八年级英语上册 Module 11《Unit 2 学案(无答案) 外研版

八年级英语上册 Module 11《Unit 2 学案(无答案) 外研版
八年级英语上册 Module 11《Unit 2 学案(无答案) 外研版

山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 Module 11《Unit 2 When’s the best time to visit your town or country》学案外



1.________a cold winter morning, Tom moved to this small village.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. to

2.On my way to school I found an old woman _______on the corner of the street.

A. sit

B. sat

C. sitting

D. sits

3.There is a little girl ________at the school gate. A. cry B. crying C. cried

D. cries

4.Most of us found it difficult _______English well.

A. learn

B. learns

C. learning D .to learn

5.There is going to ________sports meeting. A. have B. be C. has D. is

6. You’d better ______your homework first.

A. to finish

B. finish

C. finishing

D. finished

7.The box _________ ________ _______ eggs.(装满)

8.When I got to the theatre, there were lots of a __________there.

9.We are the masters of the 21st C________.

10.The students are working hard.(改为感叹句)

11.She is a very nice girl. (改为感叹句)

12.Gaomi _________________________Puhui Picture.(高密以扑灰画闻名)


1.Here is the c_____. Let’s take some photos.

2.Take the u_____ with you because it’s raining outside.

3.Xinjiang is in the n______ of China.

4.To the _____(东南方) of the village , there is a big mountain.

5.It’s very cool in_____ (秋天) here.

6.Tom is very lazy. He is late for school from time t___ time.

7.We should remember to w___ some warm clothes in winter.

(三)1. September is ___________________to New England.

2. It’s __________________ your camera.

3. A good reason to visit California in December is ______________ the Sun.

4. Alaska is ______________ in July and August.

5.In the evening it’s ________________some warm clothes.

6 .________________ the USA is any time you like!


1.We spent a ____day in the country. A. glad B. pleased C . pleasant D.


2.Tom is lazy. He is late for school from t__ time.

当堂达标:1.The weather in Shanghai is different from ____.

A.it in Beijing

B. that in Beijing

C. that of Beijing

D. it of Beijing

2.The fruit here is sweet because there is a lot of _____.


B. sunshine

C. sunny

D. suns

3.___ fine weather it is today! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

4.___ your uncle___ to have a long holiday?

A.Is; going

B. Will going

C. Are; going

D. Will; go

3.Let’s ___ to school now. A. to go B. go C. going D. goes

4.---It’s warm, isn’t?---____. It’s cold outside.

A.Yes, it is

B. No, it isn’t

C. Yes, it isn’t

D. No, it is

5.We teach ___ English, and they teach ____ Chinese.

A.we, they

B. them, our

C. them’ us

D. their, our

6.---Can I go outside, Mum?--____, but you must put on your coat.

A.That’s all right

B. That is right

C. All right

D. You are right. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.We are going ____(shop) for Christmas presents.

2.It is _____(freeze) in February, isn’t it?

3.Will it be ______(shower) tomorrow?

4.You must be ____(joke), aren’t you?

5.Is it _____(usual) dry in winter in Beijing.

6.What will the weather ___(be) like next Saturday?

7.---When___ you ___ (arrive). ---Five minutes age.

8.---Would you like ____(go) skiing? ---Good idea.

9. Bring your umbrella because it may ____(rain) later.

10. It’s a good way ____(improve) your English study.

11. Do remember____(bring) your homework here when you come tomorrow.

12. Do you like ____(travel)? Yes, very much.

13. It’s very interesting ___(play) in the snow.

14. It is ____(sun) today. All the farmers are working in their fields. 句型转换:1.I think it’s very cold in Beijing now.(否定句)

I ___ think it’s very cold ___ Beijing now.

2. Mr King bought the bike two weeks ago. (同义改写)

Mr King ___ ____ the bike ___ two weeks.

3.I don’t think there will be a film next Sunday,___ _____?(反义疑问句)

4. What’s the weather like today?(用the day after tomorrow代替 today) ____ ____ the weather ____ ____ the day after tomorrow?

5.The ice is so thin. We can’t skate on the ice.(同义改写)

The ice is ____ thin to ____ ____.

6. She might stay for a long time to visit the rest of the city.

___ ____ ____ she stay to visit the test of the city?

7.What’s the weather like today?(同义改写)

___ _____ the weather today?

信息技术 - 第八册计算机教育学习学案及教案(全册)-四年级

信息技术-第八册计算机教案(全册) -四年级 教学计划 一、教学大纲对本年级本学科的基本要求: 掌握文件和文件夹的删除、还原方法;认识常用的图片文件格式;掌握用AcDSee软件浏览图片的操作方法;认识电子邮箱的作用;学会申请电子邮箱;学会收发电子邮件;认识电子邮件的格式;掌握在“outlookExpress”软件中设置电子邮件帐号的操作;学会用“outlookExpress”发送电子邮件;掌握在邮件中插入附件的操作方法;学会绘制简单的图形;掌握自选图形格式的设置;掌握表格的插入方法;会在表格中输入文字;掌握在表格中插入和删除行列的方法;会简单修饰表格的方法;了解分栏的方法;了解打印预览的功能;学习制作贺年片。 二、对教材体系和内容的简要分析: 本学期学习内容主要包括:学习收发电子邮件;学习用woRD制作表格;页面设置和制作贺卡。 1、文件的删除; 2、图片的浏览; 3、申请电子邮箱; 4、收发电子邮件; 5、学做邮票; 6、制作课程表; 7、表格的修改; 8、页面设置; 9、学做贺卡。 三、对本年级学生学习情况的基本分析: 四年级学生在以前学习的基础上,对计算机的功能及简单操作已经有了较全面的认识,也已经学会用woRD处理文字的简单操作,对网络有了初步的了解,知道如何上网;最重要的是学生对学习计算机这门课程兴趣浓厚,对于进一步的教学有一个良好的基础。 四、教学进度 略 第一课文件的删除

教学目标: 掌握文件和文件夹的删除和还原方法 教学重点: 文件和文件夹的删除和还原方法 教学过程: 一、删除文件 1、删除硬盘中的文件 如删除“画1”这个文件的方法是: 选定“画1”这个文件, 单击工具栏中的删除按钮, 弹出“确认删除文件”对话框; 单击“是”。 2、删除软盘上的文件 如删除软盘上图像文件“房子”的方法是: 将软盘插入软盘驱动器中, 打开“我的电脑”窗口,双击软驱图标,打开软盘窗口;右击需要删除的文件“房子”,再单击菜单中的“删除”命令; 在弹出的“确认文件删除”对话框中单击“是”。 二、回收站的操作 1、还原文件


外研版英语八年级下册Module4-U1综合自测题 一、单项选择 1. —______ will you fly to Beijing? —In two days. [中考·长沙] A. How long B. How often C. How soon 2. —You play the piano so well. ______ do you take piano lessons? [中考·重庆A卷] —I go to piano lessons twice a week. A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How much 3. —______ has Hong Kong been back to our motherland? —For over 20 years. How time flies! A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 4. Jack has learned more about teamwork(团队合作) ______ he joined the soccer team. [中考·黔南] A. until B. since C. while D. though 5. I have been in China ______ 1997. [中考·雅安] A. since B. for C. in D. until 6. This medicine ______ millions of people’s lives since it was put into use. [中考·上海] A. is saving B. will save C. has saved D. had saved 7. How long has Julia ______ a cold? A. have B. had C. catch D. caught 8. —Has the doctor ______ your temperature? —Yes, he has. A. took B. taken C. did D. done 9. Jill is ill. Have you ______ her temperature? A. get B. taken C. had D. catch 10. —Simon failed the exam again. —That’s not surprising. Computer games ______ too much of his time. [中考·泰州] A. take in B. take on C. take off D. take up 11. My mother tells me ______ food is good ______ my health. A. health; to B. healthy; to C. healthy; for D. health; for 12. —It has been much easier for me to go to work ______ shared bikes appeared. [中考·宜昌] —But they also caused plenty of problems. A. since B. before C. unless D. though 13. —What’s the matter? —I have a ______. I have to go to the doctor. A. head B. tooth C. cold D. nose 14. He eats ______ food, so he is ______ fat. A. too many; too much B. too many; much too C. too much; too much D. too much; much too 二、根据句意/首字母提示/括号提示的适当形式完成单词 1. Tina has got many interesting experiences __________ (自……以来) she came to China. 2. Lily has a __________ (牙痛) . She has to see a dentist right now. 3. —Do you have a __________ (头痛) ? —Yes, my head often hurts. 4. Jimmy’s body was hot with a __________ (发烧) . 5. If you don’t often have breakfast, you’ll suffer from a bad ____________ (胃痛) . 6. Reading in the sun is __________ (harm) to your eyes. 7. The nurse has taken the __________(boy) temperature. There is no fever. 8. Mr. Liu ____________(stay) in his office since eight o’clock this morning. 9. You’d better take the medicine three __________ (time) a day.


教科版高中信息技术基础教案全集(必修) 1.1信息及其特征 一、教学内容分析和设计: “信息及其特征”是教育科学出版社的高一《信息技术基础》第一章第一节的内容。由于这个内容理论性较强,如果只是由教师来讲,学生可能会觉得枯燥,所以我准备在教师的引导下,举出现象,让学生进行探讨,然后归纳获得知识。有不足之处由教师或学生来补充。这样能让学生积极参与,活跃课堂气氛,既让学生学到知识,又培养了学生将学习与生活联系的习惯和自主学习的习惯。 二、教学对象分析: 知识的获取者是刚刚升入高中的学生,按照人的成长认知规律,学生对知识的获取开始由感性认识提升到理性认识。对于“信息”这一事物的认识,可以让他们从大量存在的现象中,发现并归纳出他们应该获得的知识。老师在此过程中起着引导的作用。 三、教学目标: 1、知识、技能目标:学生能够列举学习与生活中的各种信息,感受信息的丰富多彩性;举例说明信息的一般特征;培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 2、过程、方法目标:培养学生从日常生活、学习中发现或归纳出新知识的能力。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:让学生理解信息技术对日常生活和学习的重要作用,激发对信息技术强烈的求知欲,养成积极主动地学习和使用信息技术、参与信息活动的态度。 四、教学重点: 1、信息特征的认识。 五、教学难点: 信息的含义。 六、教学方法 本节概念性强,实践性弱。采用讲授法,讨论法。 教学过程 谈话引入:同学们,信息技术这门课程,我们在初中阶段就已经学习。那么下面请同学们说一说,什么是信息?在我们日常生活中,你认为哪些属于信息?(举例) 生1:校园里铃声响,可以告诉我们信息:上课或下课。 生2:观看校运会,可以获得很多运动会赛场上的信息。 生3:从网上可以获得很多信息,如:学习资料、娱乐、新闻报导等。

外研版八年级英语( 上) 综合练习题

八年级英语( 上) 综合练习题 一、选择题。 ( ) 1、Why don’t we ________ half an hour in cleaning the classroom? A.to spend B. spent C. spend D. spending ( ) 2、The dictionary _______ me twenty yuan. A.paid B. spent C. took D. cost ( ) 3、The rain stopped the farmers _______ in the fields. A. working B. worked C. work D. to work ( ) 4、We should always _________ our teachers carefully in class. A. listening to B. listen to C. to listen D. to listening to ( ) 5、I saw the boy ______ up to me at this time yesterday afternoon. A. to walk B. walked C. walking D. walk ( ) 6、They enjoyed _______ last holiday. A. they B. their C. them D. themselves ( ) 7、You______ smoke if you see this symbol ““ A. mustn’t B. can C. needn’t D. should ( ) 8、I have ______ this novel for one week. A. kept B. borrowed C. lent D. bought ( ) 9、The old man has _______ for several years. A. died B. been dead C. die D. death ( ) 10、I can’t find my pen . I think I _______ it . A. lost B. losed C. have lost D. is losing ( ) 11、-----Thank you for sending me the beautiful flowers. ----_____.( 选出不恰当的一项) A. You are welcome B. It is a pleasure. C. That’s all right D. No thanks. ( ) 12、My classmates like playing _____basketball, but they don’t like to play_____ trumpet. A. X, the B. the , X C. an, the D. X., X ( ) 13、Since 1989 Project Hope _______ many schools. A. built B. build C. has built D. is building ( ) 14、Project Hope has built many labs since the manger ______ lots of money for it. A. has raised B. raised C. is raising D. raise ( ) 15、We have ______ been there, but we have _____ been Beijing. A. ever, never B. never , already C. just, yet D. since , for ( ) 16、A:_____ else? B:Yes, I have ______ to tell you. A. Something, anything important B. Anything, something important C. Nothing, important ( ) 17、Get ___ the boat when you reach the bridge .Then get _____ a No.51 bus to the end. A. on, off B. off, on C. on, on D. off, off ( ) 18、Open th window, _________? A. shall we B. will you C. don’t you D. didn’t you ( ) 19、Let’s have a party tonight, ________? A. shall we B. will you C. don’t you D. didn’t you ( ) 20、It is ______ to learn English well if ( 如果) you study hard. A. probably B. impossible C. may be D. possible


第六章信息集成与信息交流 6.1 信息集成(上机实践) 一、学习目标 1.通过信息集成实践更好的理解信息集成的过程的含义,体验信息集成四个阶段 2.了解常见的信息集成工具的分类及代表性的信息集成工具的工作环境 3.掌握网站制作的过程,并能熟练使用FrontPage2000进行网页制作 4.培养团队协作的能力,养成良好的思想、感情交流习惯 二、知识要点 FrontPage软件知识介绍:FrontPage是Microsoft公司制作的,很受欢迎的网页制作工具。 1.“FrontPage2000”界面主要有“标题栏”、“菜单栏”、“常用工具栏”、“格式工具栏”、“视图工具栏”、“编辑区”、“状态栏”等组成。 2. FrontPage2000 中的“编辑区”是我们制作网页的舞台。在这里,网页以三种状态显示: (1)普通视图——显示网页的编辑状态,可以设置文本、插入表格和图像、插入各种网页元素。(2)HTML视图——显示自动生成的HTML语句,此时可以用HTML语言来编辑和修改网页(3)预览视图——模拟显示编辑完的网页,供编写者查看。 3.“菜单栏”——“查看”命令——“视图栏” 视图栏提供了浏览、组织或编辑网页的几种方式: (1)“网页”视图提供编辑网页的方式 (2)“文件夹”视图提供显示和组织站点中文件和文件夹的功能 (3)“报表”视图提供了统计和分析站点中文件和超链接的功能 (4)“导航”视图显示站点中的导航结构,即网页间的链接情况 (5)“超链接”视图显示了各个网页的超链接情况 (6)“任务”视图列出站点中要完成的任务 三、网站制作知识介绍 1.网站也叫做站点,是网页等一组网络资源的集合,我们把制作的所有素材和网页集合成一个网 站,便于维护和管理。新建站点:文件——新建一个站点——只有一个网页的站点 2.利用表格布局网页:表格在网页中有定位和设置网页布局的作用,利用表格可将各块内容分类 列出,使网页清晰美观、富有条理。用表格布局时,表格边框粗细应设置为0。菜单


剑桥英语八年级上册期末试卷 姓名:班级:时间:100分钟满分:120分 第I卷 (听力部分共20分) I. 听力对话理解。(共5分,每小题1分) 根据你所听到的对话从每小题的三个选项中选择一个正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 1. How does Cindy often go to school? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike. 2. How many apples will the girl cut up? A. One apple. B. Two apples. C. Three apples. 3. Which cinema is the cheapest in the city? A. The Town Cinema. B. The Showtime Cinema. C. The Showdown Cinema. 4. Which subject is the girl good at? A. Physics. B. Math. C. Physics and math. 5. Where did Peter visit in America? A. Paris. B. New York. C. Los Angeles. 6. Where is the man going on the day off? A. He is going to see some friends. B. He is staying at home. C. He is going out to do some sports. 7. How does Thomas play basketball? A. Better than Tom B. Best in his class C. worst in his class 8. What did Tony see in the zoo? A. some monkeys B. some snakes C. A panda 9. What did Kate do yesterday? A. She had some classes B. She swam with her friends. C. She went hiking 10. Why didn't Jim have fun on his day off? A. He had to help his father on the farm. B. He argued with the girl. C. We don't know. II. 听力篇章理解。(共10分,每小题1分) 听下面AB两段对话和C篇的一段独白,从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确答案。对话和独白听两遍。 A 11. Where does Mr. Read come from? A. England B. New York C. A middle school in China 12. What are they going to do tomorrow? A. Go to school B. Have a Chinese class C. Have a swim 13. Does Mr Read speak Chinese? A. No, he doesn't. B. Yes, he doesn't. C. Yes, a little. B 14. What does the girl like better? A. Art B. Music C. Running 15. What is the girl not good at? A. Singing songs B. Drawing C. Swimming 16. What does the teacher think of art and music? A. Art is easier than music. B. Art is not important C. Both of them are popular. C 17. Why was Tom worried all week? A. Because he lost his bike. B. Because he got a letter from the police. C. Because his mother was ill. 18. What did the policeman tell Tom to do? A. To find his lost bike. B. To go to the train station. C. To go to the police station. 19. How were the policemen sending Tom’s lost bike? A. By car B. By train C. By bus 20. When did Tom lose his bike? A. Twelve years ago B. Two years ago. C. Twenty years ago 第II卷(笔试部分共100分) III. 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将答案写在试题前的括号内。 21. Tom is ______taller than any other student in his class. A. much A. very C. more D. much more 22. —Would you like ________to drink? —Yes, I’d like a glass of water. A. something else B. else something 题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦ总分得分


1.1信息及其特征 一、教学内容分析和设计: “信息及其特征”是教育科学出版社的高一《信息技术基础》第一章第一节的内容。由于这个内容理论性较强,如果只是由教师来讲,学生可能会觉得枯燥,所以我准备在教师的引导下,举出现象,让学生进行探讨,然后归纳获得知识。有不足之处由教师或学生来补充。这样能让学生积极参与,活跃课堂气氛,既让学生学到知识,又培养了学生将学习与生活联系的习惯和自主学习的习惯。 二、教学对象分析: 知识的获取者是刚刚升入高中的学生,按照人的成长认知规律,学生对知识的获取开始由感性认识提升到理性认识。对于“信息”这一事物的认识,可以让他们从大量存在的现象中,发现并归纳出他们应该获得的知识。老师在此过程中起着引导的作用。 三、教学目标: 1、知识、技能目标:学生能够列举学习与生活中的各种信息,感受信息的丰富多彩性;举例说明信息的一般特征;培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 2、过程、方法目标:培养学生从日常生活、学习中发现或归纳出新知识的能力。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:让学生理解信息技术对日常生活和学习的重要作用,激发对信息技术强烈的求知欲,养成积极主动地学习和使用信息技术、参与信息活动的态度。 四、教学重点: 1、信息特征的认识。 五、教学难点: 信息的含义。 六、教学方法 本节概念性强,实践性弱。采用讲授法,讨论法。 教学过程 谈话引入:同学们,信息技术这门课程,我们在初中阶段就已经学习。那么下面请同学们说一说,什么是信息?在我们日常生活中,你认为哪些属于信息?(举例)

生1:校园里铃声响,可以告诉我们信息:上课或下课。 生2:观看校运会,可以获得很多运动会赛场上的信息。 生3:从网上可以获得很多信息,如:学习资料、娱乐、新闻报导等。 生4:在报纸上可以了解国内外的信息。 ……师:同学们举的例子非常好。 其实信息在我们日常生活周围无时不在,无处不有,当然,信息不仅存在于我们的周围,同样可以在我们身体内部找到它的影子,如,医生通过听诊器来感知我们的身体内部的变化以确定病因,因此我们可以说信息是用文字、数字、符号、图像、图形、声音、情景、状态等方式传播的内容。 师:信息无处不在,无时不有。信息的存在多种多样,作为万物中的一种,它们同样有着其固有的特性,也就相同的本质。下面我们通过所获取到的信息,找出它们共同的特性。 师:在我们周围存在的信息中,书刊上的文字依附于纸张,颜色依附于物体的表面,老师讲课的声音依附于空气。还有很多的信息,同学们能举出其他的现象吗? 生:(讨论)我们的体重依附于身体,CD音乐依附于光盘,…… 师:有没有信息是不依附于任何载体而存在呢? 生:(讨论)找不到。 师:这说明了什么? 生:(齐)信息必须依附于载体而存在,信息依附的物体多种多样。 师:通过前面的学习知道信息是必须依附某一媒体进行传播的,所以不能独立存在;文字既可以印刷在书本上,也可以存储到电脑中;信息可以转换成不同的载体形式而被存储下来和传播出去,供更多的人分享,而“分享”的同时也说明信息可传递、可存储。 师:(课件演示) 1、载体依附性 (1)信息不能独立存在,需要依附于一定的载体; (2)同一个信息可以依附于不同的媒体。 (3)载体的依附性具有可存储、可传递、可转换特点。


外研版英语八年级下册M6综合复习题 1. I enjoy _________ (collect) toy planes. 2. Whose hobby is ____________ (expensive) of the three? 3. Which hobby do you think ________ (take) up the most space? 4. The old table is a __________ (value) piece of furniture. 5. We can get a fair meal for eight _________ (dollar). 6. You can’t go out to play basketball until you finish _______ (read) the book. 7. ________ (play) table tennis is my hobby. 8. Why not ________ (give) him some interesting books to read? 9. He can run ________ (fast) than Lily. 10. Your room is in a mess. You’d better ______ (tidy) it up. 11. How did you become _________ (interest) in music? 12. The mother made her son ________ (sweep) the floor twice a day. 13. Mike gave me a new kind of stamp for my __________ (collect). 14. I’d like ________ (learn) English well, because I want to travel around the world one day. 15. Last week, she _________ (send) me some flowers on my birthday party. 16. The teacher often encourages me _____________ (answer) questions in class. 17. He is a ________ (write), his new book ________ (come) out last week. 18. I often hear her ________ (play) the violin in the next room. 19. She____________ (be)ill for three days. 20. — When_______ she_______ (leave)? — Two hours ago. 21. — Where is Jack?— He _________ (go) swimming. He _______ (go) out twenty minutes ago. 22. — ________ you________ (see)the film before? — Yes, I _______. — Where_______ you _______ (see)it?—The Queen’s Cinema. 23. She____________ (be)an actress since 1990. 24. They often________ (go) fishing when they lived there. 25. ________ you ever________ (be) to Nanjing? 26. He bought his mother a sweater on Mother’s Day. (同义句) He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ on Mother’s Day. 27. Her mother told her to watch TV. (否定句) Her mother told her _______ _______ _______ _______. 28. Her father taught her to read and write. (提问) _______ _______ her father _______ her _______ _______? 29. He likes collecting stamps, _______ _______? (反义问句) 30. I like playing football and swimming in my free time. (提问) ________ _______ you ________ playing football and swimming? 31. The students are studying very hard. (提问) ________ ________ the students ________? 32. Lucy is taking care of her pet dog. (同义句) Lucy is ________ ________ her pet dog. 33. Let me have a look at your photos. (同义句) Let me ________ _______ your photos. 34. He does his homework at school. (否定句) He________ ________ his homework at school. 35. The room is a bit of a mess. (同义句) The room is ________ ________ a mess.


第三章信息的编程加工和智能化加工 第一节信息加工概述 制作人:马庆辉 学习目标: 1.了解信息加工的基本知识; 2.理解手工加工信息和计算机信息加工方式的异同; 3.理解计算机信息加工的三种形态的特征。 知识要点: 一、信息加工的过程和方式 1.信息加工的概念:信息加工是指通过判别、筛选、分类、排序、分析和 研究等一系列过程,使收集到的信息(原始信息)成为能够满足我们需要的信息。 2.信息加工的目的:发掘信息的价值、方便用户使用。 3.为什么要对收集到的信息(原始信息)进行加工呢? 信息加工是信息利用的基础,也是信息成为有用资源的重要条件:(1)在大量的原始信息中,不可避免的存在着一些假信息、伪信息,只有通过认真的筛选和判别,才能避免真假混杂; (2)我们收集来的信息是一种初始的、零乱的、孤立的信息,只有对这些信息进行分类和排序,才能有效的使用; (3)通过信息的加工,可以创造出新的信息,使信息具有更高的使用价值。 4.信息加工的一般过程: (1)记录信息; (2)加工信息; (3)发布信息; (4)存储信息。 5.信息加工方式的变化: (1)人工加工的方式 特点:所需工具较少,方法灵活,使用方便。 不足:有时不但繁琐、容易出错,而且费时不能满足现代生活的需要。

(2)计算机加工方式 二、计算机信息加工的过程和类型 1、计算机信息加工的一般过程 (1)根据信息类型和加工要求选择合适的计算机软件或者自编程序; (2)信息录入; (3)信息加工; (4)信息输出; (5)信息存储。 2、计算机信息加工的类型 利用计算机加工信息有三种形态 第一种是基于程序设计的自动化信息加工(信息的编程加工); 第二种是基于大众信息技术工具的人性化信息加工; 第三种是基于人工智能技术的智能化信息加工。 自我评价: 1.信息加工的一般过程:,,,。 2.计算机信息加工的一般过程:,,, ,。 3.利用计算机加工信息有三种形态:第一种, 第二种,第三种。 4.信息加工的目的:。 5.信息加工有以下几个环节:A. 加工信息、B.记录信息、C. 存储信息、D. 发布信息; 请你分析以下资料,指出各工作流程分别属于信息加工的哪一个环节。 2006年9月28日下午,我校举行了校教职工男女混合4*400接力赛,参加小组有:高一年级组、高二年级组、高三年级组。裁判员将各小组的比赛成绩记录于规定的参赛项目成绩记录表中,这是信息加工的_____环节;然后裁判员再对这些比赛成绩进行分析、排序等工作,排出名次,这又是信息加工的_____环节;裁判员将这比赛的结果抄了一份送到广播员处,广播员播出成绩,这属于信息加工的_____环节;另将各参赛小组比赛成绩的原材料整理成册送到体卫处存根,这又属于信息加工的_____环节。 6、信息加工是指通过判别、()、()、()、分析和研究等一系列过程,使收集到的信息成为能够满足我们需要的信息。 7、比较人工方式和计算机加工方式的异同。


外研版八年级下册英语精讲讲义 期末总复习 1. take up ①占据(空间/时间) The desk took up too much room. Playing computer games has taken up most of his time. ① 从事He took up art at school. 他在学校教美术。 2. find somewhere to sit down 找地方坐下 3. a bit of +不可数名词= a little of a bit of food/orange juice… a bit of a mess 有点乱 a bit +形容词/副词= a little a bit tired/hungry… 区别:not a bit:一点也不not a little: 很/非常 4. must 一定(表推测)It must be really valuable. 他一定很值钱。 5. as+(形容词/副词)原级+as: 像……一样… He is as tall as his brother. 否定:not so… as… 不如….. Tom is not as tall as his brother. 6. in one’s life在(某人)一生中 7. make sb./sth. +动词原形:使某人/某物做某事 Don’t make me laugh. The boss made the worker work for a long time. 类似:let sb./sth. +动词原形:让某人/某物做某事 8. grow as a person 长大成人… 9. some…others…一些……另外一些…… 10. develop one’s interest 培养某人的兴趣 11. as well as=besides 除了…..之外,还包括…. As well as Tom, his parents came to the party.汤姆和他的父母都来参加了这个聚会。 12. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 13. come out 出版;外出; 14. as a result结果as a result of….由于…….=because of…… He didn’t work hard, as a result, he didn’t pass the exam. 15. be interested in+名词/动词-ing: 对……感兴趣 I am very interested in maths. Are you interested in dancing? 16. sb. spend+时间+doing sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事。 = It takes sb.+时间+ to do sth.


英语·八年级上册·WY Module 1综合能力检测卷 时间:60分钟满分:100分 一、单项填空(每小题1分,共10分) 1.—Why didn't your sister talk with me? —She is a girl. She is afraid to speak in front of others. A. polite B. shy C. clever D. good 2.—I think drinking milk is good for our health. —Yes, I you. A. care about B. hear from C. agree with D. ask for 3.—Could you please offer me some in my research(研究)? —Yes, sure. A. idea B. message C. suggestion D. advice 4.Englishmen often talk about the weather to start a . A. dream B. secret C. sentence D. conversation 5.—Do you know the opening time of the museum? —Sorry, I don't know. You can on the Internet. A. look it up B. turn it down C. make it up D. cut it down 6.—How about taking a walk after supper? —. A. It's true B. Very well C. Thanks a lot D. That's a good idea 7.My sister her bike to work every day. A. rides B. rode C. will ride D. is riding 8.—Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting several months ago.

2019年外研社版英语八年级下册 Module 2 综合测试附答案

2019年外研社版英语八年级下册 Module 2 综合测试 Ⅰ.单项填空. 1.The car is too expensive, so I can't it. A. take B. afford C. clean D. have 2.—It's one of the things in the world to stay with friends. —I agree. It always makes us relaxed. A. worst B. happiest C. busiest D. hardest 3. —Look at the blue sky! The rain . —Let's go out for a walk. A. stops B. will stop C. has stopped D.had stopped 4.His parents America for years and they are back to China for a holiday. A. has gone to; travel B. have been in; travelling C. have come to; travelling D. have gone in ; travelling 5.—How do you like Suzhou,Mr. Green? —Oh, I such a beautiful city before. A. don't visit B. didn't visit C. haven't visited D. hadn't visited 6.Tom the USA.He back in two months. A. has gone to; comes B. has gone to;will be C. has been to; comes D. has been to;will be 7. She five hundred English words so far. A. has learned B.learned C. is learning D.learns 8.When Lily saw a hat on the ground,she stopped . A.to pick it up B.picking it up C. to pick up it D. picking up it 9.Most of my classmates don't like to talk with their parents,but I am them.I like to talk to my parents. A. different from


7.1信息资源管理概述 制作人:马庆辉 审核人:高峰 【学习目标】 1. 了解信息资源管理的一般过程,理解信息资源管理活动的普遍性及其重要意义 2. 依据一定的标准对信息进行分类 3. 了解信息资源管理的标准化思想 【知识框架】 管理对象:信息活动中的各种要素(包括信息、人员、设备、资金等) 管理内容:对信息资源进行组织、控制、加工、协调 管理目的:有效的满足社会的各种信息需求 管理手段:借助现代信息技术以实现信息资源的最佳配置 二、信息资源管理过程 各种信息资源管理活动都是按照一定的方法和程序进行的:从具体需要出发,对信息资源按照一定的方法分类、组织和存储,继而提供方便的信息服务,与此同时还要不断进行更新与维护。 图书馆的工作流程,一般可以分为:采-分-编-藏-用-剔等几个阶段: 1.采,就是采购。 2.分,就是分类 3.编,就是编目。 4.藏,就是图书的上架管理。 身边的信息资源管理 信息资源管理过程 信息资源的分类组织 信息资源管理中的标准化思想和意义 信 息 资源 管理 概述 【知识要点】 一、 概念介绍 信息资源: 狭义来说,把信息资源等同于知识、资料和消息,即只指信息内容,指导信息本身或信息的集合。广义来说,信息资源是人类社会信息活动中积累起来的信息、信息生产者、信息技术等信息活动要素的集合。本章所述的“信息资源”,指我们在工作学习生活中积累的有具体载体存储的信息,包括文本、图象、音频、视频、动画等多种媒体表现印刷品、计算机文件、光盘产品、或者仅仅是其中的包含有相对完整内容的某个片段而已,也可以是数据库中特定结构的广义数据。 信息资源管理(IRM ):一方面是人类在漫长的发展历程中,对文献、知识和信息管理的延伸和拓展,另一方面则是在社会经济高度发展、信息已成为重要的经济资源这个背景下所发展起来的信息管理思想和管理模式。
