an earthquake? 二、教学重难点(Teaching important points) Let the students know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what they should do in a disaster for themselves and for the other people. 三、教学方法(Teaching method) a. Discussing b. Talking c. Activities. 四、教具准备(Teaching Aids) Multi-media computer 五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure) StepⅠ. Lead-in: T: What’s the biggest sound you have heard in your life? ( the sound of the wind that blew in a winter night; the nose when planes take off; the sound of trains; the sound of th under…..) But did you once hear the sound that the heaven falls and the earth crack. In Chinese it is 天崩地裂? If there is a sound like this what is it? What will happen? Today we’ll learn something about earthquakes. Can you imagine how terrible it is? First let the students answer the following question. Which of the following may cause people the greatest damage? Earthquake, Typhoon, Flood, Drought Various answers are possible. Students should give reasons to support their answers. All of them are natural disasters, they have something in common, at the same time, they have many differences. Let the students know something about the earthquake. (slides) T: How does the earthquake occur? Then show the film to the students. ( film about the earthquake )


2019年外研版英语说课稿 说课也是教师资格证考试和教师招聘考试中必需的环节。如下就为大家收集了外研版英语说课稿,欢迎阅读! LadiesandGentlemen,It’smygreatpleasuretobeheresharingmylessonwithyou. Thecontentofmylessonis 《foreignlanguageteachingandresearchpress》 Book,.letmetalkaboutthislesssonasthefollowing: 一、教材分析:AnalysisoftheTeachingmaterial 二、教学目标:Teachingalmsanddemands: 三、教学重难点:Teachingkeysanddifficulties: 四、教学方法:Teachingmethods: 五、教学工具:Teachingaids: 六、教学过程:Teachingprocedures: 七、板书设计:BlackboardDesign. 八教学评价与反思 Now,letmetalkabouttheteachingmaterialfirst. 本课时所教的是外研社高一上学期使用的必修2Mudule6。本模块介绍了 ------------------------------------------------------------------这节课学习的是listeningandvocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时,要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关

----------------------------的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结的逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking讨论了 ------------------------------在这节课之前,学生学习了readingandvocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分 ------------------------的词汇,本课由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对 --------------------------------------这一主题进行延伸和拓展。 Therefore,onstudyingtheteachingmaterialandanalyzingtheregul ationofstudentsgrowingofmind,Iputforwardtheteachingobjectiv esaccordingtoEnglishsyllabusandnewlessonstandard.Iwilltalka boutitfromKnowledgeobjects,Abilityobjectsandemotionobjects: 知识目标:见教参 能力目标:见教参 德育目标见教参 (1)----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------


高中英语说课稿 Good #, teachers and judges. I'm candidate, NO.#. I'm honored to be here to share my teaching design with you. Today my topic is #. I'm going to interpret my teaching design from six aspects: analysis of teaching material, the teaching aims, important and difficult points, the teaching methods, the teaching procedure, and blackboard design. Now, I'll start with analysis of teaching material. This passage comes from New Senior English for China Student's Book #, Unit #. The topic is about #. By studying this passage, we'll enable students to master the skills of reading, and to lay the foundation for the whole unit. Then, the teaching aims. According

to the analysis of teaching material, the teaching aims can be achieved as follow. First, knowledge aims. Get students to understand the content of the passage, and the important words and expressions, such as #. Second, ability aims. Improve students' reading ability, and guide students to apply the key words and expressions into speaking and writing. Third, emotional aims. Broaden students' international view and raise their interest in English learning. Next, the important and difficult points. The important points. Get students to master the usage of the important words and expressions, and help students understand some key sentences in the passage, for example #.


外研版高中英语必修二Module Two No Drugs 说课稿Period 3___Listening and Speaking 一.说教材 1.教材简析: 本单元的中心话题是“远离毒品”,谈论有关吸毒,吸烟及其危害的话题,教育学生养成良好生活习惯,培养学生关爱社会、关爱他人的情感价值观,并了解我国和一些国家中通过公益服务帮助沾染坏习惯的弱势群体的情况。 这是在阅读课的基础上所开展的一堂听说课。本课主题是围绕“远离毒品,珍爱生命”(No Drugs Enjoy a Healthy Life)而设计展开的。 2.教学目标: 新教学目标指出学习英语要通过任务活动来完成,要从英语 学科特点出发,激发学生兴趣,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心,克服学习中产生的畏惧心理和困难,结合语言的文化教育,掌握语言基本知识和技能。 A.知识目标: 掌握词汇,如activity break the law burglary connection crime criminal illegal shoplifting shopping center treatment B.能力目标: 发展学生听、说、写的基本技能,提高学生运用英语进

行交际的能力,侧重提高听的能力。 C.情感、态度与价值观: 通过对本课的学习,使学生更多的了解毒品及其危害,呼吁人们立即停止吸烟吸毒,以便养成良好的生活习惯 3.教学重点: (1)掌握本课所学词汇并能熟练运用。 (2)学生听说能力的培养。 (3)深刻认识戒烟、戒毒的重要性。 4.教学难点: (1)如何学会提取、筛选所听重要信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中。(2)激发学生参与课堂活动的积极性。 二.学生情况分析: 本单元的设计与实施是建立在学生经过高一上半学期的新教材学习基础之上。学生已初步适应了在活动与任务中学习英语以及处理语言知识。并且他们也亦应形成并培养了一定的小组学习和自主学习的能力。 三.说教法: “新课标”强调课程要从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发采用体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极地情感态度、主动思维、大胆实践和形成自主学习能了的过程。结合我班学生的实际情况,我将在教学中采用多媒体辅助教学,任务


高中英语(人教版)必修一第四单元教案 Unit 4 Earthquake 一.教学内容分析 本单元话题为"地震",主要描写了1976年唐山大地震,各项语言活动也都是围绕地震展开。本单元共分八个部分。 Warming-up 部分通过两张图片引出话题"一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害",为后面的主题作了一个热身运动。 Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过套乱,参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。Reading 部分具体描写了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者详细描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地;震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。Comprehending 部分包括三组练习,主要目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解Reading部分的文章。 Learning about Language 部分分为两个部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures.第一部分要求学生在把握文章的基础上,掌握重点词汇的词义及时用,这更注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。其次还对一些复杂的数字读法进行了检测。第二部分则结合文章学习定语从句。 Using Language 部分分为Reading,Writing and Speaking;Listening和Writing。Reading,Speaking 包括读一篇邀请函,写一份演讲稿和关于一套新唐山邮票的Little talk。Listening 部分讲述了一位地震幸存者的故事,并根据听力材料进行正误判


Unit 1 Friendship说课稿 各位老师: 大家好! 我是XX号考生XX,来自XX。我今天所说的课题是高中一年级英语上册第1单元friendship. 我说课的内容包括五部分,包括教材分析,学生分析,教 1.教材内容分析 今天我说课的内容是高一英语必修1第一单元friendship的reading部分的学习,本单元的中心话题是friendship,本话题对学生来说比较熟悉,让学生能在与之相关的听说读写活动中有话可说、有情可表。课文是犹太女孩安妮的一篇日记,描述了自己对大自然的渴望,比较抽象。课文内容难易适中,学生学习起来难度不大。高一的学生刚入学不久,渴望与同学之间的了解、沟通,建立新的友谊。作为教师引导他们建立正确的交友观显得十分重要,因此学习这篇文章意义重大。 2、教学目标分析 新课标提出了立体三维教学目标,本课我设计的教学目标如下: 1)知识目标: 熟悉本课的一些新单词和短语—outdoors, spellbound, entirely, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, face to face, in order to,etc,语法方面掌握直接引语和间接引语的用法及其之间的转换,以及他们的陈述句与疑问句形式。 2)能力目标: 训练学生的阅读技巧(略读、寻读等),形成用英语获取信息、处理分析信息的能力。并鼓励学生开口说英语。 3)情感态度目标: ①通过讨论友谊激发学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣; ②使学生了解友谊的深层内涵,帮助他们树立正确的价值观和处事原则; ③通过对课文学习的小组讨论等形式,帮助学生养成团结、协作的品质。 3、教学重点、难点: 1)教学重点:①让学生熟悉与本话题相关的一些重点单词、短语。 ②提高学生的阅读能力,掌握多种阅读方法,如寻读,精读,理解等。 2)教学难点:对阅读中所获取的信息进行加工学习,形成有效的学习策略。鼓励学生开口说英语。 二、学生分析


新人教一unit4earthquakes单元测试 第二部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项。21.—Ifyouareinterested,I’llbringyouthebooktomorrow. —_____.Itcouldn’tbebetter. A.Noproblem B.Thankyou C.That’sright D.Don’tmentionit 22.Thecrazyyoungman_____hisfisttoshowhisgreatanger. A.made B.picked C.shook D.took 23.Heisoneofthemostexcellentstudentsinourclass,andhealways_____himsel finhisstudies. A.buries B.hides C.covers D.leaves 24.Atthesightofthe_____scene,hewasalmost_____todeath. A.frightening;frightened B.frightened;frightened C.frightening;frightening D.frightened;frightening 25.Youcancongratulateyourself_____havingdoneanexcellentjob. A.at B.on C.for D.in 26.Theyoungmandoveintothecoldwaterto_____thedrowningboy.Everyonewaspr oudofhim. A.rescue B.take C.carry D.serve 27.Inthatterribleearthquake,_____whowerekilledwasmorethan20,000. A.anumberofpeople B.thenumberofpeople C.manypeople D.alargenumberpeople 28._____seemedasifnobodyknewanythingaboutthematter. A.This B.That C.It D.One 29.Thepolice_____thethiefintoasituationwherehecouldnotescape. A.caught B.trapped C.led D.brought 30.Yearsoffightinghasleftthearea_____. A.infear B.insilence C.inpeace D.inruins 31.Theheatinthedesertis_____,sotherearefewplantsgrowingthere. A.hot B.huge C.serious D.extreme 32.It_____everybodytoheartheprettygirlsaidsuchrudewordstoherteacher. A.quaked B.shocked C.reminded D.impressed 33.Hereismyclassmate_____bicyclewaslostyesterday. A.his B.that C.whose D.which 34.Anything_____couldbefoundhasbeenusedtorepairthedamagedbridge. A.which B.that C.what D.不填 35.Thesenewweathersatellitescanfollowthe_____ofstorms.

人教版高中英语必修1U4 Earthquakes知识要点

Book One Unit 4 Earthquakes 1. right away毫不迟疑,立刻right now/at once/ in no time He is ill; you should call in the doctor right away. 2. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 世界似乎到了末日。 从句表示“(在某人)看来好像;似乎” ①It seems/looks/appears as if/though…看起来好像… ②Sb./Sth. looks as if/though…(不用seem/appear) ③There seems/appears(to be)…(不用look) There appears/seems to have been a mistake. =It appears/seems that there has been a mistake. 3. All hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。该句为部分否定。all, both, everyone, everybody, everything 以及every+名词都表示全部肯定;但当not 在它们之前或之后都表示部分否定。no one, none nobody, nothing, not…any, 以及no+名词都表示全部否定。如: ①Both of them haven’t read this story.并非他们二人都看过这个故事。 ②All of the boys are clever, but none of them can work out this problem. ③All bamboo doesn’t grow tall.=Not all bamboo grows tall. 4. at an end =finished结束,终止(常作表语) (1) Be patient, his speech will be at an end soon. (2) The war was finally at an end.


高一英语外研版必修book1and book2 说课稿 B1 M1 My first day at senior high 一教材内容 本模块介绍一位高中新生第一天到校观察和接触到的人和事物,以及个人感受,内容紧密结合学生的现实生活,通过此部分的学习,使学生们通过课本所描述的生活对比感知自己高一第一天的生活,激发学习兴趣。 二学生分析 学生刚进入高一学习,还不适应新的老师新的环境新的教学方法,更不适应高中全英语教学,很多学生存在胆怯害羞不敢开口的情况,所以老师上课时要通过问候,师生自我介绍等方式消除学生的害怕心理。 三教学重点难点 1掌握重点词汇|、词组、及句型结构 2比较一般现在时与现在进行时的用法 3描述学校的情况 四教学方法 任务型教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法、启发式教学法 五教学手段:多媒体教学 六教学步骤 Period 1 Introduction +listening +vocabulary Pictures –words---listen1----listen2---act out

更新时间:2012-05-19 20:36:00 说课稿 各位老师大家好,今天我说课的内容为外研社普通高中课程标准实验教学用书必修1,module3 My first ride on a train。我上的是一堂听说课。 一教材分析:: 1.新教材特点介绍: 高中必修阶段教材模块内容分为,Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Writing, Grammar, Function, Everyday English, Pronunciation, Culture Corner, Task and Module File, 听说读写,词汇,语法等基本成对出线,各项技能均为综合性训练,注重语境化和语用化。 从模块内容上看,第一增加了Function, Everyday English 和 Pronunciation,这三部分是与模块听力或阅读材料有关的常见和典型的英语习惯用语。可见本套教材更加注重在特定语境中的口语练习,而且难度相对不高。第二增加了单元任务,更加强调任务教学。 从模块内容分布上来看,与人教版教材的最大区别是将阅读部分提前到技能和语言项目学习的前面,即热身之后就开展阅读。而且值得注意的还有阅读篇幅明显缩短,文章难度明显下降。本套教材以阅读为中心向其他语言技能扩散,所有单元涉及的语言技能都与阅读密不可分。我认为本教材之所以这样编排是因为在听、说、读、写这四个环节中,学生对于读的技巧掌握最好,所以通过在热身之后就开展阅读,可以让学生对单...... 外研版高中英语必修1说课稿 module3 My first ride on a train


高中英语全英文说课稿 Lesson Plan Presentation Good morning, everyone! I’m glad to be here to give my lesson plan presentation. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is the reading part of Unit 4 Wildlife Protection in the book NSEFC BOOK1. Now I’ll explain my lesson plan from the following aspects——analysis of teaching material, learning condition, teaching objectives, important and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procure and blackboard design. Analysis of teaching material and learning condition First, let’s come to the analysis of teaching material. The reading material is entitled How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife. It talks about how Daisy learned the importance of wildlife protection through her communication with some animals in her dream. It is closely connected with this unit’s topic——the importance of wildlife protection. The passage is clearly organized by Daisy’s 3 trips in which she communicates with several endangered animals, and there are not so much new words in this passage Now let’s move on to the analysis of learning condition, students must be very familiar with the topic and
