Key to exercise Unit 1

Key to exercise Unit 1
Key to exercise Unit 1

Key to exercise (练习答案)

Unit 1 News Media

Text A

Exercise 7

1.We all thought it a pity that you could not come.

2.We thought it possible that John would come.

3.Do you think it necessary to argue with him about it?

4.We found it difficult for us to describe the details.

5.They found it an excellent idea for them to put up a new building by the riverside.

6.The professor has made it clear that we should know how to write our laboratory


Exercise 8

1.People living in cities can enjoy more of modern life.

2.The machines imported from abroad are expensive.

3.Many students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

4.People having small income tend to spend money carefully.

5.Those houses being torn down were built fifty years ago.

6.Louise Brown, born in England, is the world’s first test tube baby.

Text B

Exercise 2

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. T

Exercise 3

1. catches their attention

2. on top of

3. associate…with

4. as long as

5. are hungry for

6. instant

7. conclusion

8. subjected

9. affect 10. in…trouble 11. deliver 12. insight 13. increasingly 14. rate 15. sponsored

Exercise 4

1. goes on

2. before

3. experience

4. associated

5. through

6. access

7. get

8. In addition

9. As a result 10. editions

Exercise 5


2. x

3. the

4. x

5. x

6. the, an

7. the

8. the

9. x 10. the, the, the 11. a 12. x, the 13. a, the 14. a 15. x, a, x, a, a

Translation Practice

Practice 4










Practice 5

1.We must study hard to keep up with the times.

2.They often supply the market with new commodities.

3.This page of the newspaper is devoted to local news.

4.They consider it necessary to give in-depth reports of daily news on their web site

5.Television and radio can all deliver news faster, but they are limited in providing

in-depth insights.

6.Even though I myself have a huge network, I cannot be on top of everything all

the time.

Guided Writing

Practice 6

1.Tim will have to find a job so that he can support his family.

2.John worked very late last night because he intended to solve this problem.

3.I did not realize the importance of the meeting until he told me about it.

4.Strange reports appeared in newspaper after Carter discovered an ancient tomb.

5.Since many people were absent, we decided to put the meeting off.

6.My father helps me with my homework whenever he has time.

7.Any book will do as long as it is interesting.

8.You’ll miss the train unless you are quick.

Practice 7

1.Is that you, Miss Brown?

2.This is Burrows.

3.I am unable to come to the office this morning.

4.I felt unwell yesterday and called the / a doctor.

5.He came in the evening and examining me.

6.He said I had a mild attack of fever.

7.And he advised me to stay in bed for a few days.

8.I hope I shall be better by Thursday.

9.Please do not worry about anything till then.
