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Good morning and welcome to the University of Westlands. My name is Marcia

Mayhew and I’m the co-ordmator of the Bachelor of Social Science degree. This

morning I’d like to tell you about the structure of the university and about some

of the requirements of the degree that you’re about to enter. The Bachelor of

Social Science is in one faculty within the university, that is the faculty where I Q32 work, known as Arts and Social Sciences. Here on this campus we also have the

faculties of Architecture, Law and Science and Technology among others.

It’s important to know something about the structure of the faculty because, as

you go through your course, you may need to call on members of the staff to help


At the top of the faculty we have a dean and below the dean we have three Q33

divisions; each division has a divisional head and your degree is located in the

Division of Social Sciences. Within each of the divisions, there are the departments and each of these offers the different degrees. For instance two of the departments which offer the major subjects for your award are Sociology and Psychology. Each

has a departmental head but for practical purposes the people you are going to

see the most of are myself as co-ordinator of the social sciences degree and the

actual lecturers who are teaching the subjects that you are taking. For instance in

the first semester you’ll be doing four subjects psychology sociology history and Q34


If you have any problems or difficulties, not that I’m anticipating you will, but

you never know, then you should go and see your lecturers. For instance, you

may find that you can’t meet a deadline for an essay or perhaps you re having Q35

problems with attendance. These seem to be the two most common problems that Q36

students face.

If your lecturers are unavailable, you can always come and see me in my office.

I’m available on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and on Friday afternoons Q37

Outside these hours, perhaps you could ring the secretary and make an appointment. Now you’ll note that all of the subjects which you undertake in the first year

are composed of lectures and tutorials. A lecture is about an hour long and a

tutorial usually runs for about two hours. A lecture is rather like what I am doing

now where one person will talk to all of you together on a subject. We do ask you

to try to attend the lectures.

A tutorial is perhaps where most of the learning occurs at a university. You will

be divided into groups of between 12 and 15 students and each week one of you

will have to present a piece of work to the group as a whole and then the group

will discuss what you’ve said. It’s this discussion, this exchange of ideas, which Q38

really constitutes the basis of university learning, in my view. Listening to lectures

in many ways is just giving you information that you could access for yourself in


Practice Test 2

the library but the discussion at the tutorial is very important. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go to the lectures though!

Other factors to be particularly concerned about are the structure of essays and

delivery of written material and in particular I would like to mention the question

of plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking other people’s work without acknowledging it,

that is, without saying where it comes from. Of course all essays are based on

research done by other people but you must remember to attribute the work to the Q39 original writer. And while it’s a good idea to work with other people don’t hand

in work which is exactly the same as your friend’s work because we will notice! If

you don’t acknowledge the source of your information then you run the risk of Q40

failing the subject or in very serious cases you might be denied entry to the university. Last but not least, stay in touch with us. If things are getting you down, don’t Q41 tests go and hide. Come and talk to us about it. That’s what we are here for. Right, global thank you very much for coming along today.


剑桥雅思4Test4 听力 Sectio n-1答案+解析 剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section 1 答案+解析 Section 1 谈话场景:筹备告别会。人物关系:关系亲密的同事。谈话话题:讨论将给要离开的同事 开告别会的有关事宜:时间、地点、邀请人员、礼物等。 交际与语言表达 1.这部分考查的是一个日常生活场景一一为要离开的同学/同事举办一个告别晚会。其中涉及到活 动举办的地点和时间、邀请人员、何时发岀邀请、活动项目以及需携带的物品等。 2. “1 think a hotel will probably work out rather expensive, and I 've been looking at the College Dining Room. ”我觉得去酒店太贵了,我一直在考虑学校的餐厅。“work out ”表示“解决,解答,做出,制订出,消耗完”的意思。例如:It will work out rather expensive. 这样做成本很高。 “be looking at ”表示“留心,注意”。 3. “ We usually go round with an envelope during coffee break, don 't we? ”我们通常在喝 咖啡的休息室带着信封顺便过去,不是吗?“Coffee Break”这个词早在1952年就出现在报刊上了,《咖 啡的益处》中说:“只需清晨的一杯咖啡就足以使我们拥有顺利度过一天的好心情。这也正是工作休息时 间喝咖啡的意义所在。”管理者发现“Coffee Break ”作为一种办公室文化,不但可以激发员工的创意和 灵感,提升工作的热情与专注,而且还是一种特殊的沟通方式。现在公司开设的“Coffee Break ” 都是了解咖啡、互相沟通、提升公司形象的良好模式。接待客户抑或朋友小聚,如果您可以不经意间对咖啡的“前世今生”侃侃而谈,那必将令对方刮目相看。而为客户提供一杯贴心的现磨咖啡,更是对客户表示尊敬、 拉近彼此距离的法宝。

剑桥雅思4Test1听力Listening Section 1答案+解析

剑桥雅思4Test1听力Listening Section 1答案+解析 谈话场景:咨询旅游事宜场景,电话交谈。 人物关系:学校社会活动咨询员和学生。 谈话话题:咨询学校组织的旅游线路、旅游费用和旅行地点。 交际与语言表达 1. 在这个旅游场景讨论中,学生就英国某学校组织的旅游活动事宜向学校负责人进行咨询。 2. 为帮助国际留学生更好地感受英国文化,英国大学通常为他们提供类似的旅游活动,游览地点多为英国的著名城市和名胜古迹,如:本题中提到的伦敦塔( Tower of London) 以及 Salisbury 平原上的史前巨石柱( Stonehenge)。国际留学生办公室 ( International Office) 会将游览的安排事宜先公布,学生需要提前报名,并交纳一定的费用。学校负责当天的游览交通,学生可以自行活动,也可参加有导游的游览。若想了解更多的旅游信息,可以上网搜索一些不错的旅游网站,这样就可以在出国前订下自己的旅游计划。 3. “Yes, we run five every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.”是的,我们每个月组织 5 次旅行活动,其中 3 次是在周末, 2 次是在周三下午。“ run”在此句中表示“组织,运营”和“ organize”是同义转换。 4. “Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interests….”很明显,他们是不一样的,但肯定都是历史古迹,“ vary”做不及物动词表示“( 使) 变化, 改变”,“ vary from… to…”表示“从……到……不等”, 例如: The sword hardly varied in form from the 12th to the 15th century. 剑的样式从 12 世纪到 15 世纪几乎没有什么改变。 5. “… because we’ re able to say that all our visits are less than three hours drive.”因为我们所有的旅游地的车程都不超过 3 小时。类似的表达还有:“ ten minutes walk”( 10 分钟的步行路程), “two- mile distance”( 两英里的距离)。 6. “Again it varies— between five and fifteen pounds a head.”价格同样不等——每人在 5- 15 英镑之间。原文中的“ a head”和题干中的“per person”是同义替换,指每人花多少钱。类似的表达还有“per capita”( 每人,按人计算的),常用在政治、经济学的范畴中;“ per day” (每天);“ per week”( 每周);“ per month”( 每月);“ per year”( 每年);“ per hour”( 每小时)。 7. “We figure it’ s best to keep the day fairly short.”我们觉得最好把一天的行程控制得短一点。“figure”在口语中做动词表示“考虑,认为”。例如: I can’ t figure out (解决,弄明白) what he was hinting at. 我想不出他在暗示什么。“figure”做名词使用时有“外形; 画像; 数字”的意思。


hello,and thank you for asking me to your teachers' meeting to told about the dinosaur museum and to tell you a bit about what you can do with your students on there Well let me give you some of the basic information first In regard to opening hours We are open every day of the week from 9.am to 8.pm except on mondays,when we close it at 1.30 pm And in fact the only day in the year when we are closed is on the 25th december You can book a guided tour for your school group any time that we are open if you bring a school group to the museum when you arrive we ask you to remain with your group at your car park one or more of the tour guides will welcome you there and brief you what the tour will be about we do this there because our entrance is quite small and we really haven't got much room for briefing group in the exhibition area as far as the amount of time you'll need goes if you bring a school group you should plan on allowing a minimum of 90 minutes for the visit this allow 15minutes to get on and off the coach 45 minutes for the guided tour and 30 minutes for the after tour activities if you are going to have lunch at the museum youwill,ofcourse,have to allow to have more time there are two cafes in the museum with sitting for 80 people if you want to eat there you'll need to reserve some seating as they can get quite crowded at lunch time then outside the museum at the back there are tables and students can bring their own lunch and eat there in the open air when the students coming into the museum foyer we ask them to check in the backpacks with their books lunch boxes at the cloakroom before they enter the museum proper i am afraid in the past we have had few things gone missing after the school visit so this is a strict rule also some of the exhibits are fragile and we don't want to be accentidentally knocked but we do provide school students have handouts with questions and quizzes on them there is so much that students can learn in the museum and it is fun for them to have something to do of course they'll need to bring something to write with for these we do allow students to have photographs

雅思 听力 听力场景 剑桥真题版本

Renting 1 . Character 人物 Tenant 房客Owner of the property 业主Real estate agency 房产中介lodger : (拎包人住的)房客Landlord / Landlady 房东/女房东Real estate agent 房产经纪人 2 . Accommodation 住宿 1 ) Type of Residence 房型:Flat / Apartment 公寓Studio apartment 小型公寓Home-stay 住家Terraced house 排屋Semi-detached house 半独立式住宅Detached house 独立式住宅Dormitory / Dorm 寝室Hall of residence 宿舍 2 ) Furniture 家具:Furnished 带家具的Unfurnished 不带家具的Partially furnished 配备部分家具的en Suite 成套家具的 3 ) Location 位置:Urban 城区的outskirt 郊区Downtown 商业区Metropolis 都市Suburban 郊区的Rural 农村的Uptown 住宅区Cosmopolitan 大都市 3 . Payment支付 Rent 房租Deposit 押金Bill / Utilities 费用(phone , electricity , gas , water ) Cash 现金Cheque / Check 支票Due 到期Refundable 可退还的Weekly 按星期Monthly 按月Quarterly 按季Annually 按年 4 . Facilities设施 1 ) Living Room 客厅:Porch 门廊Corridor 走廊Fireplace 壁炉Stereo 音响Armchair 扶手椅Sofa 沙发Courtyard 后院Basement 地下室Hall / lobby 大厅Ba1Cony 阳台Curtain / drape 窗帘Projector 投影仪Bench 长椅Couch 长沙发Attic 阁楼Garage 车库 2 ) Bedroom 卧室:Radiator 暖气管Air-conditioner 空调Quilt 被子Pillow 枕头Mattress 床垫Blanket 毯子Central heating 集中供暖Blackout 大断电Sheet 床单Nightstand 床头柜Cushion 靠垫Carpet 地毯 3 ) Study 书房:Bureau 写字台局lamp 台灯Bookcase / bookshelf 书架Torch 手电筒/火炬 4 ) Restroom / Bathroom 浴室:Tap 龙头Towel 毛巾Toothpaste 牙膏Mirror 镜子Shower 淋浴Toothbrush 牙刷Comb 梳子Razor 剃须刀Detergent 清洁剂 5 ) Kitchen 厨房:Sink 洗碗池Refrigerator / fridge 冰箱Microwave 微波炉Cupboard 碗橱Kettle 水壶Dish-washer 洗碗机oven 烤炉Gas burner 煤气灶toaster 面包机Pot 茶壶 6 ) Dinnerware 餐具dish 盘子/菜肴Spoon 调羹Chopsticks 筷子Plate 盘子Fork 叉Bowl 碗 Banking 1 . Account 账户 Current account 活期账户Joint account 共有账户Service charge 手续费Password / Code / pin number 密码Bankbook / Deposit book 存折Bank balance 银行余额Interest 利息Headquarter

剑桥雅思4Test1听力Section 4答案+解析

剑桥雅思4Test1听力Section 4答案+解析 谈话场景:环境知识讲座。 人物身份:讲话者为园林绿化专家。 谈话话题:介绍植被在调节城市气候方面所起的作用,以及如何更好地利用植被来美化环境。 交际与语言表达 1. 这部分是一个关于树木对城市地貌影响的讲座,其中谈到了城市中树木与气候以及树木与噪音的关系。 2. 西方人在讲座时的风格是开门见山,首先指出本次讲座的主题是什么, 第一段中就说到“There are two major areas that I will focus on in my talk: how…and how…”。 3. “Well, the main difference between a tree and a building is a tree has got an internal mechanism to keep the temperature regulated.”一棵树和一幢楼的主要区别在于树有一个内在的机制可以控制自己的温度。口语中,“ well”可以用来引出新的话题或内容,要作为听音重点。除此之外, Oh, OK, right, hang on, let me see 等都要引起重视。 4. “The reason that high buildings make it windier at ground level is that, as the wind goes higher and higher, it goes faster and faster.”高楼的存在使得其他地表附近风大的原因在于:随着风越升越高,风速也就越来越快。“ the reason that… is…”表示“某事发生的原因在于……”。例如: The reason that I’ d like to go abroad is to broaden my horizons. 5. “Low- frequency noise, in particular, just goes through the trees as though they aren’ t there.”特别是低频噪音,依然能穿过树木带,仿佛那些树木根本不存在一样。“in particular”表示“尤其,特别”,相当于“especially”, “as though”是“仿佛,好像”的意思。例如: The house was lit up as though a big celebration was going on. 整个屋子灯火辉煌, 犹如在举行盛大庆典。 考题解析 Question 31 cities 观察已知信息,可以知道文章的总体脉络非常清晰。文章先提到将要谈到的两个方面,然后阐明了树木的大范围影响和小范围影响,最后把树木和建筑物的相关信息作了比较。做题前的观察往往有利于更好地听题,使听题时不至于很盲目。此题空前给出文字里提到“ plan”一词,因此,在听原文时,注意“ plan”这个信号词至关重要。另外,此题一定要填复数“ cities”,否则不给分。


Text 1 Section1 W: Good evening. King's restaurant. M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? W: Oh, yes. M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may. W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? M: It's Peter Chin. W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview. M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend. W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up? W: It's answering the phone. M: Oh, right, fine. W: And not waiting at table. M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be? W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend. M: So two nights? W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week. M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies. W: Are you in the university? M: Yes, first year Physics student. W: Oh, right

剑桥雅思4Test1听力Section 2答案+解析

剑桥雅思4Test1听力Section 2答案+解析 第一部分,请点击:剑桥雅思4Test1听力Listening Section 1答案+解析 谈话场景:旅游场景。 人物关系:演讲者为导游,听众为游客。 谈话话题:介绍 Riverside 工业村的有关情况,其历史、特点以及工业产品。 交际与语言表达 1. 这是一道介绍景点的场景题。常常是导游或组织者介绍旅游线路或游览地点。如:曾考过的新西兰“Christ Church”的南极科考站, “agricultural park, industrial village”等。文中导游介绍了英国的某个工业村庄,谈到了工业化的历史,虽然涉及到一些机械制造中的专业词汇,但是不考查这些专业词汇的拼写。 2. “Now, from where we’ re standing you’ ve got a good view of the river over there.”从我们站的地方看去,那边河流的美景尽收眼底。“view”表示“景色,美景”。例如: a fine view of the castle 城堡的美景。 3. “These were built for the workers towards the end of the 18th century and they’re still furnished from that period so you can get a good idea of ordinary people’s living conditions.”这些村舍是在 18 世纪末为工人们建造的,还依然保持着那个年代的装修风格,因此你可以很好地了解当时普通人的生活情况。“get an idea of”表示“对……所了解”。 4. “If you’ d like to come along, this way please, ladies and gentlemen.”女士们、先生们,如果你们想跟着一起,那我们走这边吧。“ come along”表示“出现,跟着一起,赶快”的意思,例如: He came along with some friends. 他和几个朋友一同前来。 5. “In the top left corner is the Grinding Shop, where the tools were sharpened and finished. And on one side of that you can see the Engine Room and on the other is the Caf é, which isn’ t an antique, you’ ll be pleased to know, though they do serve very nice old- fashioned teas.”在左上角是研磨室,工具在那里被削尖并完成。在研磨室的一侧,你可以看到机房,另一侧是咖啡厅,你会很欣喜地发现它不是古代建筑,尽管它的确提供很美味的传统茶。 剑桥雅思4Test1听力Section 2答案+解析 Question 11 coal, firewood 做题前观察已知信息,得知此段话语是关于 Riverside 工业村的情况介绍,先确定会话主题。此题前提到了 Riverside 工业村能很好地开展工业生产的原因,并提到了“ water, raw material and fuels”, 很明显,会话开始部分提


S e c t i o n 1 题目解析: 原文难句 1.Will that work out to be any cheaper? 那样会不会便宜一点呢? that 指代前面所说内容:I know the conference is for three days but actually I want to attend on the Friday and Saturday only. 一般对于前面所重复的信息不会在下一句话中重复出现,避免语句重复现象,用指示代词 that/this/these/those等指代即可。 work out的本意为:解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼,但是在这句话中没有特别的含义。 2.They are only £15 per night, but they are very basic and you’ll have to get your own breakfast, because they don’t provide you with that. 那些房间每天晚上只需15磅,但是房间里面只有一些基础设施,而且你要自己买早餐,因为它们不提供早餐。 basic指的是房间内只有一些非常基础的设施。get 的意思有 vt. 使得;获得;受到;变成n. 生殖;幼兽vi. 成为;变得;到达,在这句话里面指的是自己买早餐吃。 provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供什么 3. The details are all in our conference pack, which I’ll send you. 细节内容在我们的会议安排表内有具体说明,我会邮寄给您的。 pack的本意是n. 包装;一群;背包;包裹;一副 vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎;挑选;塞满vi. 挤;包装货物;被包装;群集。在这句话中的意思是“所有费用都包含在会议的费用之内”。which引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面所说conference pack 4.Otherwise, you can take the bus which runs every half an hour from the station - that's the 21A — and it brings you straight to the conference centre. 或者,您可以乘坐21A路公共汽车,每半小时一趟,直接到会议中心。 which引导限定性定语从句,指代前面所说bus that's the 21A是插入语成分 straight a.直接的 题目答案: 1. 75 2. cheque/check 3.15 4,.25 5. 10minute(s')/min(s') 6. conference pack 7. South 8. library 9. 5 10.21A


4TEST1 1.variety of shopping各式各样的购物 2.guided tours带导游的旅行 3.more than12/over12大于12 4.notice board n.布告牌 5.13th February2月13号 6.Tower of London伦敦塔 7.American museum美国博物馆 8.student newspaper校刊,学生报 9.coal n.煤 10.firewood n.柴火,木柴 11.local craftsman n.当地的工匠 12.Ticket Office售票处 13.Gift Shop礼品店 14.(main)Workshop车间,讲习班 15.Showroom n.陈列室,样品间 16.Cafén.咖啡厅 17.cottages n.村舍 18.cities/environment城市/环境 19.windy adj.多风的 20.humid adj.潮湿的 21.shady/shaded adj.荫凉的 22.dangerous adj.危险的 23.leaves n.树叶 24.ground level n.地面水平 25.considerably reduce/decrease减小/filter过滤 26.low frequency低频率 27.space/room n.空间 4TEST2 1.Cathedral n.大教堂 2.Markets n.市场 3.Gardens n.花园 4.Art Gallery美术馆,画廊 5.climb the tower爬塔 6.see the view看风景 7.collecting/gathering data/data collection收集数据 8.Survey Research调查研究 9.London University Press伦敦大学出版社 10.mass media大众媒体 11.academic circles学术界 12.researchers n.研究人员 13.specialist/specialized knowledge专业知识 14.unaware adj.无意识的 15.individual customers/consumers个人客户 16.illegal profits不合法的利益 4TEST3 1.Forest Road森林大道 2.Academic English学术英语 3.Thursday星期四 4.deposit n.押金 5.on a monthly basis以月为基础 6.telephone/phone bill手机账单 7.light/lights/lighting n.灯光 8.adults n成年人 9.at the Studio Theater小型戏院 10.the whole family/all the family/families 11.The City Gardens城市花园 12.outdoors adv.在户外 13.young/younger children少年儿童 14.questionnaire n.调查问卷 15.approximately/about2000大约2000 16.Faculty of Education教育系 17.halls of residence学生公寓 18.living quarters住宅区 19.traffic problem交通问题 20.parking problem停车问题 21.lecture room/halls/theaters教室 22.more room for a choice of facilities更多的空间选择设备4TEST4 1.22nd December12月22号 2.College Dining Room大学食堂 3.office staff办公室职员 4.students n.学生 5.10th December12月10号 6.coffee break/coffee breaks咖啡时间,休息时间 7.set of dictionaries一系列字典 8.a good dictionary一本好字典 9.some music tapes一些音乐磁带 10.photos/photographs n.照片 11.speech n.演讲 12.the nearest station最近的车站 13.local history当地的历史 14.local walking club当地的竞走俱乐部 15.20balloons n.气球 16.units of measurements/measurement units测量单位 17.rock salt岩盐 18.crystals n.水晶 19.piece of string细线 20.ordinary white light普通的白光灯 21.tail n.尾巴 22.ocean floor/bed/bottom海底,海床 23.sense of smell嗅觉 5TEST1 1.Whale Watch Experience鲸鱼观看体验 2.by minibus n.面包车,小型公共汽车 3.15people15个人 4.April18th4月18号 5.move around/move about移动 6.brakes n.刹车 7.fingers n.手指头 8.satisfactory n.满意 9.put it together整合,组装 10.too wide太宽 11.dangerous adj.危险的 12.wheels n.轮子 13.the best/the best buy/safe最好的购买 14.sharp adj.锋利的 15.full-time adj.全日制的 16.a term/one term一学期 17.intensive adj.加强的,集中的 18.two modules两个模块 19.a topic/one topic一个话题


剑桥雅思听力超详细解析(2) 场景背景介绍 味精是许多人在烹调的时候会使用的调料,但却很少有人了解它的历史。这部分听力的主要内容就是关于味精的历史。实际上,许多种调料在进入人类的厨房之前都经历了一个复杂而又曲折的过程。味精也是一样,它最先是由人们在一种海草中提炼出来的。 本节必背词汇、词组 monosodium Glutamate 味精intensify v. 加剧 enhancer n. 促进剂evolutionary a. 进化的 cuisine n. 烹饪,烹调法associate professor 副教授 seaweed n. 海草,海藻protein n. 蛋白质 extraction n. 提取carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物 amino acid 氨基酸toxin n. 毒素 commercially ad. 商业地spoilage n. 损坏,腐烂 crisp n. 油炸马铃薯 词汇拓展 leek n. 葱pepper n. 花椒 ginger n. 姜hot pepper 辣椒 garlic n. 蒜rosemary n. 迷迭香 文本及疑难解析 1. Now, MSG as you probably know, is a flavour enhancer which is used particularly in Chinese and Japanese cooking. 大家可能知道,味精是一种增味剂,尤其在中国和日本的烹调中很常用。 该句中开始的“now”没有什么意义,仅仅是一个语气词。

2. The main reason why MSG is more commonly used in Japanese meals is tradition. 为什么日本人经常使用味精呢?最主要的原因是,这是他们的传统。 这句话的主句是“The main reason...is tradition. ”“why”引导的是一个定语从句,修饰前面的“reason”。 3. From 1908 until 1956, glutamate was produced commercially in Japan by a very slow and expensive means of extraction. 从l908年到1956年,日本谷氨酸的商业生产方式非常缓慢而且费用很高。 被动句是英语中使用非常频繁的句式,而中国学生在口语和写作中使用得却很少,这是因为汉语中很少使用被动句。 4. So, how exactly does MSG work? 那么,到底味精是如何起作用的呢? 该句中“exactly”被提前是为了强调。还可以说成:How does MSG work exactly?这样就没有强调的意思了。另外,“work”一词用法很多,在这里它是“起作用”的意思。 5. It does make perfect evolutionary sense that we should have the ability to detect or taste glutamate because it is the amino acid which is most common in natural foods. 因为谷氨酸是在自然食物中很常见的氨基酸,所以我们能够发现并尝出它的味道,从进化的角度看,这是说得通的。 该句中的第一个“it”指的是下文的that从句;第二个“it”指谷氨酸。代词在英语中使用非常频繁,对中国考生来讲,这是一个难点。 为了解决这个问题,最好的方法就是多做快速阅读。如果在读到代词的时候可以快速还原,那么在听到代词的时候也可以很快知道其指代对象,这对增强听力理解的能力有很大帮助。 6. John Prescott, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, suggests that this fifth taste serves a purpose just as the other tastes do. John Prescott是芝加哥大学的一位副教授,他认为这第五种味道和其他的味道作用相同。


Section1 剑桥雅思5Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 谈话场景:售车中心购车咨询。 人物关系:售车中心工作人员与购车客户。 谈话话题:购买合适的汽车,讨论车况细节以及客户信息。 交际与语言表达 1. 本篇文章主要讨论购车咨询过程中的细节问题,这也是雅思生活场景听力试题中经常涉及的内容之一,考生对一些常用的买车购车以及汽车的词汇和表达法要耳熟能详,并且还要了解填写顾客情况调查表时所涉及的一般常用问题。 2. 在售车中心,或者在一般性商场,工作人员或者是销售人员都会主动向顾客问好,并且通常会说: How can I help you? 或Can I help you, Sir/ Madam? 或者是Is there anything I can do for you? 考生在听到这一问题后,应首先反应到下面的对话应该是属于买家与卖家的对话。 3. Had you got any particular make in mind? 您心里是否已经有了特别钟意的( 汽车) 牌子了? 许多考生可能不知道、或者没有留意到make 这个词在这句话的实际意思,但该词直接影响到第一题的答案。事实上,如果我们事先注意到题目的设置,我们就会知道make 在这里是指“汽车牌子”。 4. Any idea? 您有什么想法/ 意见吗? 该句是地道的口语表达,两个人在说话的时候都有针对前文的省略语,很多地方必须理解说话人

上句话才能理解下一句,这在口语中很常见,所以考生一定要对这种省略语倍加注意。这句话如果补充完整应该是: Do you have any idea of the engine size? 下文中a 1. 4 should do 和I don’ t think I need a 1. 6 or anything 以及Mileage? Roughly? 都是如此。 5. I presume you’ d want a manual? …but I assume that’ d be OK? 这两个问句都是售车人员在征求顾客的意见,其中presume 和assume 都等于think,但售车人员在问这两句话时一般都是期望得到顾客肯定的答复。 6. Have you given that any thought? 您是否考虑过这一点? give thought to sb./ sth. 意思是:考虑某人或某事。 7. I think I’ ll go for that. 我想我还是选择那个吧。 go for sth. 意思是:选择某事物,这里的go for 等同于prefer。 8. The cash price is going to be somewhere in the region of seven and a half thousand. 现金支付的话大约是7, 500 英镑。考生要注意该句中出价的表达方法和黑体部分,这句话可以简单地表达为The cash price is going to be about 7, 500。下句Are you in a position to pay cash?您是否愿意现金支付? 同样可以简单地表达为Are you going to pay cash? 注意这两种表达方式的区别。 9. Could I have your full name? 请问您的全名是什么? 这样的问法要比What’ s your name? 有礼貌的多。类似的说法还有Is there any possibility that I can have/ get your name?

剑桥10test1-4听力section 1

Test 1 Section 1 questions 1-10 Complete the notes below. Write one word for each answer. Self-drive tours in the USA Example Name: Andrea............Brown................. Address: 24 1....................................Road Postcode: BH5 2OP Phone: (mobile) 077 8664 3091 Heard about company from: 2...................................... Possible self-drive tours Trip one: ?Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some 3.................................parks with her children ?Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a 4................................... Trip Two: ?Customer wants to see the 5.................................on the way to Cambria ?At santa Monica: not interested in shopping ?At San Diego, wants to spend time on the 6.............................................


剑桥雅思听力超详细解析(1) 场景背景介绍 在国外留学时,学生在学习过程中经常要针对某一专题找资料,整理之后在课堂上以演讲的方式展示给大家。老师经常布置这类任务,有的还要评分。 在这段对话中,由于是第一次课堂演讲,所以不评分。因此,男生听到这个消息后会说“Good news”。 本节必背词汇、词组 presentation n. 针对某一专题发表的演讲overhead projector 投影仪 assess v. 评估scale n. 规模 historical a. 历史的resource n. 资源 geographical a. 地理的brochure n. 小册子 overview n. 综述literacy n. 识字,读写能力;有学问 nope ad. (口语)不encyclopaedia n. 百科全书 seminar n. 研讨会enthusiastic a. 有激情的,热情的 positive a. 确定的,肯定的tutorial n. 指导课,个别指导 词汇拓展 assignment n. 作业survey n. 调查,研究 deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期questionnaire n. 调查问卷 extension n. 延期 文本及疑难解析 1. No...not this time round...because it's the first one...you know. 不,这一次不评分,你知道,因为这是第一次。 该句的难点:“this time round”的意思就相当于“not this time”。另外“you know”没有什么具体含义,只是一个口头禅。
