Cache Implications of Aggressively Pipelined High Performance Microprocessors.” Performanc

Cache Implications of Aggressively Pipelined High Performance Microprocessors.” Performanc
Cache Implications of Aggressively Pipelined High Performance Microprocessors.” Performanc

Cache Implications of Aggressively Pipelined High Performance Microprocessors Timothy J.Dysart,Branden J.Moore,Lambert Schaelicke,Peter M.Kogge

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University of Notre Dame

384Fitzpatrick Hall

Notre Dame,IN46556,USA




One of the major design decisions when developing a new microprocessor is determining the target pipeline depth and clock rate since both factors interact closely with one another.The optimal pipeline depth of a processor has been studied before,but the impact of the memory system on pipeline performance has received less attention.This study analyzes the affect of different level-1cache designs across a range of pipeline depths to determine what role the memory system design plays in choosing a clock rate and pipeline depth for a microprocessor.The pipeline depths studied here range from those found in current processors to those predicted for future processors.For each pipeline depth a variety of level-1cache sizes are simulated to ex-plore the relationship between clock rate,pipeline depth, cache size and access latency.Results show that the larger caches afforded by shorter pipelines with slower clocks out-perform longer pipelines with smaller caches and higher clock rates.


Determining the target clock frequency and pipeline or-ganization are some of the most critical decisions to be made during the design of a microprocessor.Both as-pects are tightly intertwined with semiconductor technol-ogy,workload characteristics,memory performance and power consumption.Long pipelines reduce the amount of work per stage to achieve high clock rates and result in high instruction throughput.On the other hand,insuf?cient in-struction level parallelism as well as practical limits on the minimum amount of work performed per stage limit the pipeline depth in practical implementations.Depending on the clock rate,microarchitectural structures of a given size will exhibit different access latencies.One fundamental structure with signi?cant impact on overall performance is the level-1cache.Generally,small caches are faster,but the higher miss rate may offset the performance gain from the clock rate increase.This paper presents a study that trades cache size for access latency for a wide variety of pipeline depths.

The optimal pipeline depth of a microprocessor has been explored before in a variety of contexts,but the in?uence of the memory hierarchy in this tradeoff has received less attention.The study presented here is designed to close that gap by varying pipeline depths,level-1cache sizes and ac-cess latencies.In particular,there are two endpoints of inter-est.Short pipelines operate at lower clock rates and afford larger level-1caches than deep,high clock rate pipelines. To explore the tradeoff between pipeline depth and cache access latency,pipeline depth and level-1instruction and data cache size are varied independently.For each pipeline depth,a projected clock rate is calculated.Although a spe-ci?c65nm process is used for these projections,the un-derlying methodology is technology-independent and hence the results of this work are generally applicable.For each clock period,access latencies in cycles are computed for various level-1cache sizes.Each of the resulting con?gu-rations is simulated running SPEC2000benchmarks.The primary performance measure in this context is the num-ber of instructions completed per second(IPS).Unlike miss rates or IPC,this metric accounts for different cycle times and represents predicted absolute performance.

Results show that performance decreases for longer pipelines.A short7-stage pipeline consistently outperforms all other organizations.Although operating at slower clock rates,it allows large caches to be accessed with low latency. The higher clock rate of deeper pipelines is not able to com-pensate for the lower hit rates of smaller caches,in part due to the relatively modest degree of instruction level paral-lelism found in the benchmarks.

Section2discusses related work.The simulation methodology is described in Section3.Section4discusses the method to derive clock frequencies,pipeline depth and cache characteristics from technology projection.The re-sults are presented in Section5and Section6draws conclu-sions and outlines future work.

2.Related Work

Several groups have analyzed the problem of determin-ing the ideal pipeline length.Kunkel and Smith analyze the Cray-1S processor[9].Hartstein and Puzak develop a for-mula and analyze the results of different workload types to determine the optimum depth[5].Similarly,Sprangle and Carmean start with a Pentium IV type architecture,and de-termine that the optimal pipeline depth is greater than the twenty stage pipeline currently implemented[13].Agarwal et that processor speedups will not continue at the same rate due to the wire delays in semiconductor devices and slowing processor clocks[1].Lastly,Hrishikesh et al. take a slightly different approach and determine the opti-mum amount of logic for a pipeline stage independent of the length of the pipeline[7].

Hartstein and Puzak[5]take an analytical approach and develop a formula to determine the optimum pipeline depth based on the total logic depth,latch overhead,width,work-load,and hazard penalties of the processor.Intuitively,re-ducing the latch overhead,hazard penalties,and hazards in the workload will allow for a deeper processor.Increasing the width of the processor will reduce the optimal pipeline depth since hazards occur more frequently.This formula is validated with simulation results that vary each of the different parameters in the formula individually.Interest-ingly,each type of workload has its own optimal pipeline depth.These optimal depths range from13to36stages with a nearly Gaussian distribution.Cache miss rates and miss penalties represent one aspect of hazard frequency and penalty,but are not separately addressed in this work.

Sprangle and Carmen analyze many of the same aspects [13],with a particular emphasis on the effect of branch mis-prediction.This work also identi?es the different effects of various workloads on processor performance which are mainly due to branch behavior.This work does not directly consider memory hierarchy effects,but identi?es the as-sumption of a?xed cache latency as a modeling limitation.

Agarwal et al.predict that the50?60%annual pro-cessor improvement seen over the past decade will soon cease[1].Instead,the maximum annual performance im-provement is predicted to shrink to12.5%.These improve-ments are attributed to a combination of pipeline depth scal-ing and structure capacity scaling.This study identi?es on-chip memory as a signi?cant bottleneck,and predicts that monolithic processor cores will become inef?cient.

The approach taken by Hrishikesh et[7]is simi-lar to that taken by Kunkel and Smith in that it determines the optimal amount of work that should be done during each pipeline stage.To compensate for changes in manufacturing technology,logic depth in terms of fan-out-of-four(FO4)is used.This metric removes the fabrication process as a vari-able from,ing the Alpha21264as a base-line processor,Hrishikesh et al.vary the number of stages needed for each component in the pipeline.The number of stages is determined by dividing the total amount of logic in that component by the amount of logic in FO4s per stage. This results in an optimal amount of logic per stage of6 FO4’s for integer code and4FO4’s for vector?oating point code.These results translate into a pipeline of about thirty stages in length.

Combined,previous studies provide a comprehensive view of many pipeline design aspects.However,the inter-action of the memory system with pipeline depth and clock frequency has not received full attention.The work pre-sented here is designed to quantify this effect by varying the size of both level-1caches and adjusting access laten-cies based on technology projections for various pipeline depth and clock frequencies.Additionally,the sensitivity of the observed trends to the level-2cache organization and branch prediction scheme is analyzed.


Using SimpleScalar3.0[3]and the SPEC2000bench-mark suite[6],an environment is created to explore the interaction between pipeline depth,cache size and latency. SimpleScalar is a?exible execution-driven cycle-level pro-cessor simulation tool that has been modi?ed for this study to support varying pipeline depth.The SPEC2000bench-marks are a commonly used and well-understood suite of computationally demanding performance benchmarks.

Simulations are run for a number of pipeline depths rang-ing from7to50stages,thus representing current as well as predicted future organizations.For a given process tech-nology and an estimated total amount of logic,a maximum clock frequency can be calculated for each pipeline depth, as further described in Section4.1.Then,for a variety of level-1cache sizes ranging from1kbyte to512kbyte,ac-cess latencies in cycles are calculated.Note that although absolute cache access times are independent of pipeline depth,the number of cycles until a load value can be used changes due to varying clock frequencies.

3.1.Baseline Processor Con?guration

All aspects of the simulated processor except pipeline depth and the level-1cache con?guration are kept constant across the experiments,thus isolating the interaction effect

of these two factors from other variables.The baseline sys-tem is closely related to the Alpha21264,which is a mod-ern dynamically-scheduled superscalar microprocessor,ca-pable of decoding,dispatching and graduating four instruc-tions per cycle.The simulated processor contains four inte-ger ALUs,one integer multiply/divide unit,four?oating point ALUs,and one?oating point multiply/divide unit. All of these functional units are fully pipelined.Their oper-ational latencies are varied according to pipeline depth,and are further discussed in Section4.2.

This processor organization corresponds to a number of currently available microprocessors but may be aggressive for deeply-pipelined,high-frequency designs.Conditional branches are predicted by a2-level branch predictor,con-?gured similarly to the local branch prediction strategy dis-cussed in[11].The performance of the branch prediction scheme is discussed in Sec.5.4.The predictor is sized with 8192entries and512entries for the level one and level two predictors,respectively.Both predictors keep eight bits of history.These values are used because of their reasonable size and high prediction rate.The Register Update Unit (RUU)is512entries deep,and the Load/Store Queue holds 64instructions.Both structures are intentionally kept large to minimize the number of structural stalls.

The processor uses4-way set associative level-1instruc-tion and data caches with32byte blocks.The size and la-tency of both caches is varied with the pipeline depth.The level-2cache is held constant at2Mbyte,4-way set asso-ciative,with64byte blocks.The main memory bus is8 bytes wide,and its speed is held constant at800MHz.The access times for all caches and main memory,along with the level-1cache sizes are discussed in Section4.1.

3.2.Simulator Modi?cations

In order to simulate a number of different pipeline depths,modi?cations to two parts of the Sim-OutOrder sim-ulator from SimpleScalar version3.0[3]are needed.

The issue latency of all functional units is set to one cy-cle,thus representing fully-pipelined units.The operational latency determines how long it takes to complete a single instruction and have the result ready for use in another in-struction.By varying the operational latency of the func-tional units,the pipeline length of the simulated processor is increased.

In addition to increasing functional unit latency,changes made to the Decode/Dispatch stages of the pipeline allow a con?gurable“front-end”length to the pipeline.The Decode and Dispatch stages in the standard Sim-OutOrder simula-tor are implemented as a single stage.By splitting this func-tion into two functions(Decode and Dispatch),and insert-ing a queue to hold instructions between these functions,the length of these functions can be increased to approximate a variable-length pipeline.The Decode stage contains the instruction decode logic and the branch predictors,while placement of the instruction into the RUU and LSQ is de-layed until the Dispatch stage.Since the branch prediction logic is in the early Decode stage,before instructions are put on the queue,the simulator is more optimistic with branch prediction than real processors might be.

Generally,this simulation model is overly optimistic about the ability to pipeline all parts of the processor.Since this modeling error affects deep pipelines more than shal-low ones,simulations likely overestimate the performance bene?ts of deep pipelines.


The SPEC CPU2000benchmark suite[6]is one of the most commonly used set of benchmarks to evaluate pro-cessor and system performance on computationally inten-sive workloads.It is well understood by researchers and generally considered representative of scienti?c and engi-neering workloads for workstations.This study considers both integer and?oating point benchmarks.All bench-marks are compiled with the SimpleScalar port of gcc,ver-sion2.6.3.Due to compiler and simulation limitations,four integer programs(175.vpr,181.mcf,186.crafty,252.eon) and six?oating point programs(178.galgel,187.facerec, 188.ammp,189.lucas,191.fma3d,200.sixtrack)are not in-cluded,because they can not be compiled by the Sim-pleScalar tool chain.

The remaining16benchmarks(8integer,8?oating point)are run for each of the processor con?gurations dis-cussed in,ing this number of bench-mark programs provides a broad range of workloads that fairly compare the performance of the various processor con?gurations.All simulations are“fast-forwarded”500 million instructions and then run for1billion instructions.

4.Estimating Pipeline Organizations

In order to vary the amount of logic in each stage of the pipeline,the total logic length of the pipeline must be de-termined.Dividing this measure by the number of pipeline stages results in the logic depth per pipeline stage.Thus,us-ing the results from[7],the Alpha21264has a seven stage pipeline and a clock period that is equivalent to17.4FO4’s. Included in this period length is1.8FO4’s of pipeline over-head.Subtracting the overhead results in a usable logic depth of15.6FO4’s per stage,and a total logic depth of 109.2FO4’s to process an instruction.

To determine the resulting logic depth per pipeline stage, and thus the maximum clock frequency,the total logic depth is divided by the number of stages and the pipeline over-head of1.8FO4’s is added to each stage.From the number

Table1.Tested pipeline depths,FO4’s per

stage,period lengths,and clock frequencies.

Pipeline FO4’s per Period Clock Rate

Depth stage Length(ns)in GHz

717.4.2192 4.562

1012.72.1603 6.238



25 6.17.0777412.863

30 5.44.0685414.59

40 4.53.0570817.519

50 3.98.0501519.940

of FO4delays per stage,the clock period can be computed for a given CMOS process technology by multiplying the drawn gate length by360picoseconds[7].This work uses an aggressive65nm fabrication process generation with a drawn gate length of35nm for high-performance micropro-cessors estimated in the Semiconductor Industry Associa-tion Roadmap[2].Under these assumptions,one FO4delay corresponds to12.6ps.

Table1summarizes the pipeline depths considered in this work,as well as the resulting per-stage logic depth and clock frequency.The SIA roadmap suggests a clock frequency of6.739GHz for the65nm fabrication process, which is roughly equivalent to an11stage pipeline using the method developed in this work.Note that this approach to calculating pipeline depth and clock frequencies is overly optimistic in several aspects.It assumes that the processor logic can be perfectly pipelined to any depth,and it is based on technology projections rather than established processes. Both assumptions lead to an overestimate of the bene?ts of deep pipelines.

Given that both FO4delays and the scaling model that Cacti[14]uses to estimate cache access latencies are pro-cess independent,only one process technology needs to be considered.Although clock speeds will increase as the fab-rication process becomes smaller and more mature,perfor-mance trends remain.

4.1.Memory Hierarchy Calculations

Cacti was originally developed by Wilton and Jouppi as a cache access timing model that is capable of power and area modeling as well[14].This work uses the most recent version of Cacti,3.2,to determine the access time for all cache designs in this study[12].Since block size and asso-ciativity do not impact access time,they are held constant. For example,for an8kbyte cache in a50stage pipeline,ac-cess time changes by only one processor clock cycle when varying block size between32and64bytes and associativ-ity between two and eight.Similar behavior is seen for the

Table2.Pipeline depth,period length,calcu-

lated access latency,and rounded access la-

tency in cycles for a32kbyte cache.

Pipeline Period Calculated Rounded

Depth Length(ns)Latency Latency

7.2192 2.3552

10.1603 3.2223

15.1144 4.5144

20.09148 5.6456

25.07774 6.6437



50.0501510.29710 associativity of the level-2cache.This study uses split4-way set associative level-1instruction and data caches with 32byte blocks and a uni?ed2Mbyte,4-way set associative

level-2cache with64byte blocks.

For each pipeline depth,clock periods are determined us-ing the method described previously.By dividing the access time by the clock period,a latency in cycles for the cache structure is then determined.For example,for a64kbyte cache in the65nm process,the latency is calculated to be 11.81cycles for a50stage pipeline.The same cache in the 90nm process has an access time of0.79644ns,which is equivalent to10.49cycles.Similarly,for an8kbyte cache at the same pipeline depth,the latency is8.99cycles in the 65nm process and8.23cycles for the90nm fabrication processes.These observations con?rm that Cacti’s access latency predictions are process-independent.

As an example,Table2shows the latency in cycles for a?xed32kbyte cache across all pipeline depths.Cacti cal-culates a0.51641ns access latency in a65nm process.For each pipeline con?guration,the access time is divided by the processor cycle time,and the resulting access latency is rounded to the nearest integer value.Arithmetic rounding is used to compensate for possible advances in cache designs and process technology,while possibly overestimating the cache size and speed.This calculation is then repeated at each pipeline depth for cache sizes ranging from1kbyte to 512kbyte.

Table3shows the calculated and rounded latencies,in cycles,for a15-stage pipeline across all considered cache,ing a65nm process,this pipeline is estimated to run with a0.1144ns cycle time.The reported cache sizes demonstrate that multiple cache con?gurations may exhibit the same access latency in cycles.In this case,only the largest cache is considered for further evaluation.Note that the access latency for three cache sizes(1,2and32kbyte) is rounded down to compensate for possible modeling er-ror and to allow for implementation-speci?c latency opti-mizations such as sum-addressed memory[10].All other

Table3.Cache sizes,access times estimated

by Cacti and access latency in cycles for a15

stage pipeline.

Cache Access Calculated Rounded

Size(KB)Time(ns)Latency Latency

10.40883 3.5743

20.41797 3.6543

40.43826 3.8314

80.45092 3.9424

160.47535 4.1554

320.51641 4.5144

640.59522 5.2035

1280.68278 5.9686


512 1.4906513.03013 latencies are derived via normal arithmetic rounding.

Finally,Table4summarizes all pipeline and cache con-?gurations considered for evaluation.

The2Mbyte,4-way set associative,64byte block level-2cache has an access time of3.37543ns according to Cacti. With normal rounding,an L2access takes15,21,29,37, 43,49,59,and67cycles respectively for pipeline depths of7,10,15,20,25,30,40,and50stages.The latency for an L2miss is calculated based on an estimated90ns main memory access.Dividing that latency by the clock rate of the respective pipeline,level-2miss penalties are calculated to be411,561,787,984,1158,1313,1577,and1795cycles for the?rst word of a cache line.At a bus speed of800 MHz,each subsequent part of a cache line takes6,8,11, 14,16,18,22,and25processor cycles.

4.2.Functional Unit Latencies

The modi?ed simulation model attributes pipeline depth changes to two distinct parts of the processor:instruction decode and execution.Based on published pipeline orga-nizations[7]approximately60%of the processing are at-tributed to the execution stage,and the remaining40%are assigned to the decode logic.Branch prediction,decod-ing and register renaming table are placed in the front-end, while the issue window,register?le,and execution units are placed into the,ing the above-mentioned ratio, the target pipeline depth is divided into a number of front-end and back-end stages.Since the simulation model does not allow a uniform lengthening of the pipeline,latencies of the execute stage and modi?ed decode stage are changed to approximate pipelines of the desired depth.

Functional unit latencies are scaled for deeper pipelines based on published data from the Alpha21264,with integer addition as baseline.For each pipeline depth,the latency for an integer addition is computed and the latencies of other functional units are scaled based on the original ratio.Since

Table4.Summary of all pipeline and level-1

cache con?gurations tested.

Depth Cache Size(KB)Latency(cycles)
































the Alpha21264does not have a functional unit for integer division,the SimpleScalar default value of20cycles is used as the base latency.Table5summarizes the latencies of all functional units for the different pipeline depths.


The results express performance in billions of instruc-tions per second(BIPS).The data points in the graphs are the harmonic means of the respective integer and?oating point benchmark program results.Additionally,a sensitiv-ity analysis is run to analyze how stable results are as the level-2cache and branch predictor con?guration changes. The reader is reminded here that the level-1cache sizes listed re?ect the respective size of the instruction and data level-1caches,not the sum of these caches.

5.1.Instruction Completion Rate

Ultimately,the speed of a processor is determined by the amount of work completed in a given time period.Figures

Table 5.Decode and functional unit latencies for each pipeline depth.

Pipeline Num.Decode

Num.Int.Int.Mult.Int.Div FP Add/Mult.FP Div.Depth Stages

Add Stages

Latency Latency Latency

Latency 7117204121023133382015462153133320692764184125812337822503010154199286340142156132398550







1and 2show the performance of all con?gurations tested in terms of Instructions per Second.This metric is computed by multiplying the number of cycles required to complete 1billion instructions with the cycle time for each pipeline organization,normalized to one second of real time.Note that both ?gures contain the same data,but with the data points grouped differently to highlight distinct trends.Each data point represents the harmonic mean of all benchmarks.Overall,the results clearly show that the higher clock rates of deeply pipelined architectures are not able to com-pensate for the smaller caches that are needed to maintain acceptable access latencies.The shortest pipeline consis-tently outperforms all other organizations with almost iden-tical results for all cache sizes tested.On the other hand,the slowest organization is found in a 20-stage pipeline with 1kbyte caches,with many deeper pipelines performing sig-ni?cantly better.

Figure 1connects data points with a constant level-1cache access latency.This representation shows how deep-ening the pipeline while maintaining a constant access la-tency in cycles causes a drastic reduction in performance.The increasing clock frequency requires the use of smaller caches,and the higher clock rates are not able to compen-sate for the resulting higher miss rates.In fact,in all cases larger caches with a higher access latency result in a perfor-mance gain for a given pipeline depth and clock rate.The higher cache hit rates outweigh the penalty of a longer ac-cess latency.This effect is particularly pronounced for deep,high clock rate pipelines.

Figure 2shows

the same data as discussed before,but with data points for identical cache sizes connected.This representation provides a visual record of the decreasing size of the caches as pipelines are stretched to maintain rea-sonable hit latencies.For a ?xed cache size,access latency grows as the pipeline is deepened,due to higher clock rates.Despite consistent hit rates,the longer access latency coun-ters the bene?t of faster clocks and degrades overall perfor-


B i l l i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s P e r S e c o n d



Pipeline Depth

B i l l i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s P e r S e c o n d

(b)Floating Point Benchmarks

Figure 1.Instructions Per Second versus Pipeline Depth,Data Points Connected by Cache Access Latency

B i l l i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s P e r S e c o n d



Pipeline Depth

B i l l i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s P e r S e c o n d

(b)Floating Point Benchmarks

Figure 2.Instructions Per Second versus Pipeline Depth,Data points Connected by Cache


Pipeline Depth



Benchmarks Pipeline Depth


(b)Floating Point Benchmarks

Figure 3.Instructions Per Cycle versus Pipeline Depth

5.2.Instruction-level Parallelism

Instructions-per-cycle (IPC)is a commonly used proces-sor performance measure that is independent of the imple-mentations cycle time.On the 4-way superscalar processor modeled here,the theoretical maximum IPC is four.In re-ality,this peak value is negatively affected by various stall conditions caused for instance by branch mispredictions,cache misses and instruction dependencies.

Figure 3shows the measured IPC for each pipeline depth.As expected,IPC decreases as pipelines get deeper,since longer pipelines exhibit larger branch misprediction penalties.Furthermore,increasing functional unit laten-cies expose more instruction dependencies.Finally,deeper pipelines with higher clock rates lead to smaller caches with

higher access latencies,thus increasing the average memory latency.

While a decreasing IPC is expected for deeper pipelines,results from the previous section show that the higher clock rate is not able to compensate for the lower IPC.

5.3.Level-1Cache Miss Rate

Unlike other studies on the effect of pipeline depth on performance,this study varies the level-1instruction cache con?guration along with the data cache.Figure 4shows both the level-1instruction and data cache miss rates.As expected,smaller caches result in rapidly growing miss rates for both instructions and data.These results explain in part the decreasing IPC of deep pipelines,and con?rm









Cache Size (kb)

M i s s R a t e

IL1 Miss Rate

DL1 Miss Rate



Cache Size (kb)

M i s s R a t e

IL1 Miss Rate

DL1 Miss Rate

(b)Floating Point Benchmarks

Figure 4.Level-1Instruction and Data Cache

Miss Rates

that high cache miss rates can counter the bene?t of faster clock rates.

5.4.Branch Prediction Accuracy

Section 3.1discussed the branch prediction scheme used by this study while Sec.3.2discussed how the prediction logic is placed early in the pipeline to provide a higher pre-diction rate,and minimize branch misprediction,ing these methods,an average branch prediction accu-racy (both directional and address)of 95%is achieved for the ?oating point benchmarks,while the directional accu-racy for the integer benchmarks is 94%and the address ac-curacy is 91%-92%.These prediction rates are unchanged across all pipeline depths,which practically eliminates the

branch prediction scheme as a variable in simulation.How-ever,the branch misprediction delay still exist,and scales with processor depth.

5.5.Level-2Cache Miss Rates

Table 6shows the level-2cache miss rate (memory ac-cesses divided by level-2cache misses)as a function of the level-1cache size and pipeline depth.The general trend for the integer benchmarks shows that the miss rate decreases as the level-1cache size grows and as the pipeline depth increases.For the ?oating point benchmarks,the general trend is the same for increasing pipeline depths,but that the miss rate is approximately the same for all level-1cache sizes.For reference,the total number of memory access for the integer benchmarks ranges from 1.92billion to 4.52billion,while the ?oating point benchmarks have from 1.5billion to 3.28billion memory accesses.These low miss rates show that the latency to access main memory has little effect on the performance of these benchmarks.

5.6.Sensitivity Analysis

Two major architectural components that can have a sub-stantial effect on the performance of a microprocessor are the branch prediction scheme and the level two cache.As others have pointed out,deep pipelines are more sensitive to branch prediction behavior [5,13].In the experiments performed here,the overall branch prediction accuracy is above 90percent,due to the aggressive prediction scheme modeled.To test the sensitivity of the results to the branch prediction scheme,a perfect branch predictor is tested on pipeline depths of 7,15,25,and 50.Table 7shows that a perfect branch predictor improves instruction through-put.However,the trend of shorter pipelines outperforming longer pipelines remains unchanged.

Table 7.Sensitivity of results to the branch prediction scheme.

Pipeline BIPS Perfect BIPS Non-Perfect Depth Prediction Prediction 78.02387.086315 6.9314 5.962325 5.9562 5.093950 4.5718 3.8868

The level-2cache size and access latency can have a sig-ni?cant impact on performance,especially for low level-1hit rates.All results presented here are based on a 2Mbyte 4-way set-associative level-2cache with an access latency of 3.37ns.To explore the impact of this assumption on

Table6.Level-2Cache Miss Rates

Level-1Depth7Depth10Depth15Depth20 Cache Size(KB)Int FP Int FP Int FP Int FP




160.0138%0.3069% 320.0221%0.4710%0.0180%0.4036%0.0149%0.3451%

640.0145%0.3444%0.0130%0.3050% 1280.0216%0.4686%0.0174%0.4022%0.0142%0.3438%0.0127%0.3047% 2560.0210%0.4640%0.0171%0.3985%


Level-1Depth25Depth30Depth40Depth50 Cache Size(KB)Int FP Int FP Int FP Int FP 1



160.0128%0.2829%0.0120%0.2605%0.0110%0.2330%0.0103%0.4370% 320.0123%0.2813%0.0116%0.2592%0.0106%0.2317%0.0100%0.2146% 640.0113%0.2592%0.0104%0.2315%

1280.0118%0.2808%0.0095%0.2142% 256


the results,Figure5shows instruction throughput for four pipeline organizations as the level-2cache size is varied from256kbyte to16Mbyte while the level-1cache is held constant at32kbyte.Smaller level-2caches allow faster ac-cess,but incur higher miss rates.The graphs show that to a point,larger level-2caches improve performance,despite higher access latencies.Once this point is reached though there is a performance dropoff.However,the key point to notice is that the main conclusion of this work is unaffected by level-2cache organization.

Previous work has shown that the miss rates vary only slightly(less than1%)between a4-way and fully asso-ciative,uni?ed1MB,64byte block level-1cache[4].As this study uses a uni?ed2MB,64byte clock level-2cache, changing the associativity is expected to have almost no im-pact on performance,and is not presented here.

Other assumptions such as the ability to perfectly pipeline all parts of the processor and the optimistically modeled one-cycle branch prediction scheme give a per-formance advantage to deeper pipelines.Consequently,the observed trends are expected to hold under different,more realistic assumptions.

6.Future Work and Conclusions

There are several avenues for fruitful future work in this direction.First,a continued device analysis will be needed to determine if the common use of FO4delays as a process independent method of scaling is accurate for aggressive, deep-submicron technologies.Advances in processor mi-croarchitecture,including aggressive value and dependency speculation require more accurate modeling tools,but also broaden the spectrum of design decisions that affect over-all performance.Furthermore,other important workloads such as commercial and e-commerce applications or large-scale scienti?c workloads likely exhibit different character-istics[5].Finally,advances in VLSI design techniques and cache implementations,such as those suggested in[8],the use of a deeper hierarchy(such as three levels of on-chip cache)and pipelined caches,can have a signi?cant impact on performance.Although this study focuses strictly on per-formance,area and power are signi?cant issues facing mod-ern processor design that must also be considered during the design of a microprocessor.

The simulation results show that,in general,lengthening the pipeline of a microprocessor tends to reduce its perfor-mance.The higher clock rates of deeper pipelines imply smaller level-1caches.The resulting higher miss rates are not compensated for by the higher clock rates,resulting in a performance degradation for deeper pipelines.A sensi-tivity analysis with regard to level-2cache organizations, and branch prediction schemes con?rms that the observed trends are stable.By focusing on the interaction between pipeline depth and frequency with level-1cache perfor-mance,this study complements previous work on pipeline depth tradeoffs,and provides insights into another impor-tant aspect of processor design.

The authors wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.

L2 Size








L2 Size

B I P S 7




(b)Floating Point Benchmarks

Figure 5.Instructions per Second versus Level-2Cache Size,Data points Connected by Pipeline Depth


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高中数学函数的解析式和抽象函数定义域练习题 1、分段函数已知???>-≤+=) 0(2)0(1)(2x x x x x f 则 (1)若=)(x f 10,则x= ;(2))(x f 的值域为 _____. 2、画出下列函数的图象(请使用直尺) (1) Z x x y ∈-=,22且 2≤x (2) x x y -=2 3、动点P 从边长为1的正方形ABCD 的顶点A 出发顺次经过B 、C 、D 再回到A , 试写出线段AP 的长度y 与P 点的行路程x 之间的函数关系式。 4、根据下列条件分别求出函数)(x f 的解析式 观察法(1)221)1(x x x x f +=+ 方程组法x x f x f 3)1(2)()2(=+ 换元法(3)13)2(2++=-x x x f D P C P A P B

待定系数法 (4)已知()x f 是一次函数,且满足()()1721213+=--+x x f x f ,求()x f 。 (复合函数的解析式)---代入法 (5)已知1)(2-=x x f ,1)(+=x x g ,求)]([x g f ]和)]([x f g 的解析式。 5、抽象函数的定义域的求解 1、若函数)(x f 的定义域为]2,1[-,则函数)1(-x f 的定义域为 。 2、若函数)1(2-x f 的定义域为]2,1[-,则函数)1(+x f 的定义域为 。 练习:1、若x x x f 2)1(+=+,求)(x f 。 2、函数)(x f 满足条件10)()(+-=x xf x f ,求)(x f 的解析式。 3、已知)(x f 是二次函数,且满足()10=f ,()()x x f x f 21=-+,求()x f 的表达式。 4、若()32+=x x f ,)()2(x f x g =+,求函数)(x g 的解析式 5、已知二次函数()h x 与x 轴的两交点为(2,0)-,(3,0),且(0)3h =-,求()h x ;

CDN 加速技术服务采购招标项目 - 方案建议书 及报价

江苏电视台CDN加速技术服务采购招标项目-方案建议书及 报价 江苏电视台CDN加速技术服务采购招标项目技术服务及报价 北京世纪互联宽带数据中心有限公司 2009年10月 江苏电视台CDN加速技术服务采购招标项目 目录 一、JSTV加速网站结构分析 ---------------------------------------- 4 二、世纪互联CDN加速解决方案 ------------------------------------ 4 2.1 方案设计原则 --------------------------------------------------- 4 2.2 CDN解决方案 ---------------------------------------------------- 5 2.3 内容同步方式及应用 --------------------------------------------- 9 2.4 一站式客户服务流程 --------------------------------------------- 10 2.5 MYCDN 客户自助服务系统 ----------------------------------------- 12 三、售后服务承诺 --------------------------------------------------- 16 3.1 运维服务响应流程 ----------------------------------------------- 16 3.2 7x24全天候服务 ------------------------------------------------- 17 3.3 严格履行承诺 ---------------------------------------------------- 17 3.4 快速响应客户 ---------------------------------------------------- 17 3.5 有效解决问题 ---------------------------------------------------- 17 四、突发事件及异常事件应对策略 -------------------------------------- 17


Linux内核之内存管理 作者:harvey wang 邮箱:harvey.perfect@, 新浪博客地址:,/harveyperfect,有关于减肥和学习英语相关的博文,欢迎交流 把linux内存管理分为下面四个层面 (一)硬件辅助的虚实地址转换 (二)内核管理的内存相关 (三)单个进程的内存管理 (四)malloc软件 (一)处理器硬件辅助的虚实地址转换(以x86为例) 在x86中虚实地址转换分为段式转换和页转换。段转换过程是由逻辑地址(或称为虚拟地址)转换为线性地址;页转换过程则是将线性地址转换为物理地址。段转换示意图如下 X86支持两种段,gdt和ldt(全局描述段表和局部描述符段表),在linux中只使用了4个全局描述符表,内核空间和用户空间分别两个gdt,分别对应各自的代码段和数据段。也可以认为在linux中变相地disable了x86的段式转换功能。 页转换示意图如下

在linux中x86 的cr3寄存器(页表基地址寄存器)保存在进程的上下文中,在进程切换时会保存或回复该寄存器的内容,这样每个进程都有自己的转换页表,从而保证了每个进程有自己的虚拟空间。 (二)内核管理的内存相关 从几个概念展开内存管理:node、zone、buddy、slab 1、Node SGI Altix3000系统的两个结点 如上图,NUMA系统的结点通常是由一组CPU(如,SGI Altix 3000是2个Itanium2 CPU)和本地内存组成。由于每个结点都有自己的本地内存,因此全系统的内存在物理上是分布的,每个结点访问本地内存和访问其它结点的远地内存的延迟是不同的,为了优化对NUMA 系统的支持,引进了Node 来将NUMA 物理内存进行划分为不同的Node。而操作系统也必须能感知硬件的拓扑结构,优化系统的访存。


北京科技大学计算机与通信工程学院 模式分类第二次上机实验报告 姓名:XXXXXX 学号:00000000 班级:电信11 时间:2014-04-16

一、实验目的 1.掌握支持向量机(SVM)的原理、核函数类型选择以及核参数选择原则等; 二、实验内容 2.准备好数据,首先要把数据转换成Libsvm软件包要求的数据格式为: label index1:value1 index2:value2 ... 其中对于分类来说label为类标识,指定数据的种类;对于回归来说label为目标值。(我主要要用到回归) Index是从1开始的自然数,value是每一维的特征值。 该过程可以自己使用excel或者编写程序来完成,也可以使用网络上的FormatDataLibsvm.xls来完成。FormatDataLibsvm.xls使用说明: 先将数据按照下列格式存放(注意label放最后面): value1 value2 label value1 value2 label 然后将以上数据粘贴到FormatDataLibsvm.xls中的最左上角单元格,接着工具->宏执行行FormatDataToLibsvm宏。就可以得到libsvm要求的数据格式。将该数据存放到文本文件中进行下一步的处理。 3.对数据进行归一化。 该过程要用到libsvm软件包中的svm-scale.exe Svm-scale用法: 用法:svmscale [-l lower] [-u upper] [-y y_lower y_upper] [-s save_filename] [-r restore_filename] filename (缺省值:lower = -1,upper = 1,没有对y进行缩放)其中,-l:数据下限标记;lower:缩放后数据下限;-u:数据上限标记;upper:缩放后数据上限;-y:是否对目标值同时进行缩放;y_lower为下限值,y_upper为上限值;(回归需要对目标进行缩放,因此该参数可以设定为–y -1 1 )-s save_filename:表示将缩放的规则保存为文件save_filename;-r restore_filename:表示将缩放规则文件restore_filename载入后按此缩放;filename:待缩放的数据文件(要求满足前面所述的格式)。缩放规则文件可以用文本浏览器打开,看到其格式为: y lower upper min max x lower upper index1 min1 max1 index2 min2 max2 其中的lower 与upper 与使用时所设置的lower 与upper 含义相同;index 表示特征序号;min 转换前该特征的最小值;max 转换前该特征的最大值。数据集的缩放结果在此情况下通过DOS窗口输出,当然也可以通过DOS的文件重定向符号“>”将结果另存为指定的文件。该文件中的参数可用于最后面对目标值的反归一化。反归一化的公式为: (Value-lower)*(max-min)/(upper - lower)+lower 其中value为归一化后的值,其他参数与前面介绍的相同。 建议将训练数据集与测试数据集放在同一个文本文件中一起归一化,然后再将归一化结果分成训练集和测试集。 4.训练数据,生成模型。 用法:svmtrain [options] training_set_file [model_file] 其中,options(操作参数):可用的选项即表示的涵义如下所示-s svm类型:设置SVM 类型,默


实验2:MIPS指令系统和MIPS体系结构 一.实验目的 (1)了解和熟悉指令级模拟器 (2)熟悉掌握MIPSsim模拟器的操作和使用方法 (3)熟悉MIPS指令系统及其特点,加深对MIPS指令操作语义的理解 (4)熟悉MIPS体系结构 二. 实验内容和步骤 首先要阅读MIPSsim模拟器的使用方法,然后了解MIPSsim的指令系统和汇编语言。(1)、启动MIPSsim(用鼠标双击MIPSsim.exe)。 (2)、选择“配置”->“流水方式”选项,使模拟器工作在非流水方式。 (3)、参照使用说明,熟悉MIPSsim模拟器的操作和使用方法。 可以先载入一个样例程序(在本模拟器所在的文件夹下的“样例程序”文件夹中),然后分别以单步执行一条指令、执行多条指令、连续执行、设置断点等的方式运行程序,观察程序的执行情况,观察CPU中寄存器和存储器的内容的变化。 (4)、选择“文件”->“载入程序”选项,加载样例程序 alltest.asm,然后查看“代码”窗口,查看程序所在的位置(起始地址为0x00000000)。 (5)、查看“寄存器”窗口PC寄存器的值:[PC]=0x00000000。 (6)、执行load和store指令,步骤如下: 1)单步执行一条指令(F7)。 2)下一条指令地址为0x00000004,是一条有 (有,无)符号载入字节 (字节,半字,字)指令。 3)单步执行一条指令(F7)。 4)查看R1的值,[R1]= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80 。 5)下一条指令地址为0x00000008,是一条有 (有,无)符号载入字 (字节,半字,字)指令。 6)单步执行1条指令。 7)查看R1的值,[R1]=0x0000000000000080 。 8)下一条指令地址为0x0000000C ,是一条无 (有,无)符号载入字节 (字节,半字,字)指令。 9)单步执行1条指令。 10)查看R1的值,[R1]= 0x0000000000000080 。 11)单步执行1条指令。 12)下一条指令地址为0x00000014 ,是一条保存字 (字节,半字,字)指令。 13)单步执行一条指令。


CDN的四大服务 什么是CDN? CDN(Content Distribution Network)即是内容分发网络,是构筑在现有互联网上的一种先进的流量分配网络。该网络将网站源服务器中的内容存储到分布于各地的CDN网络节点上,通过智能网络流量分配控制系统,将终端用户的访问请求自动指向健康可用且距离本地最近的CDN专用服务器上,以提高用户访问的响应速度和服务的可用性,改善互联网上的服务质量。 CDN服务分为四大类:应用服务、流媒体服务、文件传输服务和页面内容加速服务。应用服务: 随着互联网的迅速发展,如何避开带宽瓶颈和拥塞环节,使内容传输的更快、更稳定?如何才能让各地的用户都能进行高质量的访问,迅速、准确、安全的得到信息?如何解决数据的实时更新变化、访问缓慢的问题?如何保证持续服务能力,防止DDos攻击?如何才能降低带宽和服务器的成本,同时缓解网站系统的压力? 八度-CDN凭借多年来领先的技术优势、雄厚的研发力量和专业的客服体系,加之对于国内互联网市场的准确理解,精心整合而成的面向应用的互联网加速产品—应用加速服务、应用加速服务是基于运营商强健的骨干网络,将CDN核心技术、网络加速技术和安全技术有效地结合起来,构建了可控的、具备高质量保证的、广泛覆盖全国乃至全球的专有支撑网络,通过分布在各种接入环境的互联网探测点模拟真实网络环境进行探测,引导访问用户可以始终通过加速性能最优的应用加速网关交互所需内容,从而提高互联网上各种动态应用内容的投递效率和可用性。 服务原理: 服务优势:

1.可以支持各种应用,如电子商务、Mail、搜索、动态行情、ERP等等。并且用户以真实IP 访问,及可以记录最终用户的真实IP,不影响源站日志功能。 2.采用动静态内容分离技术,可将静态内容本地缓存,动态内容通过专用电路到达源站,一方面提升用户访问体验,另一方面缓解源站压力。 3.依托八度-CDN多年积累的LDNS信息,提供网民的准确定位,就近提供服务。并可根据不同区域的访问质量要求进行解析切换,精细优化访问质量。 4.智能监控,流量均衡,根据访问区域及节点的负载情况,及时进行调整优化,提高用户访问效果。 5.一点接入,全网服务。简单易用、易扩展,用户只需接入服务平台,即可实现全球Internet 用户访问。可提供多个入口点,既保证冗余又可解决运营商内部的拥塞问题。 流媒体服务: a.标准点播加速服务 b.流媒体直播加速服务 a.流媒体点播加速服务是将源站大量的流媒体内容(视频、声音和数据等)通过良好的链路传输到八度网络流媒体专用存储设备中,并通过八度-CDN网络本身具有的协同性能,同步分发到位于各地的八度网络CDN小网络中的专用流媒体访问服务器上,这些服务器位于各省市主要运营商网络节点。八度-CDN网络中智能网络分配技术将终端用户对网站的请求指向响应效果最好的多媒体服务节点上,通过这些流媒体服务节点,向用户提供稳定可靠的流媒体点播服务。 流媒体点播加速服务原理: 目前众多流媒体网站为便于同意的服务与管理,都采用集中式的服务,即所有的服务器


前言 虽然CPU主频的提升会带动系统性能的改善,但系统性能的提高不仅仅取决于CPU,还与系统架构、指令结构、信息在各个部件之间的传送速度及存储部件的存取速度等因素有关,特别是与CPU/内存之间的存取速度有关。 若CPU工作速度较高,但内存存取速度相对较低,则造成CPU等待,降低处理速度,浪费CPU的能力。 如500MHz的PⅢ,一次指令执行时间为2ns,与其相配的内存(SDRAM)存取时间为10ns,比前者慢5倍,CPU和PC的性能怎么发挥出来? 如何减少CPU与内存之间的速度差异?有4种办法: 一种是在基本总线周期中插入等待,但这样会浪费CPU的能力。 另一种方法是采用存取时间较快的SRAM作存储器,这样虽然解决了CPU与存储器间速度不匹配的问题,但却大幅提升了系统成本。 第3种方法是在慢速的DRAM和快速CPU之间插入一速度较快、容量较小的SRAM,起到缓冲作用;使CPU既可以以较快速度存取SRAM中的数据,又不使系统成本上升过高,这就是Cache法。 还有一种方法,采用新型存储器。 目前,一般采用第3种方法。它是PC系统在不大增加成本的前提下,使性能提升的一个非常有效的技术。 本文简介了Cache的概念、原理、结构设计以及在PC及CPU中的实现。 Cache的工作原理 Cache的工作原理是基于程序访问的局部性。 对大量典型程序运行情况的分析结果表明,在一个较短的时间间隔内,由程序产生的地址往往集中在存储器逻辑地址空间的很小范围内。指令地址的分布本来

就是连续的,再加上循环程序段和子程序段要重复执行多次。因此,对这些地址的访问就自然地具有时间上集中分布的倾向。 数据分布的这种集中倾向不如指令明显,但对数组的存储和访问以及工作单元的选择都可以使存储器地址相对集中。这种对局部范围的存储器地址频繁访问,而对此范围以外的地址则访问甚少的现象,就称为程序访问的局部性。 根据程序的局部性原理,可以在主存和CPU通用寄存器之间设置一个高速的容量相对较小的存储器,把正在执行的指令地址附近的一部分指令或数据从主存调入这个存储器,供CPU在一段时间内使用。这对提高程序的运行速度有很大的作用。这个介于主存和CPU之间的高速小容量存储器称作高速缓冲存储器(Cache)。 系统正是依据此原理,不断地将与当前指令集相关联的一个不太大的后继指令集从内存读到Cache,然后再与CPU高速传送,从而达到速度匹配。 CPU对存储器进行数据请求时,通常先访问Cache。由于局部性原理不能保证所请求的数据百分之百地在Cache中,这里便存在一个命中率。即CPU在任一时刻从Cache中可靠获取数据的几率。 命中率越高,正确获取数据的可靠性就越大。一般来说,Cache的存储容量比主存的容量小得多,但不能太小,太小会使命中率太低;也没有必要过大,过大不仅会增加成本,而且当容量超过一定值后,命中率随容量的增加将不会有明显地增长。 只要Cache的空间与主存空间在一定范围内保持适当比例的映射关系,Cache 的命中率还是相当高的。 一般规定Cache与内存的空间比为4:1000,即128kB Cache可映射32MB内存;256kB Cache可映射64MB内存。在这种情况下,命中率都在90%以上。至于没有命中的数据,CPU只好直接从内存获取。获取的同时,也把它拷进Cache,以备下次访问。


Java系统与分析大型实验报告设计题目:基于JavaEE的网上订餐系统 班级:软件801 姓名:*** 学号:*** 指导老师:*** 2011年12月

1、需求分析 网上订餐系统需要提供客户快捷、方便的订餐服务,开发本系统的具体要求如下: (1)在系统首页需要提供推荐菜单、热门菜单已经菜单搜索功能,方便用户快速选购自己喜欢的菜单。 (2)系统要求用户进行注册和登录。 (3)在用户订餐完毕后,需要能够自动计算菜单价格。同时在用户提交订单时,需要用户确定订单无误,同时还将自动生成订单号,并保存到系统的剪贴板中,方便用户保存订单号。 (4)系统还需要提供会员服务功能,会员每消费一块钱将增加一积分。同时在系统首页将显示积分榜,鼓励会员消费。 (5)系统需要提供菜单分类查看功能,从而方便用户选购。 2、功能分析 模块: 餐店简介模块:用来介绍餐店信息,例如餐店名称、联系人、地址、电话等。 美食分类模块:用来分类显示美食信息,可以通过单击菜单来查看菜单详细信息,可以发表评论信息。 订餐模块:点击菜单的订餐按钮,进入购物车,提供订餐功能。 会员中心模块:用来显示会员身份信息,并提供会员信息更新功能。 订单查询模块:负责订单的查询功能,提供订单时间、订单号查询功能。 功能说明用例图: 用户 查询菜单 提交订单 删除订单图1 用户用例图

管理员 查询菜单 添加菜单 删除菜单 查询订单 删除订单 图2 管理员用例图 3、系统设计 系统流程图: 身份识别 是否合法后台订餐页面 是查看美事信息放入购物车查看购物车提交订单查看订单否 评价美食 图3 前台系统流程图 身份识别 是否合法 后台订餐页面 是增加美食删除美事查看订单删除订单修改美事信息 否 图4 后台系统流程图


江苏电视台加速技术服务采购招标项目方案建议书及报价江苏电视台加速技术服务采购招标项目技术服务及报价 北京世纪互联宽带数据中心有限公司 年月 江苏电视台加速技术服务采购招标项目 目录 一、加速网站结构分析 二、世纪互联加速解决方案方案设计原则解决方案内容同步方式及应用一站式客户服务流程客户自助服务系统三、售后服务承诺 运维服务响应流程全天候服务严格履行承诺快速响应客户有效解决问题四、突发事件及异常事件应对策略突发事件解决预案异常事件解决预案五、技术支持六、项目实施计划及服务效果预期项目实施计划服务效果预期第三方测试报告七、典型应用案例介绍合作伙伴重要客户八、世纪互联报价表九、补充说明 北京世纪互联宽带数据中心有限公司 江苏电视台加速技术服务采购招标项目 概述 通过对本招标书的理解,我们认为需要一个具备高连续性、高稳定性、覆盖面广、高保障和高可靠性的服务。

世纪互联的服务网络和保障体系具有以上显著特点:即无论是技术体制、管理体制,还是网络架构、网络属性都独立的、自主的、可控的。正是这种特点使得我们服务的资源扩容和产品升级更具主动性。同时,由于世纪互联的系统,为每个客户提供独立使用加速服务器,使得世纪互联产品可以根据不同客户的不同需求,进行“定制化”配置,保证了客户的个性化加速需要。 世纪互联拥有独立自治域的网络体系是全球互联网的组成部分,从而责无旁贷地承担着对互联网路由管理的重要职责。而网络的互联互通需要多家运营商通力合作才能实现,世纪互联多年与运营商的合作形成了的高效运维体系成为完成这个职责的必要因素。 世纪互联的网络与国内各大基础运营商对等互联,拥有独立自治域网络,网管体系。所以,对于网络扩展、系统管理可以做到完全自主的可控管理。 世纪互联的网络具备为高端客户提供数据加速分发的服务能力,我们的运维体系可以满足高端客户提出各种服务质量要求,包括完全可控的运营维护、灵活的网络扩展能力、更长平均无故障时间。 综上所述,世纪互联可为网站提供高连续性、高稳定性、高保障、高可靠性的加速服务。 北京世纪互联宽带数据中心有限公司 江苏电视台加速技术服务采购招标项目一、加速网站结构分析 网站主要采用静态网页和动态网页搭建而成,同时为了确保网站访问的安全性,对于安通在线报价系统网站采用证书认证,通过技术,可以有效的防止用户访问网站的数据被窃听。 网站托管在双线数据中心,同时,对网站进行域名解析的( )服务器也托管于同一数据中心,但是的用户分布广,国内互联网的骨干网络原因(南北互联互通问题),造成其源服务器的访问压力巨大以及部分区域的用户访问速度缓慢。


实验一Cache模拟器得实现 一、实验目得 (1)加深对Cache得基本概念、基本组织结构以及基本工作原理得理解。 (2)掌握Cache容量、相联度、块大小对Cache性能得影响。 (3)掌握降低Cache不命中率得各种方法以及这些方法对提高Cache性能得好处。 (4)理解LRU与随机法得基本思想以及它们对Cache性能得影响. 二、实验内容与步骤 1、启动Cachesim 2、根据课本上得相关知识,进一步熟悉Cache得概念与工作机制。 Cache概念:高速缓冲存 Cache工作机制:大容量主存一般采用DRAM,相对SRAM速度慢,而SRAM速度快,但价格高。程序与数据具有局限性,即在一个较短得时间内,程序或数据往往集中在很小得存储器地址范围内。因此,在主存与CPU之间可设置一个速度很快而容量相对较小得存储器,在其中存放CPU当前正在使用以及一个较短得时间内将要使用得程序与数据,这样,可大大加快CPU访问存储器得速度,提高机器得运行效率 3、依次输入以下参数:Cache容量、块容量、映射方式、替换策略与写策略. (1)Cache容量: 启动CacheSim,提示请输入Cache容量,例如1、2、4、8、、、、、、。此处选择输入4。 (2)块容量: 如下图所示,提示输入块容量,例如1、2、4、8、、、、、、。此处选择输入16。 (3)映射方式: 如下图所示,提示输入主存储器与高速缓存之间得assoiativity方法

(主存地址到Cache地址之间得映射方式),1代表直接映射(固定得映射关系)、2代表组相联映射(直接映射与全相联映射得折中)、3代表全相联映射(灵活性大得映射关系)。此处选择全相联映射。 (4)替换策略: 如下图所示,提示输入替换策略,1代表先进先出(First-In—First—Out,FIFO)算法、2代表近期最少使用(Least RecentlyUsed,LRU)算法、3代表最不经常使用(Least Frequently Used,LFU)、4代表随机法(Random)。此处选择先进 先出. (5)写策略: 如下图所示,提示输入Cache得读写操作,1代表写直达法(存直达法)即写操作时数据既写入Cache又写入主存、2代表写回法(拷回法)即写操作时只把数据写入Cache而不写入主存,但当Cache数据被替换出去时才写回主存。此处选写回法


求抽象函数解析式的几种方法及适用范围 Last revised by LE LE in 2021

求函数的解析式的几种方法 一: 方法名称:配凑法 适用范围:已知f(g(x))的解析式,求f(h(x))的解析式 方法步骤:1把f(g(x))内的g(x)当做整体,在解析式的右端整理成只含有 g(x)的形式 2再把g(x)用h(x)代替 例: 的解析式。 已知求的解析式。 已知f(x+1)=x-3,求f(x)的解析式。 已知,求的解析式。 二: 方法名称:换元法 适用范围:已知f(g(x))的解析式,求f(h(x))的解析式 方法步骤:1先把形如f(g(x))内的g(x)设为t(换元后要确定新元t的取值范围) 2在用一个只含有t的式子把x表示出来 3然后把这个式子在解析式的右端的x中,使右边只含有t 4再把t用h(x)代替。 例题: 已知求的解析式。 已知f()=x2+5x,则f(x)的解析式。 三 方法名称:待定系数法 适用范围:已知对应法则f(x)的函数模型(如一次函数,二次函数等)

方法步骤:1先设出函数解析式(如f(x)=ax+b) 2把解析式的左端用这个函数模型表示出来 4求出函数模型的系数 例: 四 方法名称:方程组法 适用范围:一般等号左边有两个抽象函数(如f(x),f(-x))。等号右边也含有变量x。 方法步骤:将左边的两个抽象函数看成两个变量。变换变量构造一个方程,与原方程组成一个方程组,利用消元法求f(x)的解析式 例: 设f(x)满足关系式,求函数的解析式. 五: 方法名称:赋值法 适用范围:一般包含一句话“对任意实数满足” 方法步骤:一般的,已知一个关于x,y的抽象函数,利用特殊值去掉一个未知数x或者y,得出关于x或者y的解析式。 例:


网站为什么需要采用CDN加速服务技术 随着中国网民数量的数量日益增长,各大网站网民访问量不断增长,给网络宽带形成了巨大的压力,大大影响了用户的体验度。而CDN技术的出现,及时解决了网络响应速度的问题。虽然经济危机使得众企业纷纷裹紧钱包,勒紧腰带预备过冬,但更多企业仍然选择在危机中寻求生存之道,而CDN市场的巨大潜力被众多公司所看好,越来越多的技术服务商进入CDN市场,对CDN投入了大量的精力和资金,导致CDN市场一时间硝烟弥漫,竞争不断升级,于是CDN热了! CDN这块诱人奶酪,引得群雄竟相逐鹿,远非一家所能收入囊中。除了CDN具有相对较高的技术门槛外,任何CDN服务商要想更多的瓜分到这块诱人的奶酪,必须具备强大的综合实力,需要具备主要涉及产品技术创新、运营服务、资源管理、资金支持四个方面。而那些缺乏专业技术团队,无优质品质保障,无核心竞争能力的CDN提供商,必然遭受优胜劣汰! 从电子商务类网站某网站了解到,随着网民数量高速增长,电子商务的发展面临着除安全问题以外更直接的问题,诸如“访问速度慢、页面打不开…”等,网站因此承受着前所未有的压力。互联网有一项著名的8秒原则,用户在访问Web网页时,如果时间超过8秒就会感到不耐烦,如果下载需要太长时间,他们就会放弃访问。基于使网站网速能得到保障,日前某网就采用了八度网络CDN加速服务,在服务设备没有增加的前提下,访问网站的响应速度由以前的10-20秒,提升到了1-3秒,网络流量也比使用前增加了10倍多,带宽流畅,访问质量相比从前更优。并且由于八度CND的防护功能,更加保证了该网站网络的安全性,使用电子商务网民的信息得到了安全保障。 采用CDN服务后,从网站所得到的直接效益是: (1)网站提高了交易的成功率以及客户的满意度—主动将经常被访问的网络内容发送到距离用户更近的CDN节点可以缩短网站响应时间,消除“找不到服务器”的错误,并使交易顺利完成, (2)提高网站用户的忠诚度, (3)网站无需投资昂贵的各类服务器、设立分站点。 (4)网站只需要维护内容,不需要考虑流量问题,提高了带宽使用率。既节约了成本,又提高了效率。 (5)网站可以提高更多的新业务,并提供更好的服务质量,提高了竞争能力。


题目:安装一种Cache命中率分析工具,并现场安装、演示。 一、什么是CPU-Cache CPU缓存(Cache Memory)是位于CPU与内存之间的临时存储器,它的容 量比内存小的多但是交换速度却比内存要快得多。高速缓存的出现主要是为了解 决CPU运算速度与内存读写速度不匹配的矛盾,因为CPU运算速度要比内存读 写速度快很多,这样会使CPU花费很长时间等待数据到来或把数据写入内存。 在缓存中的数据是内存中的一小部分,但这一小部分是短时间内CPU即将访问的,当CPU调用大量数据时,就可先缓存中调用,从而加快读取速度。CPU包 含多个核心,每个核心又有独自的一级缓存(细分成代码缓存和数据缓存)和二 级缓存,各个核心之间共享三级缓存,并统一通过总线与内存进行交互。 二、关于Cache Line 整个Cache被分成多个Line,每个Line通常是32byte或64byte,Cache Line 是Cache和内存交换数据的最小单位,每个Cache Line包含三个部分 Valid:当前缓存是否有效 Tag:对应的内存地址 Block:缓存数据 三、Cache命中率分析工具选择 1、Linux平台:Valgrind分析工具; 2、Windows平台如下: java的Jprofiler; C++的VisualStudio2010及以后的版本中自带profile工具; Application Verifier; intel vtune等。 四、选用Valgrind分析工具在Linux-Ubuntu14.04环境下实验 1.Valgrind分析工具的常用命令功能: memcheck:检查程序中的内存问题,如泄漏、越界、非法指针等。 callgrind:检测程序代码的运行时间和调用过程,以及分析程序性能。 cachegrind:分析CPU的cache命中率、丢失率,用于进行代码优化。 helgrind:用于检查多线程程序的竞态条件。 massif:堆栈分析器,指示程序中使用了多少堆内存等信息。 2.Valgrind分析工具的安装: 使用Ubuntu统一安装命令:sudo apt-get install valgrind 之后等待安装完成即可。 安装界面如图(由于我已经安装了此工具,而且没有更新的版本,图上结果为无可用升级)。


计算机系统结构实验报告 名称: Cache性能分析学院:信息工程 姓名:陈明 学号:S121055 专业:计算机系统结构年级:研一

实验目的 1.加深对Cache的基本概念、基本组织结构以及基本工作原理的理解; 2.了解Cache的容量、相联度、块大小对Cache性能的影响; 3.掌握降低Cache失效率的各种方法,以及这些方法对Cache性能提高的好处; 4.理解Cache失效的产生原因以及Cache的三种失效; 5.理解LRU与随机法的基本思想,及它们对Cache性能的影响; 实验平台 Vmware 虚拟机,redhat 9.0 linux 操作系统,SimpleScalar模拟器 实验步骤 1.运行SimpleScalar模拟器; 2.在基本配置情况下运行程序(请指明所选的测试程序),统计Cache总失效 次数、三种不同种类的失效次数; 3.改变Cache容量(*2,*4,*8,*64),运行程序(指明所选的测试程序), 统计各种失效的次数,并分析Cache容量对Cache性能的影响; 4.改变Cache的相联度(1路,2路,4路,8路,64路),运行程序(指明所 选的测试程序),统计各种失效的次数,并分析相联度对Cache性能的影响; 5.改变Cache块大小(*2,*4,*8,*64),运行程序(指明所选的测试程 序),统计各种失效的次数,并分析Cache块大小对Cache性能的影响; 6.分别采用LRU与随机法,在不同的Cache容量、不同的相联度下,运行程序 (指明所选的测试程序)统计Cache总失效次数,计算失效率。分析不同的替换算法对Cache性能的影响。 预备知识 1. SimpleScalar模拟器的相关知识。详见相关的文档。 2. 复习和掌握教材中相应的内容 (1)可以从三个方面改进Cache的性能:降低失效率、减少失效开销、减少Cache命中时间。 (2)按照产生失效的原因不同,可以把Cache失效分为三类: ①强制性失效(Compulsory miss)


大连理工大学实验报告计算机系统结构实验 实验四Cache性能分析 学院(系):电子信息与电气工程学部专业:计算机科学与技术 学生姓名: 班级: 学号: 大连理工大学 Dalian University of Technology

实验四Cache性能分析 一、实验目的和要求 (1)加深对Cache的基本概念、基本组织结构以及基本工作原理的理解。 (2)掌握Cache容量、相联度、块大小对Cache性能的影响。 (3)掌握降低Cache不命中率的各种方法以及这些方法对提高Cache性能的好处。 (4)理解LRU与随机法的基本思想以及它们对Cache性能的影响。 二、实验步骤与操作方法 1、Cache容量对不命中率的影响。 (1)启动MyCache。 (2)用鼠标单击“复位”按钮,把各参数设置为默认值。 (3)选择一个地址流文件。方法:选择“访问地址”—>“地址流文件”选项,然后单击“浏览”按钮,从本模拟器所在文件夹下的“地址流”文件夹中选取。 (4)选择不同的Cache容量,包括2KB、4KB、8KB、16KB、32KB、64KB、128KB和256KB。分别执行模拟器(单击“执行到底”按钮即可执行),然后在下表中记录各种情况下的不命中率。 表不同容量下Cache的不命中率 (5)以容量为横坐标,画出不命中率随Cache容量变化而变化的曲线,并指明地址流文件名。

(6)根据该模拟结果,你能得出什么结论? 答:随着Cache容量的增大,不命中率降低,但是降低的幅度由较大差别,Cache容 量足够大以后,不命中率降到一定程度以后,降低效果不再明显。 2.相联度对不命中率的影响 (1)用鼠标单击“复位”按钮,把各参数设置为默认值。此时的Cache容量为64KB。 (2)选择一个地址流文件。 (3)选择不同的Cache相联度,包括2路、4路、8路、16路和32路。分别执行模拟器,然后在下表中记录各种情况下的不命中率。 表当容量为64KB时,不同相联度下Cache的不命中率 (4)把Cache的容量设置为256KB,重复(3)的工作,并填写下表。 表当容量为256KB时,不同相联度下Cache的不命中率 (5)以相联度为横坐标,画出在64KB和256KB的情况下不命中率随Cache相联度变化而变化的曲线,并指明地址流文件名。


计算机系统结构实验报告 一.流水线中的相关 实验目的: 1. 熟练掌握WinDLX模拟器的操作和使用,熟悉DLX指令集结构及其特点; 2. 加深对计算机流水线基本概念的理解; 3. 进一步了解DLX基本流水线各段的功能以及基本操作; 4. 加深对数据相关、结构相关的理解,了解这两类相关对CPU性能的影响; 5. 了解解决数据相关的方法,掌握如何使用定向技术来减少数据相关带来的暂停。 实验平台: WinDLX模拟器 实验内容和步骤: 1.用WinDLX模拟器执行下列三个程序: 求阶乘程序fact.s 求最大公倍数程序gcm.s 求素数程序prim.s 分别以步进、连续、设置断点的方式运行程序,观察程序在流水线中的执行情况,观察 CPU中寄存器和存储器的内容。熟练掌握WinDLX的操作和使用。 2. 用WinDLX运行程序structure_d.s,通过模拟找出存在资源相关的指令对以及导致资源相 关的部件;记录由资源相关引起的暂停时钟周期数,计算暂停时钟周期数占总执行周期数的 百分比;论述资源相关对CPU性能的影响,讨论解决资源相关的方法。 3. 在不采用定向技术的情况下(去掉Configuration菜单中Enable Forwarding选项前的勾选符),用WinDLX运行程序data_d.s。记录数据相关引起的暂停时钟周期数以及程序执行的 总时钟周期数,计算暂停时钟周期数占总执行周期数的百分比。 在采用定向技术的情况下(勾选Enable Forwarding),用WinDLX再次运行程序data_d.s。重复上述3中的工作,并计算采用定向技术后性能提高的倍数。 1. 求阶乘程序 用WinDLX模拟器执行求阶乘程序fact.s。这个程序说明浮点指令的使用。该程序从标准 输入读入一个整数,求其阶乘,然后将结果输出。 该程序中调用了input.s中的输入子程序,这个子程序用于读入正整数。 实验结果: 在载入fact.s和input.s之后,不设置任何断点运行。 a.不采用重新定向技术,我们得到的结果


抽象函数经典综合题33例(含详细解答) 抽象函数,是指没有具体地给出解析式,只给出它的一些特征或性质的函数,抽象函数型综合问题,一般通过对函数性质的代数表述,综合考查学生对于数学符号语言的理解和接受能力,考查对于函数性质的代数推理和论证能力,考查学生对于一般和特殊关系的认识,是考查学生能力的较好途径。抽象函数问题既是教学中的难点,又是近几年来高考的热点。 本资料精选抽象函数经典综合问题33例(含详细解答) 1.定义在R 上的函数y=f(x),f(0)≠0,当x>0时,f(x)>1,且对任意的a 、b ∈R ,有f(a+b)=f(a)f(b), (1)求证:f(0)=1; (2)求证:对任意的x ∈R ,恒有f(x)>0; (3)证明:f(x)是R 上的增函数; (4)若f(x)·f(2x-x 2 )>1,求x 的取值范围。 解 (1)令a=b=0,则f(0)=[f(0)]2 ∵f(0)≠0 ∴f(0)=1 (2)令a=x ,b=-x 则 f(0)=f(x)f(-x) ∴) (1 )(x f x f = - 由已知x>0时,f(x)>1>0,当x<0时,-x>0,f(-x)>0 ∴0) (1 )(>-= x f x f 又x=0时,f(0)=1>0 ∴对任意x ∈R ,f(x)>0 (3)任取x 2>x 1,则f(x 2)>0,f(x 1)>0,x 2-x 1>0 ∴ 1)()()() () (121212>-=-?=x x f x f x f x f x f ∴f(x 2)>f(x 1) ∴f(x)在R 上是增函数 (4)f(x)·f(2x-x 2 )=f[x+(2x-x 2 )]=f(-x 2 +3x)又1=f(0), f(x)在R 上递增 ∴由f(3x-x 2 )>f(0)得:3x-x 2 >0 ∴ 0

Cache 管理

1 前言 自从诞生以来,Linux 就被不断完善和普及,目前它已经成为主流通用操作系统之一,使用得非常广泛,它与Windows、UNIX 一起占据了操作系统领域几乎所有的市场份额。特别是在高性能计算领域,Linux 已经成为一个占主导地位的操作系统,在2005年6月全球TOP500 计算机中,有301 台部署的是Linux 操作系统。因此,研究和使用Linux 已经成为开发者的不可回避的问题了。 下面我们介绍一下Linux 内核中文件Cache 管理的机制。本文以 2.6 系列内核为基准,主要讲述工作原理、数据结构和算法,不涉及具体代码。 2 操作系统和文件Cache 管理 操作系统是计算机上最重要的系统软件,它负责管理各种物理资源,并向应用程序提供各种抽象接口以便其使用这些物理资源。从应用程序的角度看,操作系统提供了一个统一的虚拟机,在该虚拟机中没有各种机器的具体细节,只有进程、文件、地址空间以及进程间通信等逻辑概念。这种抽象虚拟机使得应用程序的开发变得相对容易:开发者只需与虚拟机中的各种逻辑对象交互,而不需要了解各种机器的具体细节。此外,这些抽象的逻辑对象使得操作系统能够很容易隔离并保护各个应用程序。 对于存储设备上的数据,操作系统向应用程序提供的逻辑概念就是"文件"。应用程序要存储或访问数据时,只需读或者写"文件"的一维地址空间即可,而这个地址空间与存储设备上存储块之间的对应关系则由操作系统维护。 在Linux 操作系统中,当应用程序需要读取文件中的数据时,操作系统先分配一些内存,将数据从存储设备读入到这些内存中,然后再将数据分发给应用程序;当需要往文件中写数据时,操作系统先分配内存接收用户数据,然后再将数据从内存写到磁盘上。文件Cache 管理指的就是对这些由操作系统分配,并用来存储文件数据的内存的管理。Cache 管理的优劣通过两个指标衡量:一是Cache 命中率,Cache 命中时数据可以直接从内存中获取,不再需要访问低速外设,因而可以显著提高性能;二是有效Cache 的比率,有效Cache 是指真正会被访问到的Cache 项,如果有效Cache 的比率偏低,则相当部分磁盘带宽会被浪费到读取无用Cache 上,而且无用Cache 会间接导致系统内存紧张,最后可能会严重影响性能。 下面分别介绍文件Cache 管理在Linux 操作系统中的地位和作用、Linux 中文件Cache 相关的数据结构、Linux 中文件Cache 的预读和替换、Linux 中文件Cache 相关API 及其实现。 2 文件Cache 的地位和作用 文件Cache 是文件数据在内存中的副本,因此文件Cache 管理与内存管理系统和文件系统都相关:一方面文件Cache 作为物理内存的一部分,需要参与物理内存的分配回收过程,另一方面文件Cache 中的数据来源于存储设备上的文件,需要通过文件系统与存储设备进行读写交互。从操作系统的角度考虑,文件Cache 可以看做是内存管理系统与文件系统之间的联系纽带。因此,文件Cache 管理是操作系统的一个重要组成部分,它的性能直接影响着文件系统和内存管理系统的性能。 图1描述了Linux 操作系统中文件Cache 管理与内存管理以及文件系统的关系示意图。从图中可以看到,在Linux 中,具体文件系统,如ext2/ext3、jfs、ntfs 等,负责在文件Cache 和存储设备之间交换数据,位于具体文件系统之上的虚拟文件系统VFS负责在应用程序和文件Cache 之间通过read/write 等接口交换数据,而内存管理系统负责文件Cache 的分配和回收,同时虚拟内存管理系统(VMM)则允许应用程序和文件Cache 之间通过memory
