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J I A N G S U U N I V E R S I T Y 本科毕业论文




姓名学号: XXX 3061702XXX

指导教师姓名: XXXXXX

指导教师职称: XXXXX

2013年6 月

A Metaphorical Approach to Understanding Ourselves as

English-as-a-Second-Language Student Teacher



Under the Supervision of


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

English Department

School of Foreign Languages

Jiangsu University

June 2010


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Signature: _________

Name: Luo Ying

Date: _June 4,2010_




2010年6 月4 日


The accomplishment of this paper benefits from the enlightenment of my supervisor, Mr. (Ms., Miss) XXXXX, whose inspiring insights, generous encouragement, and enthusiastic instruction have helped a lot through my thesis writing. I was totally moved by her patience, kindness, and continuous encouragement. She has been in constant concern about my paper, and has spared no efforts to revise my thesis draft. Here I extend my sincere thanks to XXXX from the depth of my heart.

I would also like to extend my cordial thanks to all my teachers, especially, XXXX. Thanks to all my teachers? instructive g uidance and comprehensive education during the four years? schooling, my English competence has been improving day by day.

My indebtedness also goes to the researchers who gave me precious ideas on my study, especially Lakoff and Johnson, whose ideas on metaphor enlightened my research. Moreover, my understanding of English teaching comes from Professor Gu, Palmer, Brown, Stern and so on. Thanks to all of them.

Finally, I am very grateful to the interviewees, XXXXX, whose participation and cooperation in this study have been of great importance. Thanks for their contribution to my interview.

Luo Y.


A Metaphorical Approach to Understanding Ourselves as

English-as-a-Second-Language Student Teacher


As a prevalent phenomenon, metaphor reveals the close correlation between language ………………………………...

The result of the study shows that the ESL student teachers who have just finished …………………………………..

Key words: metaphor; ESL student teacher; self-identification









ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... i ii 摘要 (iii)

Chapter One INTRODUCTION (1)


2.1 Metaphor (2)

2.1.1 Definition of Metaphor (2)

2.1.2 Systematicity of Metaphor (3)

2.2 Teachers? Self.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.2.1 Significance of Understanding Teachers? Self-identification错误!未定


2.2.2 Roles Played by Teachers ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3 Teachers? Identity as Metaphor ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。Chapter Three RESEARCH DESIGN.. (4)

3.1 Research Objective (4)

3.2 Research Subject (4)

3.3 Research Instrument (4)

3.3.1 Blank-filling (4)

3.3.2 Interview (4)

3.4 Method of Research (5)

3.4.1 Comparison (5)

3.4.2 Case Study (5)


4.1 Intellect-oriented V. S. Emotion-oriented (6)

4.2 ESL Student teachers? self as Performer......................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.3 ESL Student teachers? Self as Intimate ........................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.4 ESL Student teachers? Self as Sacrificer......................... 错误!未定义书签。Chapter Five CONCLUSION. (9)




Chapter One


Knowledge of teacher self serves as a fundamental element in teachers? development. …...

As an important cognitive model of human beings, metaphor has long been used to understand and interpret the world. The traditional theory of metaphor proposed by Aristotle, which indicates that metaphor is a kind of language and rhetoric phenomenon, is now regarded by some as an incomplete explanation and a deviation from our normal language. Lakoff & Johnson (1980) steps the notion further in their book Metaphors We Live By.The Lakoffian understanding of metaphor is broader than the traditional ones. It advocates that metaphor is “conceptual” and it is far beyond language level. Metaphor is something concerning human thinking and it is pervasive in our daily life. Therefore metaphor applies to many aspects in our life, even those mundane details.

Based on the theory of metaphor provided by Lakoff & Johnson (1980/2003), this study…...

Chapter Two



To achieve excellence as ESL teachers in the future, it is crucial to study the ESL student teachers? …..

2.1 Metaphor

Metaphor is our guide of action and it constructs our life. Metaphor can be seen as “a bridge, etymologically …carrying over? from one side to another and it links and comprises the known and the unknown, the tangible and the less tangible, the familiar and the new” (Lynne & Graham, 1999: 149). To understand metaphor, we should first come to know the definition of metaphor and the systematicity of it.

2.1.1 Definition of Metaphor

As …...

Black (1962: 37) defines metaphor as“cognitive instruments in a pre-cognitive context”. From his point of view, metaphors are not just a way of expressing ideas by means of language, but a way of thinking about things. However, he just deals with metaphor linguistically and in the mere sense of language.

The further improvement of the definition of metaphor is shown in the following two versions of definition that Lakoff & Johnson (1980/2003) provide in their book Metaphors We Live By:

The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of

another. (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980: 5)

Metaphors are the mapping relations between two independent conceptual domains: the source domain and the target domain. (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980: 117)

Having elevated the metaphors beyond the level of language to the level of human thinking, both of the definitions above are fundamentally conceptual. The first one reveals the essence and the basic function of conceptual metaphor. And the second one gives clearly the definition of metaphor by using the “mapping” concept. The two definitions are the most important claims of the Lakoffian School in cognitive linguistics.

Xu (2007: 55) points out that the Lakoffian understanding of metaphor was broader than the traditional ones. He believes that it not only relates metaphors to human cognition, highlighting their roles in human activities, but also makes “conceptual metaphor” a more complex conc ept of richer meaning.

Although different definitions were put forward in different times, the Lakoffian definition in cognitive perspective is broader and it embraces the roles metaphor plays in human activities. Therefore, to understand metaphor more clearly, this paper will use Lakoff and Johnson?s theory of metaphor to analyze the ESL student teachers? self.

2.1.2 Systematicity of Metaphor


Chapter Three


This chapter deals with the design of the research, including objectives, subjects, procedure and method of research. After analyzing the data collected, questions raised in the research objectives will be answered.

3.1 Research Objective

Based on the theory of metaphor in the cognitive perspective provided by Lakoff & Johnson, …..

3.2 Research Subject

The subject in this study consists of 197 students majoring in English Education. The ESL…..

3.3 Research Instrument

Two research instruments are adopted in this study. They are specified as follows:

3.3.1 Blank-filling

Each participant is required to fill in the blank: “When I am teaching at my best,

I am like a ______.”….

3.3.2 Interview

Conducting Interviews might also be a vital procedure in our research and it

serves as a supplement of the blank-filling task. Interviews are needed because sometimes …...

3.4 Method of Research

After all the answers of this specially designed blank-filling task are collected, I choose 167 valid answers from the 197 samples, and eliminate the rest 30 which are not metaphor judging from the definition of metaphor given by Lakoff & Johnson (1980) as stated above and some unclear answers which cannot be read. Generally speaking, we will apply the identification criteria provided by Lakoff & Johnson to this study.

3.4.1 Comparison


3.4.2 Case Study


Based on the research method mentioned above, the research results will be analyzed in the following chapter.

Chapter Four


According to the research method above, this chapter will set about dealing with the dat a, through case study and comparison between the ESL student teachers? self and the identity provided by ESL teachers? training books, aiming to answer the three questions posed in research subjects respectively.

4.1 Intellect-oriented V. S. Emotion-oriented

To understand the student teachers? self and further seek the best or excellent self or roles of….:

Table 1: Teachers? Roles by Different ESL T eachers? Training Books:

Table 21: Self-identification by ESL Student Teachers

1The items listed in Table 2 are the expressions appeared more than once in the particip ants? answers.


Chapter Five


This research aims to discover the self-identification of ESL student teachers. When analyzing …….

To sum up, the study of metaphor has exerted a long-run effect on the ESL student teachers? self. Diversified as the roles of ESL student teachers?, they should be both intellectual and emotional and be a perfect mix of them. Mere emotion or mere intellect can never lead to excellent language teaching. Only by emotion and intellect working together, can we achieve better language teaching.


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