

留学论文中,在动笔之前选对结构框架往往会决定最终的分数段! 今天hansedu小编带大家一起学习essay常用的3个结构并且逐个进行深入分析。 首先,essay的结构主要分为以下3大类: Argument-opinion structure Cause-effect structure SPSE structure 我们今天一起探索论文里最常运用的第一类结构argument-opinion structure,比如分析问题strengths/weaknesses/limitations,给出具体论据论证,最后进行evaluation。 对于这类论文,一般两种outline最为适用。 1 for-and-against outline 第1种: for-and-against outline 顾名思义,按照支持方观点和反对方观点进行全文的重点分段,将所有支持的观点整合在一起,反对方也是一样。注意每个观点后面一定要有对应的support。 Brief outline: ---Introduction ---Viewpoints from pros (+support) ---Viewpoints from cons (+support) ---My position ---Conclusion 2 thematic outline 第2种: thematic outline 这种outline是按照主题(theme/topic)分类,比第一种更容易扩展,适合字数较多的论文分析。按照每个theme进行划分pros&cons观点,更加清晰。 Brief outline: ---Introduction ---Theme 1 (pros+cons) ---My position ---Theme 2 (pros+cons) ---My position ---Theme 3 (pros+cons) ---My position ---Conclusion 每种outline都有特定的适用范围,有的论文需要结合两种以上的不同结构。我们需要具体问题具体分析,希望大家能够在留学论文中灵活运用~


Outline Thesis statement: like coins have two sides, giving students grades has advantages and disadvantages, say it is useful, imperfect, and harmful. I.Giving students grades is useful A.It can help students work hard. 1.My classmate, Sun didn’t want studying very much, when he was twelve years’old. But after my teacher, Miss Zhang told him that his grade in class is low, Sun began did his best to study. B.It can let students to know their disadvantages. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0f5366950.html,st year, my grade in our class was always high, but this year, my grade got lower. After my analysis, I know finally, I don’t have a good way to study. C.It let students who have high grade become more confident. 1.My classmate, King has a high grade in class, so he is very confident to study, and he becomes more and more successful. II.On the other hand, the disadvantages far overweight the advantages, because giving students grade is not perfect. A.It can’t reflect students’ comprehensive abilities.


英语专业毕业论文提纲参考文档2篇English major thesis outline reference document 编订:JinTai College

英语专业毕业论文提纲参考文档2篇 前言:论文提纲是作者构思谋篇的具体体现,便于作者有条理地安排材料、展开论证。有了一个好的提纲,就能纲举目张,提纲挈领,掌握全篇论文的基本骨架,使论文的结构完整统一,分清层次,明确重点,周密地谋篇布局,使总论点和分论点有机地统一起来。本文档根据毕业论文提纲内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英语专业毕业论文提纲参考文档 2、篇章2:关于英语专业毕业论文提纲选题文档 篇章1:英语专业毕业论文提纲参考文档 英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向,具体解释如下: 1.英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究。

在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国 文学中的某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法的运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究。但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典的作家或作品。有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生的兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象。在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在的深刻含义,不能流于肤浅的分析。 文学批评理论的选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因 为该理论知识的学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论的知识结构。这个方向的选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语的阐释或某两种或以上的文学批 评理论的比较。 比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较。 这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) 2.语言学:选择语言学的毕业论文选题可以在两个大的方向 进行:普通语言学和应用语言学。


Outline The statements: This paper is going to discuss the liberalism that rooted in Isabel Archer’s mind—the heroin in the portrait of a lady.But sometimes she seems to go against her liberalism after marriage with Gilbert Osmond. 1. Introduction 2. The Maturity of Isabel Archer 3.Isabel's View of liberty 3.1 Liberty of Mind 3.1.1 Isabel's Attitude toward Life 3.1.2 Isabel's Attitude toward Love and Marriage 3.2 Liberty of Behaviours 3.2.1 Isabel's Refusal to Ideal Suitors—Goodwood and Warburton 3.2.2 Isabel's Choice to Marry Gilbert Osmond 4. Paradoxs in Isabel's View of Liberalism 4.1 Request for Liberty Versus Social Limitation 4.2 Love of Liberty Versus Fear of Liberty 4.3 Preservation of Dignity Versus Acceptance of Mistakes 5. Conclusion


怎样撰写英语的outline 好的outline对你撰写正文内容具有很强的指导作用。不管你要撰写的是什么类型的文章,outline都是非常必要(通常情况下也是必须的)。接下来的内容对撰写提纲有很大帮助。 1.明确文章的主旨。 一篇文章都有其所要表达主旨。选择一个最终主旨不仅能引导你主题的方向,还有助于你有逻辑的组织文章。比如你在写论文,写下能够概括文章主旨的中心思想,以帮助你确定主旨: ? 比较和对照两个事物。 ? 列出因果 ? 阐明或分析一个特殊方面 ? 列出单个或两者的论证 ? 提供证据并得出结论 ? 列出问题然后提供解决方案 2.收集辅助材料。 这些被收集来的材料可能来自引用他人成果、数据统计、理论、实验结果等。通过收集材料,明确这些材料使用,这些东西可能会体现在essay outline中。 3.决定如何安排辅助论证来支撑主旨。 举例:如果你在呈现一个历史概述,你可以按年代来排序;如果你在辩论文学方面内容,你可能要按主题排序;如果你处在某观点立场的两级徘徊时,你可以先列出和你立场有矛盾的证据,然后用反论证消除达到有说服力的结果。 4.撰写主题提纲或者句子提纲。 如果文章非常灵活多变,那么你可以用利用一些短语作为主题大纲;用句子大纲阐述细节。 ? 一般来说你可以尝试先用主题提纲来开始你的提纲撰写,然后再逐步转变成句子提纲。 5.确定主要类别。 根据文章的主旨和找到的辅助材料来决定把全文的大主题分散整理到不同逻辑类别。这些类别将会被标记成罗马数字来形成提纲的第一步。 ? 当写文章时,通常会用一个大点去代表一个段落:比如,一、文章的开头段,二、主体段落的第一段,等等。例如,如果描写飞机历史发展史的概论,每一个大点就该包括各个飞机历史上的时期。 6.确定论点。


论文提纲范例 Sample Outline 编订:JinTai College

论文提纲范例 前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准,就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果文章。本文档根据论文格式内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 论文提纲范例一 题目:主标题网络教学形式新思维 副标题 ------基于网络环境的协作学习研究 关键词:网络环境协作学习 目录: 摘要:本文简要介绍了网络环境协作学习的意义,以及网络教学下协作学习的特点,基于网络下学习的自我体会-(100字) 引言------------------------------------------------------(200字) 一、网络教学(1000字)

1.1.网络教学下协作学习-------------------------1. 2.网络教学下协作学习与传统教学的比较分析 1.3.网络教学下协作学习的优势---------------- 二、协作学习的组织形式及其原则(1000字) 2.1.协作学习的组织形式------------------------- 2.2.协作学习的组织原则------------------------- 三、协作学习的基本要素分析(1000字)---- 四、网络教学下协作学习的实现方式(XX字) 4.1.角色扮演------------------------ 4.2.伙伴------------------------------ 4.3.竞争------------------------------ 4.4.协同------------------------------ 4.5.辩论------------------------------ 4.6.问题解决------------------------ 4.7.设计------------------------------ 五、基于网络下学习的自我体会(1000字)


Introduction to the Course --- Public Speaking Outline Specific purpose: To inform the students about the aspects of the course --- Public Speaking Central idea: The four aspects of this course include five purposes of opening the course, the way the course will be conducted and the teaching schedule, 14 requirements to ensure an effective result; and the evaluation and grading. Introduction I. First let me ask you three questions: A. A. Why do you choose this course B.What is a good speech C.What is the greatest obstacle if one wants to deliver a great speech II. As a veteran teacher of English I find Chinese students are reluctant to make a public speech. A.Chinese students are more likely to have stage fright because they are not or less trained. B.Public speech is a compulsory course in most of the American universities. III. For the next 30 minutes or so I’d like to talk about 4 things: the purposes of this course, the way the course will be conducted, the requirements you should meet and grading scheme. (Transition: Let’s start with the purposes of this course.) Body I. There are five main purposes to open this course.

论文写作提纲 格式

Outline of the Thesis (论文提纲) 说明: 1. “写作提纲”(Outline)就是自己的论文写作的详细计划(a practical working plan)。利用这个提纲整体规划全篇论文,分清主要观点、次要观点,先写什么、后写什么,每一章的中心论点是什么,包括多少小节,等等。有了这样的提纲,就有了写作过程的整体意识,保持各章节之间的逻辑联系,以免写作是迷失方向,或者丢三落四,或者详略失当。 2. “写作提纲”(Outline)的实际形式就是一个详尽的论文目录,重在表明你的写作思路和内容。 3.“写作提纲”需要得到指导老师的认可,可以用来向指导老师汇报写作进度或讨 论写作中的问题。 请仿照下面格式拟写论文提纲: (至少每章、每节都应拟定标题或小标题;至于全文分为多少章,每章又分为多少小节,根据自己的论文需要而定。) 1 Introduction(三号字) 1.1 (标题)(小三号字) 1.1.1 (小标题)(四号字) (正文用小四号字) 1.1.2 (小标题) 1.1.3 (小标题) 1.2 (标题)(小三号字) 1.2.1(小标题)(四号字) 1.2.2(小标题) 1.3(标题)(小三号字) 2 (三号字)

2.1(标题)(小三号字) 2.1.1(小标题)(四号字) 2.1.2(小标题) 2.1.3(小标题) ……………………………… 2.2 (标题)(小三号字) 2.2.1(小标题) 2.2.2(小标题) 2.2.3(小标题) ……………………………… 2.3 (标题) …………………………… 3 (标题)(三号字) 3.1 (标题) 3.2 (标题) 3.2.1(小标题) 3.2.2 3.3 (标题) 3.3.1(小标题) 3.3.2 ……………………………… 4 (标题)(三号字) 4.1.(标题) 4.2 4.3 5 Conclusion(三号字) 5.1(标题) 5.2

样例Persuasive Speech Outline带身体语言设计

样例:Persuasive Speech Outline 2011级国贸1班王红交稿时间2012.10.26 Independent travel is the best way of tourism Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that independent travel is the best way of tourism. Central Idea: Independent travel is the best way of tourism because of three merits----more freedom, arranging the travel according to your needs, and experiencing a more authentic life when traveling by yourself. Introduction I. II. ? II.For packaged travel most of you must have experienced a lot, out with your parents. But now, as a college student I could say that independent travel must be the best way of IV. ?It is a self-arranged travel, which means you have to book the tickets and hotel V. So today, I will show you three of the independent travel to explain why it is the best way of tourism. Body I. A. 2.Or if somewhere is attractive enough, you can choose to stay longer to enjoy the beautiful scenery. (Transition: Actually, freedom is just a beginning. The second one is truly the most exciting one.) II. A.Packaged travel often has a which may contain many B.And also you can change your route randomly.


Name: (中文) Class: 1.5倍行距 Number: Date: Thesis Outline (小三,加粗,居中) Robinson Crusoe: A Middle-Class Hero (题目:四号,加粗,居中) (以下小四,1.5倍行距) Thesis Statement: The leading character in Robinson Crusoe embodied the values of the eighteenth century British middle class: individualism, adventurous spirits, utilitarianism and labor-worship. Outline: 1.Introduction 2.The 18th Century British Society 3.V alues of Middle Class and Robinson’s Heroic Image 3.1Individualism and Self-Reliance 3.1.1Rebellious Spirit 3.1.2Reluctance to Going Home 3.1.3Survival after Shipwreck 3.1.4Communication with God 3.2Exploration of Instinct and Adventurous Spirits 3.2.1Desires for Adventurous Spirits 3.2.2Slavery Adventure 3.2.3Exploring the Outside World 3.2.4Island Adventures 3.3Utilitarianism and Materialism


The spice of my life Outline Specificpurpose: To inform my audience about my experience living with my sister Central idea:To tell the story and feeling living with my sister. Introduction Eye contact Recently, China is about to carry out generally two-child policy. People have different views on the policy. Businesspersons discover new opportunities. Young parents are considering if they want a second child. How about you? Most of you are the only child. When you hear d the policy, are you happy your parents won’t want a second at this age? Or do you feel ashamed the policy carrying out so late? Slow down.But for me, as an older sister, my emotion is complex. I think of my experience living with my sister. She is like the spicy of my life.Today,according to my feeling I will divide the experience into four stages to share with you. (preview statement) (transition: let’s get down the first stage, sour) Body I. The first stage is my mother was pregnant, my feeling is sour. In other words, I was jealous of the little life. A.The reason why I hate younger sister 1. Before, I heard that if you had a younger sister or brother, all of your things would be shared. I believe it without doubt. 2.When my mother was pregnant, I was not allowed to be close to my mother, my

Speech Outline演讲提纲

Speech Outline Step One – Preparation A.Topic:environment problems B.Audience:citizen C.Title of speech:What should we do with the environment problems? D.Purpose of speech:To make people ware the global environment problems, and encourage people to protect the environment. Step Two – Introduction Main point:The Paris agreement came into effect on November 4th ,2016. At present, the environment problems are becoming more and more serious. It is necessary to take measures to protect environment. It is the responsibility of citizen. Step Three – Body Main Idea 1 ?Idea: why do we need to pay attention to environmental problems? ?Details/Examples:The signing of the Paris agreement means the global environment is not optimistic. Environment problems will threaten the survival of human. Main Idea 2 ?Idea:What cause the environment pollution? ?Details/Examples: air pollution( haze,industry), water pollution(drainage), soil pollution(used battery) Main Idea 3 ?Idea: What should the government and citizen do? ?Details/Examples: government( make laws, financial support...) citizen(drive green, monitor government...)

实证研究型论文提纲写法Research Paper Outline

Research Paper Outline The research paper outline is essential for any article or term paper. The outline may make a great difference on how your work is interpreted. Writing a research paper is as important as performing the actual research or experiment itself and can appear to be a very daunting task. It does not matter what conclusions you arrived at or how perfect your experimentation was, if you put no effort into writing a good report then your study will not be taken seriously. If you break report writing down into its constituent parts, it is not as complex as it seems and there is no reason to be worried. Scientific reports, for the vast majority of disciplines, are all structured in the same way; if you follow this structure then you cannot go far wrong. It is useful to note that every scientific discipline, every university and even supervisors can have their own preferred methods of constructing reports; with this in mind, do not be afraid to ask for advice on the best research paper format for your report. LAYOUT AND LENGTH For most assessed reports you will be told how long it should be, generally by the number of words. This is generally only a guide and is not set in stone; in most cases this limit does not include appendices and citation pages. If you plan to write for a specific journal, a good advice is to check the research paper outline of some of the articles to get a better idea on how to write your article. Here are a few outline samples. If your report is complex and strays over this limit, there should be no problem, as long as you have not repeated yourself or filled your work with irrelevant information. It is good practice to bear in mind that the appendix is there for any information that you feel could be omitted from the report without affecting the clarity. Your report can be shorter than the advised word limit if everything that needs to be included is there. This is preferable than trying to pad out the report in order to fulfill some ‘word count’ facility on the computer, risking being penalized for irrelevance.


有些同学11周可能没去上课,或者上课笔记没做完,下面是我在课堂上抄的笔记,希望对各位同学写outline有帮助! 一、Outline的构成 Introduction –a formal presentation that leads to the main part of the essay. A good introduction gets the reader s’ attention and makes them want to read more. Thesis – a subject for a composition or essay, a statement put forward for consideration that is either proved or discussed against objections. Transition –a statement or two that shows the readers you are now talking about something else. Summary – a technique used usually in the conclusion of an essay that restates the author’s intentions without going into too much detail and highlights the major points the author wants to make in the written work. Conclusion –the end of the essay and often the part that readers remember most. It should be clear and avoid contradicting the points you have raised earlier in the essay. It’s your last chance to have the final say on the object. It should be clear and avoid using the same phrase. P.S. 在Transition中要避免使用first, second, third,………………


My outline (080703120 汤煜芳) A Paralysed Wilderness —The Appreciation and Analysis of Symbols in Araby Thesis statement:The symbols regarding the setting, religion and characters in Araby are ingeniously adopted, which manifests a stretch of paralysed wilderness typical of Dublin and contributes immensely to the success of the short story. Outline: 1. Introduction 2. Demonstration 2.1 Symbols regarding the setting 2.1.1 Blind alley in North Richmond Street—hopelessness, bleakness, and ignorance 2.1.2 Houses and gardens in the street—decay and gloom 2.1.3 Lamplight 2.1. 3.1 Lamplight in the street—spiritual decadence 2.1. 3.2 Lamplight in Araby fair—darkness and disillusionment 2.1.4 Araby bazaar—boy’s goal and social reality 2.2 Symbols involving religion 2.2.1 Dead priest and his abandoned belongings—collapse of the religious belief 2.2.2 The wild garden—spiritual paralysis 2.2.3 The chalice—boy’s yearning for beautiful love 2.3 Symbols concerning the characters 2.3.1 Mangan’s sister—boy’s pursuit of dream 2.3.2 Aunt and uncle of th e narrator “I”—short-sighted and indifferent people 3. Conclusion 1

英语正式论文thesis outline范例

Class Four Katherine Topic: Abolition of the death penalty Thesis: The Chinese government should take steps to abolish the death penalty. Ⅰ. Introduction A.Definition of the death penalty B.History of the death penalty in China C.Thesis statement Ⅱ. Necessities of abolishing the death penalty in China A.The global trend 1.Consideration of the human rights 2.Quotations from the celebrities 3.Example of abolishing the death penalty abroad B.Defectiveness of the death penalty 1.Racial inequality 2.Economic inequality 3.Erroneous judgment 4.Ineffective deterrence C.Home Requirement 1.Attitudes of the party concerned 2.The need to build a harmonious society Ⅲ. Necessities of taking steps A.The enormous population and the lack of infrastructure construction B.Economic condition C.Public order condition D.Legislative condition E.Judicial condition F.Social psychology Ⅳ. How to take steps A.Revision of the laws B.Reformation of the judicature C.Promote people’s conception of the death penalty D.Promote leaders’ conception of the death penalty Ⅴ. Conclusion A.Summary of above information B.Restate thesis in different words C.Closing remark


论文题目(英语) How To Treat Middle school Students' Errors in the Classroom ———————————————————————————————————————(以下部分用中文阐述) 一、意义简述(100字内) 古人说:“金无足赤,人无完人。”在学习过程中,每个学生多多少少都会不可避免地犯一些错误,通过学生的错误教师可以观察出他们在学习方面面临的问题和需要改进的地方。本文试图提出几条处理错误的方法,以改进教学实践。然而老师对待学生们的学习问题时所采取的措施不尽相同。基于上述情况,本文通过调查初中英语课堂上教师与学生的错误观及纠错方式。旨在提升教师的纠错方式,并促进中国教师与学生英语学习的共同进步。 二、文献综述(150字内) 本文将对以下问题作相应研究探讨: 1.研究中学生英语错误的必要性 2学生英语错误在当今的研究 3.范围界定:正确认识英语学习中”errors”和”mistakes”的区别 4.如何应对中学生英语学习中的错误 教学中只有正确对待学生的错误,才能更有效促进学生的学习和教师工作的开展,进而激发学生自主学习的欲望。 三、研究方法 1)理论基础(100字内) 错误分析法 1、罗列学生在学习过程中已发生或可能发生的错误。 2、分析发生错误的原因。

3、评价错误的后果。 2)研究问题或假设(150字内) 1. 学生们在课堂学习过程中可能出现那些错误? 2. 教师应如何应对学生的不同错误? 3)研究对象与研究方法、工具(如果是调查或课堂观察研究方法,注明研究工具,如自己设计还是采纳已有问卷表)(100字内) 以课堂观察的形式对中学生中英语学习者进行研究,课后对学生进行调查并及时记录 4)研究步骤(200字内) 1, 查阅相关书籍文献,收集可供参考的理论,依据,材料; 2. 联系所收集的理论,联系课堂观察中教师对学生学习错误的不同应对策略及效果,撰写教师应对学生错误的正确策略总结; 3. 指定整体论文框架,咨询导师吸收修改意见; 4. 撰写并修改论文; 5.导师终审并提交论文终稿; 6.论文开题答辩。 五、预期结论与研究局限性(150字) 预期结论:对学生英语错误的合在英语教学中具有重要地位。本文能够客观真实地指出,教师使用科学的、针对性的策略来解决学生英语学习错误能更有效地促进学生的英语学习。 研究局限性:调查范围有限,怕不够全面的反映问题。
