

课时Period 第1课时




Unit 5 Our new home (Story time)


Teaching Aims

1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom,home, sofa, come, kitchen, fridge, hungry”并理解单词的意思。

2、通过在创设的情境中交流,能听、说、读句子:“Where’s/Where are …?I t’s/They’re …”并会运用所学句型。


Teaching Key Points

1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom,home, sofa, come, kitchen, fridge, hungry”并理解单词的意思。

2、通过在创设的情境中交流,能听、说、读句子:“Where’s/Where are …?It’s/They’re …并会运用。


Teaching Difficult Points




Teaching Procedures

Step1 Greeting & Warm up


T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello,….

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

2.Sing a song

Where is the bird?

T: Do you like singing?

S: Yes.

T: I like singing very much. Can you answer my question? Where?s the bird?

S: It?s in the tree.

T: But today the bird isn?t in the tree. It?s in Su Hai and Su Yang?s new home.

Let?s play a game. Where is the bird?

Step2 Presentation

1. Play a game and learn the new words

T: (手中拿着一只折起来的小鸟) Now boys and girls, guess, where is the bird?

S: Is it in the bedroom?

S: Is it in the bathroom?

S: Is it in the living room?

T: Teach “bedroom, living room, bathroom”

S: Is it in the kitchen?

T: Yes, it?s in the kitchen. (Teach “kitchen”) But where is it? Can you find it?

It?s on the table.

Now it?s on the fridge.

Now it?s behind the clock.

Now it?s on the sofa. It?s beautiful.

Teach “table, fridge, clock, sofa”Read after the tape. Read one by one.

2. Show the pictures.

Example: Where is the bird? It?s in the living room, on the sofa.

(展示的图片要能让学生操练到所学的单词:bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom, sofa, kitchen, fridge)

Step3 Story time

1. Listen to the tape and think:

T: Where are Su Hai and Su Yang?

S: They are in their new home.

揭题:Today we?ll learn a new lesson “Our new home”

S: Read the topic.

2. Watch the cartoon and match.

T: Where is Su Yang?s bag?

S: It?s in Su Yang?s bedroom.

T: Where is Su Yang?s white cap?

S: It?s in the kitchen.

T: Where are Su Yang and Su Hai?s skirts?

S: They are in the living room.





3. Watch the cartoon again and finish the exercises.

Where is ? It?s

Where are ? They are

Where?s ? It?s

4. Listen to the tape and read after it. ( 注意模仿其语音语调。)

5. Read in three. (分角色朗读对话。)

6. Act the dialogue. (小组表演展示对话。)

7. 引导学生将课文变成歌谣,进行诵读。

Where, where, where?s the bag?

Here, here, in the bedroom.

Where, where, where are the skirts?

There, there, in the living room, on the sofa.

Where, where, where?s the cap?

Sorry, sorry, I don?t know.

Oh, oh, in the kitchen.

Step 4 Consolidation

1. Match and say.


skirt bedroom

Su Yang white cap living room

Su Hai bag kitchen

2. 四人(a, b, c, d)一组,b, c, d询问a家中的摆设,a要回答b, c, d每人提出的问题。b, c, d再根据a的回答,画出他/她家的摆设, 看谁画的最像,评选出优秀的一人。

Step 5 Sing a song

1.Say a rhyme

T: (拿出一个卧室的图片)Look, what?s in the bedroom?

S: A sofa, a chair, a desk, a window, a door and a bed.

T: Yes. It?s nice and clean. I love my bedroom. I love my little bedroom. Try to say this rhyme. First read it in two. (把歌词变为韵律诗,学生互相说一说)

T: Let?s try to say it together.

T: Say it all together again.

2.Sing the song

T: This is a nice song. Let?s listen to it. (播放歌曲动画)

T: Can you try to follow it? (学生跟唱)


Blackboard Writing

Unit 5 Our new home

A: Where is /Where are…? B: It?s/They are …

A: Is it i n …? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn?t.




Unit 5 Our new home

Fun time Song time& Sound time 教学目标

Teaching Aims

1. 能理解句型Where’s /Where are…? It’s /They are….的含义,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。

2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品的摆设。

3. 能体会字母k在单词中的发音。


Teaching Key Points

1. 能理解句型Where’s /Where are…? It’s /They are….的含义,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。

2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品的摆设。


Teaching Difficult Points


1. 画好书上34页4个房间的图。

2. 找一些含有/k/发音的单词,并试着编一句话。

3. 再唱一唱书上36页的这首歌。


Teaching Procedures

Step1 Free talk and revision

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello,….

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

2. T: Do you like your home?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Do you have a nice bed?

S: Yes, I do.

T: How many rooms do you have?

S: I have …

T: What room do you like?

S: I like …

T: Where is your cap?

S: It?s…

T: Where are your dolls? How many?

S: They are…I have six.

T: Can your dolls dance?

S: No, they can?t.

3. Practice in pairs. Ask and answer each other.

4. Review the text.


Where, where, where?s the ?

Here, here, in the .

Where, where, where are the ?

There, there, in the , on the .

Where, where, where?s the ?

Sorry, sorry, I don?t know.

Oh, oh, in the .

5. T: Great! Now can you dub for the story? 你们能来给课文动画配音吗?

S: 分角色给课文动画配音

Step 2 Sing the song

1. T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, ….

T: (出示第一课时中的小卧室) Do you remember this little bedroom?

S: Yes.

T: Let?s sing the song …I love my bedroom.? (播放歌曲,学生唱)

2. Change the lyrics

T: We know the little bedroom is nice and clean. Now can you change your words according to these pictures? 你能根据图片改编歌词唱一唱吗?Now listen to me. (教师示范演唱第一段)

T: I love my living room. It?s bright and clean. I love my big living room. A TV, a sofa, two chairs and a picture. I love my living room. It?s bright and clean. I love my big living room. T: Can you sing it like this? Now here are three more pictures from the text. (PPT出课文另外三幅图片) Sing them in your groups.

S: Sing the songs. (集体反馈唱歌)

Step 3 Fun time

1.Review the words

T: 将所学的8个单词按照首字母的不同进行分类记忆。

T: /b/, /b/, /b/---bathroom, bedroom; /k/, /k/, /k/---clock, kitchen

/f/, /f/, /f/--- fridge; /l/, /l/, /l/--- living room;

/s/, /s/, /s/---sofa; /t/, /t/, /t/---table

2.Play the game

T: 拿出事先画好的图,同桌进行交流。边看图,边说一说。

Ask each other: Where?s my …?It?s …

Where are my …? They are …

S: Practice in pairs and act the dialogue.

Step 4 Sound time

1. Watch the cartoon and answer.

T: What does the boy like to do?

S: He like to fly his kite. He like to ride his bike.

2. 理出单词:like, bike, kite

3. Watch the cartoon again and answer.

T: Where does he ride his bike?

S: Near the lake.

T: An old man is coming. He says to the boy: “It?s very dangerous.” The boy thanks to the old man and rides away.

4. 理出单词:lake, thank

5. Read the words after the tape.

6. 总结发音规律:所含的字母k都发/k/这个音。引导学生举一些含有此相同发音的单词。

cake, bake, fake, snake, make, wake, jacket, black, back, duck, luck, pick, sick


7. Read the sentence.

T: How many words can you find? 在这句话中你能找到几个含有相同发音/k/的单词?

S: Three.

T: Can you read them all again?

S: 再读5个单词(学lake的意思)

T: Now can you tell us the sound of the letter …k??

S: /k/.

T: Good! Now read them like this: /k/,/k/, /k/ bike, /k/, /k/, /k/ kite… (学生读单词) T: Yes. And here are some words with the sound /k/, can you read them? (PPT显示单词,学生读)

T: And can you choose three of them to complete this sentence? 你能根据图片挑选三个单词完成句子吗?Discuss in pairs. (学生讨论,反馈)


Blackboard Writing

Unit 5 Our new home

A: Where?s/Where are my/your…?

B: It?s/They are ….

k /k/ bi k e k ite la k e li k e than k

I like to fly my kite.

And I like to ride my bike.

课时Period 第3课时




Unit 5 Our new home

Cartoon time,checkout time & Ticking time


Teaching Aims

1. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达;

2. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价;

3. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论自己家中物品摆放的位置。

4. 能初步把自己表达的内容在老师的帮助下写下来。


Teaching Key Points

能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。


Teaching Difficult Points



Independent Preview Before Class

1. 预习Cartoon time,尝试朗读故事并理解意思。

2. 通过本单元的学习:What can you talk? What can you say? What do you know?

教学过程Teaching Procedures

修改或反思Adjustment or Reflection

Step1 Free talk and revision

1. T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello.

T: How are you today?

S: Fine, thanks.

2. T: Do you like your home?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Do you have a nice bed?

S: Yes, I do.

T: How many rooms do you have?

S: I have …

T: What room do you like?

S: I like …

T: Where is your cap?

S: It?s …

T: Where are your dolls? How many?

S: They are… I have six.

T: Can your dolls dance?

S: No, they can?t.

2. Practice in pairs. Ask and answer each other.

Step2 Cartoon time

1. Show the four pictures and think :

What are they saying? Discuss in groups.


2. 看看你猜的和他们说得一样吗?Watch the cartoon.

T: Boys and girls, you did a good job. Look, who are they?

S: They are Bobby and Sam.

T: Yes. They met a bird. How is the bird? What?s wrong with it? Let?s watch the cartoon. (播放动画)

T: How is the bird?

S: It?s hungry.

T: What would it like?

S: A worm.

3. Read and say ( 注意模仿Bobby和Sam的语气)

T: Now please open your books and read this story. It?s on your book, Page… When you are reading, try to remember what they say (阅读Cartoon time部分,记一记每一幅图中的对话)

(学生阅读Cartoon time)

T: Now close your books. (PPT逐图显示) Who can be Sam / Bobby/the bird?

S1: How are you?

S2: I?m hungry. ( 指导痛苦、可怜的语气)

S1: Would you like an orange? (指导安慰、同情的语气)

S3: What about a hot dog? (指导安慰、同情的语气)

S2: No! (指导痛苦、可怜的语气)

S1/S3: What would you like? (指导和蔼、安慰的语气)

S2: I?d like that. (指导渴望的语气)

S1/S3: Here you are. ( 指导高兴、愉悦的语气)

S2: Thank you. (指导开心、兴奋的语气)

4. T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意语气哦!)

5. Do the dubbing

T: Now can you dub for the whole story together? 你们能为这个故事配音吗?

S: Yes. (动画角色扮演Sam/Bobby/the bird 配音)

6. Act the dialogue

Step3 Ticking time & Checkout time

1. Ticking time (Self assessment)

T: Boys and girls, I think you did a good job just now. But did you do a good job for the whole unit 5? Let?s check it out.

T: What can you talk about?

S: I can talk about my home.

T: What can you say?

S: I can say where my things are.

T: What do you know?

S: I know the sound of the letter “k”.

T: You can see the Chinese meaning here. So now it?s your ticking time.

Please open your books and turn to Page 37 and tick it.

T: Have you finished it? Who gets three stars? (部分学生举手)

T: OK. Now can you talk about your home? (问几个学生,学生问问题)

T: And the next one, who gets three stars?

Well, let me check. (把东西放在某处) Where?s /Where are…? (检验几个学生)

T: And the third one, who gets three stars?

Well, can you remember any words with the sound /k/? (检验几个学生)

2. Checkout time

A. 先说说自己家的房间摆设

T: How many bedrooms do you have?

S: We have two bedrooms.

T: Where is your bedroom?

S: It?s near the living room.

T: Where is your bed?

S: It?s beside the window.

Ask each other and act the dialogue.

B. Show the picture on Page37.

Look at the picture and describe.

S: This is my home. We have a bathroom in our home. We have a sofa and a table in the

living room. We have a fridge in the kitchen.

Describe in groups. Act the dialogue.

Step4 Task

1.Talk about the things in the classroom

This is our classroom. We h ave … in our classroom.




Unit 5 Our new home

A: This is my home.

B: We have … in our home. We have … in the living room. We have … in the kitchen.

The first period 教学内容:Story time


1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。

2、通过在情境中交流,能听说读: “What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else?”并会运用所学句型。


1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。





Step1 Greeting & Warm up


T: Hello, class. Today I have some food. Look, here they are.(出示小纸袋)

T: Hello, xx. Would you like a pie?

S: No, thank you.

T: What about a hot dog?

S: Yes, please. Thank you.

T: You are welcome.

2. 用同样的方法问几个学生, 以旧带新,教学单词“a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles”

3. Read the words: ” a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles”

Practice in pairs. Act the dialogue.

Step2 Presentation

1. T: Oh dear. I?m very hungry. Are you hungry?

S: Yes.

T: Well, let?s go to a snack bar. 导入课题: ”At the snack bar”.

S: Read the topic together.

T: Would you like some noodles?

S: No, thanks.

T: What would you like?

S: I?d like some rice.

T: What about you, xx?

S: I?d like a glass of milk.

询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:What would you like? What about you? Teach: ”rice, a glass of milk” Read one by one.

Teach: “What would you like? What about you?” Read one by one.

2. 出示图片引导学生问答。

T: What would you like?

S: I?d like a glass of juice.

T: Anything else?

S: A cup of coffee and a cup of tea.

Teach: “anything else, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of juice” Read one by one.

3. 师生示范串联对话

T: What would you like?

S: I?d like a hamburger .

T: What about you?

S: I?d like a sandwich.

T: Anything else?

S: A glass of juice.

T: Here you are .

Work in pairs.

Act the dialogue.

Step3 Story time

1. Listen to the tape and think:

T: Where are Mike, Helen and their dad ?

S: They are at the snack bar.

再次揭题:Today we?ll learn a new lesson “At the snack bar”

S: Read the topic.

2. Watch the cartoon and match.

T: Where would Mike like?

S: He?d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.

T: Where would Helen like?

S: She?d like some noodles.

T: What would dad like?

S: He?d like a sandwich a nd a cup of coffee.







3. Watch the cartoon again and finish the table.

What do they want to eat? 完成信息表格。

Food Drinks




S: What would Mike like?

S: He would like a glass of milk and a hamburger.

S: What would Helen like?

S: She would like some noodles.

S: What would Mr. Brown like?

S: He would like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.

4. Listen to the tape and read after it. ( 注意模仿其语音语调。)

5. Read in three. (分角色朗读对话。)

6. Act the dialogue. (小组表演展示对话。)

Step 4 Consolidation

1. 再次读课文将对话改编成短文进行填空。

Mike, Helen and their father are at the . They are . They would like some and . Mike would like a glass of and a . Helen would like some . Mr. Brown would like a and a cup of .

2. 模拟场景创编对话。

Show some pictures of food and drinks.

Ask each other and act the dialogue in groups. ( 仿照课文,创编点餐对话。)




2. 用What would you like? I?d like …, pleas e. Anything else? 的句型来进行点餐。

3. 用所学的句型试着创编对话,进行点餐,课后小组交流。

Unit 6 At the snack bar

A: What would you like ? B: I?d like …

A: What about you ? B: I?d like …

A: Anything else? B: I?d like …

The second period 教学内容:Rhyme time, Fun time 教学目标:

1. 能理解句型“What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else?”及其回答的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。

2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品的摆设。


1. 能理解句型“What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else?”的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。

2. 能正确诵读歌谣:What would you like?


灵活运用What would you like? I’d like… Would you like…? …, please. 进行点餐。


Step1: Free talk and review

1. T: Are you hungry now?

How are you today?

What would you like?

Would you like…?

What about you?

2. Review:

T: What would Mike like?

S: He would like a glass of milk and a hamburger.

T: What would Helen like?

S: She would like some noodles.

T: What would Mr. Brown like?

S: He would like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.

T: Let?s read the story.

Let?s dub for the story.

Step 2 Say the rhyme

1. T: Hello, boys and girls.

T: ( 出示书上42页Rhyme time中的图) What would they like?

S: They would like a pie and some rice.

T: What about a pie and some rice?

S: They are all very nice.

2. T: Let?s say the rhyme …What would you like? ? (播放歌谣,学生诵读)

3. Read and recite the rhyme.

4. Change the lyrics

T: We know the pie and the rice are very nice. Now can you change your words according to these pictures? 你能根据图片改编歌谣读一读吗?Now listen to me. (教师示范诵读。)

T: What would you like? What would you like?

I?d like a sandwich.

I?d like some noodles.

Discuss in groups.

5. Say the rhyme in groups.

Step 3 Fun time

1. Review the words

T: 将所学的8个词语按照单复数形式的不同进行分类记忆。

T: 可数名词:a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles

不可数名词:a bowl of rice, a glass of milk, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea

2. Show some pictures.

T: What would you like?

S: I?d like a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

T: What about you?

S: I?d like some noodles and a cup of tea.

T: Anything else?

S: Some cakes and a cup of coffee.

Ask each other and act the dialogue.

3. Play the game

T: 引导学生拿出事先画好的40页的菜单图,每4人一组进行点餐的游戏。

S1: What would you like?

S2: I?d like …

S3: I?d like …

S4: …, please.

Play it in groups and act the dialogue.


1.会背并默写Fun time中的句子。

2. 模仿Fun time中的对话用"What would you like?I?d like …, please. …, please."的句子来做一做游戏。


Unit6 At the snack bar

A: What would you like?

B: I?d like...,please.

…, please.

The third period 教学内容:Cartoon time


1. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达;

2. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。


1. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达;

2. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。

教学难点:能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达.


Step1: Free talk and review

1. T: Are you hungry now?

How are you today?

What would you like?

Would you like…?

What about you?

2. Review rhyme time

Say the rhyme together.

Recite the rhyme together.

Make a new rhyme.

Step2 Cartoon time

1. Show the pictures on Page41 and think :

What are they saying? Discuss in groups.


2. 看看你猜的和他们说得一样吗?Watch the cartoon.

T: Boys and girls, you did a good job. Look, who are they?

S: They are Bobby and Sam.

T: Yes. What?s wrong with them? Let?s watch the cartoon. (播放动画)

T: What?s wrong with Bobby and Sam?

S: They?re hungry.

3. Watch the cartoon again and answer. (再次播放卡通片)

T: What would Sam like?

S: Some fish.

T: What would Bobby like?

S: An egg.

4. Read and answer

T: How about the fish and the egg?

S: They are very big.

5. Read and say ( 注意模仿Bobby、大猩猩和Sam的语气)

T: Now please open your books and read this story. It?s on your book, Page… When you are reading, try to remember what they say (阅读Cartoon time记一记每一幅图中的对话)

(学生阅读Cartoon time)

T: Now close your books. (PPT逐图显示) Who can be Sam / Bobby/大猩猩?

S1: I?m hungry. ( 指导有气无力的语气)

S2: Me, too. ( 指导有气无力的语气)

S1: Here?s a snack bar. I?d like some fish. (指导惊喜、兴奋的语气)

S2: I?d like an egg. (指导惊喜、兴奋的语气)

S3: Can I help you? (指导严肃的语气)

S1: Yes. I?d like some fish, please. (指导渴望、期待的语气)

S2: I?d like an egg, please. (指导渴望、期待的语气)

S2: What a big egg! ( 指导意外、惊讶的语气)

5. T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意语气哦!)

6. Do the dubbing

T: Now can you dub for the whole story together? 你们能为这个故事配音吗?

S: Yes. (动画角色扮演Sam/Bobby/大猩猩配音)

1.Act the dialogue


Unit 6 At the snack bar

Sam some fish


Bobby an egg

The fourth period

教学内容:Sound time, checkout time, ticking time


1. 能体会字母k在单词中的发音

2. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价;

3. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。

4. 能初步把自己表达的内容在老师的帮助下写下来。


1. 能体会字母k在单词中的发音

2. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价;

3. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。教学难点:




Step1 Free talk

1. T: Are you hungry now?

How are you today?

What would you like?

Would you like…?

What about you?

How is Bobby?

What would Bobby like?

How is Sam?

What would Sam like?

Step2 Sound time

1. Show the picture on Page4

2. ( 出示Sound time中的图片。)

Ask: What can you see in the picture?

Answer: I can see …

2. 学生自主进行提问,引出”fox”和”box”这两个单词。

3. Watch the cartoon and answer.

T: Where is the box?

S: It?s behind Mrs. Fox.

4. 给图片丰富些内容,加一些盒子和一辆出租车。

T: How many boxes can you see? S: I can see six.

T: How can Mr. Fox take them? S: He can put them in the taxi.

5. 理出单词:box, fox, six, taxi

6. Read the words after the tape.

7. 总结发音规律:所含的字母x都发/ks/这个音。引导学生举一些含有此相同发音的单词。

fix, exercise, wax, sex (学生小组内讨论,教师板书。)

8. Read the sentence.

T: How many words can you find? 在这句话中你能找到几个含有相同发音/ks/的单词?

S: Two.

T: Can you read them all again?

S: 再读另外列举的单词。

T: Now can you tell us the sound of the letter …x??

S: /ks/.

T: Good! Now read them like this: /ks/,/ks/, /ks/ box, /ks/, /ks/, /ks/ fox… (学生读单词)

T: Yes. And here are some words with the sound /ks/, can you read them? (PPT显示单词,学生读)

T: And can you choose three of them to complete this sentence? 你能根据图片挑选三个单词完成句子吗?Discuss in pairs. (学生讨论,反馈)

Step3 Ticking time & Checkout time

1. Ticking time (Self assessment)

T: Boys and girls, I think you did a good job just now. But did you do a good job for the whole unit 6? Let?s check it out.

T: What can you name?

S: I can name some food and drinks.

T: What can you order?

S: I can order food.

T: What do you know?

S: I know the sound of the letter “x”.

T: You can see the Chinese meaning here. So now it?s your ticking time.

Please open your books and turn to Page 37 and tick it.

T: Have you finished it? Who gets three stars? (部分学生举手)

T: OK. Now can you name some food and drinks? (问几个学生,学生问问题)

T: Can you order food?

Well, let me check. What would you like? (检验几个学生)

T: And the third one, who gets three stars?

Well, can you remember any words with the sound /ks/? (检验几个学生)

2. Checkout time

A. 出示书上43页的图片。

T: What food can you see?

S: I can see a cake, a sandwich, a pie, a hamburger, an ice cream and some noodles.

T: What drinks can you see?

S: I can see a glass of milk and a glass of juice.

B. 播放录音内容,学生边听边连线,完成练习。

c. 通过问答形式核对答案。

T: What would Yang Ling like?

S1: She?d like some noodles and a glass of juice.

T: What would Wang Bing like?

S2: He?d like a cake and an ice cream.

T: What would Su Hai like?

S3: She?d like a sandwich and a pie.

T: What would Liu Tao like?

S4: He?d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.

Practice in pairs and act the dialogue.


1. 用学过的语言自己编一段点餐对话;

2. 复习今天所学的内容。


Unit 6 At the snack bar

A: What would you like ? B: I?d like …

x /ks/ fo x bo x si x ta x i

Mr. Fox, can you see the box? Yes, yes. I can see the box behind Mrs. Fox.


课题Unit7 How much? 课时第一课时课型新授课主备人执教者

教学目标1. 通过数字游戏,复习已学数字单词,学生能够利用数字表达价钱;

2. 学生能够掌握单词:shoes,socks,umbrella, fan.并理解句型How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re …yuan.

3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演课文。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型,询问价格,进行购物买卖。

5. 通过学习培养学生乐于助人的品质。

教学重点1.情境呈现顾客营业员买卖过程,学生能够掌握单词:shoes,socks,umbrella,fan并理解句型How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re …yuan.













创设情境Step1:Warming up

Rules:When you see the

numbers,say it out and

shoot it.



Sing a song:

《Ten Little Indian


Play a game:Say the


呈现交Step2:Presentation and


learn the numbers:twenty

thirty forty fifty

T:Yes,it’s twenty.

出示:twelve twenty>

T:What’s twenty and


20+10=? 20+20=? 20+30=?

T:Look at this note .Can

you say how much(板书)?

Nine yuan or ten yuan(板


T: How much?



twenty thirty forty






S:Twenty yuan/thirty

yuan /forty yuan /fifty


learn:words:a fan、an

umbrella only


译林版英语四年级上册Unit 3 How many教案 一、教材简析: 本单元由Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time, Ticking time七个部分组成。安排了“询问对方有什么东西”、“询问对方有多少东西”这两个个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型How many…do you have? /What do you have ? I have…/Can I…?本单元单复数使用是重难点,需要辅导学生如何何时使用单复数,并讲解一些基本规则。 二、教学目的: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。 2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I have a look? Can I have one? 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many…do you have? What do you have? I have…/Can I…? 4.了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。 6.能诵读歌谣Cakes 三、教学重点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many…do you have? /What do you have? I have…/Can I…? 3、了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。 四、教学难点: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many…do you have? /What do you have? I have…/Can I…?. 五、课时安排: 本单元共安排5课时 Story time 1课时 Fun time, Rhyme time及新单词1课时 Cartoon time, Sound time及课课练1课时 Checkout time, Ticking time及补充习题. 1课时 复习本单元中单词、句型、做听读训练。1课时 第一课时 一、教学内容 译林出版社《英语》四年级上册第三单元、第二教时(Fun time, Rhyme time及新单词) 二、教学目标 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。



教学过程Dress, dress, my dress is too short. Try on, try on, you can try this on. Trousers, trousers, your trousers are too long. Try on, try on, you can try these on. Ha! Ha! Learn: too太… 强调读音try this on 和try these on S: Chant together. 3. Change some words and try to make a new chant. 课件显示:图片T-shirt-small, gloves-big Step 3 Enjoy the story 1. T: Good, some children are going to the Fancy Dress Party, too. Who are they (出示图4) S: They’re Yang Ling, Mike, Su Yang and Su Hai. 2. Listen and tick. T: They dress up in funny clothes at the party. What clothes are they talking about Let’s listen and tick. (出示图片选项:trousers, shoes, T-shirts, gloves, dress, socks, jacket, cap) Tips: 仔细听一听,找出孩子们谈论的服饰。Ss: Listen and tick. Check 2.Scan and match. T: You have magic ears. Now it’s time to open your books and scan the story. Find out: What do these children wear at the party Tips: 快速浏览故事,找出孩子们身上装扮的服饰。 Ss: Read and match(课件中以图片形式出现) Check 3.Detail reading and underline T: Well done! You are read carefully.


译林版四年级上册英语全册教学设计 《英语》(四年级上册) Unit 1 I like dogs Cartoon time Teaching contents 教学内容 Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 学生能熟练运用句型I like ... I don’t like表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的物品。 2. 学生能熟练运用句型Do you like ...?询问他人的喜好并会回答。 3. 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处, 在教师的指导下表演故事。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. 学生能够熟练运用句型Do you like...? 并会用Yes, I do.和No, I don’t 来回答。 2.能正确朗读、理解Cartoon time中的故事。 教学难点:能理解Would you like … 和Do you like …两个句型的使用方法。 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Revision 1. Say what you see T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, teacher. T: First let’s play a game. When you see the words, you shout them out. When you see the zombie, you just clap your hands. OK?

新译林牛津版 小学英语三年级下册全册教案

译林版牛津三年级英语下册教学计划 教材分析: 译林出版社三年级下册《英语三年级起点》教材分为10个单元,八个新授单元和两个Project,即复习单元。教材强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出了兴趣的激发。 本册教材主要分以下几个板块: Story time是单元核心板块。通过生动的课文,帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。 Fun time是句型操练板块。通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生熟练掌握Story time中呈现的主要词语和句型,以提高他们用英语进行简单交流的能力。 Cartoon time是拓展性趣味阅读板块。通过以小老鼠Bobby和小猫Sam 等卡通人物为中心的趣味小故事,帮助学生复习本单元的语言知识,训练语言技能,提高阅读理解能力;同时有计划地呈现下一单元即将出现主要句型。 Sound time 是总结辅音在单词中的发音。 Song time/Rhyme time是歌曲、歌谣学习板块。通过唱歌曲、诵歌谣等活动,激发学生的兴趣,活跃学生的身心,帮助学生潜移默化地巩固所学内容,形成良好的语感,提高听说能力和思维能力。xK b1.C om Checkout time是检测板块。按照单元词语和句型等方面的教学目标,通过形式多样的综合性语言应用活动,帮助学生复习巩固所学的主要内容。 Ticking time是自我评价板块。通过自我评价,引导学生了解自己对本单元所学主要内容的掌握情况,体验进步与成功,反思和调控自己的学习过程。 按照《英语课程标准》的目标要求,在每个单元特地设置了Learning tip (学习提示),在每四个单元之后还安排了一个Project (综合语言实践项目)。Learning tip通过简要的提示和说明,引导学生逐步掌握有效的学习方法,养成良好的学习习惯,提高学习效率;同时帮助学生了解一些英语基础知识和在英语学习中需要注意的问题。Project由几个环环紧扣、联系紧密的语言实践活动组成。在活动过程中,让学生经过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等环节,综合运用前几个单元所学的语言知识和语言技能,完成一定的学习任务,展现自己的学习成果。 技能目标 听、做 1.能根据教师的语言、动作、实物、图片等提示听懂所学内容。 2.能听懂课堂指令并作出正确的反应。 3.能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、编排图片顺序、做手工等。说、唱: 1.能根据录音内容模仿说唱。 2.能就所学的内容进行简单的日常会话(内容以每个模块的话题为主。) 3.能唱4首儿童歌曲、韵律诗4首。 4.能根据图画说出单词或短句。 玩、演 1.能用英语做游戏。

译林版小学英语四下Unit 4教案

译林版小学英语四下Unit 4 Unit 4 I can play basketball(Period 1 Story time ) 一、教学内容: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim。 2.能初步听懂、会读、会说very well和have a try。 3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:Can you/…?并且会用Yes,…can./No,…can’t来回答。 4.培养学生运动的意识,明白:生命在于运动。 5.培养学生自信并且勇于尝试的精神。 二、教学重点: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim 2.能初步听懂、会读、会说very well和have a try 3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:Can you/…?并且会用Yes,…can./No,…can’t来回答。 三、教学难点: 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:Can you/…?并且会用Yes,…can./No,…can’t来回答。 四、教学方法:情景教学法,交际法 五、教具准备:挂图,卡片,光盘 六、教学过程: 课前播放歌曲 Step 1 Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. S: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Lian. T: How are you? S:I’m fine/good/well, thank you. Step 2 Presentation & practice 1. Play a game----Fast respond 出示遮去的单词卡片,让学生快速反映,并且在学生说出单词后问相应的问题。T:I have some pictures here. Try to tell me. T:I like…What do you like?

四年级英语上册 Unit4 I can play basketball教案 译林版(1)

Unit4 I can play basketball 第一课时 教学目标: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim 2.能初步听懂、会读、会说very well和have a try 3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型: Can you/…?并且会用Yes,…can./No,…can’t来回答。 4.培养学生运动的意识,明白:生命在于运动 5.培养学生自信并且勇于尝试的精神 教学重难点: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim 2.能初步听懂、会读、会说very well和have a try 3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型: Can you/…?并且会用Yes,…can./No,…can’t来回答。 4.培养学生运动的意识,明白:生命在于运动 5.培养学生自信并且勇于尝试的精神 教学准备: 挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT) 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting and free talk Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. S: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Wu. Step 2 Presentation Play a game----Fast respond T:I have some pictures here. Try to tell me. T:I like…What do you like? Do you like…? S:… T: I can… What can you do? Can you …? 板书并且出示中文意思Can you /×××…? S:… 板书并且出示中文意思:Yes, I/ he/she can. No, I/he/she can’t. 教授单词:swim, skate, play football ,jump… 教授单词basketball,并且板书 组句读:I can play basketball. It’s my basketball… 导题:Today we’ll learn Unit 4 I can play basketball 出示课题,全班读课题。 学生活动设计 (或修改反思) 提问完后,即时向全班学生提问,引导学生第三人称回答。

译林版小学英语二上 全册英语 教案

Unit 1 She’s my aunt 教材分析: 本单元主要教学内容为“认识家庭成员”。在教学中,教师要通过扎实的听说训练,让学生熟练运用This is ... Is this your ...? He’s/She’s ...来介绍和询问亲属关系并能用形容词回答人物特征。在引入本单元话题时可以充分利用学生已学的知识,让学生自带一些家庭成员的照片,在课堂上创设生活情景,引导学生产生询问欲望,鼓励学生积极自主地参与交流。 学习目标: (1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。 (2) 能听懂This is ... Is this your ...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s…回答。 (3)能使用句型Is this your ...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。 (4)培养学生对英语的热爱之情并激发学生的英语学习兴趣。 (5)培养学生的交际能力和语言的表达能力。 (6)会唱歌曲This is my uncle. 学习重点: (1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。 (2) 能听懂This is ... Is this your ...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s…回答。 (3)能使用句型Is this your ...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。 学习难点: (1)能听懂This is ... Is this your ...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s…回答。 (2)能使用句型Is this your ...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。 学时安排:共四课时 Unit 1 She’s my aunt ( Period 1) 学习目标: (1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt这三个单词,发音正确。 (2) 能听懂This is ... Is this your ...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s…回答。 学习重点: (1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。 (2) 能听懂This is ... Is this your ...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s…回答。 学习难点: 能听懂This is ... Is this your ...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s…回答。 教具:课件、词语卡片、挂图 学习过程: A. Free talk: T: Hello, boys and girls. What`s your name? (My name is …) 请学生打开书本至List of characters,用Who`s NO.1?等句子和学生复习本册书中的人物,同时引


小学桥头分校五年级英语教学计划 (学年第一学期) 一、班情学情分析: 经过四年的学习,大部分学生对英语仍然保持着浓厚的兴趣,但有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣可能会开始减退。因此,这个学期在教学中,教师应该以学生的发展为宗旨,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,面向全体学生,在激发学生兴趣的同时,扎扎实实地从每个学生抓起。五年级的学生学习比较理性。教师在以活动为课堂教学的主要形式的同时,要充分发挥任务性教学在高年级的优化使用,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,有效的教学任务。同时注意到学生中存在的两极分化,教学内容注意由简到难,循序渐进,在知识的复现中做好及时补差工作。充分培养学生的听说读写能力,尤其要加强识读,拼写的能力。重视阅读能力和写作能力的同步培养。重视英语作为语言的交际功能。 二、全册教材分析: 新教材强调培养学生综合语言运用能力,注重口语表达练习,让学生在阅读故事、做做玩玩、唱唱说说的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流合作能力。英语(五年级上册)共八个新授单元,每个新授单元都有八个板块。Story time借助插图和故事情节,以对话或语篇的形式呈现单元词汇、句型和日常用语。Grammar time是五六年级新增的板块,通过直观易懂的表格和语言提示的方式,对语法知识进行简单的总结和归纳。Fun time是句型和词汇的操练板块,通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,提高学生用英语进行简单对话的能力。Cartoon time是拓展性趣味阅读板块,通过趣味小故事帮助学生复习本单元的语言知识,提高阅读理解能力,有计划地呈现即将出现的知识。Sound time是语音教学板块,通过范例单词和节奏感较强的歌谣,帮助学生了解字母在单词中的发音,本册教材还有部分语调的训练。Song time 和culture time在本册中替换出现。通过歌曲、激发兴趣,活跃身心;不断提高语言运用能力和人文素养。Checkout time是检测板块。通过形式多样的综合性语言应用活动,帮助学生复习巩固所学的语言知识。Ticking time是自我评价板块。通过评价,引导学生了解自己对所学主要内容的掌握情况,反思和调整自己的学习过程,体验进步与成功。每四个单元后有一个综合语言实践项目Project。通过形式多样的综合语言实践活动,引导学生思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作,综合运用所学的语言知识和语言技能。三、教学总体目标: 1.能按四会与三会要求掌握所学的单词。 2.能按四会要求掌握所学的句型。 3.能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确,所用话语与场合符合。 4.能在图片、手势,情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语与录音。 5.培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范整洁。 6.培养良好的听英语、读英语、说英语、用英语的习惯,能自觉的模仿语音、语调,逐步培养语感。7.能在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识,完成某项任务,并促使语言能力的提高。 8.能演唱以学过的英语歌曲,朗诵已学过的歌谣。 9.能渗透给学生良好的自学英语的方法。 四、学期教学措施: 1.课堂上尽量使用英语组织教学,做到持之以恒,由少积多,以助于创造英语气氛,养成学生听英语,用英语思维的习惯。 2.根据学生的特征,可将每个单元,该单元的教学内容重新组合,科学合理的把单词教学,对话操练,复习巩固融为一体。 3.多以图片、手势呈现英语单词及对话情景,图片呈现采用灵活多样的方法将该单元所学的内容柔和在一起进行综合操练。如师生快速问候和介绍、学生间连续的相互问候和介绍,创设情景进行表演等,让学生将所学的对话用于不同的情景。采用先听说,后读写,先整体,后局部的方法教学。 4.在课堂教学中,尽量开展形式多样的活动教学,活跃气氛提高兴趣和学习效率。 5.词汇教学上,尽量利用实物和图片,增加复现次数,反复循环,循序渐进,注重师生操练、生生操练。


2013-2014译林版小学英语4B教案课题Unit 4 Drawing in the park Period 1 Story time 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!Sure, it’s easy. It’s difficult, but I can try. 3. 能初步用以下句型 What can you see? I can see …来对看到的事物进行交流;初步用句型Can you …? 询问交流会做的事。 4. 能正确理解课文内容。 5. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。 重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!Sure, it’s easy. It’s difficult, but I can try. 3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容。 难点能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。 教学 准备 CAI 教学过程 教学过程设计教学调整及过程解读 Step 1. Warming up & Free talk 1. T: Today, we will begin Unit 4. In this unit, we will go to some interesting places. Look! Here they are. (出示Park, Theatre, Amusement park, Zoo四个场景 图) Which one we will go first? Let’s listen to a song. 2. Enjoy the song: It’s a beautiful day in the park. 3. T: Which one we will go first? Teach: park T: What parks in Nanjing do you know? S: Xuanwu Lake Park, Bailuzhou Park, Baima park, … Step 2. Presentation 1. Talk about the things in the park. T: We know so many parks. I will draw a picture of it. 边画边问:What can you see in the park? S1: I can see a … T: Yes, it a tall tree. 依次教授词语:tree, flower, boat, river,注意每 个词语教授时和学生拓展交流:What colour are the flowers? I can row a boat, can you? … Can I draw … well? Yes, it’s easy for me. May it’s difficult for me, but I can try. 2. Chant T: Is it a nice park? Let’s chant about it. Listen to me, first. (节奏声) Chant: In the park, I can see.


备课本译林版三年级上册英语 全册教案 班级______ 教师______ 日期______

3A Unit1 Hello 第一课时总第课时 备课时间上课时间 教学目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, I’m …/Good morning.。 2、学生能认识主要的人物:Miss Li,Su Hai,Liu Tao,Mike, Wang Bing。 3、学生能够在不同的情境下和周围的人打招呼。 教学重点: 1、学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, I’m …/Good morning.。 2、学生能认识主要的人物:Miss Li,Su Hai,Liu Tao,Mike, Wang Bing。 3、初步会用英语表达自己的名字。 教学难点: 1、学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, I’m …/Good morning./Good afternoon.。 2、初步会用英语表达自己的名字。 3、学生能够在不同的情境下和周围的人打招呼。 教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting. 1、在上课前,老师先放本单元的Song Time里面的歌来吸引学生的注意力。让学生下课也沉浸在英语的氛围中。 2、在新授课前,教师先用英语和学生打招呼,引入本单元的新授学习。 T:Hello, I’m (Miss/ Mr) …I’m your English Teacher. Let’s learn English. Ok? (举起英语书,不要求学生能全部听懂,但是要知道接下来老师要的是关于这本英语书的内容。 Ss: OK. (如果学生不会回答,就适当提示) T:Now class begins.Hello,class. (老师朝学生挥手,让学生初步意识到老师在和他们打招呼) Ss:Hello. Step 2 Presentation 1、出示单词卡片:Hello,并读


教学 内容 Unit 5 How old are you? 教材分析本单元教材以询问年纪着手,通过学习,使学生学会询问对方年纪和数字的用法. 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:How beautiful! Where’s the bird? It’s under/behind/in/on your desk. Here you are 2. 能听懂、会说、会读写词汇: bird,desk,chair,in,on,under,behind,one,weo,three,beautiful. 3.会唱英文歌曲:Where’s the birdd?. 4. 能听懂、会说、会读、字母d发:/d/ 教学 重点1能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten 2能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old are you ?及其回答I’m …. 教学难点1能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten 2能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old are you ?及其回答I’m …. 课前 准备 光盘、玩具、图片 课时分配第一课时:Story time 第二课时:Fun time, Sound time 和 Rhyme time 第三课时:Cartoon time ,Chechout time和 Ticking time 教材内容 Unit 5 How old are you? (Story time) 时间 教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten. 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇one, two, three, lovely, toy. 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型How old are you? How lovely. I’m ten. Here you are. 4.能互相询问各自的年龄。


2013年四年级英语上册第四单元教案(新 译林版) 高邮市第一实验小学四年级英语学科集体备课记载 2013——2014 学年度第一学期 课题Unit 4 I can play basketball班级四(1)主备教师 备课内容班本化 教材 简析本单元主要学习如何询问他人是否会做某项运动。教学的重点句型是Can you…?和答句Yes, I can. No, I can’t. 在三年级下册教材的第二单元中,学生已学过eat, drink, sleep, run, talk 等动词,所以教学时可以适当运用这些词,以旧引新,帮学生把新旧知识 融会贯通。 第一时教学设计 课时 目标1. 能够理解部分内容,能够模仿朗读。 2. 能掌握单词basketball, football, jump, skate, swim。能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.... Can you...? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can he/she/...?/she can. No, he/she can’能理解play basketball very

well. Have a能够运用Nice! Cool! Great!赞美词。 教学重难点1. 能够理解部分内容,能够模仿朗读。 2. 能掌握单词basketball, football, jump, skate, swim。能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.... Can you...? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can he/she/...?/she can. No, he/she can’能理解play basketball very well. Have a教学 准备学生预读U三遍。 教学 过程Step 1 Warm up and free talk Greetings T: (做动作)I can run. Can you run? S: Yes, I can. T: (做动作) I can swim. Can you swim? S: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. T: I can skate. What can you do? S: I caT: What about you? S: I ca(老师在与学生对话的过程中,遇到学生说的已学的动作类的单词,可以请同学拼一拼,并 板书,老师针对学生的回答,可以用Nice! Cool! Great! Wonderful!等语言来进行表达,同时也为本课的内容服务,老师可以出示准备好的这些单词的卡片,直接贴在 黑板上。)2 Presenta读一读黑板上的表示动作的单词及赞美性的语言。


Unit7 How much? (第一课时) 一、教学目标 1、能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词yuan, how much, umbrella, fan, shoe, sock, twenty, Well done. 2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Can I help you? How much is it/are they? 及其答句。 二、教学重点 1、能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词yuan, how much, umbrella, fan, shoe, sock, twenty, Well done. 2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Can I help you? How much is it/are they? 及其答句It’s/They’re…yuan. 三、教学难点 能用Can I help you? How much are they/is it? 等句子完成买卖东西的对话。 四、教学准备挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT) 五、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up and revision 1、教师不按照顺序出示1-19的数字卡片,让学生集体认读,引入本单元的目标词汇和话题。 2、教师出示单词卡片,和学生一起复习前面学过的饮料、食品、水果、家居类的单词。 T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a… T: What’s that? Ss: It’s a… Step 2 Presentation 1、利用第六单元Fun time中的Menu和学生进行点餐 活动,教授新句型。黑板上板书Menu中的食品并添加价格。如: T: I’d like a glass of milk (and a sandwich).


小学英语3B教学计划 一、班级概况 本学期本班人数为47人。男生比较活泼调皮,大多数学生能遵守纪律,友好团结,有良好的班级学习氛围。在本学期中,将继续保持上个学期中出现的好的习惯,好的作风,增强班级综合实力。 二、教材分析 1、知识目标 能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 本册教材主要分一下几个板块: Story time是单元核心板块。通过生动的课文,帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。 Fun time是句型操练板块。通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生熟练掌握Story time中呈现的主要词语和句型,以提高他们用英语进行简单交流的能力。 Cartoon time是拓展性趣味阅读板块。通过以小老鼠Bobby和小猫Sam 等卡通人物为中心的趣味小故事,帮助学生复习本单元的语言知识,训练语言技能,提高阅读理解能力;同时有计划地呈现下一单元即将出现主要句型。 Sound time 是总结辅音在单词中的发音。 Song time/Rhyme time是歌曲、歌谣学习板块。通过唱歌曲、诵歌谣等活动,

激发学生的兴趣,活跃学生的身心,帮助学生潜移默化地巩固所学内容,形成良好的语感,提高听说能力和思维能力。 Checkout time是检测板块。按照单元词语和句型等方面的教学目标,通过形式多样的综合性语言应用活动,帮助学生复习巩固所学的主要内容。 Ticking time是自我评价板块。通过自我评价,引导学生了解自己对本单元所学主要内容的掌握情况,体验进步与成功,反思和调控自己的学习过程。 按照《英语课程标准》的目标要求,在每个单元特地设置了Learning tip (学习提示),在每四个单元之后还安排了一个Project (综合语言实践项目)。Learning tip通过简要的提示和说明,引导学生逐步掌握有效的学习方法,养成良好的学习习惯,提高学习效率;同时帮助学生了解一些英语基础知识和在英语学习中需要注意的问题。Project由几个环环紧扣、联系紧密的语言实践活动组成。在活动过程中,让学生经过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等环节,综合运用前几个单元所学的语言知识和语言技能,完成一定的学习任务,展现自己的学习成果。 2、技能目标 听、做 1.能根据教师的语言、动作、实物、图片等提示听懂所学内容。 2.能听懂课堂指令并作出正确的反应。 3.能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、编排图片顺序、做手工等。 说、唱: 1.能根据录音内容模仿说唱。 2.能就所学的内容进行简单的日常会话(内容以每个模块的话题为主。) 3.能唱4首儿童歌曲、韵律诗4首。 4.能根据图画说出单词或短句。 玩、演 1.能用英语做游戏。

2020译林版四年级英语上册Project 2 参考教案

Project 2 认知目标 1)能熟练掌握食物类单词hamburger, sandwich, noodles, rice等, 并补充一些常见的食物单词dumplings, porridge, bread 2)熟练掌握饮料类单词juice, milk, coffee, tea, 并补充一些常见的饮料单词sprite, cola, fanta,同时掌握…glass(es)/cup(s) of …的用法 3)能理解Peter’s snack bar的故事 能力目标 1)能运用所学句型This is my snack bar. I have…The …is/are in/on the…等介绍自己的小吃店 2)能熟练运用句型Where’s …? It’s…询问回答地点 Can I help you? Yes. I’d like…询问对方需要 How much is/are…? It’s/They’re…yuan.询问价格等购物用语 3)能会表演Peter’s snack bar的故事 4)能运用所学,以购物为场景,小组为单位,创编对话,进行表演 情感目标 通过本课学习,学生能认识到合理饮食,健康饮食的道理

学情分析 四年级的小学生处在中高年级,学生注意力还较容易分散,很容易被新奇的事物所吸引,本课是四年级上学期的最后一个综合版块Project 2 My snack bar,设计了丰富了活动和有趣的游戏,能很好地激发学生的学情兴趣。同时,四年级的学生已经具备了一定了语言知识和交流能力,通过综合版块的复习,一方面能在课堂上培养学生的动手操作能力,另一方面,也能通过各种形式,如自我介绍,对话操练,小组表演等,更进一步地锻炼学生综合运用语言的能力,鼓励学生养成多用英语交流,敢说英语的习惯。 教学重点: 1)熟练掌握食物类单词hamburger等和饮料类单词milk等 2)使学生能熟练运用句型Where’s …? It’s…Can I help you? Yes. I’d like…How much is/are…? It’s/They’re…yuan.等句型进行问答 教学难点 使学生能运用所学, 以购物为场景, 小组为单位, 创编对话, 进行表演 教学过程 Step 1 Free talk 1. Greeting 2. Free talk T: I like dogs. What do you like? S1: like …s.

译林版小学英语6Bunit 5 A party教案

Unit 5 A party (period 1) 一、教学内容 Story time 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标: ①能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: clown, appear, ②能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:What are you going to do…? Im going to …. 2. 能力目标: 通过课文重点知识点的学习,能理解课文内容,能自然流畅地给课文内容配音和表演。 三、教学重难点 1.正确掌握,灵活运用将来时句型表达于真实情景中。 2.能理解,正确朗读,表演Story time,并能用对话形式改编课文第一段。 四、教学准备 多媒体课件,图片。 五、教学过程 Step 1:Warming up Task1 Ask and answer: 1.Free talk: A:What date/ day is it? B:It’s on the first of May.

A:What holiday is coming? B:Children’s Day is coming. A:When’s Children’s Day? B:It’s on the fi rst of June. What are you going to do on Children’s Day? I’m going to…… The students ask and answer one by one. 2. Today we are going to learn Unit 5 A party. Step 2: Story tome Task2 Listen and match: 1. Listen to the foreword and answer: What are the ch ildren going to do on Children’s Day? 2.Listen to the foreword again and match on page 50,then answer with the sentences:Su Hai /Wang Bing / Yang Ling is going to bring…… Task3 Read and write: Read and answer the questions,then fill in the form:(快速默读课文,划出答案)When are they going to have the party? Where are they going to have the party? Who are going to take part in the party? What are they going to the bring to the party?


译林小学英语三下教学计划 小学英语教学是启蒙、入学阶段的教学。作为一门学科,小学英语要达到:语言教学目的,思想感情教学目的,智力发展目的,激发学习兴趣,培养良好学习习惯目的。为了在新学期更好地全面体现素质教育的思想,注重培养学生的美好道德情操和人文精神,使学生在英语实践活动中提高英语素养,特制定如下教学计划: 一、学生情况分析 本学期我继续担任漆桥中心小学三年级三个班英语学科的教学。经过一个学期的英语学习,三个班的学生大部分对英语都能够保持着浓厚的兴趣。他们在课上能认真听讲,积极举手发言,作业能按时完成,但还有几个学生接受能力与思维能力欠强,知识掌握的不牢固;或态度不端正,导致学的不扎实,不能灵活运用所学知识,这样就在这门学科上与其他同学产生了一定的距离。针对以上情况,在本学期的教学中,将更加注意面向全体,注重因材施教,做好提优补困,充分调动每位学生学习英语的主动性、积极性,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心,使他们的英语水平都有新的提高。 二、教材分析 和3A一样,3B教材也设了8个单元组成和2个综合语言实践项目,Project1和Project2,以任务教学的方式让学生活学活用所学的英语知识。本册教材的每个单元由Story time 、Fun time、Cartoon time、Sound time、Song time、Rhyme time、Checkout time、Ticking time等版块组成。 Story time是单元核心板块。通过生动的课文,帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。 Fun time是句型操练板块。通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生熟练掌握Story time中呈现的主要词语和句型,以提高他们用英语进行简单交流的能力。 Cartoon time是拓展性趣味阅读板块。通过以小老鼠Bobby和小猫Sam 等卡通人物为中心的趣味小故事,帮助学生复习本单元的语言知识,训练语言技能,提高阅读理解能力;同时有计划地呈现下一单元即将出现主要句型。 Sound time 是总结辅音在单词中的发音。 Song time/Rhyme time是歌曲、歌谣学习板块。通过唱歌曲、诵歌谣等活动,激发学生的兴趣,活跃学生的身心,帮助学生潜移默化地巩固所学内容,形成良好的语感,提高听说能力和思维能力。
