Anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids from Cayaponia tayuya roots

Anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids from Cayaponia tayuya roots
Anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids from Cayaponia tayuya roots

Journal of Ethnopharmacology 121(2009)333–337

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Ethnopharmacological communication

Anti-in?ammatory activity of ?avonoids from Cayaponia tayuya roots

Silvia Aquila a ,b ,Rosa M.Giner a ,María C.Recio a ,Etile D.Spegazzini b ,JoséLuis Ríos a ,?

a Departament de Farmacologia,Facultat de Farmàcia,Universitat de València,Spain


Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas,Facultad de Ciencias Exactas,Universidad Nacional de La Plata,Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:

Received 13June 2008

Received in revised form 21October 2008Accepted 2November 2008

Available online 8November 2008Keywords:

Cayaponia tayuya Cucurbitaceae Flavonoids

Anti-in?ammatory activity RAW 264.7cells Cyclooxygenase

Nitric oxide synthase

a b s t r a c t

Ethnopharmacological relevance:Taiuiáor tayuya (Cayaponia tayuya ,Cucurbitaceae)is a climbing,lig-ni?ed plant with a large swollen root that has traditionally been used as an anti-in?ammatory and anti-rheumatic agent in the folk medicine of Brazil,Peru,and Colombia.

The aim of the study:We have assayed the pharmacological properties of a ?avonoid fraction obtained from the butanol extract of Cayaponia tayuya roots using two models of topical mouse ear oedema,paying special attention to its in?uence on the induction on pro-in?ammatory enzymes and peptidic mediators.Material and methods:The in vivo experiments involved both the acute oedema induced by a single appli-cation of TPA and the subchronic in?ammation brought on by repeated applications of TPA.The effects on the induction of pro-in?ammatory enzymes and peptidic mediators in RAW 264.7macrophages were analyzed with the aid of Western blot analysis.

Results:The extract was identi?ed as a mixture of ?avonoids in which vicenin-2,spinosin,isovitexin,and a mixture of swertisin and isoswertisin were found.In acute TPA-induced oedema in mouse ears,the ?avonoid-enriched fraction (at a dose of 0.5mg/ear)inhibited the oedema by 66%(4.2±0.6mg vs.12.3±1.4mg,P <0.01)while in the subchronic model,the inhibition reached 37%at a dose of 0.5mg/ear ×7applications (7.5±0.6mg vs.11.9±1.3mg,P <0.05).When assayed in vitro ,the ?avonoid showed no tox-icity at 33.45?g/mL on RAW 264.7macrophages.Although the nitric oxide production in these cells was moderately reduced (42%)at 33.45?g/mL,the ?avonoid-enriched fraction had no effect on TNF-?pro-duction.In addition,at 22.30?g/mL,the test sample inhibited both iNOS and COX-2expression by 98%and 49%,respectively.

Conclusion:These results indicate that the anti-in?ammatory activity of ?avonoids from tayuya roots most likely stems from their inhibition of the induction of the enzymes COX-2and iNOS.

?2008Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.


Taiuiáor tayuya (Cayaponia tayuya (Well.)Cogn.,Cucurbitaceae)is a climbing,ligni?ed plant with a large swollen root.It was ?rst recorded in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia as an of?cial herbal drug in 1929(Brand?o et al.,2008).This document mentions the syrup “Caroba composto”obtained from tayuya roots along with other natural extracts.It has been shown to possess diverse pharmacolog-ical properties,acting as an analgesic,diuretic,anti-in?ammatory,tonic,blood puri?er and detoxi?er,and has been used in folk

Abbreviations:COX,cyclooxygenase;IL-1?,interleukin-1?;LPS,lipopolysaccha-ride;MTT,3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide;NOS,nitric oxide synthase;TNF-?,tumour necrosis factor-?;TPA,12-O -tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate.

?Corresponding author at:Departament de Farmacología,Facultat de Farmàcia,Universitat de València,Av.Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n,46100Burjassot,Valencia,Spain.Tel.:+34963544973;fax:+34963544498.

E-mail (J.L.Ríos).medicine for treating various pathologies,including skin disorders,arthritis,and rheumatism.It is also commonly employed as a gen-eral analgesic for many conditions (Brand?o et al.,2008).Tayuya root is traditionally prepared in infusions with water,but can also be prepared by stirring 1or 2g of powdered root into juice,water,or food and taken in one cup doses two to three times daily (Taylor,2005).Ethnopharmacological studies on this root have entailed the oral administration of infusions of either the dried (10%)or fresh plant (20%)corresponding to 1or 2g/kg (Ruppelt et al.,1991),as well as assays on the activities of its chloroform (dose of extract equivalent to 2.5g of root per kg)and methanol (dose of extract equivalent to 1.0g of root per kg)extracts (Ríos et al.,1990).

In 1985,Bauer et al.identi?ed seven ?avonoids and seven cucur-bitacins from the roots of this plant while in 1990,Ríos et al.demonstrated the anti-in?ammatory activity of the chloroform and methanol extracts obtained from them.Several years later,these same researchers isolated the two major compounds from the chloroform extract,namely 23,24-dihydrocucurbitacin B and cucurbitacin R (Recio et al.,2004).Both compounds were assayed

0378-8741/$–see front matter ?2008Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jep.2008.11.002

334S.Aquila et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology 121(2009)333–337

and found to be anti-in?ammatory agents in various experimental types of in?ammation,including acute,chronic,systemic,topical,dermatological,and arthritic models.Their effects on the differ-ent mediators and enzymes implicated in in?ammation were also examined (Recio et al.,2004;Escandell et al.,2006,2007a,b ).

Because the effects of cucurbitacins present in the chloroform extract and tayuya roots have already been demonstrated,we chose to study the effects of the ?avonoids present in the butanol extract,which has previously been reported to possess anti-in?ammatory properties.This extract contains various cucurbitacins in glyco-sidic form;therefore,our ?rst task was to purify and separate the ?avonoids present in the extract.The ?avonoid-enriched fraction thus obtained was assayed in two experimental models of in?am-mation.Both the extract’s anti-in?ammatory effects and in?uence on the induction of pro-in?ammatory enzymes and peptidic medi-ators were analyzed and are presented herein.2.Materials and methods 2.1.Chemicals and biochemicals

All chemicals and biochemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St.Louis,MO,USA)or Panreac (Barcelona,Spain).Silica gel and solvents for mobile phases were purchased from Merck (Darm-stadt,Germany);polyamide was obtained from Macherey-Nagel (Düren,Germany).

2.2.Preparation of the ?avonoid-enriched fraction and identi?cation of major compounds

The powdered dry roots (100g)were exhaustively extracted with chloroform (500mL),yielding 5g of solid after evaporation.The marc was then extracted with methanol (500mL),yielding 29g of yellow residue after evaporation.The methanol extract was sus-pended in water and successively extracted with chloroform,ethyl acetate,and butanol (4g).The butanol extract was then subjected to both thin-layer chromatography (TLC:EtOAc-HCOOH-HOAc-H 2O,100:11:11:27;silica gel 60Merck)and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC:Column LiChrospher RP-18(5m)250-4(Merck)and;eluent CH 3CN-H 2O-HOAc (18:82:1);?ow rate:1.0mL/min;detection wavelength:340nm).Thus,for the present study,the butanol extract (2g)was dissolved in methanol and mixed with silica gel 60(0.2–0.5mm).The resulting mix-ture was dried and introduced into a column with silica gel 60(0.063–0.2mm,60cm ×3.5cm)which was then eluted with mix-tures of EtOAc-MeOH.From fractions 85–108eluted with a 90:10mixture we obtained a ?avonoid-enriched residue (276mg),which was used for this study and represents 13.9%of the total butanol extract.For its part,TLC on polyamide and silica gel 60indicated the presence of four compounds,which were identi?ed through com-parisons with TLC and HPLC (Fig.1)data reported previously by Bauer et al.(1985)as vicenin-2,spinosin,isovitexin and swertisin (Fig.2).However,TLC in polyamide showed that the last compound was actually a mixture of two similar compounds.To identify them unequivocally,20mg of the ?avonoid-enriched residue were puri-?ed with the aid of vacuum liquid chromatography (5cm ×4.3cm)on MN-polyamide SC 6(<0.07mm)eluted with a mixture of MeOH-H 2O (1:2).This led to a pure compound (fraction 13–23),which was identi?ed by means of 13C NMR and through comparisons with bibliographic data (Agrawal,1989)as swertisin (5mg,Fig.2).Isoswertisin (Fig.2)was identi?ed in the mixture with swertisin through comparisons with previously published 13C NMR data (Agrawal,1989).We then tested the ?avonoid-enriched fraction with the ?ve aforementioned compounds for anti-in?ammatory


Fig.1.HPLC separation of the ?avonoid-enriched fraction from Cayaponia tayuya roots.(1)vicenin-2(t r =2.05);(2)spinosin (t r =10.72);(3)isovitexin (t r =12.59),and (4)swerticin +isoswerticin (t r =14.35).Column LiChrospher RP-18(5?m)250-4(Merck);eluent CH 3CN-H 2O-HOAc (18:82:1);?ow rate:1.0mL/min;detection wavelength:340nm.t r =retention time (min).Ratios of each ?avonoid in the mix-ture are:13.5(1):4.1(2):1(3):3.7(4).


For in vivo experiments,groups of ?ve Swiss female mice weighing 25–30g (8weeks old)from Harlan Interfauna Iberica (Barcelona,Spain)were used.All animals were fed a standard diet ad libitum .Housing conditions and all in vivo experiments were approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the University of Valencia (Spain)in accordance with the guidelines established by the European Union on Animal Care (CEE Council 86/609).2.4.12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA)-induced ear oedema in mice

Oedema was induced through topical application of 2.5?g of TPA (Sigma-Aldrich).At the same time,the ?avonoid-enriched frac-tion (0.5mg/ear)and indomethacin (Sigma-Aldrich,0.5mg/ear)dissolved in acetone (Panreac)were also applied topically to the ears (20?L/ear,10?L in each side).After 4h,the mice were killed (cervical dislocation)and two ear punches from each animal


Fig.2.Flavonoids from Cayaponia tayuya roots.

S.Aquila et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology121(2009)333–337335

taken.The swelling was assessed in terms of the mean weight increase of each ear,while inhibition of the swelling was expressed as weight reduction in comparison to the control group treated with TPA only.Details of this protocol have been described by Giner et al.(2000).

2.5.Mouse ear in?ammation induced by multiple applications of TPA

In?ammation was induced through topical application of2?g of TPA dissolved in acetone(20?L)on days1,3,5,8and10to the inner and outer surfaces of each ear with the aid of a micropipette. The?avonoid-enriched fraction(0.5mg/ear,in acetone,20?L/ear, 10?L in each side,topically)was administered twice daily for four consecutive days(8,9,10and11)while dexamethasone(Sigma-Aldrich,0.025mg/ear,in acetone,20?L/ear,10?L in each side, topically)was applied only once a day in the morning for four con-secutive days.On the last day,the test sample was applied only in the morning.The blank group was given topical applications of ace-tone in the same regimen as described above and control group was treated with TPA only.The mice were then killed(cervical disloca-tion)and two ear punches from each animal were taken.Swelling was assessed in terms of the mean weight increase of each ear while inhibition of swelling was expressed as the weight reduction in comparison with the control group.Details of the protocol have been previously described by Giner et al.(2000).

2.6.Cell culture

Murine RAW264.7macrophages were cultured in Dulbecco’s modi?ed Eagle’s medium(DMEM)supplemented with10%foetal bovine serum,100IU/mL penicillin,and100?g/mL streptomycin, all from Invitrogen(Langley,OK,USA),in an incubator at37?C in a humidi?ed atmosphere of95%air and5%CO2.Macrophages were removed from the tissue culture?ask with the aid of a cell scraper. Cells were then cultured in dishes at a density of5×105cells/mL and,when sub-con?uent,the medium was substituted by DMEM supplemented with0.5%foetal bovine serum.The cells were then subjected to the treatment described below.


The cytotoxicity of the?avonoid-enriched fraction was mea-sured with the aid of Mosmann’s colorimetric assay(Mosmann, 1983).First,RAW264.7cells(5×105per mL)were exposed to the test fraction(?nal concentration44.6–0.5?g/mL;?nal volume 200?L)in a96-well microplate for24h.The culture medium was then eliminated and100?L per well of a0.5mg/mL solution of3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide(MTT, Sigma-Aldrich)were added.The microplates were then incu-bated at37?C until blue deposits were visible.The supernatant was eliminated and the coloured metabolite was dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide(Sigma-Aldrich,100?L per well).This reaction was performed in triplicate.Absorbance was measured at570nm with the aid of a Labsystems Multiskan MCC/340plate reader (Helsinki,Finland).

2.8.Nitric oxide production in RAW264.7macrophages

RAW264.7murine macrophages were cultured in DMEM medium containing100U/mL penicillin,100?g/mL streptomycin, and10%foetal bovine serum.Cells were removed from the tissue culture?ask with a cell scraper and resuspended until a?nal relation of5×105cells/mL in the culture medium was reached.Macrophages(RAW264.7)were then co-incubated in a96-well culture plate(200?L)with1?g/mL(?nal concentra-tion)of lipopolysaccharide(LPS,Sigma-Aldrich)at37?C for24h in the presence of the test fraction(0.5–44.6?g/mL),dexametha-sone(1.8?g/mL=5?M),or vehicle.The presence of nitrites was then determined in the culture supernatant with the aid of Griess reagent(Sigma-Aldrich).Nitrite production was assessed as the index of nitric oxide generation in the induction phase.

2.9.Western blot analysis

RAW264.7macrophages(1.5×106cells per well)were co-incubated in a6-well culture plate(1mL)with1?g/mL(?nal concentration)LPS at37?C for24h in the presence of the test frac-tion(22.30and33.45?g/mL),dexamethasone(1.8?g/mL=5?M), or vehicle(culture medium).Cellular lysates were obtained accord-ing to the methodology described by Escandell et al.(2007a).The membranes were incubated with anti-NOS-2(1:1000dilution)and anti-COX-2(1:2000dilution)polyclonal antibodies(Cayman,Ann Arbor,MI,USA).The blots were then washed and incubated with peroxidase-conjugate goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G(1:12000 dilution).The immunoreactive bands were visualized with a LAS 3000mini system(Fuji?lm,Tokyo,Japan).Western blot quanti?ca-tion was carried out with Multi Gauge software(Fuji?lm).

2.10.Determination of TNF-?production in RAW264.7 macrophages

RAW264.7cells(5×105cells/mL)were co-incubated in a96-well culture plate(200?L)with1?g/mL(?nal concentration)of LPS at37?C for24h in the presence of the?avonoid-enriched fraction at22.30and33.45?g/mL.The supernatants were then collected and assayed for TNF-?production with the aid of a spe-ci?c enzyme immunoassay from eBioscience(San Diego,CA,USA), used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Details of this protocol have been previously described by Escandell et al.(2007a).


For statistical evaluation,a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)was carried out followed by Dunnett’s t-test for multi-ple comparisons of unpaired data.In comparisons with the control group,values of P less than0.05were considered signi?cant.Inhibi-tion percentages(%I)were calculated from the differences between the drug-treated group and the control animal,which was treated with the in?ammatory agent only.For each group,n=5animals.

3.Results and discussion

A?avonoid-enriched fraction had previously been obtained from tayuya roots by Ríos et al.(1990),who identi?ed two com-pounds in the butanol fraction,namely vicenin-2and spinosin. These researchers went on to determine the in vivo toxicity of the different extracts as well as the anti-in?ammatory activity in a carrageenan-induced paw oedema assay of the extracts and two isolated?avonoids.The toxicity for the butanol extract was higher than2000mg/kg for both intraperitoneal and oral adminis-tration(Ríos et al.,1990).In the present study,we have examined a?avonoid-enriched fraction obtained from the anti-in?ammatory butanol extract and studied its pharmacological properties in two models of topical oedema:acute TPA-induced oedema and the sub-chronic in?ammation induced by repeated applications of TPA, both in mouse ears.This fraction represents13.8%of the total butanol extract,whereas the remaining fractions are complex mix-tures of?avonoids and cucurbitacin glycosides.

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Table 1

Effects of ?avonoid-enriched fraction from Cayaponia tayuya roots on mouse ear oedema induced by TPA.Acute ear oedema:effects of topically admin-istered ?avonoids and indomethacin at 0.5mg/ear.In?ammation induced by repeated application of TPA:effects of ?avonoid-enriched fraction (7×0.5mg/ear,2times/day)and dexamethasone (4×0.025mg/ear,1time/day)administered top-ically on days 8,9,10,and 11after challenge.Increase in ear weight in mg was calculated with respect to a group which received acetone only (blank).n =5animals.

Acute ear oedema Subchronic ear oedema W ±S.E.M.

%I W ±S.E.M.%I Control (TPA only)12.3±1.4–11.9±1.3–Flavonoid-enriched fraction

4.2±0.6**667.5±0.6*37Indomethacin (0.5mg/ear) 1.4±0.4**89–

–Dexamethasone (0.025mg/ear)



Statistically signi?cant difference with respect to the control group is expressed as **P <0.01,*P <0.05(Dunnett’s t -test).Percentages of inhibition were expressed as the reduction of increase in ear weight with respect to the control group.

The test sample,identi?ed as a mixture of the ?avonoids vicenin-2,spinosin,isovitexin,swertisin,and isoswertisin (Fig.2),was ?rst studied for its anti-in?ammatory properties.In the acute model,the ?avonoid-enriched fraction at 0.5mg/ear inhib-ited the TPA-induced mouse ear oedema by 66%(4.2±0.6mg vs.12.3±1.4mg,P <0.01)whereas in the subchronic model,the reduc-tion was about 37%(7.5±0.6mg vs.11.9±1.3mg,P <0.05)after 7applications of 0.5mg/ear (Table 1).When assayed in vitro ,the test fraction at 33.45?g/mL showed no toxicity against RAW 264.7macrophages.The nitrite production in these cells was moder-ately reduced (42%)at a test fraction concentration of 33.45?g/mL,but there was no effect on TNF-?production (data not shown).In addition,at a concentration of 22.30?g/mL the ?avonoid-enriched fraction inhibited iNOS and COX-2expression by 97%and 63%,respectively (Fig.3).

Different ?avonoids have been found to be anti-in?ammatory agents due to their ability to inhibit the arachidonic acid metabolism (Middleton et al.,2000;Chi et al.,2001;Havsteen,2002).In addition,some

?avones,such as apigenin,may inhibit NOS-2induction at the level of NOS-2gene transcription while concomitantly increasing endothelial NOS-3activity (Olszanecki et al .,2002).Recently,Bas et al.(2006,2007)demonstrated that the polymethoxy?avone demethylnobiletin exhibits anti-in?ammatory activity in which the inhibition of both nitric oxide production and the arachidonate metabolism is implicated,but

Fig.3.Inhibition of COX-2and iNOS expression by the ?avonoid-enriched fraction of tayuya roots in RAW 264.7macrophages as detected by Western blot analysis.Cells were stimulated with LPS and test fraction was used at 33.45and 22.30?g/mL,and the reference drug dexamethasone at 1.8?g/mL (5?M).Figures are representative at least of ?ve similar experiments performed with similar results.Optical density (O.D.)values represent (A–B)/mm 2,A =O.D.of problem,and B =O.D.of background.Percentage of inhibition (%I )is referred to the control group minus blank.

it has no noticeable effect on enzyme expression.In contrast,at 50?M (19.4?g/mL),the compound’s methyl derivative nobiletin has been found to suppress the expression of iNOS and COX-2by 52%and 42%,respectively (Murakami et al .,2003).In our study,the ?avone inhibited the induction of both enzymes in RAW 264.7,probably acting in the same fashion as the ?avones studied and cited above.Inhibition of COX-2and iNOS expression reduces the in?ammatory response caused by the application of TPA,which is known to induce the expression of both enzymes through the activation of protein kinase C (Lin,2007)in different tissues and pro-in?ammatory cells.

Pan et al.(2006)demonstrated that acacetin (4 -methylapigenin),a structurally related compound,has properties similar to those of swertisin (7-methylapigenin 6-C-glucoside),the major constituent of this mixture,and is able to inhibit the induction of NOS and COX-2in RAW 264.7cells activated with LPS.Moreover,they demonstrated that acacetin actively inhibited the transcriptional activation of iNOS and COX-2blocking protein as well as mRNA expression of both enzymes in these cells.Finally,they found that this ?avone reduces both the translocation of the nuclear factor-?B (NF-?B)subunit and the dependent tran-scriptional activity of NF-?B.The activation of NF-?B seems to be inhibited by preventing the degradation of inhibitor-?B (I ?B).

Taken together,these data lead to the hypothesis that ?avonoids from Cayaponia tayuya may exert their anti-in?ammatory activity through the inhibition of COX and NOS induction,but further stud-ies need to be performed to determine the precise mechanism of action.


This study was supported by grant SAF2006-06726(from the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and FEDER).Ms Aquila thanks the University of Valencia for the grant received (beca jóvenes investigadores de países en vías de desarrollo).References

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学习并掌握Activity生命周期,对从事Android开发(或者打算日后从事这方面的开发工作)的朋友来讲,是至关重要的。本文将用图解和实例的方式,向大家详细讲解Activity 生命周期的有关知识。 Activity有三个状态: 1.当它在屏幕前台时(位于当前任务堆栈的顶部),它是激活或运行状态。它就是响应用户操作的Activity。 2.当它上面有另外一个Activity,使它失去了焦点但仍然对用户可见时(如图),它处于暂停状态。在它之上的Activity没有完全覆盖屏幕,或者是透明的,被暂停的Activity仍然对用户可见,并且是存活状态(它保留着所有的状态和成员信息并保持和窗口管理器的连接)。如果系统处于内存不足时会杀死这个Activity。

3.当它完全被另一个Activity覆盖时则处于停止状态。它仍然保留所有的状态和成员信息。然而对用户是不可见的,所以它的窗口将被隐藏,如果其它地方需要内存,则系统经常会杀死这个Activity。 当Activity从一种状态转变到另一种状态时,会调用以下保护方法来通知这种变化: void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) void onStart()

void onRestart() void onResume() void onPause() void onStop() void onDestroy() 这七个方法定义了Activity的完整生命周期。实现这些方法可以帮助我们监视其中的三个嵌套生命周期循环: Activity的完整生命周期自第一次调用onCreate()开始,直至调用onDestroy()为止。Activity 在onCreate()中设置所有“全局”状态以完成初始化,而在onDestroy()中释放所有系统资源。例如,如果Activity有一个线程在后台运行从网络下载数据,它会在onCreate()创建线程,而在onDestroy()销毁线程。 Activity的可视生命周期自onStart()调用开始直到相应的onStop()调用结束。在此期间,用户可以在屏幕上看到Activity,尽管它也许并不是位于前台或者也不与用户进行交互。在这两个方法之间,我们可以保留用来向用户显示这个Activity所需的资源。例如,当用户不再看见我们显示的内容时,我们可以在onStart()中注册一个BroadcastReceiver来监控会影响UI的变化,而在onStop()中来注消。onStart() 和onStop() 方法可以随着应用程序是否为用户可见而被多次调用。 Activity的前台生命周期自onResume()调用起,至相应的onPause()调用为止。在此期间,Activity位于前台最上面并与用户进行交互。Activity会经常在暂停和恢复之间进行状态转换——例如当设备转入休眠状态或者有新的Activity启动时,将调用onPause() 方法。当


page的用法总结大全 page这个单词你知道是什么意思吗?page的用法是怎样的呢,快来了解一下吧,今天小编给大家带来了page的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 page的意思 n. 页,(计算机的)页面,年史, vt. 标记…的页数,翻页,喊出名字以寻找,(在公共传呼系统上)呼叫 vi. 翻书页,浏览 变形:过去式: paged; 现在分词:paging; page用法 page可以用作名词 page的基本意思是“页”,指书刊、杂志等的一页或报纸等的一版,也可指纸的一张,还可指报纸的“专页”。 page也可指可写入书中的历史事件或时期。 page用作动词的意思是“标记…的页数”或“翻页”。 page用作名词的用法例句 There are several faults in the page of figures.那一页的数字中有几个差错。 Open your German readers at page 28.把德语课本翻到第28页。 The page number is shown at the foot of the page.在页脚处可以看到页码。 page可以用作动词 page用作动词的意思是“标记…的页数”或“翻页”。 page也可作“呼叫…”解,指在公共场所通过扩音器呼喊找人。 page是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 page用作动词的用法例句 When the book is ready for printing,someone has to page it up.书在付印前,必须有人排好页码。 He tore the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page.他匆忙翻页的时候,把杂志都撕坏了。 Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page.她读得出神,每次翻页就不自觉地舔一下食指。


实验二Activity组件的生命周期 一、实验目的 1.了解Activity组件的生命周期; 2.了解Activity组件的运行状态; 3.掌握Activity事件回调函数的作用和调用关系。 二、Activity相关知识 Activity是Android组件中最基本也是最为常见用的四大组件之一(Activity,Service服务,Content Provider内容提供者,BroadcastReceiver广播接收器)。Activity中所有操作都与用户密切相关,是一个负责与用户交互的组件,可以通过setContentView(View)来显示指定控件。在一个android应用中,一个Activity 通常就是一个单独的屏幕,它上面可以显示一些控件也可以监听并处理用户的事件做出响应。Activity之间通过Intent进行通信。 在android 中,Activity 拥有四种基本状态: 1、Active/Runing 一个新Activity 启动入栈后,它显示在屏幕最前端,处理是处于栈的最顶端(Activity栈顶),此时它处于可见并可和用户交互的激活状态,叫做活动状态或者运行状态(active or running)。 2、Paused 当Activity失去焦点,被一个新的非全屏的Activity 或者一个透明的Activity 被放置在栈顶,此时的状态叫做暂停状态(Paused)。此时它依然与窗口管理器保持连接,Activity依然保持活力(保持所有的状态,成员信息,和窗口管理器保持连接),但是在系统内存极端低下的时候将被强行终止掉。所以它仍然可见,但已经失去了焦点故不可与用户进行交互。 3、Stoped 如果一个Activity被另外的Activity完全覆盖掉,叫做停止状态(Stopped)。它依然保持所有状态和成员信息,但是它不再可见,所以它的窗口被隐藏,当系统内存需要被用在其他地方的时候,Stopped的Activity将被强行终止掉。 4、Killed 如果一个Activity是Paused或者Stopped状态,系统可以将该Activity从内存中删除,Android系统采用两种方式进行删除,要么要求该Activity结束,要么直接终止它的进程。当该Activity再次显示给用户时,它必须重新开始和重置前面的状态。 状态转换 当一个Activity 实例被创建、销毁或者启动另外一个Activity 时,它在这四种状态之间进行转换,这种转换的发生依赖于用户程序的动作。图2.1说明了Activity 在不同状态间转换的时机和条件: 9


如何使用网络分析仪 德力网络分析仪NA7682A NA7682A矢量网络分析仪吸取了前几代和国内外各款网络分析仪使用的经验,结合了最新国际仪器发展的技术和态势,是Deviser德力仪器最新推出的第四代矢量网络分析仪,作为国内主流的网络分析仪,下面介绍网络分析仪的使用技巧如下。 频率范围从100kHz到8.5GHz频段,为无线通信、广播电视、汽车电子、半导体和医疗器件等行业射频器件、组件的研发和生产的使用提供了高效、灵活的测试手段,进入了民品、工业、科研教育和军工等领域。其主要的特点是和主流网络分析仪是德的E507X系列指标和指令上做到兼容,在客户使用的性价比上非常优秀的选择。 在射频器件、基站天线、手机天线、GPS天线等、通信系统模块分析等领域成功的测试经验使越来越多的客户开始使用这款网络分析仪,在低频、800/900M、1800/1900M、2100M、5G/5.8G等的产品频率使用领域内广泛使用。 深圳市良源通科技有限公司专业服务和销售射频和通信仪表多年,是德力仪器国内最重要的合作伙伴和一级代理商,结合自己多年的技术积累和客户使用的配合测试,得到丰富经验。在仪器的售前和售后服务上面具有自己的优势。提供大量仪器试用和使用方案的设计,给客户在设备开发、产品研制和批量生产上都提供方便和最有优势的选择。 产品特点: 1、12.1英寸1280*800 TFT触摸屏 2、频率覆盖范围: 100 kHz 至 8.5 GHz 3、阻抗:50Ω 4、动态范围: >125 dB (比E5071C宽7-12dB) 5、极低的迹线噪声: <0.005 dBrms (在 3 kHz IFBW) 6、快速的测量速度: 80usec/点 7、分析和误差修正和校准功能 8、通过USB、LAN 和 GPIB 接口进行系统互联 9、时域分析(选件):时域传输、反射特性分析;距离上的故障定位。 10、数据变换:涉及多种形式的阻抗、导纳变换。 11、滤波器分析:自动分析出:插损、3dB带宽、6dB带宽、带内纹波、带外抑制、Q值、矩形系数

实验6 深入理解Activity

实验6深入理解Activity 一、实验目的 1、掌握Activity的开发、配置和使用。 2、了解Activity的生命周期。 二、实验步骤 1、使用Bundle在Activity之间交换数据,运行的效果如下所示。 图1 第1个Actvity界面图2 通过第1个Actvity启动第2个Activity 要求与注意事项: 1、Activity01.java源代码所对应的布局文件main.xml文件,请参考图1自己编写。 2、OtherActivity.java源代码所对应的布局文件other.xml文件,请参考图2自己编写。 3、注意在AndroidManifest.xml文件中配置两个Activity。 第一个Activity的代码,即,请补充所缺代码,给代码添加注释。 package com.whq; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View;

import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; public class Activity01 extends Activity { private Button myButton = null; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(,yout.main); myButton = (Button) findViewById(; myButton.setOnClickListener(new MyButtonListener()); } class MyButtonListener implements OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // 生成一个Intent对象 Intent intent = new Intent(Activity01.this,OtherActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } } } 第2个Activity的代码 package com.whq; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TextView; public class OtherActivity extends Activity{ private TextView myTextView = null; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(,yout.other); //取得从上一个Activity当中传递过来的Intent对象 Intent intent = getIntent(); //从Intent当中根据key取得value String value = intent.getStringExtra("testIntent"); //根据控件的ID得到响应的控件对象 myTextView = (TextView)findViewById(; //为控件设置Text值


Seated的用法小结 seated是一个比较特别的过去分词,说它特殊一是因为它的词性尚有不确定性——它有时是过去分词,有时又具有形容词的性质,像是一个形容词;二是因为这样一个很少引人注意的过去分词,在近几年的高考英语考题中经常“露脸”,一下子变成了一个热点词汇。下面我们先来看几道高考题: 1. Please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop. (山东卷) A. to seat B. to be seated C. seating D. seated 2. Please remain __________; the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (辽宁卷) A. seating B. seated C. to seat D. to be seated 3. Can those _________ at the back of the classroom hear me? (福建卷) A. seat B. sit C. seated D. sat 对于seated的用法,首先要从动词seat说起。 同学们可能只知道seat的名词用法,即只知道它表示“座位”。 其实,seat还可用作动词,且是一个典型的及物动词,其意为“给某人座位”“让人坐”或“能容纳……”句式:sb be seated 或seat sb / oneself 。 如: Seat the boy next to his brother. 让那个孩子坐在他哥哥旁边。 We can seat 300 in the auditorium. 我们这个礼堂可容纳300人。


Android生命周期详解 在Android 中,多数情况下每个程序都是在各自独立的Linux 进程中运行的。当一个程序或其某些部分被请求时,它的进程就“出生”了;当这个程序没有必要再运行下去且系统需要回收这个进程的内存用于其他程序时,这个进程就“死亡”了。可以看出,Android 程序的生命周期是由系统控制而非程序自身直接控制。这和我们编写桌面应用程序时的思维有一些不同,一个桌面应用程序的进程也是在其他进程或用户请求时被创建,但是往往是在程序自身收到关闭请求后执行一个特定的动作(比如从main 函数中return)而导致进程结束的。要想做好某种类型的程序或者某种平台下的程序的开发,最关键的就是要弄清楚这种类型的程序或整个平台下的程序的一般工作模式并熟记在心。在Android 中,程序的生命周期控制就是属于这个范畴——我的个人理解:) 在Android 系统中,当某个activity调用startActivity(myIntent) 时,系统会在所有已经安装的程序中寻找其intent filter 和myIntent 最匹配的一个activity,启动这个进程,并把这个intent 通知给这个activity。这就是一个程序的“生”。比如我们在Home application 中选择“Web browser”,系统会根据这个intent 找到并启动Web browser 程序,显示Web browser 的一个activity 供我们浏览网页(这个启动过程有点类似我们在在个人电脑上双击桌面上的一个图标,启动某个应用程序)。在Android 中,所有的应用程序“生来就是平等的”,所以不光Android 的核心程序甚至第三方程序也可以发出一个intent 来启动另外一个程序中的一个activity。Android 的这种设计非常有利于“程序部件”的重用。


1测控系统简介 本测控系统专为拉力机、压力机、电子万能材料试验机而研制。适用于测定各种材料在拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切、撕裂、剥离、穿刺等状态下的力学性能及有关物理参数。可做拉伸、压缩、三点抗弯、四点抗弯、剪切、撕裂、剥离、成品鞋穿刺、纸箱持压、泡棉循环压缩、弹簧拉压及各种动静态循环测试。 1.1主要功能特性 1. 硬件 主控制器采用21世纪最先进的32位ARM处理器, 处理速度达到奔腾级通用计算机的水平,相比传统的8位单片机测控系统整体性能大大提高,运算速度更快,控制精度更高. 数据采集核心器件采用美国最新型超高精度24位AD,采样速率可达2000次/秒,可捕捉到力量的瞬间变化过程,全程不分档分辨力最高达500000分度。并采用独创的6点校准技术进一步提高精度,力量测量精度优于国家0.5级(最高级)标准。 位移编码器计数采用4倍频技术,使位移分辨力提高4倍,最高可达0.0005mm。 脉冲和电压两种输出控制方式,可控制具有脉冲或电压控制接口的任意伺服马达、变频马达或直流马达实现平滑无级调速,另还有上升、下降及停止等开关量信号输出可用于直接驱动外部继电器或电磁阀,可用于控制直流电机或气动、液压等动力装置。 先进的速度、位移、力量三闭环技术,可以实现精确的任意波形控制。 丰富的接口扩展能力:多达4路24位模拟量输入,3路16位模拟量输出,3路脉冲输出,3路AB相光电编码器输入,9路开关量输入,8路开关量输出,1路USB接口,1路RS232接口,1路RS485接口,4种LCD接口,1个并口微型打印机接口,1个串口微型打印机接口,1个8×4矩阵键盘接口。 所有输入输出接口均采用高速光电隔离技术,具备强大的抗干扰能力。 2. 软件 Windows标准风格,层次分明的操作方式加上详尽的帮助文档和提示使之成为目前试验机行业最简单易用的软件,您的调试和软件培训效率将显著提高。 采用多线程并行处理技术,测试过程中实时同时显示力量-位移、力量-时间、位移-时间、应力-应变等曲线,可随意切换到想看的曲线画面,并可查看用户设置等。 标准化的测试过程控制和报表输出模版,使可以定义任意多个测试标准供用户调用,范围涵盖GB、ASTM、DIN、JIS、BS…等几乎所有测试标准。灵活强大的测试方法自定义方式,具备定速速、定位移、定力量、定力量速率、定应力、定应力速率、定应变、定应变速率等各种控制模式,可实现复杂的多步嵌套循环控制.可设置自动返回、自动判断断裂、自动归零等功能。 强大的数据分析统计和曲线图形分析辅助工具,具备放大、缩小、平移、十字光标、取点等功能。多次历史测试数据可调入图形同时显示做对比分析。多达7个区间设置、40个手动取点、120个自动取点功能。具备最大值、最小值、平均值、去高低平均值、中位数、标准差、总体标准差、CPK值等多种统计功能。 完全开放的测试结果编辑方法,用户可得到任何想要的测试结果。最大力、断裂力、剥离力、拉伸强度、剪切强度、撕裂强度、最大变形、屈服力、伸长率、弹性模量、环刚度、非比例延伸率、区间最小力、区间平均力、定伸长取力、定力量取伸长等多达400多个计算结果均由计算机自动算出,供用户选择调用。 业界创新的Microsoft Word报表格式,简单易用,只要您会使用Word,就可编辑出您想要的精美报表。 权限管理系统使您可以锁定软件的任意功能模块,将软件操作分为多个权限级别,没被授权的操作人员无法触及没被授权的模块,软件操作更加安全可靠。 全数字化的校准系统,校准过程简单高效,校准数据上下位机双重保护。 功能强大的单位系统,可以适应世界上任何单位制,如力值单位有gf、kgf、N、kN、tf、lbf、ozf、tf(SI)、tf (long)、tf(short)等供选择,更可扩展任意多种单位。 更多重的保护机制:力量、行程、位移超量程保护设定,上下限位行程开关硬件保护设定。 测试数据管理简单直观高效:单次测试数据以Windows标准的文档形式存储,自由设置储存路径和文件名。避免了传统测控软件以数据库格式储存测试数据时数据库文件会越来越大而导致软件运行越来越慢的缺点。只要您的硬盘足够大,测试数据可以无限量保存。 所有操作均具有快捷键,并可连接外部手动控制盒,可外接快上、快下、中上、中下、慢上、慢下、置零、回位、测试、暂停、结束等全部常用按健. 多国语言一键切换:简体中文、繁体中文、英文,十国语言版更有日文、韩文、俄文、德语、法语、西班牙文、葡萄牙文等即将推出。 绿色软件,无需安装,直接拷贝到计算机即可使用(需先安装串口驱动),维护升级更加简单。


Activity生命周期解说 二、事件方法链 2.1进入Activity onCreate -> onStart -> onResume 2.2BACK键 onPause->onStop->onDestroy 2.3HOME键 Home键退出:onPause->onStop Home键回来:onRestart -> onStart->onResume 2.4休眠/恢复 休眠:onPause

恢复:onResume 2.5旋转屏幕 未设置android:configChanges: onPause -> onStop -> onDestory -> onCreate -> onStart -> onResume 设置了android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden": 不会触发生命周期方法,参见文章这里。 2.6来电 来电,显示来电界面: onPause -> onStop 关闭电话界面,重新回到当前Activity: onRestart -> onStart->onResume 2.7其他Activity 进入下一个Activity: onPause -> onStop 从其他Activity返回至当前Acitivity: onRestart -> onStart->onResume 三、与Activity生命周期结合的应用场景 3.1与广播(Broadcast)结合 在onResume注册广播(registerLinstener),在onPause注销广播(unregisterLinstener)。例如: 做"摇一摇"功能(传感器)、监听网络变化,就可以在onResume中注册监听,在onPause里注销掉,已节省资源提高效率。 3.2与服务(Service)结合 在onStart绑定服务(bindService),在onStop中取消绑定(unbindService)。例如:


confident的详细用法总结大全 你知道confident的用法吗?快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 confident的用法总结大全 confident的意思 adj. 确信的,深信的;有信心的,沉着的;大胆的,过分自信的;厚颜无耻的 n. 知己;心腹朋友; confident的用法 用作形容词(adj.) 用作定语 ~+n. We need a confident leader to overcome these difficulties. 我们需要一个有信心的领导者来克服这些困难。 He noticed her confident smile.

他注意到她充满自信的微笑。 用作表语 S+be+~+prep.-phrase I feel confident about the future of rock-and-roll music in China. 我对摇滚乐在中国的前景充满信心。 I am confident in him. 我对他充满信心。 He is confident in his ability to achieve success. 他坚信自己有能力取得成功。 We are confident in saying that the new record will be broken soon. 我们充满信心地说新的纪录很快会被打破。 S+be+~+that-clause I feel confident that we will win. 我确信我们将胜利。 confident的用法例句

1. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges. 他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。 2. She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman. 如今她已经变成一个快乐、自信的女人。 3. If there has to be a replay we are confident of victory. 如果重新比赛,我们有信心取得胜利。 4. Management is confident about the way business is progressing. 管理层对业务发展的态势充满信心。 5. Hes very forward and confident and chats happily to other people. 他很自以为是,喜欢和别人攀谈。 6. Police say they are confident of catching the gunman. 警方说他们有信心抓住那个持枪歹徒。 on holiday 还是on holidays


Android开发历程_3(Activity生命周期) Activity中有7个与生命周期有关的函数。其中onCreated()是activity第一次被启动时执行的,主要是初始化一些变量,onRestart()是当前activity重新被启动时调用的;绑定一些监听器等;onStart()是activity界面被显示出来的时候执行的;onResume()是当该activity与用户能进行交互时被执行;onPause()是另一个activity被启动,当前的activity就被暂停了,一般在该函数中执行保存当前的数据;onStop()表示另一个activity被启动完成时,当前activity对用户同时又完全不可见时才调用的;onDestroy()是退出当前activity时调用的,当然如果程序中调用finish()或者说android系统当前资源不够用时就会被调用。 当用多个activity在执行时,这时候android系统会自动将这些activity压入栈中并且总是显示最顶的那个activity,这个栈在android叫做task,但是这个栈只支持压入和弹出操作,不支持排序插入等操作。 Activity的7个生命周期函数中的onStop()函数被调用时是在其对应的activity被另外的activity完全遮挡的时候,如果只有部分遮挡,则不会被调用。部分遮挡一般是以消息activtiy的形式出现,这个只需在AndroidManifest.xml中将其对于的activity的主题设置theme中更改即可。 这7个周期函数,当系统资源不够时,其中onPause(),onStop(),onDestroy()是有可能被系统kill掉的,但其它4个是不会被kill掉。 参考资料为mars老师的资料。 官方给出关于这7个生命周期的图如下:


语法格式: site : 网址关键词 或者关键词site : 网址 注意事项: 1、site:后边跟的冒号必须是英文的“:”,中文的全角冒号“:”无用 2、url前不能带http:// 3、url后边不能带斜杠“/”,其实是哪里都不能带/ 4、url中不要用www,除非你有特别目的,用www会导致错过网站内的内容,因为很多网站的频道是没有www的,也就是二级域名。 其他说明: 1、关键词既可以在“site:”前,也可以在“site:”后,搜索结果是一样的,但是不管谁前谁后,关键词和“site:”之间必须空一格。 2、对于“site:”搜索,关键词一样可以是多个,多个关键词之间以空格隔开。 3、支持与其他复杂搜索语法混用,各语法和关键词之间空一格 4、除了网站,还可以搜索网站的频道,但仅限于不用“/”的。 5、一个网站可能有多种语言,所以选择“搜索所有网站”和“搜索中文(简体)网页”是有差别的 当然,如果指定的网站只有一种语言,怎么选择就都一样了 用途: 1、可用于限制网站类型,学术资料在edu、org中会更精练,政府相关的在gov中也许更容易找。 2、用了edu、org、net、gov之类的域名后缀,并不会搜索所有含这个后缀的网站。只会搜索以这个后缀结尾的网站,带cn、us、si等各国家和地区域名后缀的、,、 等是不搜的,所以你要另外搜 3、搜索某种语言或某个关键词在指定国家的网站。 4、有的网站没有提供站内搜索,或者它的信息结构混乱,内容又多,不好找东西,那么可以用“site:”对这个网站进行检索。 google的“site:”功能比多数网站自己的站内检索还要好用,如果你查的不是动态数据库,而且对时效性要求不高的话。 5、搜索不欢迎你搜索和免费使用的网站、数据库的部分内容。 6、用“site:”搜索死链接网站、已关闭网站内的信息。


一、测试仪表预调 选择测试天线的频率范围 (1)按ON/OFF按钮打开SiteMaster。 (2)按MODE键。测量模式选择频率-驻波比域,然后按F1 软键。输入天线系统的下限(“Lower”)频率MHz值,按ENTER 键。 (3)再按F2 软键。输入天线系统的上限(“Higher”)频率MHz值,按ENTER键。在显示区域显示新的频率数值范围FREQ scale。检查是否与输入的频率范围一致。 二、测试仪表较准 (1)将测试口扩充电缆(the test port extension cable)连到测试端口。若在扩充电缆端口校准,则测出的天馈线长度以此点为参考点。若在标准测试端口校准,则测出的天馈线长度以点为参考点。 (2)接校准器,按START CAL 键,开始校准。 三、输入天馈线的参数 (1)按MODE 键。选择故障定位-驻波比菜单。 (2)按DTF帮助软键。 (3)按电缆损耗(LOSS)菜单。 输入要测试的天馈线类型的每米的损耗dB值(7/8硬馈线,型号为LDF5-50A,cable loss=0.043dbm/m;1/2的软跳线,型号为LDF4-50A,cable loss=0.077dbm/m) ,然后按ENTER.

注意: 只有采用供货商提供的正确值,才能保证测试结果的可靠性。 (4)再按传播速率PROP V 菜单。输入relative velocity (7/8硬馈线,型号为LDF5-50A,Vf=0.89; 1/2的软跳线,型号为LDF4-50A,Vf=0.88),然后按ENTER键。 注意:也可调出电缆表,直接选中所用的电缆型号。若有几种电缆混用,则选择使用最长的电缆型号。可省略(3)(4)两步。 (5)按ENTER键返回主菜单。

Android Activity生命周期解析

Android Activity生命周期解析 摘要:Android(安致)操作系统应用包括四个部分:Activity活动,Intent Reciver,service和Content provider。其中,一个activity是应用中的一个单一的屏幕,它继承自Activity类,它将显示由Views组成的UI以及响应事件。 关键词:Android;Activity;生命周期 中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-9599 (2011) 10-0000-01 Android Activity Life Cycle Analysis Li Jiajun (China University of Mining&Technology Resources Institute,Xuzhou221000,China) Abstract:Android operating system applications include four parts:Activity activity,Intent Reciver,service,and Content provider.Among them,an activity is the application of a single screen,it inherits from the Activity class,it will show the composition of the Views UI,and respond to events. Keywords:Android;Activity;Life cycle Android(安致)底层以Linux内核工作为基础,


个人学法用法情况总结 我镇20××年普法依法治理工作在镇党委统一领导下,认真践行"三个代表"重要思想,围绕社会稳定、经济发展开展各项工作,为构建平安和谐先市营造了良好的法制环境。现将今年以来我的学法用法情况报告如下: 一、加强领导,健全制度,确保依法治镇工作顺利进行。一是调整充实了真法建办成员,完善了矛盾调处中心建设,制定和健全了矛盾纠纷排岔调处制、党委中心组学习学法制度、干部职工学习学法制度、普法依法治理工作宣传教育和普法依法治理工作责任制度等。二是年初根据工作实际,及时制?1?7?1?7了《法制宣传教育和普法依法治理工作意见》,10 月份又研究制定了《全民法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划》,使学法用法工作有安排,有措施,做到了有条不紊地进行。三是落实责任,明确目标。年初与各村(社区)各单位签订目标责任书落实责任,政府机关各办所及职能部门制定出依法行政、公正执法、争创平安办所计划,并通过验收合格。二、认真总结经验教训,切实开展形势多样的宣传活动。一是推广"四五"普法工作中全民学法的经验,召开现场推广会,把后坝、庙高村的经验予以推广。http:///3221788 (使用请双击此处删除页眉文字) 专业好文档为您倾心整理,谢谢使用二是及时表彰在普法依法治理工作涌现的先进单位和个人,有4 个村(社区) 单位和6 个个人获得表彰。三是充分利用三月法制宣

传月、"6.26"禁毒日、"12.4"法治宣传日、流行性传染病防治等重要日期开展多种形式的法制宣传教育。据不完全统计,宣传活动中散发宣传资料2 万多份,上街设点咨询4 次,接受群众咨询80 多次,有力地宣传了法律法规和党在农村的各项政策。四是认真搞好青少年学生的法制教育,落实了师资、教材、课时、计划,并组织法制副校长、关工委负责人等到校上法制课4 次,使3000 多学生普遍接受到了法制林剑教育。五是组织开展了"一日助贫"和向受灾户送暖和活动,机关职工、村社区干部、单位职工等140 多人次参与,捐款捐物折合人民币8000 多元。三、不断推进依法治理工作。政府继续聘请常年法律顾问,做好规范性文件清理。坚持按季度公开政务、财?1?7?1?7、村务,将依法治村(社区)、治企、校列入工作议事日程。认真开展打击两抢一盗、禁毒、非法生产烟花爆竹、乙脑防治、森林火灾防治等专项治理活动。加强部门之间的配合协作,清理整顿教育、卫生、城建、网吧等违法经营行为。按时排查调处各类矛盾纠纷,维护社会稳定。全年共排查调处纠纷公文写作首选网站-- 公文网74 件,成功71 件,调处率100,成功率96。四、努力做好信息收集上报工作。http:///3221788 (使用请双击此处删除页眉文字) 专业好文档为您倾心整理,谢谢使用鼓励干部职工群众积极收集上报信息,综治办、司法所等写出"四

黑马程序员安卓教程:Service 的生命周期回调函数

Service 的生命周期回调函数 和Activity 一样,service 也有一系列的生命周期回调函数,你可以实现它们来监测service 状态的变化,并且在适当的时候执行适当的工作。 Like an activity, a service has lifecycle callback methods that you can implement to monitor changes in the service's state and perform work at the appropriate times. The following skeleton service demonstrates each of the lifecycle methods: 13

下面的service展示了每一个生命周期的方法: 【文件1-5】Service生命周期回调函数 1.public class TestService extends Service { mStartMode; //indicates how to behave if the service is killed 3.IBinder mBinder;// interface for clients that bind 4.boolean mAllowRebind;// indicates whether onRebind should be used 5. 6.@Override 7.public void onCreate() { 8.// The service is being created 9.} 10. 11.@Override 12.public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags,int startId){ 13.// The service is starting, due to a call to startService() 14.return mStartMode; 15.} 16. 17.@Override 18.public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { 19.// A client is binding to the service with bindService() 20.return mBinder; 21.} 22. 23.@Override 24.public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { 25.// All clients have unbound with unbindService() 26.return mAllowRebind; 27.} 28. 29.@Override 30.public void onRebind(Intent intent){ 31.// A client is binding to the service with bindService(), 32.// after onUnbind() has already been called 33.} 34. 35.@Override 36.public void onDestroy(){ 37.// The service is no longer used and is being destroyed 38.} 39.} 注意:不同于Activity的生命周期回调方法,Service不须调用父类的生命周期回调方法。 Unlike the activity lifecycle callback methods,you are not required to call the superclass implementation of these callback methods. 14


face的用法精析小结 你知道face的用法吗?快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 面对面:face的用法精析 The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. ——Albert Einstein 面对问题时,我们不能用制造它们时同一水平的思维来解决它们。 ——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 一、下面我们来看看face有几种含义 n. 1.脸,面孔;面容,面部表情the front part of the head between the forehead and the chin She has a lovely oval face.

她长着一张可爱的椭圆脸。 2.外表,外貌facial expression A fair face is half a portion. 美貌等于一半嫁妆。 3.表面,正面outward appearance The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. 海水经年累月冲刷着峭壁的表面。 4.面子,威严assurance, confidence To cancel the airport would mean a loss of face for the present governor. 撤销机场对现任州长来说将是件丢脸的事情。 5.有…面容的;有…表情的a facial expression of distaste or displeasure He came to me with a very long face. 他拉长了脸来找我。 6.钟面;表盘a front, upper, or outer surface
